36 research outputs found

    The Medium of Visualization for Software Comprehension

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    Although abundant studies have shown how visualization can help software developers to understand software systems, visualization is still not a common practice since developers (i) have little support to find a proper visualization for their needs, and once they find a suitable visualization tool, they (ii) are unsure of its effectiveness. We aim to offer support for identifying proper visualizations, and to increase the effectiveness of visualization techniques. In this dissertation, we characterize proposed software visualizations. To fill the gap between proposed visualizations and their practical application, we encapsulate such characteristics in an ontology, and propose a meta-visualization approach to find suitable visualizations. Amongst others characteristics of software visualizations, we identify that the medium used to display them can be a means to increase the effectiveness of visualization techniques for particular comprehension tasks.We implement visualization prototypes and validate our thesis via experiments. We found that even though developers using a physical 3D model medium required the least time to deal with tasks that involve identifying outliers, they perceived the least difficulty when visualizing systems based on the standard computer screen medium. Moreover, developers using immersive virtual reality obtained the highest recollection. We conclude that the effectiveness of software visualizations that use the city metaphor to support comprehension tasks can be increased when city visualizations are rendered in an appropriate medium. Furthermore, that visualization of software visualizations can be a suitable means for exploring their multiple characteristics that can be properly encapsulated in an ontology

    PerfVis: Pervasive Visualization in Immersive AugmentedReality for Performance Awareness

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    Developers are usually unaware of the impact of code changes to the performance of software systems. Although developers can analyze the performance of a system by executing, for instance, a performance test to compare the performance of two consecutive versions of the system, changing from a programming task to a testing task would disrupt the development flow. In this paper, we propose the use of a city visualization that dynamically provides developers with a pervasive view of the continuous performance of a system. We use an immersive augmented reality device (Microsoft HoloLens) to display our visualization and extend the integrated development environment on a computer screen to use the physical space. We report on technical details of the design and implementation of our visualization tool, and discuss early feedback that we collected of its usability. Our investigation explores a new visual metaphor to support the exploration and analysis of possibly very large and multidimensional performance data. Our initial result indicates that the city metaphor can be adequate to analyze dynamic performance data on a large and non-trivial software system.Comment: ICPE'19 vision, 4 pages, 2 figure, conferenc

    Aplicación de la reflectometría para diagnosticar fallas en el cable de potencia del sistema de bombeo electrocentrífugo de la Empresa Schlumberger en la región Loreto

