43 research outputs found

    How triathletes mount their bikes after first transition (T1). A proposal of classification

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    A proposal is submit for the classification referring to the different ways in which triathletes mount their bikes to start pedalling. This action happens at the end of the transition area (T1) after having gone across on foot, with the bikes at their side, or, led across by hand, in a specific way (Fernández, Romero, Merino and April, 2015). These are unique aspects of this sport, compared to other sports in which a bike is also used. The purpose of this research was concentrates in describing and classifying the motor behaviours that occur at the end of the transition area, in front of the “judge’s line”. This study was bassed on participants of 3 Spanish Elite Championships of different distances (407 triathletes). It was filmed in the moment when they picked up their bikes, passed through the transition area and mounted their bikes. Eleven different ways were discovered on how to mount a bike when passing the judge’s line.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Kinesio taping & Síndrome femoro-patelar: una revisión sistemática

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome femoro-patelar (SFP), también conocido como condromalacia rotuliana, aparece cuando existe una degeneración del cartílago rotuliano entre las superficies óseas del fémur y de la rótula. Su sintomatología característica es un dolor anterior de la rodilla que se agudiza al mover dicha articulación. OBJETIVOS: Actualizar los datos sobre la efectividad del Kinesiotaping (KT) en el tratamiento del SFP y aportar posibles pautas de aplicación del KT en el SFP. PALABRAS CLAVE: Kinesio taping, síndrome femoro-patelar, dolor. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica hasta Junio de 2014, identificando ensayos clínicos que trataran sobre la eficacia del KT en el SFP. Las bases electrónicas consultadas fueron: Scopus, Cochrane Library, Medline, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Sport Discus, Embase, Web of Science, Science Direct y Scielo. Las palabras claves utilizadas fueron: (kinesio* tap* OR elastic tap* OR neuro tap* OR vendaje neuro muscular) AND (pain* OR soreness OR ache OR discomfort) AND femoro-patellar. RESULTADOS: De 159 artículos estudiados, tras eliminar duplicados y proceder a la lectura completa de los mismos, la revisión quedó finalmente reducida a 12 artículos. A continuación se detallan los resultados de algunos de los estudios: Akbas (2011)Obtuvo una disminución del dolor en el GC y en el grupo de KT a las 6 semanas. Aytar (2011)No encontró resultados significativos sobre el parámetro de intensidad del dolor. Bayrakci (2008) Hubo efecto del KT sobre los sujetos sanos pero no en los pacientes con SFP. Jancaitis(2007) Considera que el KT pueda tener un efecto placebo sobre el dolor al descender escalones. Campolo(2013)Encontró una disminución del dolor al aplicar la técnica de KT vs al no vendaje. Kuru (2012)La electroestimulación y KT mejoran el dolor de rodilla, sin ver diferencias entre grupos. Chen (2008) Encontró una disminución del dolor tras la aplicación del KT. Osorio (2012)El taping mejora la clínica del SFP, independientemente de la técnica aplicada. Chang (2012)El KT aplicado alrededor de la rodilla mejora la funcionalidad. Yang (2014)El vendaje elástico mejora el dolor y la actividad muscular en el grupo KT vs GC. Miller (2013) El KT facilita la activación muscular del glúteo medio y la estabilidad postural. Freedman (2014)El KT mejora significativamente el dolor en comparación con la aplicación placebo. DISCUSIÓN: Existe discrepancia sobre la efectividad del vendaje neuromuscular en el tratamiento del SFP. Existe un protocolo más o menos homogéneo sobre la forma de aplicación del vendaje en el SFP: el KT se aplica descendiendo de origen a inserción sobre el recto femoral con una extensibilidad de un 10%, en modo de facilitación muscular, terminando en "Y" sobre los bordes mediales rotulianos con una extensibilidad entre un 50-75% manteniendo una ligera flexión de rodilla y anclando los extremos del vendaje sin tensión. CONCLUSIONES: El vendaje neuromuscular es una novedosa herramienta terapéutica que puede usarse sola o en combinación con otras terapias, sin embargo, existen aún muchas controversias sobre su utilidad en la clínica de esta sintomatología. BIBLIOGRAFÍA: 1. Akbas E., Atay A.Ö., Yüksel Í. The effects of additional kinesio taping over exercise in the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica. 2011; 45(5):335-341. 2. Aytar A., Ozunlua N., Surenkok O., Baltacı G., Oztop P., Karatas M. Initial effects of kinesio taping in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome: A randomized, double-blind study. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 2011; 19:135-142. 3. Bayrakci V., Akyüz A., Önal S., Güder G., Dogan G., Teker B., ÇINAR Ö. Patellofemoral agri sendromunda kinezyo ve McConnell patellar bantlama tekniklerinin performans üzerine anlik etkilerinin karsilastirilmasi. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, 2008; 19(3):104-9. 4. Jancaitis. Short term effects of KT on symptoms of pain patellofemoral syndrome. Journal of Athletic Training. 2007; 42(2): S135. 5. Campolo M., Babu J., Dmochowska K., Scariah S., Varughese J. A comparison of two taping techniques (Kinesio and McConnell) and their effect on anterior knee pain during functional activities. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 2013; 8(2): 105-110. 6. Kuru T, Yaliman A, Dereli E. Comparison of efficiency of Kinesio® taping and electrical stimulation in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrom. Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2012; 46(5): 385-392. 7. Chen P.L., Hong W.H., Lin C.H., Chen W.C. Biomechanics Effects of Kinesio Taping for Persons with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome during Stair Climbing. Biomed. 2008; IFMBE Proceedings 21: 395-397. 8. Osorio J et al. The effects of two therapeutic patellofemoral taping techniques on strength, endurance and pain responses. Physical Therapy in sport. 2012; 14(4): 199-206. 9. Chang L, Dong L, Hyun J, Moon L. The effects of kinesio taping on VMO and VL EMG activities during stair ascent and descent by persons with patellofemoral pain: a preliminary study. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2012; 24(2): 153-156. 10. Yang L, Jiang JL, Liang Q, Lei ZJ, He CQ. The effect of elastic taping on patients with patellofemoral syndrome. Journal of Sichuan University. Medical science edition. 45(1): 126-8, 141. 11. Miller J., Westrick R., Diebal A., Marks C., Gerber JP. Immediate effects of lumbopelvic manipulation and lateral gluteal kinesio taping on unilateral patellofemoral pain syndrome: a pilot study. Sports Health, 2013; 5(3):214-9. 12. Freedman S, Thein L, Rosenthal M, Wise J. Short-term effects of patellar kinesio taping on pain and hip function in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Sports Physical Therapy, 2014; 6 (4): 294-300.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Gender differences and age-related changes in performance at the duathlon world champions

