4,270 research outputs found

    The role of the sustainability report in capitalistic firm

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    The aim and the central topic of this research is the understanding of the importance of Sustainable growth strategy approach as a driver to achieving top-line growth and bottom-line results. The main contributions of this line of research are to demonstrate the idea that the sustainability report is an instrument for social interaction and social cost/benefit analysis and to show that such an instrument can describe, comment on and sum up the firm\u2019s own behaviour aimed at sustainable growth. The work integrates the CSR management literature with a large body of research in accounting and finance. This study draws from theoretical research about the nature of the corporation, its role in society and contributions by recent research on corporate social, environmental, ethical responsibility and accountability. Our research demonstrates that the economic existence of the capitalistic firm as a producer of economic and financial values must be appreciated, in terms of the sustainability of the development path of the firm, and evaluated by a wide range of social performance measures of outcome or benefit. It also shows how the Sustainability report emphasizes the link between firm and territory, and affirms the concept of the firm as an entity that, by pursuing its own prevailing interests, contributes to improving the quality of life of the members of the society in which it operates. This paper contributes primarily to the academic debate by reviewing past attempts to theorise CSR and stakeholder dialogue, identifying gaps and weaknesses, and proposing the Sustainable Growth implementation processes for the creation of value. It also highlights the relationship between CSR activity and corporate image and performance. The research shed light on aspects of CSR activity for which little is known and much less is being understood; namely, the channels and the mechanisms through which the CSR impact is perceived and realized for creation of value. Carlotta Meo Colombo (3) considers the capitalistic firm as Business Value-Creating Organizations and Patrizia Gazzola (1-2;4-6) considers the Sustainable Growth implementation processes for the creation of value

    Location of the gene for theta antigen in the mouse: II. Three-point crosses place Thy-1 in proximal region of chromosome 9

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    Males of a partially inbred mouse stock homozygous for cw and d were crossed to AKR/ABom females. Progeny obtained by backcrossing heterozygous F1 females to cw dlcw d males were analyzed for the markers cw, Thy-I, d, and Mod-I. Three- and four-point recombination data are consistent with the map: cw—29—Thy-I—12—d—5—Mod-I, in which cw is nearest to the centromere. These recombination data are discussed in relation to previous multiple-point recombination studies of chromosome

    Stable Sets for Exchange Economies with Interdependent Preferences

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    We introduce the notion of stable sets with externalities and address the existence problem. The importance of this solution concept is related to the fact that the existence of core allocations for exchange economies is not in general assured in a framework with more than two traders

    Reducing the operational cost of cloud data centers through renewable energy

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    The success of cloud computing services has led to big computing infrastructures that are complex to manage and very costly to operate. In particular, power supply dominates the operational costs of big infrastructures, and several solutions have to be put in place to alleviate these operational costs and make the whole infrastructure more sustainable. In this paper, we investigate the case of a complex infrastructure composed of data centers (DCs) located in different geographical areas in which renewable energy generators are installed, co-located with the data centers, to reduce the amount of energy that must be purchased by the power grid. Since renewable energy generators are intermittent, the load management strategies of the infrastructure have to be adapted to the intermittent nature of the sources. In particular, we consider EcoMultiCloud, a load management strategy already proposed in the literature for multi-objective load management strategies, and we adapt it to the presence of renewable energy sources. Hence, cost reduction is achieved in the load allocation process, when virtual machines (VMs) are assigned to a data center of the considered infrastructure, by considering both energy cost variations and the presence of renewable energy production. Performance is analyzed for a specific infrastructure composed of four data centers. Results show that, despite being intermittent and highly variable, renewable energy can be effectively exploited in geographical data centers when a smart load allocation strategy is implemented. In addition, the results confirm that EcoMultiCloud is very flexible and is suited to the considered scenario

    Disseminated superficial porokeratosis and pyoderma gangrenosus

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    Disseminated Superficial Actinic Porokeratosis (DSAP) is usually triggered by sun exposure. In some cases sun exposure is not essential and this skin disease is related to immunosuppression. Many associated diseases are described in the literature. We report a clinical case of a patient affected by pyoderma gangrenosum, who developed DSAP

    Load Management with Predictions of Solar Energy Production for Cloud Data Centers

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    Power supply of big infrastructures is today a tremendous operational cost for providers and the expected growth of Internet traffic and services will lead to a further expansion of the computing and networking infrastructures and this, in its turn, raises also concerns in terms of sustainability. In this context, renewable energy generators can help to both reduce costs and alleviate the concerns of sustainability of big infrastructures. In this paper, we consider the case of Data Centers (DCs) composed of a few sites located in different geographical positions and powered with solar energy. Due to the intermittent nature of solar energy, different time zones and price of electricity in different locations, load management strategies are fundamental. We consider predictions of the solar energy production performed through Artificial Neural Networks and we assess the impact of predictions on load management decisions and, ultimately, on the DC performance