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    Actualmente en todo el mundo se está utilizando nuevos sistemas artificiales de bombeo para la producción de petróleo, en específico el sistema de bombeo electrocentrífugo (BEC). Sin embargo, durante la operación del sistema BEC se han presentado problemas por la falla de sus componentes eléctricos, sobre todo del equipo instalado dentro del pozo. Las fallas han resultado con un costo elevado por la disminución en la producción. Para el mantenimiento de este sistema de bombeo artificial, se cuentan con procedimientos para realizar pruebas de verificación del estado de los equipos eléctricos de fondo. Pero en el caso de una falla eléctrica en el cable de potencia, no se puede determinar su ubicación. Dado que se instalan a grandes distancias del cabezal del pozo de producción. Las fallas en el sistema BEC se han presentado principalmente, en los componentes del equipo de fondo, como son cables de 5kV y sus accesorios (empalmes y conectores), utilizados para interconectar el transformador elevador con el motor eléctrico de fondo. En este trabajo se describe el método de la reflectometría en el dominio del tiempo como una técnica para la localización de fallas en cables de potencia. Mediante simulaciones en un paquete computacional para el análisis de transitorios electromagnéticos se muestran diferentes casos de fallas en cables de potencia. Las simulaciones pueden ser utilizadas para definir los criterios necesarios para poder identificar en la práctica los diferentes tipos de falla que pueden aparecer en un cable de potencia. Mediante simulaciones se pueden representar una gran variedad de fallas que de otra manera seria difícil poder ver en campo. Uno de los principales problemas en los cables de potencia es la localización de fallas. Existen diferentes tipos de fallas que se pueden clasificar como: fallas de baja y alta resistencia. La falla de baja resistencia se puede presentar físicamente como un corto circuito. Por otro lado, las fallas de alta resistencia son ocasionadas particularmente por fallas de interrupción (cable cortado) y fallas intermitentes.Worldwide are currently being used new artificial pumping systems for oil production, specifically electrocentrífugo pumping system (BEC). However, during operation of the BEC system problems were presented by the failure of its electrical components, especially the equipment installed in the well. Failures have resulted in a high cost for the decrease in production. To maintain this system of artificial lift is equipped with testing procedures for checking the state of the electrical equipment in the background. But in the case of an electrical failure in the power cord, you can not determine your location. As installed at great distances from wellhead production. The BEC system failures have occurred mainly in the background computer components, such as cables and accessories 5kV (splices and connectors) used for connecting the transformer to the electric motor line. In this paper the method of reflectometry in the time domain as a technique for locating faults in power cables is described. Simulations on a software package for the analysis of transient electromagnetic different cases of power cable fault is. Simulations can be used to define the criteria to identify in practice the different types of failure that can occur in a power cable. Simulations can represent a variety of faults that otherwise would be difficult to see how in the field. One of the main problems with the power cables is troubleshooting. There are different types of faults that can be classified as low and high fault resistance. Failure of low resistance can be physically present as a short circuit. This paper will discuss the most common mathematical models of cables, ie the mathematical description of its operation (the wave propagation along the cable conductor material). These models are mainly used in computer packages to solve different problems related to transient analysis of electrical systems. Reflectometry technique involves the application of high frequency pulses and low voltage in each of the terminals of the three phases of the electric circuit of the equipment and ground line. The response of each phase is displayed using an oscilloscope suitable ix resolution. The pulse applied to the terminals of the equipment line travels through the entire installation of the electrical circuit. When you travel on your path is different applied pulse impedance to the characteristic impedance of the cable laying transmitted pulse strong reflections occur. The impedance change may be due to the equipment installed in the electrical circuit, joints, terminal or cable discontinuities or to failure. Tests that were performed to characterize the signals and their waveforms are also presented. The results demonstrate the goodness of the RDT technique to solve this kind of applications. The use of this tool could be extended to the detection of lead in the mains wiring or fault detection and other applications.Tesi

    Unleashing the Potentials of Immersive Augmented Reality for Software Engineering

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    In immersive augmented reality (IAR), users can wear a head-mounted display to see computer-generated images superimposed to their view of the world. IAR was shown to be beneficial across several domains, e.g., automotive, medicine, gaming and engineering, with positive impacts on, e.g., collaboration and communication. We think that IAR bears a great potential for software engineering but, as of yet, this research area has been neglected. In this vision paper, we elicit potentials and obstacles for the use of IAR in software engineering. We identify possible areas that can be supported with IAR technology by relating commonly discussed IAR improvements to typical software engineering tasks. We further demonstrate how innovative use of IAR technology may fundamentally improve typical activities of a software engineer through a comprehensive series of usage scenarios outlining practical application. Finally, we reflect on current limitations of IAR technology based on our scenarios and sketch research activities necessary to make our vision a reality. We consider this paper to be relevant to academia and industry alike in guiding the steps to innovative research and applications for IAR in software engineering

    Towards Actionable Visualization for Software Developers

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    Abundant studies have shown that visualization is advantageous for software developers, yet adopting visualization during software development is not a common practice due to the large effort involved in finding an appropriate visualization. Developers require support to facilitate that task. Among 368 papers in SOFTVIS/VISSOFT venues, we identify 86 design study papers about the application of visualization to relieve concerns in software development. We extract from these studies the task, need, audience, data source, representation, medium and tool; and we characterize them according to the subject, process and problem domain. On the one hand, we support software developers to put visualization in action by mapping existing visualization techniques to particular needs from different perspectives. On the other hand, we highlight the problem domains that are overlooked in the field and need more support

