114 research outputs found

    Cell-Based Modeling

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    A cell-based model is a simulation model that predicts collective behavior of cell-clusters from the behavior and interactions of individual cells. The inputs to a cell-based model are cell behaviors as observed in experiments or deriving from single cell models, including the cellular responses to cues from the micro-environment. The cell behaviors are encoded in a set of biologically plausible rules that the simulated cells will follow. The outputs of a cell-based model are the patterns and behaviors that follow indirectly from the cell behaviors and the cellular interactions. Cell-based models resemble agent-based models, but typically contain more biophysically-detailed descriptions of the individual cells

    Discrete explorations of multicellular growth and morphogenesis

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    Computermodellen in de biologie

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    Biologie in tijden van Big Data

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    Hoe bepaalt het DNA de groei en vorm van plant en dier? Wat als er een fout zit in het DNA, een mutatie? Zulke vragen houden mij en mijn onderzoeksgroep bezig op het Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam en op het Mathematisch Instituut in Leide

    Cellular Potts modeling of tumor growth, tumor invasion and tumor evolution

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    Despite a growing wealth of available molecular data, the growth of tumors, invasion of tumors into healthy tissue, and response of tumors to therapies are still poorly understood. Although genetic mutations are in general the first step in the development of a cancer, for the mutated cell to persist in a tissue, it must compete against the other, healthy or diseased cells, for example by becoming more motile, adhesive, or multiplying faster. Thus, the cellular phenotype determines the success of a cancer cell in competition with its neighbors, irrespective of the genetic mutations or physiological alterations that gave rise to the altered phenotype. What phenotypes can make a cell “successful” in an environment of healthy and cancerous cells, and how? A widely-used tool for getting more insight into that question is cell-based modeling. Cell based models constitute a class of computational, agent-based models that mimic biophysical and molecular interactions between cells. One of the most widely used cell-based modeling formalisms is the cellular Potts model (CPM), a lattice-based, multi particle cell-based modeling approach. The CPM has become a popular and accessible method for modeling mechanisms of multicellular processes including cell sorting, gastrulation, or angiogenesis. The CPM accounts for biophysical cellular properties, including cell proliferation, cell motility, and cell adhesion, which play a key role in cancer. Multiscale models are constructed by extending the agents with intracellular processes including metabolism, growth, and signaling. Here we review the use of the CPM for modeling tumor growth, tumor invasion, and tumor progression. We argue that the accessibility and flexibility of the CPM, and its accurate, yet coarse-grained and computationally efficient representation of cell- and tissue biophysics, make the CPM the method of choice for modeling cellular processes in tumor development

    Synergy of Cell-Cell Repulsion and Vacuolation in a Computational Model of Lumen Formation

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    A key step in blood vessel development (angiogenesis) is lumen formation: the hollowing of vessels for blood perfusion. Two alternative lumen formation mechanisms are suggested to function in different types of blood vessels. The vacuolation mechanism is suggested for lumen formation in small vessels by coalescence of intracellular vacuoles, a view that was extended to extracellular lumen formation by exocytosis of vacuoles. The cell-cell repulsion mechanism is suggested to initiate extracellular lumen formation in large vessels by active repulsion of adjacent cells, and active cell shape changes extend the lumen. We used an agent-based computer model, based on the Cellular Potts Model, to compare and study both mechanisms separately and combined. An extensive sensitivity analysis shows that each of the mechanisms on its own can produce lumens in a narrow region of parameter space. However, combining both mechanisms makes lumen formation much more robust to the values of the parameters, suggesting that the mechanisms may work synergistically and operate in parallel, rather than in different vessel types

    Modeling Morphogenesis in silico and in vitro: Towards Quantitative, Predictive, Cell-based Modeling

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    Cell-based, mathematical models help make sense of morphogenesis—i.e. cells organizing into shape and pattern—by capturing cell behavior in simple, purely descriptive models. Cell-based models then predict the tissue-level patterns the cells produce collectively. The first step in a cell-based modeling approach is to isolate sub-processes, e.g. the patterning capabilities of one or a few cell types in cell cultures. Cell-based models can then identify the mechanisms responsible for patterning in vitro. This review discusses two cell culture models of morphogenesis that have been studied using this combined experimental-mathematical approach: chondrogenesis (cartilage patterning) and vasculogenesis (de novo blood vessel growth). In both these systems, radically dif- ferent models can equally plausibly explain the in vitro patterns. Quantitative descriptions of cell behavior would help choose between alternative models. We will briefly review the experimental methodology (microfluidics technology and traction force microscopy) used to measure responses of individual cells to their micro-environment, including chemical gradients, physical forces and neighboring cells. We conclude by discussing how to include quantitative cell descriptions into a cell-based model: the Cellular Potts model

    A Web-based Repository of Reproducible Simulation Experiments for Systems Biology.

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    Systems Biology requires increasingly complex simulation models. Effectively interpreting and building upon previous simulation results is both difficult and time consuming. Thus, simulation results often cannot be reproduced exactly; making it difficult for other modellers to validate results and take the next step in a simulation study. The Simulation Experiment Description Mark-up Language~(SED-ML), a subset of the Minimum Information About a Simulation Experiment~(MIASE) guidelines, promises to solve this problem by prescribing the form and content of the information required to reproduce simulation experiments. SED-ML is detailed enough to enable automatic rerunning of simulation experiments. Here, we present a web-based simulation-experiment repository that lets modellers develop SED-ML compliant simulation-experiment descriptions The system encourages modellers to annotate their experiments with text and images, experimental data and domain meta-information. These informal annotations aid organisation and classification of the simulations and provide rich search criteria. They complement SED-ML's formal precision to produce simulation-experiment descriptions that can be understood by both men and machines. The system combines both human-readable and formal machine-readable content, thus ensuring exact reproducibility of the simulation results of a modelling study. </p
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