434 research outputs found

    Parsing of Spoken Language under Time Constraints

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    Spoken language applications in natural dialogue settings place serious requirements on the choice of processing architecture. Especially under adverse phonetic and acoustic conditions parsing procedures have to be developed which do not only analyse the incoming speech in a time-synchroneous and incremental manner, but which are able to schedule their resources according to the varying conditions of the recognition process. Depending on the actual degree of local ambiguity the parser has to select among the available constraints in order to narrow down the search space with as little effort as possible. A parsing approach based on constraint satisfaction techniques is discussed. It provides important characteristics of the desired real-time behaviour and attempts to mimic some of the attention focussing capabilities of the human speech comprehension mechanism.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Robust Processing of Natural Language

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    Previous approaches to robustness in natural language processing usually treat deviant input by relaxing grammatical constraints whenever a successful analysis cannot be provided by ``normal'' means. This schema implies, that error detection always comes prior to error handling, a behaviour which hardly can compete with its human model, where many erroneous situations are treated without even noticing them. The paper analyses the necessary preconditions for achieving a higher degree of robustness in natural language processing and suggests a quite different approach based on a procedure for structural disambiguation. It not only offers the possibility to cope with robustness issues in a more natural way but eventually might be suited to accommodate quite different aspects of robust behaviour within a single framework.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, uses pstricks.sty, pstricks.tex, pstricks.pro, pst-node.sty, pst-node.tex, pst-node.pro. To appear in: Proc. KI-95, 19th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bielefeld (Germany), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer 199

    Die Naturkunde im christlichen Geiste aufgefaßt ; Bd. 1-3

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    Ich wünsche meinen Lesern darzulegen, daß de ganze unermeßliche Natur mit allem, was die Gelehrten Neues und immer Neues darin entdeckt haben, auch heute noch einfach so angesehn werden muß, wie im ersten Buche Mosis, im Buche Hiob und in den Psalmen, nämlich als die schöpfung des allmächtigen Gottes und Vaters. ..

    A LEED determination of the structures of Ru(001) and of CO/Ru(001)−(√3 × √3)R30°

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    The structures of Ru(001) and of the √3 × √3 R30° overlayer of CO on Ru(001) have been determined by LEED I–V measurements and comparison to calculations. Special attention was paid to accurate angular alignment, selection of a well-ordered portion of the surface, and avoidance of beam-induced changes of the CO layer. Five orders of reflexes over a range of 300 eV each were used for the clean surface and 7 orders over 200 eV each for the CO superstructure. For the clean surface, a slight contraction of the first layer spacing (by 2%) was found which gave r-factors of 0.04 (Zanazzi-Jona) and 0.16 (Pendry) for 5 non-degenerate beams. For the CO structure the most probable geometry is the on-top site with spacings d(Ru---C) = 2.0 ± 0.1 Åandd(C---O) = 1.10 ± 0.1 Å (rZJ = 0.21; rP = 0.51). The two threefold hollow and the bridge sites can be clearly excluded

    The 'incidentaloma' of the pituitary gland. Is neurosurgery required?

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    We describe a series of 18 patients with an intrasellar mass incidentally discovered by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. The average size of the mass was 13 mm, with a range from 5 to 25 mm. Initial ophthalmologic examination revealed bitemporal hemianopia in 2 patients. Results of routine endocrine testing showed partial hypopituitarism in 5 patients and growth hormone hypersecretion without signs and symptoms of acromegaly in 1 patient. Four patients underwent neurosurgery. Histologically, one chondroid chordoma and three pituitary adenomas were found. In the remaining 14 patients treated conservatively, repeated computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed no significant change in tumor size at the time of follow-up (median, 22 months). Our results suggest that the "incidentaloma" of the pituitary gland is a benign condition that does not necessarily require neurosurgical intervention

    Decision Strategies for Incremental POS Tagging

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    Proceedings of the 18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2011. Editors: Bolette Sandford Pedersen, Gunta Nešpore and Inguna Skadiņa. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 11 (2011), 26-33. © 2011 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/16955


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    Due to the direct confrontation with a training or sparring partner, boxing and other martial arts represent a unique situation and the importance of accurate self-assessment, in which an incorrect self-assessment can lead to severe injuries for the participant himself or the sparring partner. The study aimed to investigate the self-assessment accuracy and repeatability between 26 experienced and inexperienced athletes for pre-defined punching intensities using a developed boxing monitoring sensor system. The results show considerable overestimated self-assessed punching intensities in the inexperienced in contrast to the experienced group revealing a substantial deficiency of punching intensity self-assessment

    Konfliktlösung als Grundlage intelligenten Handelns

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    Ordnungsbildung und Erkenntnis bedingen einander. Erkenntnis setzt die Beobachtung von Ordnungsstrukturen voraus oder deren Schöpfung durch Abstraktion und Modellbildung. Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen universitärer Forschung untersuchen Strukturen, die einen Bezug haben zu (partiell) autonomen Akteuren (beziehungsweise Agierenden, Agenten) und den dynamischen Prozessen, in denen sie entwickelt werden. Dabei ablaufende Erkenntnisprozesse erfordern interobjektiv erfahrbare, teilweise auch in Symbolik und Ritualen fassbare Ordnungsstrukturen, auch wenn diese erst simultan mit Handlungs- oder Erkenntnisprozessen entstehen. Rekursive Bezüge können zu Formen der Selbstorganisation führen. Bei höher entwickelten Strukturen können Aspekte des Wissens, Lernens (und Vergessens) einbezogen werden und zusätzlich durch emotionale Zustände verstärkt oder abgeschwächt werden. • Wie entstehen Struktur und Ordnung? • Wie werden sie stabilisiert, modifiziert, revolutioniert, restabilisiert? • Wie werden sie zerstört und aufgelöst? • Wie lässt sich das Verhältnis von Ordnung/Struktur und Wandel/Prozess fassen und (gegebenenfalls formal oder im Rechner) modellieren? • Welche institutionalisierten Mechanismen spielen dabei welche Rolle? • Wie prägen diese Mechanismen die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Akteuren um "richtiges" und "falsches" Handeln und " richtiges" und "falsches" Wissen von diesem Handeln (Realitätsdefinitionen, Ordnungs- und Zielvorstellungen, Legitimationen)? • Welche Wechselwirkungen bestehen zwischen "stummen" Verhaltensordnungen (Handeln) und "beredter" symbolvermittelter Reflexion eben dieser Verhaltensordnungen (Reden und Wissen)? Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler hatten sich am 5.9.2005 an der Universität Hamburg zu einem Workshop über "Ordnungsbildung und Erkenntnisprozesse" zusammengefunden. In diesem Band sind zahlreiche der gehaltenen Beiträge gesammeltFormation of order and cognition are interdependent. Knowledge presupposes the observation of order structures or their creation through abstraction and modelling. Contributions from different areas of university research examine structures that relate to (partially) autonomous actors (or agents) and the dynamic processes in which they are developed. Processes of knowledge that take place in this context require structures of order that can be experienced interobjectively, and in some cases can also be grasped in symbolism and rituals, even if these structures are created simultaneously with processes of action or knowledge. Recursive references can lead to forms of self-organization. In more highly developed structures, aspects of knowledge, learning (and forgetting) can be included and additionally strengthened or weakened by emotional states. On November 5, 2005, scientists came together for a workshop on "Formation of Order and Knowledge Processes" at the University of Hamburg. In this volume, numerous of the given talks and articles are collected