74 research outputs found

    Miroir et χ᜜ρα dans le TimĂ©e de Platon

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    « C’est seulement lorsque, pensant, nous nous tournons vers ce qui fut dĂ©jĂ  pensĂ©, que nous sommes rendus disponibles en retour pour ce qui est encore Ă  penser ». M. Heidegger, Der Satz der IdentitĂ€t (GA 11, p. 50). Les textes rĂ©unis dans ce numĂ©ro des Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg sont issus d’un colloque tenu Ă  Strasbourg dans le cadre de l’axe de recherche Philosophie allemande & philosophie ancienne du Centre de recherches en philosophie allemande et contemporaine (CREPHAC, EA 232..

    Le néantir du néant au fil de la pensée occidentale : Parménide, Platon, Heidegger

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    Heidegger, dans sa confĂ©rence « Qu’est-ce que la mĂ©taphysique ? », a dĂ©signĂ© le nĂ©ant comme le voile de l’ĂȘtre. Indissociable de la question de l’ĂȘtre Ă  travers l’histoire de la pensĂ©e occidentale, la question du non-ĂȘtre s’est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e, aussitĂŽt posĂ©e dans le PoĂšme de ParmĂ©nide, comme la non-pensĂ©e du non-ĂȘtre et sa non-diction. La confĂ©rence de 1929 prĂ©tendait au contraire desceller la prĂ©sence cachĂ©e mais constante du nĂ©ant, par son irruption intermittente manifestĂ©e dans l’angoisse du Dasein, oĂč se rĂ©vĂšle le nĂ©antir du nĂ©ant. Mais l’on peut dĂšs le Sophiste de Platon desceller un tel nĂ©antir, Ă  mĂȘme le logos dans sa version rationnelle et logique, dĂšs lors qu’on se ressaisit du sens authentique de l’aporie, dont Heidegger, bien qu’il en appelait la rĂ©surgence en ouverture d’Être et temps, n’a pas sondĂ© toutes les paradoxales ressources

    Corps et chĂątiment chez Platon

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    De maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, la GrĂšce de l’AntiquitĂ© constitue un hĂ©ritage pour la plupart des peuples – elle est singuliĂšrement et depuis longtemps l’une des rĂ©fĂ©rences communes, quoique diversement comprise Ă  travers les espaces et les temps, de tous les peuples du bassin mĂ©diterranĂ©en, autant, donc, en Orient qu’en Occident. Mais elle est tout particuliĂšrement un point majeur dans la construction de l’identitĂ© allemande au moins Ă  partir du xviiie siĂšcle, et notamment dans la perspective de Nietzs..


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    SĂ©nĂšque dĂ©plorait que la philosophie fĂ»t devenue philologie. Nietzsche revendique que la philologie devienne philosophie, et il le fait dans la confĂ©rence inaugurale de 1869 destinĂ©e Ă  signer son entrĂ©e dans le mĂ©tier de philologue. Dans l’inversion d’un geste aussi antique que l’invention de la philologie savante, le philosophe allemand, qui n’était encore alors qu’un tout jeune professeur de 24 ans Ă  l’universitĂ© de BĂąle, critique Ă  la fois la philosophie et la philologie. Mais Ă  la diffĂ©rence de SĂ©nĂšque, il maintient la philologie en ses droits, et la revendiquera jusqu’à la fin de son Ɠuvre comme nĂ©cessaire « art de bien lire ».Seneca complained that philosophy had become philology. In the inaugural conference which signs his entry into the profession of philologist in 1869, Nietzsche claims that philology becomes philosophy. In the inversion of a gesture as old as the invention of the scholarly philology, the German philosopher, who still was a young teacher of 24 years at the University of Basel, criticizes both philosophy and philology. But unlike Seneca, he maintains philology in its rights, and will claim it as a necessary “art of reading” until the end of his work

    The GEF Trio controls endothelial cell size and arterial remodeling downstream of Vegf signaling in both zebrafish and cell models

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    Arterial networks enlarge in response to increase in tissue metabolism to facilitate flow and nutrient delivery. Typically, the transition of a growing artery with a small diameter into a large caliber artery with a sizeable diameter occurs upon the blood flow driven change in number and shape of endothelial cells lining the arterial lumen. Here, using zebrafish embryos and endothelial cell models, we describe an alternative, flow independent model, involving enlargement of arterial endothelial cells, which results in the formation of large diameter arteries. Endothelial enlargement requires the GEF1 domain of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Trio and activation of Rho-GTPases Rac1 and RhoG in the cell periphery, inducing F-actin cytoskeleton remodeling, myosin based tension at junction regions and focal adhesions. Activation of Trio in developing arteries in vivo involves precise titration of the Vegf signaling strength in the arterial wall, which is controlled by the soluble Vegf receptor Flt1. Arterial flow regulates artery diameter but other mechanisms may also affect this. Here, the authors show that the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Trio and GTPases Rac1 and RhoG, triggers F-actin remodeling in arterial endothelial cells, independent of flow, to enhance lumen diameter in zebrafish and cell models.Peer reviewe

    Excess PLAC8 promotes an unconventional ERK2-dependent EMT in colon cancer

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    The epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) transcriptional program is characterized by repression of E-cadherin (CDH1) and induction of N-cadherin (CDH2), and mesenchymal genes like vimentin (VIM). Placenta-specific 8 (PLAC8) has been implicated in colon cancer; however, how PLAC8 contributes to disease is unknown, and endogenous PLAC8 protein has not been studied. We analyzed zebrafish and human tissues and found that endogenous PLAC8 localizes to the apical domain of differentiated intestinal epithelium. Colon cancer cells with elevated PLAC8 levels exhibited EMT features, including increased expression of VIM and zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1), aberrant cell motility, and increased invasiveness. In contrast to classical EMT, PLAC8 overexpression reduced cell surface CDH1 and upregulated P-cadherin (CDH3) without affecting CDH2 expression. PLAC8-induced EMT was linked to increased phosphorylated ERK2 (p-ERK2), and ERK2 knockdown restored cell surface CDH1 and suppressed CDH3, VIM, and ZEB1 upregulation. In vitro, PLAC8 directly bound and inactivated the ERK2 phosphatase DUSP6, thereby increasing p-ERK2. In a murine xenograft model, knockdown of endogenous PLAC8 in colon cancer cells resulted in smaller tumors, reduced local invasion, and decreased p-ERK2. Using MultiOmyx, a multiplex immunofluorescence-based methodology, we observed coexpression of cytosolic PLAC8, CDH3, and VIM at the leading edge of a human colorectal tumor, supporting a role for PLAC8 in cancer invasion in vivo
