19 research outputs found

    La salinizzazione dei suoli in ambiente costiero: un caso studio a sud di Ravenna

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    La fascia costiera ravennate è soggetta ad un precario equilibrio ambientale dovuto alla morfodinamica naturale molto attiva e tipica di tali ambienti, quali: sedimentazione, erosione, subsidenza e salinizzazione. A queste, in tempi diversi, sono venuti ad associarsi altri processi, indotti dall’attività antropica, che hanno portato alla scomparsa di gran parte dei caratteri paesaggistico-ambientali originari: le dune sono state in parte spianate, le paludi bonificate, le superfici boschive fortemente ridotte e le spiagge in buona parte occupate da stabilimenti per il turismo balneare. Nel presente studio è stata effettuata una valutazione territoriale del rischio di salinizzazione nei suoli della piana agricola costiera presenti nella zona sud ravennate. Partendo dall’individuazione dell’area di studio è stata effettuata una caratterizzazione pedologica delle tipologie di suolo presenti e una valutazione di tipo chimico-fisiche per verificare l’effettivo livello di manifestazione del problema della salinizzazione. Dalle analisi effettuate si sono riscontrati valori di CE elevati nei profili prossimi alla costa determinati dalla presenza degli ioni sodio e cloruro, mentre i terreni più interni posti in zona depressa non presentano fenomeni di salinizzazione degni di nota, ad accezione di alcune situazioni localizzate e fortunatamente solo in profondità. Le analisi delle acque di falda della Pineta Ramazzotti invece, hanno evidenziato valori di CE elevati ( >2 dS.m-1 ) che porta a classificarle come acque di falda lievemente - sensibilmente contaminate da parte dell’acqua di mare, risultando quindi una zona in cui il fenomeno della salinizzazione risulta significativo. Concludendo si può affermare che tale ambiente fragile e sensibile deve essere oggetto di un costante monitoraggio, ponendo l’attenzione su modificazioni ambientali, o politiche di gestione territoriale che possono indurre effetti assai gravi

    Ideasta palveluksi : Plansupport – palvelukonseptin luominen

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    Viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana on tapahtunut merkittäviä muutoksia yritysten liiketoimintaympäristöissä. Palvelut ovat keskeisessä asemassa kilpailuedun varmistamisessa ja samalla ne muodostavat elintärkeän osan nykyisessä liiketoiminnassa. Nykymaailmassa ei ole riittävää, että on hyvä tuote tai ratkaisu. Yritykset tarvitsevat menestyäkseen osaamista ja uusia strategioita, joissa palvelut ovat keskeisessä asemassa. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda kohdeyritykselle asiakaslähtöinen ja arvoa tuova uusi palvelukonsepti, joka tukisi yrityksen uutta strategiaa, joissa palvelut olisivat keskeisessä asemassa. Opinnäytetyön lähestymistapana käytettiin konstruktiivista tutkimusta. Työn teoriapohjana hyödynnettiin tuotteistamista, hinnoittelua sekä palvelumuotoilun kirjallisuutta. Opinnäytetyön ohjaavana prosessimallina toimivat palvelu-muotoilun keskeiset elementit kuten asiakasymmärryksen ja käyttäjäkokemuksen ymmärtäminen. Opinnäytetyössä tuotettu palvelukonsepti luotiin tukemaan Plandent Oy:n toimittamia digitaalisia kuvantamislaitteita ja ohjelmistoja. Palvelukonseptin tärkeimpänä tarkoituksena oli muuntaa ilmainen palvelu tuottoisaksi maksulliseksi palveluksi sekä parantaa palvelun laadullisia tekijöitä. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena syntyi uusi palvelukonsepti, jonka avulla muutimme ilmaisen palvelun maksulliseksi. Työn aikana kehitimme myös palvelukonseptin jatkotoimenpiteitä, jotka auttavat kehittämään palvelukonseptia yhä paremmaksi ja laajemmaksi. Työn tuloksena syntyi myös uusia asiakaskumppanuuksia, joiden yhteistyöllä pystymme kehittämään palvelukonseptia entistäkin asiakaslähtöisemmäksi. Jatkotoimenpiteenä Plandent Oy:n on kehitettävä liiketoimintasuunnitelmaansa säännöllisemmin sekä seurattava asiakasymmärryksen onnistumista systemaattisilla kyselyillä.During the last decades significant changes have taken place in the business environment. Services play a key role in ensuring competitive advantage and, at the same time, services form a vital part of the existing business. In today's world it is not sufficient to have a good product or solution. Companies need expertise and new strategies to succeed. The aim of this thesis was to create a customer-oriented and value bringing new service concept that would support the company's new strategy in which the services would play a key role. The thesis is based on a constructivist research method. The theoretical basis utilized literature on commercialization, pricing and service design. The key elements of service design, such as customer insight and understanding the user experience, were exploited as a guiding process through the whole thesis. The aim was to produce a service concept that would support Plandent Oy’s business of digital imaging equipment and software. The main purpose of the service concept was to modify a free service into a chargeable and profitable service and to improve service quality factors. The outcome of the thesis was a new service concept that allowed us to turn a free service into a chargeable service. During the work, we also developed the further measures of the service concept in order to improve the service concept to be better and wider. The work also generated new customer partnerships that allowed us to develop a more customer-oriented service concept. As a further measure Plandent Oy has to develop its business plan regularly, and monitor the success of customer understanding by systematic surveys

