3 research outputs found

    Results of the meteorological model WRF-ARW over Catalonia, using different parameterizations of convection and cloud microphysics

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    The meteorological model WRF-ARW (Weather Research and Forecasting - Advanced ResearchWRF) is a new generation model that has a worldwide growing community of users. In theframework of a project that studies the feasibility of implementing it operationally at the Mete-orological Service of Catalonia, a verification of the forecasts produced by the model in severalcases of precipitation observed over Catalonia has been carried out. Indeed, given the impor-tance of precipitation forecasts in this area, one of the main objectives was to study the sensitivityof the model in different configurations of its parameterizations of convection and cloud micro-physics. In this paper, we present the results of this verification for two domains, a 36-km gridsize and one of 12 km grid size, unidirectionally nested to the previous one. In the externaldomain, the evaluation was based on the analysis of the main statistical parameters (ME andRMSE) for temperature, relative humidity, geopotential and wind, and it has been determinedthat the combination using the Kain-Fritsch convective scheme with the WSM5 microphysicalscheme has provided the best results. Then, with this configuration set for the external domain,some forecasts at the nested domain have been done, by combining different convection andcloud microphysics schemes, leading to the conclusion that the most accurate configuration isthe one combining the convective parameterization of Kain-Fritsch and the Thompson micro-physics scheme

    Sensitivity of the WRF forecasts to the cumulus convection and cloud microphysics parameterizations

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    M脿ster Oficial en Meteorologia, curs 2006-2007En aquest estudi s'avalua la sensibilitat dels pron貌stics del model de mesoescala WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) a diferents combinacions de parametritzacions de la convecci贸 (concretament Kain-Fritsch, Betts-Miller-Janjic i Grell-Devenyi) i de la microf铆sica de n煤vols (WSM5 i Thompson), amb l'objectiu de determinar quina configuraci贸 proporciona els millors resultats per a la implementaci贸 operativa del model. Per portar a terme l'avaluaci贸, s'han seleccionat una s猫rie d'episodis amb precipitaci贸 sobre Catalunya, i s'ha realitzat una verificaci贸 contrastada dels camps analitzat i pronosticat de la temperatura, altura geopotencial, humitat relativa i vent. Les simulacions s'han efectuat sobre un domini de 36 km de pas de malla, centrat a la Pen铆nsula Ib猫rica. Els resultats mostren que els pron貌stics s贸n m茅s sensibles a l'esquema convectiu que al microf铆sic, i que la configuraci贸 amb la parametritzaci贸 de la convecci贸 de Kain-Fritsch i la microf铆sica WSM5 proporciona els resultats m茅s satisfactoris.This work evaluates the sensitivity of the forecasts by the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) mesoscale model to various combinations of its convective parameterizations (Kain-Fritsch, Betts-Miller-Janjic and Grell-Devenyi) and two microphysical schemes (WSM5 and Thompson), in order to determine the configuration that better fullfills the requirements for an operational implementation of the model. Several events with precipitation over Catalonia (NE Spain) have been selected to carry out a contrasted verification of the forecasted and analyzed fields of temperature, geopotential height, relative humidity and wind. The simulations have been run over a 36-km grid, centered at the Iberian Peninsula. The results show that forecasts are more sensitive to convective than microphysical schemes and that the configuration with the Kain-Fritsch convection scheme and the WSM5 microphysics parameterization produces the best results.Servei Meteorol貌gic de Cataluny

    Elimination profile of triamcinolone hexacetonide and its metabolites in human urine and plasma after a single intra-articular administration

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    Triamcinolone hexacetonide (THA) is a synthetic glucocorticoid (GC) used by intra-articular (IA) administration. GCs are prohibited in sports competitions by systemic routes, and they are allowed by other routes considered of local action (IA administration, among others). The aim of the present work was to study the metabolic profile of THA in urine and plasma following IA administration. Eight patients (4 males and 4 females) with knee osteoarthritis received an IA dose of THA (40 mg) in the knee joint. Spot urine and plasma samples were collected before injection and at different time periods up to day 23 and 10 post-administration, respectively. The samples were analysed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Neither THA nor specific THA metabolites were detected in urine. Triamcinolone acetonide (TA) and 6尾-hydroxy-triamcinolone acetonide were the main urinary metabolites. Maximum concentrations wereobtained between 24 and 48 h after administration. Using the reporting level of 30 ng/mL to distinguish allowed from forbidden administrations of GCs, a large number of false adverse analytical findings would be reported up to day 4. On the other hand, TA was detected in all plasma samples collected up to day 10 after administration. THA was also detected in plasma but at lower concentrations. The detection of plasma THA would be an unequivocal proof to demonstrate IA use of THA. A reversible decrease was observed in plasma concentrations of cortisol in some of the patients, indicating a systemic effect of the drug