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    Analyze the differences in performance between genders, and changes in performance in age group category at Short distance during the ITU Duathlon World Championships held between 2005 and 2016.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Effects of a strength and stretching program, combined or Iisolated, on active flexibility in physical education setting.

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    Purpose. To examine the effects of a two-session-per-week strength and stretching program on sit and reach score among high-school students in the physical education setting. Methods. A sample of 46 high-school students (16 girls and 30 boys) aged 12-14 years from four classes were clustered and randomly assigned to a strength group (n=8), a stretching group (n=12), a strength + stretching group (n=16) or a control group (n=10). During physical education classes, the experimental students performed a 1-minute stretching, a 1-minute strength or a 2-minutes strength + stretching program twice a week a total of 20 weeks. Control students performed the same physical education classes, but they did not follow any strength and/or stretching program. Active flexibility (estimated by the classic sit-and-reach test) was assessed at the beginning and at the end of the intervention program. Results. The Wilcoxon test results showed that students that performed a combined strength and stretching program increased statistically significantly their active flexibility levels from pre-intervention to post-intervention (∆ = 1.8 ± 3.2 cm; p 0.05). Conclusiones. Since in physical education many curricular contents need to be developed each academic year and the subject is also restricted by its limited curriculum time allocation, teachers could improve students’ flexibility combining stretching and strength workout. Therefore, in addition to the improvement of students’ flexibility levels, this intervention program might permit regular development of other physical education curricular contents.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Differences according to modalities, distances and genders of how the triathletes carry their bicycles for the boxes during the first transition in the Spanish Championships