    Joint value at risk: a new conditional risk measure

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    In this PhD thesis a new firm level conditional risk measure is developed. It is named Joint Value at Risk (JVaR) and is defined as a quantile of a conditional distribution of interest, where the conditioning event is a latent upper tail event. It addresses the problem of how risk changes under extreme volatility scenarios. The properties of JVaR are studied based on a stochastic volatility representation of the underlying process. We prove that JVaR is leverage consistent, i.e. it is an increasing function of the dependence parameter in the stochastic representation. A feasible class of nonparametric M-estimators is introduced by exploiting the elicitability of quantiles and the stochastic ordering theory. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the two stage M-estimator are derived, and a simulation study is reported to illustrate its finite-sample properties. Parametric estimation methods are also discussed. The relation with the VaR is exploited to introduce a volatility contribution measure, and a tail risk measure is also proposed. The analysis of the dynamic JVaR is presented based on asymmetric stochastic volatility models. Empirical results with S&P500 data show that accounting for extreme volatility levels is relevant to better characterize the evolution of risk. The work is complemented by a review of the literature, where we provide an overview on quantile risk measures, elicitable functionals and several stochastic orderings

    Emerging Biomarkers for Immunotherapy in Glioblastoma

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    Immunotherapy has shown clinical benefits in several solid malignancies—in particular, melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer. However, in other solid tumours such as glioblastoma (GBM), the response to immunotherapy has been more variable, and except for anti-PD-1 for patients with microsatellite instable (MSI)+ cancers, no immunotherapy is currently approved for GBM patients. GBM is the most common and most aggressive brain cancer with a very poor prognosis and a median overall survival of 15 months. A few prognostic biomarkers have been identified and are used to some extent, but apart from MSI, no biomarkers are used for patient stratification for treatments other than the standard of care, which was established 15 years ago. Around 25% of new treatments investigated in GBM are immunotherapies. Recent studies indicate that the use of integrated and validated immune correlates predicting the response and guiding treatments could improve the efficacy of immunotherapy in GBM. In this review, we will give an overview of the current status of immunotherapy and biomarkers in use in GBM with the main challenges of treatment in this disease. We will also discuss emerging biomarkers that could be used in future immunotherapy strategies for patient stratification and potentially improved treatment efficacy

    Posttransplantation Lymphoproliferative Disease Treated by Retransplantation

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    Epstein–Barr virus- (EBV-) induced posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) is a life-threatening complication following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The main risk factor is anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG). Patients who fail first-line treatment with rituximab have a poor prognosis. Though adoptive transfer of EBV-specific T cells is a potentially effective option, it is not readily available. In this case report, the patient developed PTLD following transplantation for aplastic anemia using ATG as part of the conditioning. He failed rituximab treatment and developed graft failure. We were aware that the stem cell donor had a recent EBV infection prior to transplantation, whereas the patient most likely was EBV negative before transplant. We describe our strategy to meet the patient’s urgent need for EBV-specific T cells, as well as new hematopoietic stem cells. The same donor was used for a second transplant, using peripheral blood stem cells. The conditioning used was thiotepa/busulfan/fludarabin with a single dose of cyclophosphamide after transplant as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis. The EBV DNA levels fell when conditioning was started, and have been undetectable since day +15 and remained so till 18 months after transplantation. The patient is doing well. This case reports successful use of cyclophosphamide after transplantation as GVHD prophylaxis, preserving virus-specific immunity.Peer Reviewe

    Preclinical assessment of transiently TCR redirected T cells for solid tumour immunotherapy

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    Off-target toxicity due to the expression of target antigens in normal tissue or TCR cross-reactivity represents a major risk when using T cell receptor (TCR)-engineered T cells for treatment of solid tumours. Due to the inherent cross-reactivity of TCRs it is difficult to accurately predict their target recognition pre-clinically. It has become evident that direct testing in a human being represents the best evaluation of the risks. There is, therefore, a clear unmet need for assessing the safety of a therapeutic TCR in a more controllable manner than by the injection of permanently modified cellular products. Using transiently modified T cells combined with dose escalation has already been shown feasible for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered T cells, but nothing is yet reported for TCR. We performed a preclinical evaluation of a therapeutic TCR transiently expressed in T cells by mRNA electroporation. We analyzed if the construct was active in vitro, how long it was detectable for and if this expression format was adapted to in vivo efficacy assessment. Our data demonstrate the potential of mRNA engineered T cells, although less powerful than permanent redirection, to induce a significant response. Thus, these findings support the development of mRNA based TCR-therapy strategies as a feasible and efficacious method for evaluating TCR safety and efficacy in first-in-man testing

    Peptide vaccine targeting mutated GNAS: A potential novel treatment for pseudomyxoma peritonei

