246 research outputs found

    Self-censorship around the political meaning of the Comunidades de Castilla

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    Studies about the accounts of the Comunidades de Castilla (Communities of Castile) in Spanish historiography, especially in the chronicles written during the reign of Charles V, have shown how ambiguous several of them can be on this matter. This paper will focus on the presentation of the revolt’s political meaning in a few historiographical texts—particularly in the chronicle written by Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, who decided to postpone publishing his work—in order to bring to light examples of omission, elision or blindness about the comuneros’ aims and the political ideas that inspired them. We will also consider the impact of the revolt’s repression on the treatment of delicate matters such as tyranny and resistance in political treatises—a few of them written by historiographers like Sepúlveda— and show the existence of omissions that can be seen as forms of self-censorship.La relació de les Comunitats de Castella en la historiografia del regnat de Carles V, en particular en els textos redactats en vida de l’emperador, ha estat objecte de nombrosos estudis que han subratllat les ambigüitats d’alguns. Centrarem la nostra anàlisi en el tractament de la dimensió política del moviment en alguns d’aquests textos historiogràfics — en particular en la crònica de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, la publicació de la qual va ser diferida pel mateix autor— amb la finalitat d’exposar alguns fenòmens d’omissió, elisió o ceguesa voluntària a l’entorn de les reivindicacions dels comuneros i de les concepcions teòriques que les van inspirar. L’estudi s’estendrà al tractament de temes delicats, com el de la resistència al tirà en obres doctrinals — els autors de les quals poden ser cronistes del monarca, com ho va ser Sepúlveda—, en les quals s’observen també omissions que poden ser vistes com a formes d’autocensura.La relación de las Comunidades de Castilla en la historiografía del reinado de Carlos V, en particular en los textos redactados en vida del emperador, ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios que han subrayado las ambigüedades de algunos de ellos. Centraremos nuestro análisis en el tratamiento de la dimensión política del movimiento en algunos de estos textos historiográficos — en particular en la crónica de Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, cuya publicación fue diferida por su mismo autor— con el fin de exponer algunos fenómenos de omisión, elisión o ceguedad voluntaria en torno a las reivindicaciones de los comuneros y a las concepciones teóricas que las inspiraron. El estudio se extenderá al tratamiento de temas delicados como el de la resistencia al tirano en obras doctrinales — cuyos autores pudieron ser cronistas del monarca, como fue el caso de Sepúlveda—, en las que se observan también omisiones que pueden ser vistas como formas de autocensura

    Le débat sur la résistance au tyran dans la littérature politique espagnole des Comunidades de Castille à la fin du règne de Philippe II

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    Cet article s’intéresse au débat sur la résistance au tyran dans la pensée espagnole du XVIe siècle, et en s’appuyant sur l’analyse de nombreux traités (ceux de Vivès, Vitoria, Domingo de Soto, Sepúlveda, Las Casas, Ribadeneyra, Mariana, mais aussi Vázquez de Menchaca ou Roa Dávila) montre comment ce débat s’articule avec les événements survenus dans la péninsule Ibérique (notamment les Comunidades de Castille, dont la répression a un impact durable sur le traitement de cette question, même si le pactisme ne disparaît pas) et en Europe. Dans la seconde moitié du siècle, en effet, les guerres de Religion ont pour conséquence une re-confessionnalisation de la réflexion sur la résistance et le tyrannicide, aboutissant à l’acceptation de ce dernier à certaines conditions.Este trabajo se interesa por el debate sobre el derecho de resistencia al tirano en la literatura política española del XVI. Basándose en el análisis de numerosos tratados (los de Vives, Vitoria, Domingo de Soto, Sepúlveda, Las Casas, los jesuitas Ribadeneyra y Mariana, pero también Vázquez de Menchaca y Roa Dávila) demuestra que la evolución de este debate se articula con ciertos acontecimientos históricos, en particular las Comunidades de Castilla y su represión - que tiene repercusiones sensibles en la literatura política, aunque no desaparezcan las teorías pactistas - y las guerras de religión europeas. Estas provocan en la segunda mitad del siglo la re-confesionalización de la definición del tirano y de la reflexión sobre la resistencia, hasta llegar a la aceptación del tiranicidio con ciertas condiciones.This paper aims to examine the debate on resistance against the tyrant in 16th century spanish political literature. The analysis of the political thought of several authors (such as Vives, Vitoria, Domingo de Soto, Sepúlveda, Las Casas, Ribadeneyra, Mariana, Vázquez de Menchaca and Roa Dávila) allows to demonstrate that the treatment of this debate is connected with certain events in Spain or in Europe : the repression of the "comunidades" revolt has consequences on political literature, especially on this subject. Later, the Wars of Religion have an impact on the evolution of the tyrant definition and the justification of tyrannicide, with certain conditions

