114 research outputs found

    Risk assessment of email accounts: Difference between perception and reality

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    The use of Internet is associated with a growing number of security threats. This thesis analyzes how users perceive the security of their email account based on the email account provider. With our study, we aim to contribute to the information security systems literature in three ways: First, by taking a more complete view on security online, and reviewing the concept of usable security, usability, human-computer interaction, trust and user perception. Second, by performing an analysis of providers of online services specifically emails. Third, by applying a renowned risk analysis method called Information Security Risk Analysis Method (ISRAM) for risk assessment. The ISRAM analysis revealed that Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo email accounts have a medium risk level, while the reality analysis demonstrated no clearly more secure account provider with only low level risk counts

    Peranan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan Dalam Melindungi Nasabah Bank Menurut UU No. 7 Tahun 2009

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah aturan hukum dalam upaya melindungi simpanan nasabah bank di Indonesia dan bagaimana peranan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dalam upaya melindungi simpanan nasabah bank menurut UU No. 7 Tahun 2009. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Aturan hukum dalam upaya melindungi simpanan nasabah bank di Indonesia, telah dituangkan dalam peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku seperti Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, Undang-undang UU No. 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan, dan berbagai ketentuan-ketentuan hukum lainnya yang tersebar dalam beberapa peraturan Perundang-undangan. Hal ini membuktikan adanya upaya untuk melindungi hak-hak nasabah bank sebagai konsumen agar memiliki jaminan kepastian hukum yang mengikat, sehingga pihak pemilik, manajemen, maupun karyawan bank tidak mudah untuk melakukan berbagai perbuatan yang dapat merugikan pihak nasabah. 2. Peranan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dalam upaya melindungi simpanan nasabah bank menurut UU No. 7 Tahun 2009 adalah untuk melindungi simpanan nasabah bank. Simpanan yang dijamin oleh LPS adalah simpanan yang tercatat dalam pembukuan bank dengan tingkat bunga bagi bank umum maksimal 7%/pa untuk simpanan Rupiah dan 2.75%/pa untuk simpanan dalam valuta asing (US$). Sedangkan simpanan di BPR, maksimal suku bunga adalah 10.25%/pa. Syarat lain yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah nasabah penyimpan tidak melakukan tindakan yang merugikan bank, misalnya memiliki kredit macet pada bank tersebu

    Projektijuhi kutse arendamine Eesti Vabariigis

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    Evaluating user acceptance of an open-source mobile app for hospital price transparency rule

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    In 2021, the US Center for Medicare and Medicaid Service mandated the Price Transparency Rule, requiring hospitals to publish a patient service price list called Charge Description Master. However, the mandated machine-readable formats made it difficult for patients to understand pricing and limited price transparency. To address this, we developed the LibreHealth Cost of Care Explorer App to provide patients with a user-friendly format of the CDM. We conducted a mixed-methods user study with 55 patients in two large US cities, one in a safety-net hospital and another in a for-profit hospital, and used PLS-SEM path modeling to analyze the app’s acceptability using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology constructs. Behavioral Intention and Facilitating Conditions significantly impacted Usage Behavior. Effort Expectancy also had a positive impact. Further explanations for the observed model differences in the two hospital systems were obtained from think-aloud observations and semi-structured interviews

    Teknobränd? - En kvantitativ undersökning om teknologins inverkan på utbrändhet i arbetslivet

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between technostress, performance based self-esteem (PBS) and burnout among employees, further if technostress beyond PBS could act as a predictor for burnout. The participants in the study were white collar workers from a Swedish manufacturing industry who on a daily basis were using computer and information technology in their work. These completed a survey with scales that among other things intended to measure aspects of technostress, PBS and burnout. According to the results the participants showed no high scores for neither of the scales. Overall the re- sults showed significant positive correlations between the variables and the re- gression analysis indicated significant results, even though the contributions were small. In summary the study showed support for that technostress to some extent covaried with burnout and PBS and could beyond PBS partly act as a predictor for burnout. Finally the authors discuss how technostress and PBS could be considered as important components in the working life, which could be put in relation to burnout and should be taken into consideration regarding stress related illness in the working life.The kind of electoral system in use in a democracy affects voters possibilities regarding the number of parties/candidates any individual is allowed to support and if there is an opportunity to vote against parties/candidates that he or she does not want to see in power. In this study 235 Swedes were participated in a survey about how they experienced three different electoral systems regarding how well they felt these represented their political opinions, how valuable they considered their vote to be, and how difficult it was to make a decision regarding what/which parties they would vote for. The systems that were compared were one similar to the present system in use in Sweden, a range-voting system and a cumulative system. The instrument Need to Evaluate Scale was used to check if the participants’ scores on this scale affected what they thought about and how well they used the alternative systems. The study found support for the idea that there are possibilities for improvement in the democratic process by renewing the kind of electoral system in use

