67 research outputs found

    Planeamiento integrado y programación de la cadena del abastecimiento público en las unidades de gestión educativa local de Lima Metropolitana 2020

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    En la presente investigación se muestra el resultado sobre el Planeamiento Integrado y Programación de la Cadena del Abastecimiento Público en las Unidades de Gestión Educativa Local de Lima Metropolitana 2020. La investigación fue de tipo básica, descriptiva y correlacional con un enfoque cuantitativo, Para conocer y establecer la relación entre el planeamiento integrado y la programación se diseñó y empleo cuestionarios elaborados tomando como base las variables Planeamiento Integrado y Programación con sus respectivos indicadores. La aplicación del instrumento fue a los trabajadores que desempeñan labores en áreas involucradas en la Cadena de Abastecimiento Público de las 07 (siete) Unidades de Gestión Educativa Local de Lima Metropolitana. Se tuvo en cuenta el enfoque cuantitativo porque permite recoger y analizar datos con el uso de la estadística. Con esta investigación se determinó que existe una relación entre el Planeamiento Integrado y la Programación para la cadena de abastecimiento Publico según el análisis estadístico realizado en las Unidades de Gestión Educativa Local de Lima Metropolitana

    Customizable Software Interface for Monitoring Applications

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    In this paper we propose an application based on virtual keyboard and automatic scanning to communicate with a PC and the others people. The aim users are the people with disabilities. A high degree of customization is possible in the software. So the user can selected the color of buttons, position of system on screen, the kind of scanning, timer, the interface of communication, etc. Five people without disabilities tested our system. The results of the tests show the application reduce the fatigue of user and increased the text entry rate.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    A Flexible, Open, Multimodal System of Computer Control Based on Infrared Light

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    This In this paper, a system architecture that can be adapted to an individual’s motor capacity and preferences, to control a computer is presented. The system uses two different transducers based on the emission and the reflection of infrared light. These let to detect of voluntary blinks, winks, saccadic or head movements and/or sequences of them. Transducer selection and operational mode can be configured. The signal provided by the transducer is adapted, processed and sent to a computer by external hardware. The computer runs a row-column scanned switch-controlled Virtual Keyboard (VK). This sends commands to the operating system to control the computer, making possible to run any application such as a web browser, etc. The main system characteristics are flexibility and relatively low-cost hardware.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Fingerprint indoor position system based on OpenMAC

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    This paper presents a work in progress for the developing of a fingerprint indoor position system based on OpenMAC, an IEEE 802.15.4 embedded software implementation from Atmel to be used in different scenarios like e_health, ambient living or smart building. The system is thought to work as another one that we have yet developed but using the BitCloud Stack, a full-featured, second generation embedded software stack from the same supplier, but improving it. The first steps followed up in the system development are shown in this paper.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    The IEC-60870-5 standard for a personal server applied to telemedicine

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    This paper presents a proposal of a flexible telemedicine system for remote patient monitoring. It can be used in different kind of environments where there is only available low speed transmission links like Radio Frequency. This proposal includes the use of a previous work where the IEC-60870-S standard was applied to the development of an open and flexible RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) based in open hardware, a SoCtype design using a FPGA programmed with the open core LEON and open source, so both the hardware and the ISO are open source.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    A Method of EOG Signal Processing to Detect the Direction of Eye Movements

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    In this paper, a signal processing algorithm to detect eye movements is developed. The algorithm works with two kinds of inputs: derivative and amplitude level of electrooculographic signal. Derivative is used to detect signal edges and the amplitude level is used to filter noise. Depending of movement direction, different kinds of events are generated. Events are associated with a movement and its route. A hit rate equal to 94% is reached. This algorithm has been used to implement an application that allows computer control using ocular movementJunta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    A Method of EOG Signal Processing to Detect the Direction of Eye Movements

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    In this paper, a signal processing algorithm to detect eye movements is developed. The algorithm works with two kinds of inputs: derivative and amplitude level of electrooculographic signal. Derivative is used to detect signal edges and the amplitude level is used to filter noise. Depending of movement direction, different kinds of events are generated. Events are associated with a movement and its route. A hit rate equal to 94% is reached. This algorithm has been used to implement an application that allows computer control using ocular movementJunta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Comparison Among Ambiguous Virtual Keyboards For People With Severe Motor Disabilities

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    This paper presents an exhaustive study on the different topologies of ambiguous soft keyboards, analyzing the text entry average time per character and the average number of user inputs necessary for its creation. Various topologies and design criteria are investigated. In addition, an analytical model is also proposed. This model allows one to compare among different topologies and estimate the sensitivity that different keyboards offer when compared with dictionary hit rates. It has been found that ambiguous keyboards, with six keys, are better to us

    Augmented and Alternative Communication System Based on Dasher Application and an Accelerometer

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    This paper describes a system composed by predictive text input software called “Dasher” and a hardware used to connect an accelerometer to the computer. The main goal of this work is to allow people with motor disabilities to have a flexible and cheap way to communicate. The accelerometer can be placed on any body part depending on user preferences. For this reason calibration functionality has been added to dasher software. The calibration process is easy and requires only some minutes but it is necessary in order to allow system can be used in different ways. Tests have been carried out by placing the accelerometer on the head. A rate of 26 words per minute is reached.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363