    Paola Volpini. Los Medici y España. Príncipes, embajadores y agentes en la edad moderna. Madrid, Sílex, 2017, 323 p

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    Obra ressenyada: Paola VolpiniLos Medici y España. Príncipes, embajadores y agentes en la edad moderna. Madrid: Sílex, 2017

    Vírgenes, reinas y santas. Modelos de mujer en el mundo hispano, David González Cruz (éd.)

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    Cet ouvrage, publié par l’Université de Huelva sous la direction de David González Cruz, a pour objet l’étude des principaux modèles féminins dans les sociétés hispaniques et, plus précisément, l’analyse des figures des reines, des saintes et de plusieurs invocations de la Vierge, dans le double but de montrer les liens existant entre ces différentes figures féminines et de déterminer l’importance de leur diffusion et, partant, de leur influence au sein des sociétés hispano-américaines. Un te..

    Isabelle Poutrin, Convertir les musulmans. Espagne, 1491-1609

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    Les ambitions de cet ouvrage consacré aux morisques sont clairement énoncées dans l’introduction : ne pas se contenter d’être une utile synthèse en langue française des très nombreux travaux produits jusqu’à présent par les historiens espagnols mais aussi par certains hispanistes français – travaux considérablement augmentés ces derniers temps à l’occasion de la commémoration de l’expulsion de 1609 – sur l’histoire, les coutumes et l’identité des morisques, ces descendants des musulmans d’Esp..

    A Békésvármegyei Régészeti és Mivelődéstörténelmi Társulat Évkönyve 1884

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    I. Irodalmi rész 5 Karácsonyi János: Két feledésbe ment békésmegyei helység 7 Karácsonyi János: Hol feküdt Alabián? 27 Karácsonyi János: Két összeírás a békésmegyei pusztákról 35 Haan Lajos: Regesták Békésvérmegye közgyűlési jegyzőkönyvéből 45 Zsilinszky Mihály: Békésvármegyét illető jegyzetek gr. Károlyi György főispánsága idejéből 121 Sipos Soma: Egy békésmegyei karácsonyi mysterium 170 Sipos Soma: Egy régi satyra a divatról 175 II. Hivatalos közlemények 179 Göndöcs Benedek: Elnöki megnyitó beszéd B.-Gyulán, 1884. szept. 15-én 181 Jegyzőkönyv 1884. szept. 15-ki közgyűlésről 193 Zsilinszky Mihály: Titkári jelentés 197 Kőrös Kálmán: Pénztárnoki jelentés 203 id. Mogyoróssy János: Múzeumőri jelentés 205 A békésmegyei régész és mívelődéstörténelmi társulat alapszabályai 209 Tagok névsora 216 Az egyesület tisztviselői 22

    A rapid realist review of universal interventions to promote inclusivity and acceptance of diverse sexual and gender identities in schools