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    Background Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare, slow-growing abdominal cancer with no efficacious treatment options in non-resectable and recurrent cases. Otherwise, rare activating mutations in the GNAS oncogene are remarkably frequent in PMP and the mutated gene product, guanine nucleotide-binding protein α subunit (Gsα), is a potential tumor neoantigen, presenting an opportunity for targeting by a therapeutic cancer vaccine. Methods Tumor and blood samples were collected from 25 patients undergoing surgery for PMP (NCT02073500). GNAS mutation analysis was performed by next-generation targeted sequencing or digital droplet PCR. Responses to stimulation with Gsα mutated (point mutations R201H and R201C) 30 mer peptides were analyzed in peripheral blood T cells derived from patients with PMP and healthy donors. Fresh PMP tumor samples were analyzed by mass cytometry using a panel of 35 extracellular markers, and cellular subpopulations were clustered and visualized using the visual stochastic network embedding analysis tool. Results GNAS mutations were detected in 22/25 tumor samples (88%; R201H and R201C mutations detected in 16 and 6 cases, respectively). Strong T cell proliferation against Gsα mutated peptides was observed in 18/24 patients with PMP. Mass cytometry analysis of tumor revealed infiltration of CD3 +T cells in most samples, with variable CD4+:CD8 + ratios. A large proportion of T cells expressed immune checkpoint molecules, in particular programmed death receptor-1 and T cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM, indicating that these T cells were antigen experienced. Conclusion These findings point to the existence of a pre-existing immunity in patients with PMP towards mutated Gsα, which has been insufficient to control tumor growth, possibly because of inhibition of antitumor T cells by upregulation of immune checkpoint molecules. The results form a rationale for exploring peptide vaccination with Gsα peptides in combination with immune checkpoint inhibiton as a possible curative treatment for PMP and other GNAS mutated cancers

    Antigen-delivery through invariant chain (CD74) boosts CD8 and CD4 T cell immunity

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    Eradication of tumors by the immune system relies on the efficient activation of a T-cell response. For many years, the main focus of cancer immunotherapy has been on cytotoxic CD8 T-cell. However, stimulation of CD4 helper T cells is critical for the promotion and maintenance of immune memory, thus a good vaccine should evoke a two-dimensional T-cell response. The invariant chain (Ii) is required for the MHC class II heterodimer to be correctly guided through the cell, loaded with peptide, and expressed on the surface of antigen presenting cells (APC). We previously showed that by replacing the Ii CLIP peptide by an MHC-I cancer peptide, we could efficiently load MHC-I. This prompted us to test whether longer cancer peptides could be loaded on both MHC classes and whether such peptides could be accommodated in the CLIP region of Ii. We here present data showing that expanding the CLIP replacement size leads to T-cell activation. We demonstrate by using long peptides that APCs can present peptides from the same Ii molecule on both MHC-I and -II. In addition, we present evidence that antigen presentation after Ii-loading was superior to an ER-targeted minigene construct, suggesting that ER-localization was not sufficient to obtain efficient MHC-II loading. Finally, we verified that Ii-expressing dendritic cells could prime CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from a naĂŻve population. Taken together our study demonstrates that CLIP peptide replaced Ii constructs fulfill some of the major requirements for an efficient vector for cancer vaccination

    Targeting B-cell neoplasia with T-cell receptors recognizing a CD20-derived peptide on patient-specific HLA

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    T cells engineered to express chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) targeted to CD19 are effective in treatment of B-lymphoid malignancies. However, CARs recognize all CD19 positive (pos) cells, and durable responses are linked to profound depletion of normal B cells. Here, we designed a strategy to specifically target patient B cells by utilizing the fact that T-cell receptors (TCRs), in contrast to CARs, are restricted by HLA. Two TCRs recognizing a peptide from CD20 (SLFLGILSV) in the context of foreign HLA-A*02:01 (CD20p/HLA-A2) were expressed as 2A-bicistronic constructs. T cells re-directed with the A23 and A94 TCR constructs efficiently recognized malignant HLA-A2pos B cells endogenously expressing CD20, including patient-derived follicular lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells. In contrast, a wide range of HLA-A2(pos)CD20neg cells representing different tissue origins, and HLA-A2(neg)CD20pos cells, were not recognized. Cytotoxic T cells re-directed with CD20p/HLA-A2-specific TCRs or CD19 CARs responded with similar potencies to cells endogenously expressing comparable levels of CD20 and CD19. The CD20p/HLA-A2-specific TCRs recognized CD20p bound to HLA-A2 with high functional avidity. The results show that T cells expressing CD20p/HLA-A2-specific TCRs efficiently and specifically target B cells. When used in context of an HLA-haploidentical allogeneic stem cell transplantation where the donor is HLA-A2(neg) and the patient HLA-A2(pos), these T cells would selectively kill patient-derived B cells and allow reconstitution of the B-cell compartment with HLA-A2(neg) donor cells. These results should pave the way for clinical testing of T cells genetically engineered to target malignant B cells without permanent depletion of normal B cells