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    Introduction The purpose was to compare the proportion in the use (by elite or pro category) of the 4 types of hold-riding the bicycle during the transition between triathletes’ sex (men and women), distance or modality (Olympic, sprint, long and cross) at the Triathlon Spanish Championships. Method The sample was composed by 648 Spanish triathletes, participants of eight elite Spanish championship triathlon during 2016. Results Most of triathletes hold-ride the bike by the seat only while driving it (76.2%), followed by the handlebar (14.9%), seat-handlebar (7.1%) and stem styles (1.9%). The same tendency was showed within sex, category and race subcategories, except for Olympic (seat style was used for the 95% of triathletes), sprint (seat and handlebar styles were similar), and long (seat-handlebar and stem styles were equal). The results showed that there were statistically significantly differences in the proportion of triathletes that used each hold-riding of the bicycle between sex, race, and sex-race subcategories (p 0.05; Cramer´s V = 0.000-0.244). Discussion The difference between men and women is that men have twice the grip on the handlebars. The videos show that this may be because the groups of men in the boxes are greater than those of the women, and this sometimes forces them, to take the bike by the handlebar to control it better and avoid incidents. While in the Olympic, sprint and long-distance elite triathletes mostly used the seat style, and in the cross race the handlebar style.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Comparison of the effect of a Physical Education-Based Stretching Program applied during the Warm-Up, ColdDown and both periods on hamstring extensibility in Primary Schoolchildren.

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    Purpose. To compare the effects of a physical education-based stretching program applied during the warm-up, cold-down and both periods on hamstring extensibility in primary schoolchildren. Methods. A sample of 237 schoolchildren aged 7-12 years old (128 girls and 109 boys) from two primary school centres participated in the present study and met satisfactorily the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A cluster randomized controlled trial design was used. The classes balanced by grade were randomly assigned to the warm-up (n = 57), cold-down (n = 55), both periods (n = 61) or control groups (n = 64). During the physical education sessions, the students from the interventional groups performed a four-minute stretching program twice a week for eight weeks. The intervention program was applied during the warm-up (4 minutes), cold-down (4 minutes) and warm-up (2 minutes)-cold-down (2 minutes) for the warm-up, cold-down and both periods groups, respectively. Hamstring extensibility (estimated by the back-saver sit-and-reach test) was assessed at the beginning and at the end of the intervention program. Results. The one-way ANOVA (p 0.05). Conclusions. In order to develop students’ flexibility, PE teachers should apply stretching programs during the cold-down period. Due to the negative effect of static stretching on performance as previously found in the literature, it seems that PE teachers should improve students´ flexibility during the cool-down period of the sessions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Physical activity and spatial use during school break times in children aged four

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    Poster de CongresoAnalyze quantity of physical activity and use of space during school break times according to gender, in four-year-old pupils.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Criterion-related validity of toe-touch test for estimating hamstring extensibility: A meta-analysis

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    The main purpose of the present meta-analysis was to examine the scientific literature on the criterion-related validity of the toe-touch test for estimating hamstring extensibility. For this purpose relevant studies were searched from five electronic databases dated up through September 2012. Primary outcomes of criterion-related validity were Pearson´s zero-order correlation coefficients (r) between the toe-touch test and hamstring extensibility criterion measure. Then, from the included studies, the Hunter-Schmidt´s psychometric meta-analysis approach was conducted to estimate population criterion-related validity of the toe-touch test. Firstly, the corrected correlation mean (rp), unaffected by sampling error and measurement error, was calculated. Subsequently, the three potential moderator variables (sex of participants, age of participants, and level of hamstring extensibility) were examined by a partially hierarchical analysis. Of the six studies included in the present meta-analysis, 12 correlations values were retrieved. The overall results showed that the toe-touch test have a moderate mean criterion-related validity for estimating hamstring extensibility (rp = 0.66, 0.54-0.79). Generally, females, children and individuals with high levels of hamstring extensibility seem to have greater mean values of criterion-related validity for estimating hamstring extensibility. However, due to the low number of r values found, the fact that almost all the 95% CIs of mean correlation coefficients were overlapped, and that criterion-related validity of the toe-touch test within each category was still heterogeneous, we should be cautious with the results of the present meta-analysis. When the use of the angular tests is limited, the toe-touch test seems to be a useful alternative to estimate hamstring extensibility.The author Daniel Mayorga-Vega is supported by a research grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (AP2010-5905)

