17 research outputs found

    Saindo dos muros: atividades lúdico-comunitárias como estratégia de promoção e prevenção em saúde - I Gincana da Atenção Primária em Saúde de Rio Negrinho

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A Atenção Primária busca inovar o processo de trabalho e romper com o tradicional modelo de consulta individual. OBJETIVO: Desenvolver ações socioeducativas e integrar a sociedade ao sistema de saúde local. RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA: a I Gincana ocorreu de 06/03 à 07/04/2017, desenvolvendo ações socioeducativas com atividades lúdicas em 06 etapas desenvolvendo: nome da equipe, painel reciclável, atividade física, cozinha alternativa, apresentação artística com a comunidade de abrangência das unidades de Saúde. RESULTADOS: Utilização do instrumento Mandala para avaliação, evidenciando troca de saberes entre equipes, descoberta de talentos e integração da equipe com comunidade. CONCLUSÕES: estimulo à integração dos profissionais com a comunidade, desenvolvimento de práticas saudáveis e a superação do modelo centrado nas consultas individuais, saindo dos muros apesar de ser um trabalho de longo prazo e mudança cultural

    Health promotion activity in Kampung Rosob, Pitas

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    We, group 3 members which consist of 9 medical students, 8 who recently finished 1st year Medical program and 1 who recently finished 2nd year Medical program and 5 nursing students went to Kg Rosob, Pitas for health promotion from 24th August 2015 to 2nd September 2015. During our visit in the village, we started with opening ceremony once we reached the village as we have already planned with the head of the village to do opening ceremony before any activities in the village. The next day, we started our rapid rural appraisal (RRA) to get overview of the village and health problems and then we planned activities according to information from RRA to promote the health of villagers by various actions such as 1. RRA which indudes direct or field observation, secondary data resources, key informant Interview, individual interview, group meeting or interview and discussion, house-house visit, and social mapping. 2. Health education by means of talk such as breast and cervix cancer , demonstration , exhibitions , and health screening . 3. Life style and behavioral changes; for example: talk for high blood pressure , personal hygiene practice, school activities ,mini sports day and aerobic exercise. 4. Nutritional education; for example: talk on balanced diet, proper way to take medicine and good eating habits. 5. Education ; fun learning for year 5 students as a preparation for them to sit for next year UPSR examination. And involved in motivation camp for year 6 students as a preparation for their UPSR examination in August. 6.Voluntary works ; such as gotong royong to clean the compound of the village for the benefits of their health, and also killing the hair louse for the infected girls in the dorm

    Laajakaistainen murtoluku-N-syntetisaattori

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    Tietojärjestelmän menestystekijät kansainväliselle uusmediataiteen luovalle verkostolle

