282 research outputs found

    First Crystal Structure for a Gold Carbene-Protein Adduct

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    The X-ray structure of the adduct formed in the reaction between the gold N-heterocyclic carbene compound Au(NHC)Cl (with NHC = 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazole-2-ylidene) and the model protein thaumatin is reported here. The structure reveals binding of Au(NHC)(+) fragments to distinct protein sites. Notably, binding of the gold compound occurs at lysine side chains and at the N-terminal tail; the metal binds the protein after releasing Cl- ligand, but retaining NHC fragment

    Candida albicans infections in renal transplant recipients: effect of caspofungin on polymorphonuclear cells.

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    This study aimed to compare the caspofungin immunomodulating activities against Candida albicans on polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) from renal transplant recipients (RTRs) and healthy subjects (HSs). RTR PMNs showed a significantly reduced fungicidal activity compared with that of HS PMNs. Addition of caspofungin to RTR PMNs significantly potentiated the yeast intracellular killing rate, achieving values similar to those observed for HS PMNs. These data show that caspofungin is suitable for invasive candidiasis treatment in patients with immune system-impaired components

    Corticocortical Evoked Potentials in Eloquent Brain Tumor Surgery. A Systematic Review

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    Eloquent brain tumor surgery involves the delicate task of resecting tumors located in regions of the brain responsible for critical functions, such as language, motor control, and sensory perception. Preserving these functions is of paramount importance to maintain the patient's quality of life. Corticocortical evoked potentials (CCEPs) have emerged as a valuable intraoperative monitoring technique that aids in identifying and preserving eloquent cortical areas during surgery. This systematic review aimed to assess the utility of CCEPs in eloquent brain tumor surgery and determine their effectiveness in improving patient outcomes. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using electronic databases, including PubMed/Medline and Scopus. The search strategy identified 11 relevant articles for detailed analysis. The findings of the included studies consistently demonstrated the potential of CCEPs in guiding surgical decision making, minimizing the risk of postoperative neurological deficits, and mapping functional connectivity during surgery. However, further research and standardization are needed to fully establish the clinical benefits and refine the implementation of CCEPs in routine neurosurgical practice

    Epstein-Barr Virus in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphomas: Evaluation of the Viral Presence and Significance in Skin and Peripheral Blood

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    The importance of viral agents in the development of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL) is still debated. For this purpose, we retrospectively evaluated the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) presence in SĂ©zary syndrome (SS), mycosis fungoides (MF), inflammatory dermatoses (ID), and healthy donors (HD) using different approaches: EBV-DNA was quantified in skin biopsies and peripheral blood using real-time PCR, EBV-encoded small RNA (EBER) transcripts were detected by in situ hybridization (ISH), and latent membrane protein1-2 antigens were detected by immunohistochemistry. Skin biopsies were EBV-DNA-positive in 8/30 (27%) SS, 7/71 (10%) MF, and 2/18 (11%) ID patients and in none of the 25 normal skin samples. Positive mRNA (EBER) signals, always confined to cerebriform T lymphocytes, were found in 5/30 SS patients (17%), whereas signals in all MF and ID patients were negative. The presence of EBV-DNA in skin and blood samples was associated with a significantly lower survival in MF/SS patients. In evaluating EBV serological status, most (>70%) SS, MF, and ID patients showed a serological reactivation demonstrated by the presence of anti-EA IgG. In conclusion, although the finding of EBV-DNA in CTCL does not prove its etiopathogenetic role and may be related instead to immunosuppression, our study demonstrates that it has prognostic relevance

    Subclinical finding in the perception of tactile sensation involvement after SARS-CoV2 infection: comparison with healthy controls using Semmes–Weinstein monofilament testing

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    BackgroundPost-acute COVID-19 syndrome patients complain of sensory alterations, mainly positive symptoms such as paresthesia or neuropathic pain but also decreased tactile sensation. Using the Semmes–Weinstein monofilament test (SWMT), our study aims to confront recently infected SARS-CoV2 subjects with a control group.MethodsThis is a cross-sectional, single-centric study. We performed the SWMT (North Coast Medical Inc.) on 30 patients with previous SARS-CoV2 infection (COVID group) and 46 controls (control group). These patients did not present comorbidities or sensory impairment and did not take any medications. The control group tested negative for SARS-CoV2 infection since the COVID-19 pandemic; the COVID group was examined for this study after the resolution of the infection. We tested the threshold of tactile sensation of the tips of the thumb, index, and little finger of each hand, one hand at a time; the dorsum and the hypothenar regions were also tested.ResultsBoth groups presented the perception of tactile sensation within the reference value. Despite this result, subclinical changes suggestive of the involvement in peripheral sensory nerve function have been identified in the tested sites in the COVID group compared to the control group. The overall mean target force (grams) was higher in the COVID group than in the control group: 27 (7) vs. 19 (10) mg, p < 0.001.ConclusionControls and the COVID group infection had normal tactile sensation thresholds. However, the COVID group presented a higher threshold than the control group, suggesting a possible subclinical perception of tactile sensation involvement of A-beta nerve fibers
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