    Theoretical Framework of ESP: The Major Case Studies in the Hotel Industry and Translation as Necessary Input

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    The present paper aims at providing a theoretical overview of English for Specific Purposes as one of the major areas of EFL teaching since its beginnings in the 1960s. It presents the developments related with the theoretical aspects concerning ESP and needs analysis as the cornerstone in designing ESP courses in English language teaching and learning. The most influential ESP teaching theories are summarised briefly, beginning with register analysis which paved the way for course designers to design specific courses based on teaching the linguistic features of a language to the urgent need for developing communication and translation. At the end, based on the nature of the hotel industry, the purpose of this paper is twofold: 1) to mention some previous case studies related to hotels because most of the linguistic researches conducted by ESP specialists focused in particular on the formal aspects of a language especially in the academic field and neglected the needs of the occupational settings; 2) to discuss the major needs of the employees in hotels and the significance of translation in this industry and therefore proposing possible solutions to overcome any deficiencies

    Assessment of Medication Adherence Barriers in COPD Patients in A Secondary Care Teaching Hospital

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    Background: COPD is characterised by persistent airway obstruction in which better clinical outcome can be attained by appropriate management of disease. Adherence to COPD medication is poorly understood due to chronic nature of the disease. It is crucial to identify the barriers of non-adherence to build up and execute policies and interventions to upgrade medication adherence. Objective: To identify the predisposing barriers of medication adherence and to find the association between medication adherence and variables. Methods: A descriptive analytical study was conducted and data was collected from COPD outpatients. The Morisky Medication Adherence Scale was used to measure adherence and self-assessed questionnaire was employed to identify the predictors of poor adherence. Chi square test was carried out to find the relationship between medication adherence and variables such as age, gender, literacy, socioeconomic class, polypharmacy, delivery device and climate. Results: A total of 403 patients were involved in the study where 68% reported lower adherence. The most common adherence barriers found were forgetfulness (88%), intentional stoppage of medicines when symptoms improve (83%) and negligence towards medication (82%).A significant association was found between gender, literacy, socioeconomic class, polypharmacy, delivery device and climate. Conclusion: Adherence to medication regimen in COPD patients is poor, even though it is a preventable and a treatable disease. Well-structured education, training, counseling is required to overcome medication adherence particularly among illiterate and low socioeconomic class patients. The combined interventions should be used such as video clips demonstrations of inhaler technique should be given. Keywords: COPD, Morisky medication adherence scale, Chi square test

    Controlled Release of Benzocaine from Monomer and Copolymer Carriers in Synthetic Gastro-intestinal Media

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    Abstract: New dosage forms able to control drug release in the gastro-intestinal media have been prepared and investigated in this paper. Two different type of medicinal agent bonding (MA), in our case Benzocaine (Bz), were chosen in order to examine drug release. i) MA attached to ethylenic monomer (m,p-vinylbenzaldehyde), condensation reaction. ii) The copolymer carrier (Cp) is obtained by copolymerizing this monomer. These two carriers were well characterized by microanalysis, FTIR, DSC (Tg) and GPC (Ip) and the two fraction α and β were calculated from elemental analyses of Cp. The results showed good polydispersity and low average molecular weight. MA linked to an organic product by the azomethine function (C=N), hydrolytically sensitive, allowed controlled release of Bz, from the monomer carrier and from the bending Schiff bases groups. Theoretical and experimental analyses of controlled release of Bz kinetics from monomer and copolymer carriers were conducted for the case of contact with synthetic gastro-intestinal fluids at various pH (1,2; 6,0 and 8,0) at 37°C. The process was found to be controlled by the nature of media (heterogeneous), which involved the preliminary hydrolysis, and the drug (Bz) diffusing out of structure of copolymer (Cp) to the external aqueous media. The results obtained on the rate of delivery showed a clear difference between pH = 1,2 and pH = 6,0 and 8,0 based on: i) The cation of p-aminoniumbenzoic acid (PABAH + ) release at pH = 1,2 ii) Bz release at pH = 6,0 and 8,