394 research outputs found

    Investigation of laser annealing mechanisms in thin film coatings by photothermal microscopy

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    We study the evolution of the absorptance of amorphous metal oxide thin films when exposed to intense CW laser radiation measured using a photothermal microscope. The evolution of the absorptance is characterized by a nonexponential decay. Different models that incorporate linear and nonlinear absorption, free carrier absorption, and defect diffusion are used to fit the results, with constraints imposed on the fit parameters to scale with power and intensity. The model that best fits is that two types of interband defects are passivated independently, one by a one-photon process and the other one by a two-photon process.Fil: Zaldivar Escola, Facundo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mingolo, Nélida. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Oscar E.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Rocca, Jorge J.. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Menoni, Carmen S.. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados Unido

    Nutritional surveillance in Tuscany: maternal perception of nutritional status of 8-9 y-old school-children

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    Introduction. Overweight and obesity in the developmental age has become a public health problem. For this reason, prevention projects must be developed in advance with the aim to involve not only children, but their parents as well. Our objective is to evaluate the accuracy of the mothers? perceptions of adolescent nutritional status. Methods. Cross-sectional study. We selected a statistical sample of 3,076 subjects (1,583 males, 1,493 females), 8-9 y-old school-children of 164 3rd-grade elementary school classes from throughout Tuscany, as well as their mothers. The mothers? information was gathered via self-administered questionnaires, while the children were given an eating behaviour survey under the supervision of qualified personnel. Mothers? education level (self-reported) height and weight were collected; children?s height and weight were measured. The former were asked how they perceived their children?s body image. Results. A correlation exists between the mothers? perceptions of the nutritional state of their children via the silhouettes and the BMI classes of the children, which is equal to 80% with a k-Cohen for agreement equal to 0.58 (SE = 0.02; P : 0.0001). However, no correlation exists between the mothers? responses to the question ?In your opinion, is your child ??? and the child?s actual BMI class (the exact percentage correlation is equal to 75%, with a k-Cohen for agreement equal to 0.43 SE = 0.014; P : 0.0001). Discussion. Mothers have an accurate perception of the nutritional status of their children, correctly choosing the silhouette that corresponds to the child?s BMI profile without variation by gender. We can assume that mothers in our sample have a good concept about healthy nutritional status

    Methodological framework for an integrated multi-scale vulnerability and resilience assessment

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    The deliverable illustrates the methodological framework to assess vulnerability and resilience across different temporal and spatial scales, acknowledging the different domains where the latter may manifest, and in particular in the natural and the built environment, allocating a large importance to the so called “critical infrastructures”, in social and economic systems. A set of four matrices has been developed to identify what aspects should be looked at before the impact, that is to say what shows the potential ability or inability to cope with an extreme; at the impact, addressing in particular the capacity (or incapacity) to sustain various types of stresses (in the form of acceleration, pressure, heat…); in the time immediately after the impact, as the ability (or inability) to suffer losses and still continue functioning; and in the longer term of recovery, as the capacity to find a new state of equilibrium in which the fragilities manifested during and after the impact are addressed. Developing the framework, a particular attention has been paid to the relationships among systems within the same matrix and among matrices, across spatial and temporal scales. A set of matrices has been developed for different natural hazards, including in particular landslides and floods, trying to include as much as possible what past cases, the international literature and prior experience of involved partners have indicated as relevant parameters and factors to look at. In this regard, the project builds on the state of the art, embedding what has been learned until now in terms of response capacity to a variety of stresses and in the meantime identifying gaps to be addressed by future research

    Table top nanopatterning with extreme ultraviolet laser illumination

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 723-724).Patterning with extreme ultraviolet light generated by a compact, bright laser source operating at a wavelength of 46.9 nm is demonstrated using two complementary approaches: multiple beam interferometric lithography and de-magnifying projection. Features with sizes ranging from 370 nm to 60 nm were printed in a few seconds in poly-methyl methacrylate resist. These proof-of-principle experiments demonstrate practical table-top nanopatterning tools based on extreme ultraviolet lasers for nanotechnology applications

    Nanometer-scale ablation with a table-top soft x-ray laser

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 3617).Ablation of holes with diameters as small as 82 nm and very clean walls was obtained in poly(methyl methacrylate) focusing pulses from a Ne-like Ar 46.9 nm compact capillary-discharge laser with a freestanding Fresnel zone plate diffracting into third order. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using focused soft x-ray laser beams for the direct nanoscale patterning of materials and the development of new nanoprobes

