1,047 research outputs found

    Entwicklung eines Einweg-Photobioreaktorsystems zur Hochdurchsatzuntersuchung (Screening) von Mikroalgen

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    Channeling: a new class of dissolution in complex porous media

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    The current conceptual model of mineral dissolution in porous media is comprised of three dissolution patterns (wormhole, compact, and uniform) - or regimes - that develop depending on the relative dominance of flow, diffusion, and reaction rate. Here, we examine the evolution of pore structure during acid injection using numerical simulations on two porous media structures of increasing complexity. We examine the boundaries between regimes and characterise the existence of a forth regime called channeling, where already existing fast flow pathways are preferentially widened by dissolution. Channeling occurs in cases where the distribution in pore throat size results in orders of magnitude differences in flow rate for different flow pathways. This focusing of dissolution along only dominant flow paths induces an immediate, large change in permeability with a comparatively small change in porosity, resulting in a porosity-permeability relationship unlike any that has been previously seen. This work demonstrates that our current conceptual model of dissolution regimes must be modified to include channeling for accurate predictions of dissolution in applications such as geologic carbon storage and geothermal energy production

    Subsurface hydrogen storage controlled by small-scale rock heterogeneities

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    Subsurface porous rocks have the potential to store large volumes of hydrogen (H2_2) required for transitioning towards a H2_2-based energy future. Understanding the flow and trapping behavior of H2_2 in subsurface storage systems, which is influenced by pore-scale heterogeneities inherent to subsurface rocks, is crucial to reliably evaluate the storage efficiency of a geological formation. In this work, we performed 3D X-ray imaging and flow experiments to investigate the impact of pore-scale heterogeneity on H2_2 distribution after its cyclic injection (drainage) and withdrawal (imbibition) from a layered rock sample, characterized by varying pore and throat sizes. Our findings reveal that even subtle variations in rock structure and properties significantly influence H2_2 displacement and storage efficiency. During drainage, H2_2 follows a path consisting of large pores and throats, bypassing the majority of the low permeability rock layer consisting of smaller pores and throats. This bypassing substantially reduces the H2_2 storage capacity. Moreover, due to the varying pore and throat sizes in the layered sample, depending on the experimental flow strategy, we observe a higher H2_2 saturation after imbibition compared to drainage, which is counterintuitive and opposite to that observed in homogeneous rocks. These findings emphasize that small-scale rock heterogeneity, which is often unaccounted for in reservoir-scale models, can play a vital role in the displacement and trapping of H2_2 in subsurface porous media

    Phylogeny- and Abundance-Based Metrics Allow for the Consistent Comparison of Core Gut Microbiome Diversity Indices Across Host Species

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    The filtering of gut microbial datasets to retain high prevalence taxa is often performed to identify a common core gut microbiome that may be important for host biological functions. However, prevalence thresholds used to identify a common core are highly variable, and it remains unclear how they affect diversity estimates and whether insights stemming from core microbiomes are comparable across studies. We hypothesized that if macroecological patterns in gut microbiome prevalence and abundance are similar across host species, then we would expect that increasing prevalence thresholds would yield similar changes to alpha diversity and beta dissimilarity scores across host species datasets. We analyzed eight gut microbiome datasets based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and collected from different host species to (1) compare macroecological patterns across datasets, including amplicon sequence variant (ASV) detection rate with sequencing depth and sample size, occupancy-abundance curves, and rank-abundance curves; (2) test whether increasing prevalence thresholds generate universal or host-species specific effects on alpha and beta diversity scores; and (3) test whether diversity scores from prevalence-filtered core communities correlate with unfiltered data. We found that gut microbiomes collected from diverse hosts demonstrated similar ASV detection rates with sequencing depth, yet required different sample sizes to sufficiently capture rare ASVs across the host population. This suggests that sample size rather than sequencing depth tends to limit the ability of studies to detect rare ASVs across the host population. Despite differences in the distribution and detection of rare ASVs, microbiomes exhibited similar occupancy-abundance and rank-abundance curves. Consequently, increasing prevalence thresholds generated remarkably similar trends in standardized alpha diversity and beta dissimilarity across species datasets until high thresholds above 70%. At this point, diversity scores tended to become unpredictable for some diversity measures. Moreover, high prevalence thresholds tended to generate diversity scores that correlated poorly with the original unfiltered data. Overall, we recommend that high prevalence thresholds over 70% are avoided, and promote the use of diversity measures that account for phylogeny and abundance (Balance-weighted phylogenetic diversity and Weighted Unifrac for alpha and beta diversity, respectively), because we show that these measures are insensitive to prevalence filtering and therefore allow for the consistent comparison of core gut microbiomes across studies without the need for prevalence filtering

