13 research outputs found

    A direct interareal feedback-to-feedforward circuit in primate visual cortex

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    The mammalian sensory neocortex consists of hierarchically organized areas reciprocally connected via feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) circuits. Several theories of hierarchical computation ascribe the bulk of the computational work of the cortex to looped FF-FB circuits between pairs of cortical areas. However, whether such corticocortical loops exist remains unclear. In higher mammals, individual FF-projection neurons send afferents almost exclusively to a single higher-level area. However, it is unclear whether FB-projection neurons show similar area-specificity, and whether they influence FF-projection neurons directly or indirectly. Using viral-mediated monosynaptic circuit tracing in macaque primary visual cortex (V1), we show that V1 neurons sending FF projections to area V2 receive monosynaptic FB inputs from V2, but not other V1-projecting areas. We also find monosynaptic FBto-FB neuron contacts as a second motif of FB connectivity. Our results support the existence of FF-FB loops in primate cortex, and suggest that FB can rapidly and selectively influence the activity of incoming FF signals

    Orientation preference maps in Microcebus murinus reveal size-invariant design principles in primate visual cortex

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    Orientation preference maps (OPMs) are a prominent feature of primary visual cortex (V1) organization in many primates and carnivores. In rodents, neurons are not organized in OPMs but are instead interspersed in a ‘‘salt and pepper’’ fashion, although clusters of orientation-selective neurons have been reported. Does this fundamental difference reflect the existence of a lower size limit for orientation columns (OCs) below which they cannot be scaled down with decreasing V1 size? To address this question, we examined V1 of one of the smallest living primates, the 60-g prosimian mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). Using chronic intrinsic signal imaging, we found that mouse lemur V1 contains robust OCs, which are arranged in a pinwheel-like fashion. OC size in mouse lemurs was found to be only marginally smaller compared to the macaque, suggesting that these circuit elements are nearly incompressible. The spatial arrangement of pinwheels is well described by a common mathematical design of primate V1 circuit organization. In order to accommodate OPMs, we found that the mouse lemur V1 covers one-fifth of the cortical surface, which is one of the largest V1-to-cortex ratios found in primates. These results indicate that the primate-type visual cortical circuit organization is constrained by a size limitation and raises the possibility that its emergence might have evolved by disruptive innovation rather than gradual change

    Optogenetics in primate cortical networks

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    The implementation of optogenetics in studies on non-human primates has generally proven quite difficult, but recent successes have paved the way for its rapid increase. Limitations in the genetic tractability in primates, have been somewhat overcome by implementing tailored vectors and promoters to maximize expression and specificity in primates. More recently, implantable devices, including microLED arrays, have made it possible to deliver light deeper into brain tissue, allowing targeting of deeper structures. However, the greatest limitation in applying optogenetics to the primate brain is the complex connections that exist within many neural circuits. In the past, relatively cruder methods such as cooling or pharmacological blockade have been used to examine neural circuit functions, though their limitations were well recognized. In some ways, similar shortcomings remain for optogenetics, with the ability to target a single component of complex neural circuits being the greatest challenge in applying optogenetics to systems neuroscience in primate brains. Despite this, some recent approaches combining Cre-expressing and Cre-dependent vectors have overcome some of these limitations. Here we suggest that optogenetics provides its greatest advantage to systems neuroscientists when applied as a specific tool to complement the techniques of the past, rather than necessarily replacing them

    Stream-specific feedback inputs to the primate primary visual cortex

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    The sensory neocortex consists of hierarchically-organized areas reciprocally connected via feedforward and feedback circuits. Feedforward connections shape the receptive field properties of neurons in higher areas within parallel streams specialized in processing specific stimulus attributes. Feedback connections have been implicated in top-down modulations, such as attention, prediction and sensory context. However, their computational role remains unknown, partly because we lack knowledge about rules of feedback connectivity to constrain models of feedback function. For example, it is unknown whether feedback connections maintain stream-specific segregation, or integrate information across parallel streams. Using viral-mediated labeling of feedback connections arising from specific cytochrome-oxidase stripes of macaque visual area V2, here we show that feedback to the primary visual cortex (V1) is organized into parallel streams resembling the reciprocal feedforward pathways. This suggests that functionally-specialized V2 feedback channels modulate V1 responses to specific stimulus attributes, an organizational principle potentially extending to feedback pathways in other sensory systems

    Top-down feedback controls spatial summation and response amplitude in primate visual cortex

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    Sensory information travels along feedforward connections through a hierarchy of cortical areas, which, in turn, send feedback connections to lower-order areas. Feedback has been implicated in attention, expectation, and sensory context, but the mechanisms underlying these diverse feedback functions are unknown. Using specific optogenetic inactivation of feedback connections from the secondary visual area (V2), we show how feedback affects neural responses in the primate primary visual cortex (V1). Reducing feedback activity increases V1 cells' receptive field (RF) size, decreases their responses to stimuli confined to the RF, and increases their responses to stimuli extending into the proximal surround, therefore reducing surround suppression. Moreover, stronger reduction of V2 feedback activity leads to progressive increase in RF size and decrease in response amplitude, an effect predicted by a recurrent network model. Our results indicate that feedback modulates RF size, surround suppression and response amplitude, similar to the modulatory effects of visual spatial attention

