16 research outputs found

    A meta-analysis of hyperfractionated and accelerated radiotherapy and combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens in unresected locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

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    BACKGROUND: Former meta-analyses have shown a survival benefit for the addition of chemotherapy (CHX) to radiotherapy (RT) and to some extent also for the use of hyperfractionated radiation therapy (HFRT) and accelerated radiation therapy (AFRT) in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the head and neck. However, the publication of new studies and the fact that many older studies that were included in these former meta-analyses used obsolete radiation doses, CHX schedules or study designs prompted us to carry out a new analysis using strict inclusion criteria. METHODS: Randomised trials testing curatively intended RT (≄60 Gy in >4 weeks/>50 Gy in <4 weeks) on SCC of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx published as full paper or in abstract form between 1975 and 2003 were eligible. Trials comparing RT alone with concurrent or alternating chemoradiation (5-fluorouracil (5-FU), cisplatin, carboplatin, mitomycin C) were analyzed according to the employed radiation schedule and the used CHX regimen. Studies comparing conventionally fractionated radiotherapy (CFRT) with either HFRT or AFRT without CHX were separately examined. End point of the meta-analysis was overall survival. RESULTS: Thirty-two trials with a total of 10 225 patients were included into the meta-analysis. An overall survival benefit of 12.0 months was observed for the addition of simultaneous CHX to either CFRT or HFRT/AFRT (p < 0.001). Separate analyses by cytostatic drug indicate a prolongation of survival of 24.0 months, 16.8 months, 6.7 months, and 4.0 months, respectively, for the simultaneous administration of 5-FU, cisplatin-based, carboplatin-based, and mitomycin C-based CHX to RT (each p < 0.01). Whereas no significant gain in overall survival was observed for AFRT in comparison to CFRT, a substantial prolongation of median survival (14.2 months, p < 0.001) was seen for HFRT compared to CFRT (both without CHX). CONCLUSION: RT combined with simultaneous 5-FU, cisplatin, carboplatin, and mitomycin C as single drug or combinations of 5-FU with one of the other drugs results in a large survival advantage irrespective the employed radiation schedule. If radiation therapy is used as single modality, hyperfractionation leads to a significant improvement of overall survival. Accelerated radiation therapy alone, especially when given as split course radiation schedule or extremely accelerated treatments with decreased total dose, does not increase overall survival

    The role of chemotherapy and latest emerging target therapies in anaplastic thyroid cancer

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    Nerina Denaro,1,2 Cristiana Lo Nigro,3 Elvio G Russi,4 Marco C Merlano1 1Oncology Department, AO S Croce e Carle, 2Human Pathology Department, Messina University, 3Cancer Genetics and Translational Oncology Department, 4Radiation Oncology Department, AO S Croce e Carle, Messina, Italy Abstract: Anaplastic thyroid cancer represents 1%&ndash;2% of thyroid cancers. For its aggressiveness, it is considered a systemic disease at the time of diagnosis. Surgery remains the cornerstone of therapy in resectable tumor. Traditional chemotherapy has little effect on metastatic disease. A multimodality approach, incorporating cytoreductive surgical resection, chemoradiation, either concurrently or sequentially, and new promising target therapies is advisable. Doxorubicin is the most commonly used agent, with a response rate of 22%. Recently, other chemotherapy agents have been used, such as paclitaxel and gemcitabine, with superimposable activity and response rates of 10%&ndash;20%. However, survival of patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer has changed little in the past 50 years, despite more aggressive systemic and radiotherapies. Several new agents are currently under investigation. Some of them, such as sorafenib, imatinib, and axitinib have been tested in small clinical trials, showing promising disease control rates ranging from 35%&ndash;75%. Referral of patients for participation in clinical trials is needed. Keywords: thyroid cancer, emerging therapies, anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, chemotherapy, radiotherap

    Swallowing dysfunction in head and neck cancer patients treated by radiotherapy: Review and recommendations of the supportive task group of the Italian Association of Radiation Oncology.

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    PURPOSE: Dysphagia is a debilitating complication in head and neck cancer patients (HNCPs) that may cause a high mortality rate for aspiration pneumonia. The aims of this paper were to summarize the normal swallowing mechanism focusing on its anatomo-physiology, to review the relevant literature in order to identify the main causes of dysphagia in HNCPs and to develop recommendations to be adopted for radiation oncology patients. The chemotherapy and surgery considerations on this topic were reported in recommendations only when they were supposed to increase the adverse effects of radiotherapy on dysphagia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The review of literature was focused on studies reporting dysphagia as a pre-treatment evaluation and as cancer and cancer therapy related side-effects, respectively. Relevant literature through the primary literature search and by articles identified in references was considered. The members of the group discussed the results and elaborated recommendations according to the Oxford CRBM levels of evidence and recommendations. The recommendations were revised by external Radiation Oncology, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT), Medical Oncology and Speech Language Pathology (SLP) experts. RESULTS: Recommendations on pre-treatment assessment and on patients submitted to radiotherapy were given. The effects of concurrent therapies (i.e. surgery or chemotherapy) were taken into account. CONCLUSIONS: In HNCPs treatment, disease control has to be considered in tandem with functional impact on swallowing function. SLPs should be included in a multidisciplinary approach to head and neck cancer

    Biomarkers predict enhanced clinical outcomes with afatinib versus methotrexate in patients with second-line recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer

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    In the phase III LUX-Head & Neck 1 (LUX-H&N1) trial, second-line afatinib significantly improved progression-free survival (PFS) versus methotrexate in patients with recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (R/M HNSCC). Here, we evaluated association of prespecified biomarkers with efficacy outcomes in LUX-H&N1.status: publishe