    Paradoxien der Autonomie (second edition)

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    Die Reihe „Freiheit und Gesetz“ ist einer Idee gewidmet, die die moderne praktische Philosophie begründet – der Idee, dass die Freiheit des Subjekts und die Verbindlichkeit von Normen („das Gesetz“) nicht im Gegensatz zueinander stehen, sondern durch einander zu erläutern sind: Ein Gesetz ist nur dann verbindlich, sofern wir es uns selbst gegeben haben, so dass sich in dessen Wirksamkeit zugleich unsere Freiheit verwirklicht. Eben darin besteht die moderne Idee der Autonomie. Die Reihe dient der kritischen Untersuchung dieser Idee. Sie fragt nach den Spannungen, die in ihr aufbrechen, den Voraussetzungen, auf denen sie aufruht, und den Folgen, die ihre – politische, rechtliche, soziale – Verwirklichung hat. Der erste Band der Serie beschäftigt sich mit dem Verdacht, dass die Idee der Autonomie von dem Paradox bedroht ist, in Willkür oder Heteronomie, in grundlose Setzung oder unfreie Selbstunterwerfung umzuschlagen. Dieses Paradox, so der Verdacht, besteht darin, dass sich hinter der Verknüpfung von Freiheit und Gesetz Zwang oder Gesetzlosigkeit auftut. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes diskutieren kontrovers, ob diese Diagnose zutrifft; ob die Idee der Autonomie sich in ein Paradox verstrickt; wie das Paradox der Autonomie, wenn es aufbricht, zu verstehen ist; und wie sich das Paradox vermeiden oder so entfalten lässt, dass es lebbar wir

    Diversity of compounds in femoral secretions of Galápagos iguanas (genera: Amblyrhynchus and Conolophus), and their potential role in sexual communication in lek-mating marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)

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    Background Chemical signals are widely used in the animal kingdom, enabling communication in various social contexts, including mate selection and the establishment of dominance. Femoral glands, which produce and release waxy secretions into the environment, are organs of central importance in lizard chemical communication. The Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) is a squamate reptile with a lek-mating system. Although the lekking behaviour of marine iguanas has been well-studied, their potential for sexual communication via chemical cues has not yet been investigated. Here we describe the diversity of the lipophilic fraction of males’ femoral gland secretions among 11 island populations of marine iguanas, and compare it with the composition of its sister species, the Galápagos land iguana (Conolophus subcristatus). We also conducted behavioural observations in marine iguana territorial males in order to explore the possible function of these substances in the context of male dominance in leks. Methods Femoral secretions were analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS), and chromatography with a flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) in order to characterise the lipophilic composition. To understand the potential role of femoral secretions in marine iguana intraspecific communication, territorial males were sampled for their femoral glands and monitored to record their head bob rate—a territorial display behaviour in males—as well as the number of females present in their leks. Results We found that the gland secretions were composed of ten saturated and unsaturated carboxylic acids ranging in chain length between C16 and C24, as well as three sterols. Cholesterol was the main compound found. Intriguingly, land iguanas have a higher diversity of lipophilic compounds, with structural group of lipids (i.e. aldehydes) entirely absent in marine iguanas; overall the chemical signals of both species were strongly differentiated. Lipid profiles also differed among populations of marine iguanas from different islands, with some islands demonstrating a high diversity of lipophilic compounds (i.e. full spectra of compounds), and others lacking one or more compounds. Among the compounds most frequently found missing were 11- and 13-eicosenoic acids. Gland secretions of males with a better body condition and with a higher dominance status (i.e. those accompanied by females and with higher head bob display) were proportionately richer in C20-unsaturated fatty acids (11-eicosenoic acid). Discussion Land and marine iguanas strongly diverged in their chemical composition of the femoral glands likely due to ecological differences between both species. Despite that marine iguana populations varied in their femoral gland composition that was not related to their genetic structure. Our results indicated that 11-eicosenoic acid may play an important role in intraspecific chemical communication in marine iguanas

