8,474 research outputs found

    Distal Interphalangeal Joint Arthrodesis Complicated by Postoperative Infection: A Rare Presentation of Disseminated Herpes Simplex Virus.

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    Postoperative infection after elective arthrodesis of the interphalangeal joint is an uncommon complication often necessitating urgent debridement. We present the rare case of a female patient with a history of oral herpetic lesions, who underwent elective arthrodesis of the middle and index fingers for treatment of erosive osteoarthritis and subsequently developed a postoperative herpetic infection at the surgical site

    China's export growth and the China safeguard : threats to the world trading system ?

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    Is there evidence from China's pre-WTO accession period that newly imposed U.S. or EU import restrictions deflect Chinese exports to third markets? The authors examine this question by drawing on a newly constructed data set of U.S. and EU product-level import restrictions on Chinese trade imposed between 1992 and 2001 and estimate their impact on Chinese exports to 38 alternative markets. There is no systematic evidence that the import restrictions imposed during this period resulted in Chinese exports surging to such alternate destinations. To the contrary, there is weak evidence of a chilling effect on China's exports to third markets.Free Trade,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Policy,Trade Law,Markets and Market Access

    The diurnal nature of future extreme precipitation intensification

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    Short‐duration, high‐impact precipitation events in the extratropics are invariably convective in nature, typically occur during the summer, and are projected to intensify under climate change. The occurrence of convective precipitation is strongly regulated by the diurnal convective cycle, peaking in the late afternoon. Here we perform very high resolution (convection‐permitting) regional climate model simulations to study the scaling of extreme precipitation under climate change across the diurnal cycle. We show that the future intensification of extreme precipitation has a strong diurnal signal and that intraday scaling far in excess of overall scaling, and indeed thermodynamic expectations, is possible. We additionally show that, under a strong climate change scenario, the probability maximum for the occurrence of heavy to extreme precipitation may shift from late afternoon to the overnight/morning period. We further identify the thermodynamic and dynamic mechanisms which modify future extreme environments, explaining both the future scaling's diurnal signal and departure from thermodynamic expectations

    Long-Range Proton Conduction Across Free-Standing Serum Albumin

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    Free‐standing serum‐albumin mats can transport protons over millimetre length‐scales. The results of photoinduced proton transfer and voltage‐driven proton‐conductivity measurements, together with temperature‐dependent and isotope‐effect studies, suggest that oxo‐amino‐acids of the protein serum albumin play a major role in the translocation of protons via an “over‐the‐barrier” hopping mechanism. The use of proton‐conducting protein mats opens new possibilities for bioelectronic interfaces

    Wave Profile for Anti-force Waves with Maximum Possible Currents

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    In the theoretical investigation of the electrical breakdown of a gas, we apply a one-dimensional, steady state, constant velocity, three component fluid model and consider the electrons to be the main element in propagation of the wave. The electron gas temperature, and therefore the electron gas partial pressure, is considered to be large enough to provide the driving force. The wave is considered to have a shock front, followed by a thin dynamical transition region. Our set of electron fluid-dynamical equations consists of the equations of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, plus the Poisson\u27s equation. The set of equations is referred to as the electron fluid dynamical equations; and a successful solution therefor must meet a set of acceptable physical conditions at the trailing edge of the wave. For breakdown waves with a significant current behind the shock front, modifications must be made to the set of electron fluid dynamical equations, as well as the shock condition on electron temperature. Considering existence of current behind the shock front, we have derived the shock condition on electron temperature, and for a set of experimentally measured wave speeds, we have been able to find maximum current values for which solutions to our set of electron velocity, electron temperature, and electron number density within the dynamical transition region of the wave

    The summertime plankton community at South Georgia (Southern Ocean): comparing the historical (1926/27) and modern (post 1995) records.

