4 research outputs found

    Tensile bond strength of indirect composites luted with three new self-adhesive resin cements to dentin

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    OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to evaluate the tensile bond strengths between indirect composites and dentin of 3 recently developed self-adhesive resin cements and to determine mode of failure by SEM. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Exposed dentin surfaces of 70 mandibular third molars were used. Teeth were randomly divided into 7 groups: Group 1 (control group): direct composite resin restoration (Alert) with etch-and-rinse adhesive system (Bond 1 primer/adhesive), Group 2: indirect composite restoration (Estenia) luted with a resin cement (Cement-It) combined with the same etch-and-rinse adhesive, Group 3: direct composite resin restoration with self-etch adhesive system (Nano-Bond), Group 4: indirect composite restoration luted with the resin cement combined with the same self-etch adhesive, Groups 5-7: indirect composite restoration luted with self-adhesive resin cements (RelyX Unicem, Maxcem, and Embrace WetBond, respectively) onto the non-pretreated dentin surfaces. Tensile bond strengths of groups were tested with a universal testing machine at a constant speed of 1 mm/min using a 50 kgf load cell. Results were statistically analyzed by the Student's t-test. The failure modes of all groups were also evaluated. RESULTS: The indirect composite restorations luted with the self-adhesive resin cements (groups 5-7) showed better results compared to the other groups (

    Self-adeziv rezin simanlarla yapıştırılan seromerlerin dentin yüzeyine bağlantısının incelenmesi

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    Self-adeziv Rezin Simanlarla Yapıştırılan Seromerlerin Dentin Yüzeyine Bağlantısının İncelenmesi Bu çalışmanın amacı: son yıllarda geliştirilen ve adeziv kullanımı gerektirmeyen üç farklı self-adeziv rezin simanla yapıştırılan seromerlerin dentin yüzeyine bağlantısının incelenmesidir. Çalışmada self-adeziv simanlarla yapıştırılan seromerlerin çekme ve makaslama kuvvetleri karşısındaki bağlanma dirençleri, total-etch veya self-etch sistemle uygulanabilen yeni bir rezin simanla yapıştırılan seromerlerle ve bu adeziv sistemlerle birlikte yapılan direkt uygulamalarla karşılaştırılarak incelenmiştir. 140 adet çekilmiş çürüksüz azı dişinin dentin dokusu açığa çıkarılarak 10 dişten oluşan 14 gruba ayrılmıştır. Kontrol grubu olarak Grup 1 ve Grup 8’deki örneklere total-etch adezivle birlikte direkt kompozit rezin; Grup 2 ve Grup 9’daki örneklere aynı adeziv sistem ve rezin siman kombinasyonuyla yapıştırılan indirekt seromer restorasyonlar yapılırken Grup 3 ve Grup 10’daki örneklere self-etch adeziv ile beraber direkt kompozit rezin; Grup 4 ve Grup 11’deki örneklere aynı self-etch adeziv sistem ve rezin siman kombinasyonuyla yapıştırılan seromer restorasyonlar yapılmıştır. Çalışmadaki diğer örneklere self-adeziv rezin simanlarla yapıştırılan seromerler uygulanmış; Grup 5 ve Grup 12’de RelyX Unicem; Grup 6 ve Grup 13’de Maxcem ve Grup 7 ile Grup 14’de Embrace WetBond kullanılmıştır. İlk 7 grup çekme testine, diğer gruplar makaslama testine alınmıştır. Veriler istatistiksel olarak Student-t ve ANOVA testleriyle değerlendirilmiştir. Gruplardan seçilen ikişer dişin kopma yüzeyleri SEM’de incelenmiştir. Total-etch adeziv uygulanan yüzeylerde açılan dentin tübülleri görülürken, self-etch adeziv uygulanan yüzeylerde smearden zengin bir tabaka izlenmiştir. Self-adeziv rezin siman uygulanan yüzeylerde belirgin bir smear tabakası izlenememiştir. Yapılan testlerde en düşük değerler self-etch adezivle birlikte rezin simanla yapıştırılan seromerlerde ölçülmüştür. Self-adeziv rezin simanlarla yapıştırılan seromerlerin bağlanmasının adeziv sistemlerle birlikte kullanılan rezin simanla yapıştırılan seromerler ve direkt restorasyonlar kadar başarılı bulunmuştur. Evaluation of bond strengths of ceromers luted by self-adhesive resin cements to dentin The aim of this study was to evaluate tensile and shear bond strengths of ceromers luted by three different self-adhesive resin cements to dentin. Tensile and shear bond strengths of ceromers luted by self-adhesive cements were assessed by compairing bond strengths of ceromers luted by total-etch adhesive and self-etch adhesive together with resin cement and direct restorations with total-etch and self-etch adhesive systems. 140 caries-free extracted molar teeth were used. Occlusal enamel was removed and dentinal surfaces was exposed. Teeth were divided into 14 groups. Group 1 and Group 8 (control groups) received direct composite resin restorations with total-etch adhesive system. Group 2 and Group 9 received indirect ceromer restorations luted by resin cement combined with the same total-etch adhesive. Group 3 and Group 10 received direct composite resin restorations with self-etch adhesive system. Group 4 and Group 11 received ceromers luted by resin cement combined with the same self-etch adhesive. Other groups received ceromers luted by self-adhesive resin cements which require no pretreatment of dentin. RelyX Unicem was used in Group 5 and Group 12, Maxcem was used in Group 6 and Group 13 and Embrace WetBond Resin Cement was used in Group 7 and Group 14. Tensile bond strengths of Group1-7 and shear bond strengths of Group 8-14 were measured with a universal testing machine. Results were statistically analysed. The fractured surfaces of two teeth from each group were examined in SEM. Dentin tubules were examined on total-etch adhesive applied surfaces whereas a smear rich layer was examined on self-etch adhesive applied surfaces. Smear layer beneath the self-adhesive resin cements was not distinct. Ceromers luted by resin cement with a self-etch adhesive showed the weakest bond strengths in all tests. Results determine that ceromers luted by self-adhesive resin cements showed successful results compairing with total-etch or self-etch adhesive combined resin cements and direct composite resin restorations

    Tensile bond strength of indirect composites luted with three new self-adhesive resin cements to dentin

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    OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to evaluate the tensile bond strengths between indirect composites and dentin of 3 recently developed self-adhesive resin cements and to determine mode of failure by SEM. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Exposed dentin surfaces of 70 mandibular third molars were used. Teeth were randomly divided into 7 groups: Group 1 (control group): direct composite resin restoration (Alert) with etch-and-rinse adhesive system (Bond 1 primer/adhesive), Group 2: indirect composite restoration (Estenia) luted with a resin cement (Cement-It) combined with the same etch-and-rinse adhesive, Group 3: direct composite resin restoration with self-etch adhesive system (Nano-Bond), Group 4: indirect composite restoration luted with the resin cement combined with the same self-etch adhesive, Groups 5-7: indirect composite restoration luted with self-adhesive resin cements (RelyX Unicem, Maxcem, and Embrace WetBond, respectively) onto the non-pretreated dentin surfaces. Tensile bond strengths of groups were tested with a universal testing machine at a constant speed of 1 mm/min using a 50 kgf load cell. Results were statistically analyzed by the Student's t-test. The failure modes of all groups were also evaluated. RESULTS: The indirect composite restorations luted with the self-adhesive resin cements (groups 5-7) showed better results compared to the other groups (p0.05). The surfaces of all debonded specimens showed evidence of both adhesive and cohesive failure. CONCLUSION: The new universal self-adhesive resins may be considered an alternative for luting indirect composite restorations onto non-pretreated dentin surfaces