280 research outputs found

    Wear Behavior of Uncoated and Coated Tools under Complex Loading Conditions

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    In automotive industry crash relevant structures of the body in white are manufactured using the direct hot stamping process. Due to the high temperature difference between the hot blank and the cold tool surfaces and the relative movement between the blank and the tool surfaces during the forming operation, high thermal and mechanical loads are applied on the tool leading to excessive wear in terms of adhesion on the tool surfaces. One possibility to reduce wear of hot stamping tools is the application of tool coating systems. In the scope of this work uncoated and coated tools are characterized under complex loading conditions with respect to adhesive layer build-up

    Influence of Combined Hard and Fine Machining on the Surface Properties of Cemented Carbides

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    As a result of recent developments in cold forging cemented carbides are increasingly used as tool materials. Due to their high hardness only electrical discharge machining (EDM) and grinding are suitable for tool machining. The structure of tool surface has significant influence on dominating failure mechanisms wear and fatigue. For improvement of tribological conditions the surface is polished in a finale processing step. The result of hard and fine machining is a specific combination of coarse and fine structure which is determined by processing parameters. The different surface structures lead to a particular tool behavior in forming process. This paper aims to show the influence of combined hard and fine machining on the surface properties of cemented carbides

    Friction Conditions in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming

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    AbstractThe ongoing trend towards the increasing component functionality and closely-tolerated complex functional components shows the limits of classical sheet and bulk metal forming operations. The combination of sheet and bulk metal forming operations to the new process class of sheet-bulk metal (SBMF) operations gives the possibility to produce the requested parts. Combining sheet and bulk metal operations is leading to different surface pressures and hence to different tribological conditions within the forming process. Thus, the basic investigations of the tribological conditions in SBMF are described within this paper. Also the idea of tailored surfaces for providing process adapted tribological conditions to improve the forming process and a method for realization are presented

    Characterization of friction stir consolidated recycled billet by uniaxial compression tests with miniaturized cylindrical specimen

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    Friction stir consolidation (FSC) is a solid-state recycling method that directly converts machining scraps into semifinished billets. This process has been proven to be a more energy efficient and environmentally friendly technique compared to remelting based conventional recycling methods. During FSC, machining chips are transformed into a solid billet by the stirring action and friction heat of the rotating tool. Due to process mechanics, especially temperature gradient and strain rate, billets have shown different hardness values and grain size distribution across their sections. Therefore, in this research, miniaturized upsetting samples are extracted from the FSC billet. The purpose of minimizing the sample size is to get the local properties of a particular position. The intensive characterization was performed with future goals to find a more accurate numerical modelling and ultimately assign FSC billet to a potential industrial application

    Assessing single and multi-step friction stir consolidated recycled billets through uniaxial upsetting test

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    Friction stir consolidation (FSC) represents a solid-state recycling technique that directly transforms machining waste into billets by the stirring action and friction heat of the rotating tool. This technology has demonstrated superior energy efficiency compared to remelting based traditional recycling methods. Concerning the FSC process mechanics, they impart temperature, strain and strain rate gradients across the billet sections leading to variations in mechanical properties such as hardness values and grain size distribution. Therefore, multi-step FSC variants were introduced to eliminate this inherent inhomogeneity inside the billets of the single-step FSC approach. However, the billets manufactured by multi-step methods showed better mechanical properties, and gradation across the billet section still persisted. This property led to the evolution of friction stir consolidation as a new manufacturing method for developing functionally graded materials. Previously, the gradation was highlighted by the Vickers hardness test and grain size distribution. Therefore, in the ongoing study, an advanced characterization technique was adopted by extracting miniaturized samples from the section of FSC billets and subjected them to the upsetting test. Employing advanced characterization techniques to get insights into the gradation and quality of billets manufactured through various process variants and will allow to draw a better conclusion regarding adoption of a more suitable FSC process varian