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    Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien (YK:n) kauppa- ja kehitysjärjestön (UNCTAD, engl. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) mukaan ”luovat alat” ovat globaalisti kasvavia yritystoiminnan alueita, joiden työllistämisen kerrannaisvaikutusten uskotaan hyödyttävän useita toimialoja. Karkeasti määriteltynä käsite ”luova ala” on toimiala, jossa luovuus ja innovatiivisuus synnyttävät tuotteita ja palveluita. ”Luovan alan” toimijat ovat yleensä pieniä yrityksiä, joilla on kokonsa vuoksi ongelmia uusien liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien luomisessa. ”Luovien alojen” kansainvälistä verkostoitumista ja tunnettavuutta voitaisiin lisätä esimerkiksi kehittämällä kansainvälinen taiteellista toimintaa ohjaava informaatiojärjestelmä. Uusmediataide on tyypillinen luova ala. Opinnäytetyössäni kootaan tietoa uusmediataiteen monipuolisesta toiminnasta ja selvitetään niitä menestystekijöitä, jotka edistävät informaatiojärjestelmän onnistunutta käyttöönottoa. Tutkimusongelma on seuraava: Miten uusmediataide näkyy luovana, innovatiivisena ja kansainvälisenä taiteenlajina ja miten informaatiojärjestelmää kehittämällä voidaan parantaa yhteistyötä, verkostoitumista ja vaikuttavuutta uusmediataiteen alalla? Tutkimus jakaantuu kahteen kokonaisuuteen. Ensimmäisessä kokonaisuudessa kootaan taustainformaatiota suomalaisesta uusmediataiteesta. Toisessa kokonaisuudessa haetaan kirjallisuuden avulla informaatiojärjestelmän menestystekijämalleista ne tekijät, jotka parhaiden soveltuvat uusmediataiteelle. Kun uusmediataiteesta ja uusmediataiteelle soveltuvista informaatiojärjestelmän menestystekijämalleista on saatu kerättyä kattavasti tietoa, laaditaan haastattelukysymykset. Haastattelutulosten perusteella kehitetään uusmediataiteelle soveltuva informaatiojärjestelmän menestystekijöitä kartoittava malli. Haastattelukysymykset laaditaan siten, että ne soveltuvat myös toisten taiteenalojen tutkintaan. Ehdotetut menestystekijät tuovat esiin kriittisimmät käyttöönottoon vaikuttavat tekijät. Menestystekijöiden mukaan järjestelmän käyttöönottoon vaikuttavat kolme päätekijää: Informaatiojärjestelmän tuottaman toiminnan laatu, informaatiojärjestelmän tuottaman tiedon laatu ja informaatiojärjestelmän vaikutus verkostoitumiseen. Opinnäytetyöni on empiirinen, kuvaileva tutkimus, joka painottuu tapaustutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen jaottelu eri vaiheisiin noudattaa Robert Yin:n esittelemää mallia. Tapaustutkimuksessa suositellaan useiden tiedonhankintamenetelmien hyödyntämistä. Taustatietoa on hankittu tutkimalla kirjallisuutta, dokumentteja, arkistotallenteita ja verkostolähteitä, havainnoimalla ja haastattelemalla. Tärkeänä jatkotutkimuksen aiheena nousi esiin kansainvälinen informaatiojärjestelmähanke, jota voitaisiin soveltaa koko luovalle alalle. Jatkotutkimuksessa perehdyttäisiin tarkemmin informaatiotekniikan ja järjestelmien kehittämiseen; kehitettäisiin malli ja prototyyppi, jota testattaisiin ja muokattaisiin edelleen esiin nousseiden menestystekijöiden mukaan. Jatkotutkimus voitaisiin rahoittaa Euroopan unionin Luova Eurooppa –ohjelmasta. Asiasanat: Uusmediataide, tapaustutkimus, verkostoituminen, innovaatio, tietojärjestelmäAccording to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the "crea-tive industries" are a globally growing business area in which the multiplicative effects of em-ployment are expected to benefit a number of sectors. A rough definition of the concept of a "creative sector" would be an industry in which creativity and innovativeness generate prod-ucts and services. Creative sector operators are commonly small businesses that, due to their size limitation, have problems in creating new business opportunities. As a measure to pro-mote the international networking and recognizability of creative industries, one could envi-sion an information system guiding the international artistic activity. The new media art is a typical field in the creative sector. In my thesis I gather information on the versatile media art activities and try to define the key factors contributing to success-ful implementation of the information system in the field of new media art. The research problems are the following: How is the new media art seen as a creative, innovative, and in-ternational art form? How can collaboration, networking and impact in the field of the new media art be improved by developing the information system? The research is divided into two main sections. The first work package compiles background information on Finnish new media art. The second section uses literature in order to find those factors in information system success factor models that are best suitable for new me-dia art. When there is enough information about the suitable information system success fac-tor models of new media art and to new media art, the interview questions are prepared. The suitable mapping model for the new media art information system success factors are devel-oped according to the results of interviews. Interview questions shall be drawn up in such a way that they are also suitable for other fields of art investigation. These proposed system success factors demonstrate the most critical issues concerning im-plementation of such an information system. Based on the success factors, three main com-ponents affect the implementation: the quality of activities produced by the information sys-tem, the quality of knowledge produced by the information system, and the impact of the information system on networking. This thesis is an empirical, descriptive study with an emphasis on case study methodology. The thesis follows a division to stages according to a model introduced by Robert Yin. Case studies typically utilize multiple data collection methods. I gathered my background knowl-edge by studying the literature, documents, archive recordings, and internet sources, as well as through observations and interviews. As an important topic for further research arose the need for an international information system applicable to the whole creative sector. This project would explore further the infor-mation technologies and systems development and aim at producing a model and prototype for testing and development. European Union’s Creative Europe program funding could be applied for this project. Keywords: New media art, case study, networking, innovation, information syste

