32 research outputs found

    Tami Blumenfield and Helaine Silverman (eds), Cultural Heritage Politics in China,

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    Tami Blumenfield, a filmmaker and ethnologist who has focused on the Na people of Yunnan, teamed up with Helaine Silverman, an anthropologist specialising in Peruvian archaeology and cultural policies, to edit this volume on China’s cultural heritage. The theme echoes an inescapable reality of the past decades and the subject of innumerable academic studies. With 15 contributions, the editors offer a discussion of the way in which heritage is protected and administered in China, by whom, for ..

    Barrage des Trois-Gorges : exposer le monde local après l’immersion. Genèse et programme du premier musée de Yunyang

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    La création du barrage des Trois-Gorges a entraîné dans le district de Yunyang (Chongqing) de profondes transformations du paysage, le déplacement d’une partie de la population et la reconstruction de villes. Le gouvernement local a élaboré au fil des ans des projets muséographiques visant à exposer ces processus. Cet article met en regard deux initiatives, dont l’une est en cours de réalisation. Il présente la genèse de ces projets et compare leur programme en considérant le rôle des personnalités politiques. Le sens attribué à leur architecture est analysé comme l’élément révélateur de la manière dont les autorités locales cherchent à situer le district après les bouleversements. L’article se poursuit par l’analyse de deux nouveaux concepts développés par les autorités locales dans le but de légitimer le déplacement forcé et de commémorer l’esprit patriotique des habitants. La conclusion porte sur la présence de l’écologie régionale dans ces institutions culturelles et sur la volonté des autorités de présenter un monde local unissant le passé au présent. The building of the Three Gorges Dam produced dramatic changes in the landscape of Yunyang (Chongqing) district, China, displacing part of the population and leading to the reconstruction of whole towns. Over the years, local government developed a number of museographic exhibitions devoted to these processes. This article explores two such projects, one of which is still ongoing. It explores the inception of the two projects, considers their respective programmes and looks at the role of local politicians. The attribution of meaning to their architectural structure is read as revelatory of attempts by local authorities to re-imagine their district after these profound changes. The article proceeds to analyse two new concepts developed by local authorities, intended to justify the forced displacement of the population and commemorate the inhabitants’ patriotic spirit. It concludes by examining the place of regional ecology in these cultural institutions and efforts by local authorities to present a local world in which past and present form a seamless whole

    The Three Gorges Dam Project—Religious Practices and Heritage Conservation

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    Yunyang, in the heart of the Three Gorges region, is bearing the brunt of the consequences of the dam’s construction, through the flooding of agricultural lands, the resettlement of families, the wholesale rebuilding of urban centres and the relocation of the famous Zhang Fei temple. At the core of vital economic, ideological and symbolic interests are historical and religious relics and the worship of local deities. From local development policies to citizen initiatives, these fundamental markers of community identity are the subject of many different investments and reworkings. They are showing themselves to be particularly crucial for consolidation of the identity of the inhabitants frayed by the trauma that the region is currently undergoing

    Tami Blumenfield et Helaine Silverman (Ă©ds.), Cultural Heritage Politics in China,

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    Tami Blumenfield, cinéaste et ethnologue des Na au Yunnan, s’est associée à Helaine Silverman, anthropologue des Andes, spécialiste des politiques culturelles, pour éditer ce volume sur les politiques patrimoniales en Chine. Ce thème fait écho à une réalité incontournable des dernières décennies, devenue l’objet d’innombrables réflexions académiques. Par ces 15 contributions, les éditrices proposent une discussion axée sur la manière dont, en Chine, le patrimoine protégé est administré, et en..

    Tami Blumenfield et Helaine Silverman (Ă©ds.), Cultural Heritage Politics in China,

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    Tami Blumenfield, cinéaste et ethnologue des Na au Yunnan, s’est associée à Helaine Silverman, anthropologue des Andes, spécialiste des politiques culturelles, pour éditer ce volume sur les politiques patrimoniales en Chine. Ce thème fait écho à une réalité incontournable des dernières décennies, devenue l’objet d’innombrables réflexions académiques. Par ces 15 contributions, les éditrices proposent une discussion axée sur la manière dont, en Chine, le patrimoine protégé est administré, et en..

    Thomas David Dubois, The Sacred Village. Social Change and Religious Life in Rural North China

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    En examinant les expressions variées de la vie religieuse dans un district rural de la Chine du nord, l’historien Thomas David Dubois nous donne un aperçu de la sphère de ces pratiques et croyances au niveau local ainsi que de leurs évolutions depuis la fin de la dynastie des Qing. Ce livre est l’aboutissement d’une étude d’archives enrichie d’entretiens menés dans le district de Cang (sud-est du Hebei) à la fin des années 1990, l’auteur ayant souhaité combiner la compréhension de l’anthropol..

    Adam Yuet Chau, Miraculous Response: Doing Popular Religion in Contemporary China

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    Les travaux d’Adam Chau ont rencontré un large écho dans la sphère de la sinologie anglophone à la suite de la publication de son livre, Miraculous Responses - Doing Popular Religion in Contemporary China. Aujourd’hui lecturer en anthropologie de la Chine moderne au Department of East Asian Studies à l’Université de Cambridge, Adam Chau s’est intéressé à la réémergence des croyances et des pratiques populaires en Chine. Un long travail ethnographique de 18 mois, entre 1995 et 1998, mené dans ..

    The Three Gorges Dam Project—Religious Practices and Heritage Conservation

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    Yunyang, in the heart of the Three Gorges region, is bearing the brunt of the consequences of the dam’s construction, through the flooding of agricultural lands, the resettlement of families, the wholesale rebuilding of urban centres and the relocation of the famous Zhang Fei temple. At the core of vital economic, ideological and symbolic interests are historical and religious relics and the worship of local deities. From local development policies to citizen initiatives, these fundamental markers of community identity are the subject of many different investments and reworkings. They are showing themselves to be particularly crucial for consolidation of the identity of the inhabitants frayed by the trauma that the region is currently undergoing

    Thomas David Dubois, The Sacred Village. Social Change and Religious Life in Rural North China

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    Examining the varied expressions of religious life in a rural district of North China, the historian Thomas David Dubois, in The Sacred Village, gives us a glimpse of the world of such practices and beliefs at local level, as well as their evolution since the end of the Qing dynasty. This book is the result of archival research enriched with interviews conducted in the district of Cang (in southeastern Hebei province) at the end of the 1990s, with the author seeking to combine the understandi..

    Bureaucratic and Neoliberal Management in Academia

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    The following text is the outcome of a series of exchanges between Tang Yun and Katiana Le Mentec on the Chinese and French Academic Systems. The dialogue was first launched during a 90-minutes recorded discussion on the 10th of February 2020, in the midst of the growing mobilization in the French academia against two new laws, one restructuring the retirement contribution system on a points-based system, and another one, the “Multi-Annual Research Programming Act” (loi de programmation pluri..