366 research outputs found

    The Open Cluster NGC 7789: I. Radial Velocities for Giant Stars

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    A total of 597 radial-velocity observations for 112 stars in the ~1.6 Gyr old open cluster NGC 7789 have been obtained since 1979 with the radial velocity spectrometer at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. The mean cluster radial velocity is -54.9 +/- 0.12 km/s and the dispersion is 0.86 km/s, from 50 constant-velocity stars selected as members from this radial-velocity study and the proper motion study of McNamara and Solomon (1981). Twenty-five stars (32%) among 78 members are possible radial-velocity variable stars, but no orbits are determined because of the sparse sampling. Seventeen stars are radial-velocity non-members, while membership estimates of six stars are uncertain. There is a hint that the observed velocity dispersion falls off at large radius. This may due to the inclusion of long-period binaries preferentially in the central area of the cluster. The known radial-velocity variables also seem to be more concentrated toward the center than members with constant velocity. Although this is significant at only the 85% level, when combined with similar result of Raboud and Mermilliod (1994) for three other clusters, the data strongly support the conclusion that mass segregation is being detected.Comment: 16 pages (including 3 figures) and 3 table

    Open clusters with Hipparcos I. Mean astrometric parameters

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    New memberships, mean parallaxes and proper motions of all 9 open clusters closer than 300 pc (except the Hyades) and 9 rich clusters between 300 and 500 pc have been computed using Hipparcos data. Precisions, ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mas for parallaxes and 0.1 to 0.5 mas/yr for proper motions, are of great interest for calibrating photometric parallaxes as well as for kinematical studies. Careful investigations of possible biases have been performed and no evidence of significant systematic errors on the mean cluster parallaxes has been found. The distances and proper motions of 32 more distant clusters, which may be used statistically, are also indicated.Comment: 15 pages, A&A in pres

    A Robust Measure of Tidal Circularization in Coeval Binary Populations: The solar-type spectroscopic Binary Population in The Open Cluster M35

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    We present a new homogeneous sample of 32 spectroscopic binary orbits in the young (~ 150 Myr) main-sequence open cluster M35. The distribution of orbital eccentricity vs. orbital period (e-log(P)) displays a distinct transition from eccentric to circular orbits at an orbital period of ~ 10 days. The transition is due to tidal circularization of the closest binaries. The population of binary orbits in M35 provide a significantly improved constraint on the rate of tidal circularization at an age of 150 Myr. We propose a new and more robust diagnostic of the degree of tidal circularization in a binary population based on a functional fit to the e-log(P) distribution. We call this new measure the tidal circularization period. The tidal circularization period of a binary population represents the orbital period at which a binary orbit with the most frequent initial orbital eccentricity circularizes (defined as e = 0.01) at the age of the population. We determine the tidal circularizationperiod for M35 as well as for 7 additional binary populations spanning ages from the pre main-sequence (~ 3 Myr) to late main-sequence (~ 10 Gyr), and use Monte Carlo error analysis to determine the uncertainties on the derived circularization periods. We conclude that current theories of tidal circularization cannot account for the distribution of tidal circularization periods with population age.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, February 200

    Constraining the fundamental parameters of the O-type binary CPD-41degr7733

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    Using a set of high-resolution spectra, we studied the physical and orbital properties of the O-type binary CPD-41 7733, located in the core of \ngc. We report the unambiguous detection of the secondary spectral signature and we derive the first SB2 orbital solution of the system. The period is 5.6815 +/- 0.0015 d and the orbit has no significant eccentricity. CPD-41 7733 probably consists of stars of spectral types O8.5 and B3. As for other objects in the cluster, we observe discrepant luminosity classifications while using spectroscopic or brightness criteria. Still, the present analysis suggests that both components display physical parameters close to those of typical O8.5 and B3 dwarfs. We also analyze the X-ray light curves and spectra obtained during six 30 ks XMM-Newton pointings spread over the 5.7 d period. We find no significant variability between the different pointings, nor within the individual observations. The CPD-41 7733 X-ray spectrum is well reproduced by a three-temperature thermal mekal model with temperatures of 0.3, 0.8 and 2.4 keV. No X-ray overluminosity, resulting e.g. from a possible wind interaction, is observed. The emission of CPD-41 7733 is thus very representative of typical O-type star X-ray emission.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 15 pages, 9 figure

    Cluster Origin of Triple Star HD 188753 and its Planet

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    The recent discovery by M. Konacki of a ``hot Jupiter'' in the hierarchical triple star system HD 188753 challenges established theories of giant-planet formation. If the orbital geometry of the triple has not changed since the birth of the planet, then a disk around the planetary host star would probably have been too compact and too hot for a Jovian planet to form by the core-accretion model or gravitational collapse. This paradox is resolved if the star was initially either single or had a much more distant companion. It is suggested here that a close multi-star dynamical encounter transformed this initial state into the observed triple, an idea that follows naturally if HD 188753 formed in a moderately dense stellar system--perhaps an open cluster--that has since dissolved. Three distinct types of encounters are investigated. The most robust scenario involves an initially single planetary host star that changes places with the outlying member of a pre-existing hierarchical triple.Comment: Accepted by ApJL; minor changes from origina

    On the peculiar red clump morphology in the open clusters NGC 752 and NGC 7789

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    The red clump stars in the open cluster NGC 752 present a peculiar distribution in the colour-magnitude diagran (CMD): the clump is observed to present a faint extension, slightly to the blue of the main concentration of clump stars. We point out that a similar structure is present in the CMD of NGC 7789, and discuss their possible origins. This feature may be understood as the result of having, at the same time, stars of low-mass which undergo the helium-flash, and those just massive enough for avoiding it. The ages of both clusters are compatible with this interpretation. Similar features can be produced in theoretical models which assume a non-negligible mass spread for clump stars, of about 0.2 Mo. However, one can probably exclude that the observed effect is due to the natural mass range of core helium burning stars found in single isochrones, although present models do not present the level of detail necessary to completely explore this possibility. Also the possibility of a large age spread among cluster stars can be refuted on observational grounds. We then suggest a few alternatives. This spread may be resulting either from star-to-star variations in the mass-loss rates during the RGB phase. Alternatively, effects sush as stellar rotation or convective core overshooting, could be causing a significant spread in the core mass at He-ignition for star of similar mass. Finally, we point out that similar effects could also help to understand the distribution of clump stars in the CMDs of the clusters NGC 2660 and NGC 2204