    Phylogeny-and abundance-based metrics allow for the consistent comparison of core gut microbiome diversity indices across host species

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    The filtering of gut microbial datasets to retain high prevalence taxa is often performed to identify a common core gut microbiome that may be important for host biological functions. However, prevalence thresholds used to identify a common core are highly variable, and it remains unclear how they affect diversity estimates and whether insights stemming from core microbiomes are comparable across studies. We hypothesized that if macroecological patterns in gut microbiome prevalence and abundance are similar across host species, then we would expect that increasing prevalence thresholds would yield similar changes to alpha diversity and beta dissimilarity scores across host species datasets. We analyzed eight gut microbiome datasets based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and collected from different host species to (1) compare macroecological patterns across datasets, including amplicon sequence variant (ASV) detection rate with sequencing depth and sample size, occupancy-abundance curves, and rank-abundance curves; (2) test whether increasing prevalence thresholds generate universal or host-species specific effects on alpha and beta diversity scores; and (3) test whether diversity scores from prevalence-filtered core communities correlate with unfiltered data. We found that gut microbiomes collected from diverse hosts demonstrated similar ASV detection rates with sequencing depth, required different sample sizes to sufficiently capture rare ASVs across the host population. This suggests that sample size rather than sequencing depth tends to limit the ability of studies to detect rare ASVs across the host population. Despite differences in the distribution and detection of rare ASVs, microbiomes exhibited similar occupancy-abundance and rank-abundance curves. Consequently, increasing prevalence thresholds generated remarkably similar trends in standardized alpha diversity and beta dissimilarity across species datasets until high thresholds above 70%. At this point, diversity scores tended to become unpredictable for some diversity measures. Moreover, high prevalence Frontiers in Microbiology. Filtering Effects on Core Microbiome thresholds tended to generate diversity scores that correlated poorly with the original unfiltered data. Overall, we recommend that high prevalence thresholds over 70% are avoided, and promote the use of diversity measures that account for phylogeny and abundance (Balance-weighted phylogenetic diversity and Weighted Unifrac for alpha and beta diversity, respectively), because we show that these measures are insensitive to prevalence filtering and therefore allow for the consistent comparison of core gut microbiomes across studies without the need for prevalence filtering.publishedVersio

    Offspring Microbiomes Differ Across Breeding Sites in a Panmictic Species

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    High dispersal rates are known to homogenize host’s population genetic structure in panmictic species and to disrupt host local adaptation to the environment. Long-distance dispersal might also spread micro-organisms across large geographical areas. However, so far, to which extent selection mechanisms that shape host’s population genetics are mirrored in the population structure of the enteric microbiome remains unclear. High dispersal rates and horizontal parental transfer may homogenize bacterial communities between breeding sites (homogeneous hypothesis). Alternatively, strong selection from the local environment may differentiate bacterial communities between breeding sites (heterogeneous hypothesis). Furthermore, selection from age-specific environmental or physiological factors may differentiate the microbiome between juveniles and adults. Here, we analyzed the cloacal bacterial 16S rRNA gene of fledgling greater flamingos, Phoenicopterus roseus, across nine western Mediterranean breeding sites and four breeding seasons (n = 731) and adult birds (n = 27) from a single site. We found that fledgling cloacal microbiome, as measured by alpha diversity, beta diversity, the relative abundance of assigned sequence variants (ASVs) belonging to a phylum and genus composition within phylum, varied significantly between sampling sites and across time within site despite high adult dispersal rates. The spatio-temporal effects were stronger on individual ASV absence/presence than on ASV abundance (i.e., than on core microbiome composition). Spatial effects had a stronger effect than temporal effects, particularly on ASV abundance. Our study supports the heterogeneous hypothesis whereby local environmental conditions select and differentiate bacterial communities, thus countering the homogenizing effects of high-dispersing host species. In addition, differences in core microbiome between adult vs. fledgling samples suggests that differences in age-specific environmental and/or physiological factors result in differential selection pressure of core enteric microbiome between age classes, even within the same environment. In particular, the genus Corynebacterium, associated with both seasonal fat uptake and migration in previous studies, was much more abundant in high-dispersing fledglings than in more resident adults. To conclude, selection mechanisms that shape the host’s genetic structure cannot be extended to the genetic structure of the enteric microbiome, which has important implications regarding our understanding of both host local adaptation mechanisms and enteric microbiome population genetics
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