    A multi-centre study on quality of life and absenteeism in patients with CRS referred for endoscopic surgery

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    Aims: This study summarises the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scores and absenteeism caused by sinus problems in patients awaiting surgery with the diagnoses recurrent acute rhinosinusitis (RARS), chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRS+NP) or CRS without nasal polyps (CRS-NP), in a prospective multi-centre study. Methodology: Two hundred and seven patients with RARS, CRS+NP or CRS-NP were enrolled. EP3OS definitions of CRS and NP were used. The patients completed the 22 Sinonasal Outcome Test (SNOT-22), the short-form 36-item questionnaire (SF-36), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and a total Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) regarding rhinosinusitis symptoms. Results: SNOT-22 and VAS scores indicated severe disease. Comparison of the HRQOL scores in the three rhinosinusitis subgroups showed statistical differences in nine of the SNOT-22 items and in the SF-36 subscale of bodily pain. Mean scores of SF-36 were significantly lower than that of the normal Swedish population. According to the HAD scores, 28% of the patients had probable or possible anxiety or depression disorder. Fifty-seven percent of the patients reported absenteeism from work due to sinus problems. Conclusions: RARS, CRS+NP and CRS-NP significantly decrease HRQOL. Some statistically significant differences in HRQOL were found between the three rhinosinusitis subgroups. Absenteeism due to chronic sinus conditions is considerable

    Damage to extreme-ultraviolet Sc/Si multilayer mirrors exposed to intense 46.9-nm laser pulses

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 622).The damage threshold and damage mechanism of extreme-ultraviolet Sc/Si multilayer mirror coatings are investigated with focused nanosecond pulses at 46.9-nm radiation from a compact capillary-discharge laser. Damage threshold fluences of ~0.08 J/cm2 are measured for coatings deposited on both borosilicate glass and Si substrates. The use of scanning and transmission electron microscopy and small-angle x-ray diffraction techniques reveals the thermal nature of the damage mechanism. The results are relevant to the use of newly developed high-flux extreme-ultraviolet sources in applications

    Importancia del control glucémico posprandial en el paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    La hiperglucemia postprandial es frecuente en personas con diabetes mellitus, incluso cuando el control metabólico general parece adecuado, según los niveles de hemoglobina glucosilada. Estudios han demostrado la relación entre los valores de glucemia postprandial y enfermedad cardiovascular, independientemente de los valores de glucemia plasmática en ayunas. La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es una patología progresiva y las fluctuaciones postprandiales de la glucemia parecen desempeñar un papel significativo en sus complicaciones vasculares. Las diferentes Guías de Práctica Clínica hacen énfasis en la individualización de la propuesta terapéutica y enfatizan la necesidad de sacar al paciente rápidamente del estado de hiperglucemia, combinando precozmente cambios del estilo de vida con farmacoterapia, en una progresión rápida a doble y triple terapia no insulínica o instalación temprana de insulinoterapia, combinada con otros fármacos. Un enfoque racional basado en la fisiopatología de la enfermedad ha permitido un notable desarrollo de la oferta fármaco-terapéutica. Es importante analizar las opciones de intervención terapéutica sobre la hiperglucemia postprandial, dadas las experiencias negativas relacionadas con la optimización del control y las dudas sobre la seguridad de los medicamentos. Analizadas todas las alternativas para el control de la glucemia postprandial, en el momento actual las intervenciones más eficaces serían los incretinomiméticos (GLP1ag y DPP-4I) con mayores beneficios sobre la GPP, la HbA1c y el peso. El objetivo general para los pacientes con DMT2 es una HbA1c ≤ 7%, con el fin de disminuir el riesgo de complicaciones, pero es razonable individualizar el tratamiento, balanceando riesgos, beneficios y costos de la terapéutica planteada

    Nanoimaging with a compact extreme-ultraviolet laser

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 2097).Images with a spatial resolution of 120-150 nm were obtained with 46.9 nm light from a compact capillary-discharge laser by use of the combination of a Sc-Si multilayer-coated Schwarzschild condenser and a freestanding imaging zone plate. The results are relevant to the development of compact extreme-ultraviolet laser-based imaging tools for nanoscience and nanotechnology