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    The earliest comprehensive plankton sampling programme in the Southern Ocean was 32 undertaken during the early part of last century by Discovery Investigations to gain a 33 greater scientific understanding of whale stocks and their summer feeding grounds. An 34 initial survey was carried out around South Georgia during December 1926 and January 35 1927 to describe the distribution of plankton during the summer, and to serve as a 36 baseline against which to compare future surveys. We have reanalysed phytoplankton and 37 zooplankton data from this survey and elucidated patterns of community distribution and 38 compared them with our recent understanding of the ecosystem based on contemporary 39 data. Analysis of Discovery data identified five groups of stations with characteristic 40 phytoplankton communities which were almost entirely consistent with the original 41 analysis conducted by Hardy and Gunther (1935). Major groupings were located at the 42 western end of the island and over the northern shelf where Corethron spp. were 43 dominant, and to the south and east where a more diverse flora included high abundances 44 of Nitzschia seriata. Major zooplankton-station groupings were located over the inner 45 shelf which was characterised by a high abundance of Drepanopus forcipatus and in 46 oceanic water >500 m deep that were dominated by Foraminifera, Oithona spp., 47 Ctenocalanus vanus, and Calanoides acutus. Stations along the middle and outer shelf 48 regions to the north and west, were characterised by low overall abundance. There was 49 some evidence that groupings of stations to the north of the island originated in different 50 water masses on either side of the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front, the 51 major frontal system in the deep ocean close to South Georgia. However, transect lines 52 during 1926/27 did not extend far enough offshore to sample this frontal region 53 3 adequately. Interannual variability of zooplankton abundance was assessed from stations 54 which were sampled repeatedly during 7 recent British Antarctic Survey cruises (1995-55 2005) to the region and following taxonomic harmonization and numerical 56 standardization (ind. m-3), a subset of 45 taxonomic categories of zooplankton (species 57 and higher taxa) from 1926/27, were compared with similar data obtained during the 58 BAS cruises using a linear model. Initially comparisons were restricted to BAS stations 59 that lay within 40 km of Discovery stations although a comparison was also made using 60 all available data. Despite low abundance values in 1926/27, in neither comparison did 61 Discovery data differ significantly from BAS data. Calculation of the percentage 62 similarity index across cruises did not reveal any systematic differences in species 63 composition between 1926/27 and the present. In the light of ocean warming trends, the 64 existence of more subtle changes in species composition is not ruled out, but an absence 65 of finely resolved time-series data make this impossible to determine

    Mental Health And The Role Of The States

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    Researchers from the State Health Care Spending Project -- a collaboration between The Pew Charitable Trusts and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation -- sought to better understand the country's mental health challenges and, in particular, the states' role in addressing them. The project found that:In 2013, approximately 44 million adults -- 18.5 percent of the population 18 and older -- were classified as having a mental illness. Of these, 10 million had a serious mental illness. The rate of serious mental illness varied from state to state.In 2009, the most recent year for which national mental health data are available, 147billionwasspentonmentalhealthtreatmentintheUnitedStates.Amajorityofthespending,60percent,camefrompublicsourcessuchasMedicaid,stateandlocalgovernments,Medicare,andfederalgrants.Privatesources,includinghealthinsuranceandindividualout−of−pocketspending,madeupthedifference.Fundingfromstatesandlocalitiestotaled147 billion was spent on mental health treatment in the United States. A majority of the spending, 60 percent, came from public sources such as Medicaid, state and local governments, Medicare, and federal grants. Private sources, including health insurance and individual out-of-pocket spending, made up the difference.Funding from states and localities totaled 22 billion (15 percent) in 2009. This total does not include state and local Medicaid expenditures. Counting those contributions brings total state and local spending up to $35.5 billion (24 percent).This report is intended to help federal, state, and local policymakers working to address the country's mental health challenges to better understand their prevalence, treatment, and funding trends

    The promise of community-based participatory research for health equity: a conceptual model for bridging evidence with policy.

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    Insufficient attention has been paid to how research can be leveraged to promote health policy or how locality-based research strategies, in particular community-based participatory research (CBPR), influences health policy to eliminate racial and ethnic health inequities. To address this gap, we highlighted the efforts of 2 CBPR partnerships in California to explore how these initiatives made substantial contributions to policymaking for health equity. We presented a new conceptual model and 2 case studies to illustrate the connections among CBPR contexts and processes, policymaking processes and strategies, and outcomes. We extended the critical role of civic engagement by those communities that were most burdened by health inequities by focusing on their political participation as research brokers in bridging evidence and policymaking

    Rural children are more likely to live in cohabiting-couple households

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    As cohabiting increases nationwide, new data show that the growing rate of children in these households is most pronounced in rural areas. This brief analyzes recent U.S. Census Bureau data to explore these trends and patterns