    A Systematic Literature Review of Software Visualization Evaluation

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    Abstract Context: Software visualizations can help developers to analyze multiple aspects of complex software systems, but their effectiveness is often uncertain due to the lack of evaluation guidelines. Objective: We identify common problems in the evaluation of software visualizations with the goal of formulating guidelines to improve future evaluations. Method: We review the complete literature body of 387 full papers published in the SOFTVIS/VISSOFT conferences, and study 181 of those from which we could extract evaluation strategies, data collection methods, and other aspects of the evaluation. Results: Of the proposed software visualization approaches, 62 lack a strong evaluation. We argue that an effective software visualization should not only boost time and correctness but also recollection, usability, engagement, and other emotions. Conclusion: We call on researchers proposing new software visualizations to provide evidence of their effectiveness by conducting thorough (i) case studies for approaches that must be studied in situ, and when variables can be controlled, (ii) experiments with randomly selected participants of the target audience and real-world open source software systems to promote reproducibility and replicability. We present guidelines to increase the evidence of the effectiveness of software visualization approaches, thus improving their adoption rate

    Efecto del Dimetilsulfóxido en una lesión traumática de nervio periférico en un modelo animal

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    Diferentes mecanismos se han empleado mundialmente en el intento de incrementar el éxito de la regeneración nerviosa, sin embargo son métodos poco asequibles para la mayoría de la población que requiere este tipo de intervenciones en nuestro país. Por lo anterior, el propósito de este estudio fue determinar los efectos del Dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO), como tratamiento alternativo, en la regeneración nerviosa posterior a una lesión por compresión en un modelo animal, y comparar estos efectos con los resultados obtenidos utilizando esteroides sistémicos, tratamiento estándar en el manejo de lesiones de nervio periférico.Sepropone como alternativa terapéutica el DMSO, dada su capacidad como barredor de radicales libres de oxígeno y sus efectos antiinflamatorios. Metodología: Se utilizaron 32 conejos hembra raza Nueva Zelanda, con peso entre 2 kg ± 0.5 kg., las cuales permanecieron en jaulas aisladas, una unidad experimental por jaula, administrándosele concentrado de alimento para conejo y agua ad libitum. Se dividieron en 4 grupos de forma aleatoria: Grupo A (control), Grupo B (Aplicación únicamente de DMSO), Grupo C (Aplicación únicamente de Esteroide), Grupo D (aplicación conjunta de DMSO y esteroide), los cuales se sometieron a procedimiento quirúrgico y fueron observados por 4 semanas posterior a lo cual se realizó una segunda intervención quirúrgica, además de las siguientes evaluaciones funcionales de regeneración: Porcentaje de déficit motor, Test de nocicepción o latencia del reflejo de retirada, Electromiografía e Histopatología. Resultados: Dentro del Test de nocicepción se demostró una obvia mejoría en el grupo C lo cual refleja una recuperación funcional sensitiva más rápida en comparación a los otros grupos intervenidos. El menor rendimiento registrado por los grupos intervenidos con DMSO en este estudio podría explicarse ya que este fármaco tiene una comprobada acción analgésica por el bloqueo parcial de las fibras C.El porcentaje de déficit motor el test de ANOVA de una cola no demostró significancia estadística (p=0-0559), pese a ello, los porcentajes promedio de afectación motora de mayor a menor fueron: grupo A 70.05%, grupo B 69.93%, grupo D 63.08%, y grupo C 625.59%.El análisis estadístico, para los resultados de tiempos de conducción,demuestra que hay diferencias y significancia estadística entre los grupos en cuanto al factor comparativo de evolución basal y post-traumática (p<0.0001) y entre cada grupo de tratamiento (p<0.0001).Según los resultados de histopatología podemos aseverar que los grupos intervenidos tuvieron hallazgos histológicos acordes a la regeneración nerviosa esperada, reportándose resultados igualmente óptimos tanto para el grupo B como C, por lo que se puede inferir que tanto el DMSO como el esteroide tuvieron efectos similares a nivel anatómico. El grupo D presentó resultados mixtos, variando desde el espectro de retracción de perineuro similar al grupo control (2/7 muestras) hasta encontrar muestras histológicamente normales (2/7 muestras)Tesis para optar al Título de Doctor en Medicin