    On-chip broadband nonreciprocal light storage

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    Breaking the symmetry between forward- and backward-propagating optical modes is of fundamental scientific interest and enables crucial functionalities, such as isolators, circulators, and duplex communication systems. Although there has been progress in achieving optical isolation on-chip, integrated broadband nonreciprocal signal processing functionalities that enable transmitting and receiving via the same low-loss planar waveguide, without altering the frequency or mode of the signal, remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate a nonreciprocal delay scheme based on the unidirectional transfer of optical data pulses to acoustic waves in a chip-based integration platform. We experimentally demonstrate that this scheme is not impacted by simultaneously counterpropagating optical signals. Furthermore, we achieve a bandwidth more than an order of magnitude broader than the intrinsic optoacoustic linewidth, linear operation for a wide range of signal powers, and importantly, show that this scheme is wavelength preserving and avoids complicated multimode structures

    Coherently refreshed acoustic phonons for extended light storage

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    Acoustic waves can serve as memory for optical information, however, acoustic phonons in the GHz regime decay on the nanosecond timescale. Usually this is dominated by intrinsic acoustic loss due to inelastic scattering of the acoustic waves and thermal phonons. Here we show a way to counteract the intrinsic acoustic decay of the phonons in a waveguide by resonantly reinforcing the acoustic wave via synchronized optical pulses. This scheme overcomes the previous constraints of phonon-based optical signal processing for light storage and memory. We experimentally demonstrate on-chip storage up to 40 ns, four times the intrinsic acoustic lifetime in the waveguide. We confirm the coherence of the scheme by detecting the phase of the delayed optical signal after 40 ns using homodyne detection. Through theoretical considerations we anticipate that this concept allows for storage times up to microseconds within realistic experimental limitations while maintaining a GHz bandwidth of the optical signal. The refreshed phonon-based light storage removes the usual bandwidth-delay product limitations of e.g. slow-light schemes

    Joining by forming technologies: current solutions and future trends

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    The progressively more demanding needs of emissions and costs reduction in the transportation industry are pushing engineers towards the use of increasingly lightweight structures. This goal can be achieved only if dissimilar and/or new materials, including polymers and composites, are joined together to create complex structures. Conventional fusion welding processes have often been proven inadequate to this task because of the high heat input reducing the joint mechanical properties or even making the joining process impossible. Joining by forming technologies take advantage on the plastic deformation to create sound joints out of even very dissimilar materials. Over the last 25 years, several new processes, with increasing potential in effectively joining virtually every structural material, have been invented and developed. In the paper, a comprehensive overview of the most utilized joining by forming processes is given. For each process, an analysis of the current research trends and hot topics is provided, highlighting strengths and weaknesses for industrial applications

    Determination of Forming Limits in Sheet Metal Forming Using Deep Learning

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    The forming limit curve (FLC) is used to model the onset of sheet metal instability during forming processes e.g., in the area of finite element analysis, and is usually determined by evaluation of strain distributions, derived with optical measurement systems during Nakajima tests. Current methods comprise of the standardized DIN EN ISO 12004-2 or time-dependent approaches that heuristically limit the evaluation area to a fraction of the available information and show weaknesses in the context of brittle materials without a pronounced necking phase. To address these limitations, supervised and unsupervised pattern recognition methods were introduced recently. However, these approaches are still dependent on prior knowledge, time, and localization information. This study overcomes these limitations by adopting a Siamese convolutional neural network (CNN), as a feature extractor. Suitable features are automatically learned using the extreme cases of the homogeneous and inhomogeneous forming phase in a supervised setup. Using robust Student’s t mixture models, the learned features are clustered into three distributions in an unsupervised manner that cover the complete forming process. Due to the location and time independency of the method, the knowledge learned from formed specimen up until fracture can be transferred on to other forming processes that were prematurely stopped and assessed using metallographic examinations, enabling probabilistic cluster membership assignments for each frame of the forming sequence. The generalization of the method to unseen materials is evaluated in multiple experiments, and additionally tested on an aluminum alloy AA5182, which is characterized by Portevin-LE Chatlier effects
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