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    Universal interventions to promote inclusivity and acceptance of diverse sexual and gender identities in schools could help to prevent mental health problems in this population. We reviewed evidence and developed programme theories to explain which universal interventions work, for whom, in which contexts and why. We conducted a rapid realist review and extracted data in context-mechanism-outcome configurations, to develop and refine programme theories. We included 53 sources and identified five intervention themes: student pride clubs, inclusive antibullying and harassment policies, inclusive curricula, workshops and staff training. Here, we show that these interventions could work by reducing discrimination, bullying and marginalization. Interventions appear to work best when school staff are trained and the school climate is supportive and may be less effective for boys, gender minority students and bisexual students. Our findings provide guiding principles for schools to develop interventions and should encourage primary research to confirm, refute or refine our programme theories

    Adapting a capacity-development-in-higher-education project:Doing, being and becoming virtual collaboration

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    In November 2019, scholars and practitioners from ten higher education institutions celebrated the launch of the iKudu project. This project, co-funded by Erasmus+[1], focuses on capacity development for curriculum transformation through internationalisation and development of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) virtual exchange. Detailed plans for 2020 were discussed including a series of site visits and face-to-face training. However, the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the plans in ways that could not have been foreseen and new ways of thinking and doing came to the fore. Writing from an insider perspective as project partners, in this paper we draw from appreciative inquiry, using a metaphor of a mosaic as our identity, to first provide the background on the iKudu project before sharing the impact of the pandemic on the project’s adapted approach. We then discuss how alongside the focus of iKudu in the delivery of an internationalised and transformed curriculum using COIL, we have, by our very approach as project partners, adopted the principles of COIL exchange. A positive impact of the pandemic was that COIL offered a consciousness raising activity, which we suggest could be used more broadly in order to help academics think about international research practice partnerships, and, as in our situation, how internationalised and decolonised curriculum practices might be approached. [1] KA2 Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (capacity building in the field of Higher Education

    Distinct, IgG1-driven antibody response landscapes demarcate individuals with broadly HIV-1 neutralizing activity

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    Understanding pathways that promote HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) induction is crucial to advance bnAb-based vaccines. We recently demarcated host, viral, and disease parameters associated with bnAb development in a large HIV-1 cohort screen. By establishing comprehensive antibody signatures based on IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 activity to 13 HIV-1 antigens in 4,281 individuals in the same cohort, we now show that the same four parameters that are significantly linked with neutralization breadth, namely viral load, infection length, viral diversity, and ethnicity, also strongly influence HIV-1-binding antibody responses. However, the effects proved selective, shaping binding antibody responses in an antigen and IgG subclass-dependent manner. IgG response landscapes in bnAb inducers indicated a differentially regulated, IgG1-driven HIV-1 antigen response, and IgG1 binding of the BG505 SOSIP trimer proved the best predictor of HIV-1 neutralization breadth in plasma. Our findings emphasize the need to unravel immune modulators that underlie the differentially regulated IgG response in bnAb inducers to guide vaccine development

    Assessing immunogenicity barriers of the HIV-1 envelope trimer

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    Understanding the balance between epitope shielding and accessibility on HIV-1 envelope (Env) trimers is essential to guide immunogen selection for broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) based vaccines. To investigate the antigenic space of Env immunogens, we created a strategy based on synthetic, high diversity, Designed Ankyrin Repeat Protein (DARPin) libraries. We show that DARPin Antigenicity Analysis (DANA), a purely in vitro screening tool, has the capability to extrapolate relevant information of antigenic properties of Env immunogens. DANA screens of stabilized, soluble Env trimers revealed that stronger trimer stabilization led to the selection of highly mutated DARPins with length variations and framework mutations mirroring observations made for bnAbs. By mimicking heterotypic prime-boost immunization regimens, DANA may be used to select immunogen combinations that favor the selection of trimer-reactive binders. This positions DANA as a versatile strategy for distilling fundamental antigenic features of immunogens, complementary to preclinical immunogenicity testing
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