    Using stereotactic brain atlases for small rodents and nonhuman primates for optrode array customization

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    As the optogenetic field expands its need to target with high specificity only grows more crucial. This work will show a method for customizing soda-lime glass optrode arrays so that fine structures within the brains of small rodents and nonhuman primates can be optically interrogated below the outer cortical layer. An 8 × 6 array is customized for optrode length (400 μm ), optrode width (75 μm ), optrode pitch (400 μm ), backplane thickness (500 μm ), and overall form factor (3.45 mm × 2.65 mm ). The 400 μm long optrode is capable of illuminating the cortical Layer IV of rhesus macaque ( Macaca Fascicularis ) and the motor cortex of small mice ( Mus Musculus )

    Distinct laminar processing of local and global context in primate primary visual cortex

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    Visual perception is affected by spatial context. In visual cortex, neuronal responses to stimuli inside the receptive field (RF) are suppressed by stimuli in the RF surround. To understand the circuits and cortical layers processing spatial context, we simultaneously recorded across all layers of macaque primary visual cortex while presenting stimuli at increasing distances from the recorded cells' RF. We find that near versus far-surround stimuli activate distinct layers, thus revealing unique laminar contributions to the processing of local and global spatial context. Stimuli in the near-surround evoke the earliest subthreshold responses in superficial and upper-deep layers, and earliest suppression of spiking responses in superficial layers. Conversely, far-surround stimuli evoke the earliest subthreshold responses in feedback-recipient layer 1 and lower-deep layers, and earliest suppression of spiking responses almost simultaneously in all layers, except 4C, where suppression emerges last. Our results suggest distinct circuits for local and global signal integration

    Deletion of Ten-m3 induces the formation of eye dominance domains in mouse visual cortex

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    The visual system is characterized by precise retinotopic mapping of each eye, together with exquisitely matched binocular projections. In many species, the inputs that represent the eyes are segregated into ocular dominance columns in primary visual cortex (V1), whereas in rodents, this does not occur. Ten-m3, a member of the Ten-m/Odz/Teneurin family, regulates axonal guidance in the retinogeniculate pathway. Significantly, ipsilateral projections are expanded in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and are not aligned with contralateral projections in Ten-m3 knockout (KO) mice. Here, we demonstrate the impact of altered retinogeniculate mapping on the organization and function of V1. Transneuronal tracing and c-fos immunohistochemistry demonstrate that the subcortical expansion of ipsilateral input is conveyed to V1 in Ten-m3 KOs: Ipsilateral inputs are widely distributed across V1 and are interdigitated with contralateral inputs into eye dominance domains. Segregation is confirmed by optical imaging of intrinsic signals. Single-unit recording shows ipsilateral, and contralateral inputs are mismatched at the level of single V1 neurons, and binocular stimulation leads to functional suppression of these cells. These findings indicate that the medial expansion of the binocular zone together with an interocular mismatch is sufficient to induce novel structural features, such as eye dominance domains in rodent visual cortex

    Two projection streams from macaque V1 to the pale cytochrome oxidase stripes of V2

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    In the primate visual cortex, areas V1 and V2 distribute information they receive from the retina to virtually all extrastriate cortex, parsing this information into dorsal and ventral streams. Therefore, understanding the connectivity between V1 and V2 is crucial to understand visual cortical processing. Cytochrome oxidase staining in V2 reveals a repeating pattern of pale-thick-pale-thin stripes. V1 sends parallel output pathways to distinct V2 stripes. Previous models proposed either three or two parallel V1-to-V2 pathways in macaque, but both models viewed the two pale stripes within a single stripe cycle as a single compartment. However, recent studies have suggested that the two pale stripes may be functionally distinct, and in marmosets they also differ anatomically in the laminar origin of projections they receive from V1. Here we have asked whether the two pale stripes are also anatomically distinct in macaque. We made small retrograde tracer injections in different pale stripe types. We found that while both pale stripes receive a predominant V1 input from layers 2/3, only one set of pale stripes (pale lateral) receives significant projections from layer 4B, while the other set (pale medial) receives few or no layer 4B projections. Moreover, different tracer injections in nearby pale stripe types revealed that 97-99% of layer 2/3 cells only project to a single pale stripe type. These results demonstrate that in macaque, the two pale stripes are anatomically distinct compartments, and support the notion of two distinct projection streams from V1 to the two pale stripes of V2

    Circuits and mechanisms for surround modulation in visual cortex

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    Surround modulation (SM) is a fundamental property of sensory neurons in many species and sensory modalities. SM is the ability of stimuli in the surround of a neuron's receptive field (RF) to modulate (typically suppress) the neuron's response to stimuli simultaneously presented inside the RF, a property thought to underlie optimal coding of sensory information and important perceptual functions. Understanding the circuit and mechanisms for SM can reveal fundamental principles of computations in sensory cortices, from mouse to human. Current debate is centered over whether feedforward or intracortical circuits generate SM, and whether this results from increased inhibition or reduced excitation. Here we present a working hypothesis, based on theoretical and experimental evidence, that SM results from feedforward, horizontal, and feedback interactions with local recurrent connections, via synaptic mechanisms involving both increased inhibition and reduced recurrent excitation. In particular, strong and balanced recurrent excitatory and inhibitory circuits play a crucial role in the computation of SM