    Test case prioritization of automated system tests using call graphs

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    With the increasing need to streamline the delivery of new developments to the customer and reduce application development time, test case prioritization allows a quicker detection of faults present in the application through the ordering of test cases to be executed. Besides that, a quicker detection enables also the correction of these faults to start as soon as possible. However, when the test cases to be prioritized are automated system tests, traditional criteria used in the literature like code coverage or system models become uninteresting, given that this type of test case, classified as black box test, ignores how the application was coded or modeled. Considering the hypothesis that bigger automated test cases verify more parts of the application and that similar test cases may be testing the same application areas, it seems valid to believe that giving a higher priority to more complex test cases to be executed first can accomplish positive results when compared to the unordered execution of test cases. It is on this scenario that this project studies the usage of call graphs from test cases as the criterion to prioritize them, increasing the priority of the execution of test cases with the higher number of nodes on the graph. The approach proposed in this document showed through two case studies that it is capable of improving fault detection rate compared to unordered test cases. Furthermore, the proposed approach achieved similar results when compared to a traditional prioritization approach using code coverage of the application.Com a necessidade cada vez maior de agilizar a entrega de novos desenvolvimentos ao cliente e de diminuir o tempo de desenvolvimento das aplicações, a priorização de casos de teste possibilita a detecção das falhas presentes na aplicação mais rapidamente por meio da ordenação dos casos de teste a serem executados. E, com isso, possibilita também que a correção destas falhas inicie o mais brevemente possível. Entretanto, quando os casos de teste a serem priorizados são testes automatizados de sistema, critérios tradicionais utilizados na literatura como cobertura de código ou modelos do sistema deixam de ser interessantes, dada a característica inerente deste tipo de teste na qual a organização e a modelagem adotadas são ignoradas por se tratarem de testes de caixa preta. Considerando a hipótese de que casos de teste automatizados grandes testam mais partes da aplicação e que casos de teste similares podem estar testando a mesma área da aplicação, parece válido crer que a execução dos casos de teste de sistema priorizando os testes mais complexos pode alcançar resultados positivos quando comparada à execução não ordenada dos casos de teste. É neste cenário que este trabalho propõe o uso dos grafos de chamadas dos próprios casos de teste como critério para priorização destes, priorizando assim a execução dos casos de teste com a maior quantidade de nós no seu grafo. A abordagem proposta neste trabalho mostrou, por meio de dois estudos de caso, ser capaz de melhorar a taxa de detecção de falhas em relação à execução não ordenada dos casos de teste. Além disso, a abordagem proposta obteve resultados semelhantes as abordagens tradicionais de priorização utilizando cobertura de código da aplicação

    Success Factors of Information Sharing in the Field of New Media Art

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    This study attempts to answer the following research question: how can digital information systems be understood and improved in the field of new media art from the viewpoint collaboration, networking and impact. This case study describes factors determining the success of information sharing in new media art. In the context of this study, inventions are not always widely shared, unlike innovations, because new media art companies are typically small or run by private entrepreneurs. Moreover, communication between these companies is not effective and business networking is seen as a short-term solution. However, professionals in the field advocate that it is vital to collect information using an information system as a shared service for actors