    Effect of a physical education-based dynamic stretching program on hamstring extensibility in female high-school students

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of a dynamic stretching development program followed by a four-week detraining period and maintenance program on hamstring extensibility in a physical education setting. A sample of 108 female high-school students aged 16-17 years from four classes were clustered randomly and assigned to either an experimental or a control group. During physical education sessions, the experimental group students performed a dynamic stretching program twice a week for eight weeks. Subsequently, after a four-week period of detraining, the experimental group students completed a maintenance program twice a week during four weeks. The results of the two-way analysis of variance showed that the physical education-based development program significantly improved students’ hamstring extensibility (p.05), the gains obtained previously were recovered after a four-week maintenance program (p<.001). Hence, a physical education-based dynamic stretching intervention is effective in improving and maintaining hamstring extensibility among female high-school students. However, after four weeks of detraining, students’ flexibility reverts to its baseline levels. These findings could help and guide teachers to design programs that guarantee a feasible and an effective development of flexibility in a physical education setting

    ¿Cómo cambian los niveles de extensibilidad isquiosural de los estudiantes durante un año académico? Un estudio longitudinal

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    The main purpose of the present study was to examine the students’ hamstring extensibility levels through an academic year. A sample of 128 11th-grade students from a high school center was assessed by the classic sit-and-reach test in pre-, mid- and post-academic year. The results showed that students’ hamstring extensibility level statistically significantly decreased from pre-academic year (22.1 ± 8.5 cm) to mid- (19.9 ± 8.6 cm; d = -0.26) and post-academic year (18.6 ± 9.3 cm; d = -0.41) (p < 0.001) and from mid-academic year to post-academic year (d = -0.16) (p < 0.001). The results of the McNemar’s test indicated that there was a statistically significant decrease on the proportion of students with normal hamstring extensibility level from pre-academic year to post-academic year (p < 0.05). In conclusion, high-school students lost hamstring extensibility levels during an academic year. As a result of this decrease, the number of students with hamstring extensibility shortening increased by 10.9%. Physical education teachers should implement stretching programs to avoid students’ hamstring extensibility shortening.El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue examinar los niveles de extensibilidad isquiosural de los estudiantes durante un curso académico. Una muestra de 128 estudiantes de 1º de bachillerato de un centro de educación secundaria se evaluó mediante la prueba de classic sit-and-reach al comienzo, mediados y final del curso académico. Los resultados mostraron que el nivel de extensibilidad de isquiosural de los estudiantes disminuyó estadísticamente significativamente desde el comienzo (22,1 ± 8,5 cm) a mediados (19,9 ± 8,6 cm, d = -0,26) y final del año académico (18,6 ± 9,3 cm; d = -0,41) (p < 0,001), y desde mediados al final (d = -0.16) (p < 0,001). Los resultados de la prueba de McNemar indicaron que hubo una disminución estadísticamente significativa en la proporción de estudiantes con un nivel de extensibilidad isquiosural normal desde el comienzo al final del curso académico (p < 0,05). En conclusión, los estudiantes de educación secundaria perdieron niveles de extensibilidad isquiosural durante un curso académico. Como resultado de esta disminución, el número de estudiantes con acortamiento de los músculos isquiosurales aumentó un 10,9%. Los profesores de educación física deberían implementar programas de estiramiento para prevenir el acortamiento de extensibilidad isquiosural de los estudiantes.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació