489 research outputs found

    Private-public partnership and technological imperatives for irrigation development

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    Irrigated farmingDrip irrigationSprinkler irrigationWater distribution

    Evaluation of Effect of land use types on Selected Soil Physico-chemical Properties in Itang-Kir area of Gambella region, Ethiopia

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    Changes in land use type and soil management can have a marked effect on soil physical and chemical properties. This study was conducted at Itang-kir area which is located in Itang special district of Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of land use types on selected physico-chemical properties of the soils. Cultivated and grazing land types were considered for the study. Cultivated and grazing land use types were adjoining to each other. Based on soil texture and slope class four land units were recognized from both land use types (IK1, IK2, IK3 and IK4).A total of eighteen composite soil samples were collected from both land use types from 0-20cm soil depth for laboratory analysis. The results of the experiment revealed that both land use types had a clay, sandy clay loam, sandy clay and sandy loam texture in all land units. The highest bulk density (1.39gcm-3) was observed in IK4 of grazing land and the lowest (1.24gcm-3) was observed on IK1 of cultivated land. The highest soil bulk density recorded in grazing land might be resulted from livestock compaction. Soil pH (H2O) rated as neutral to moderately alkaline for cultivated and neutral to strongly alkaline for grazing land units. For soil organic matter content the highest (4.82%) and the lowest (2.10%) were recorded in grazing land whereas the highest (3.82%) and the lowest (1.8%) were recorded in cultivated land. Total nitrogen ranged from 0.29% - 0.10% for grazing land and from 0.24% - 0.10% for cultivated land. Available P recorded in grazing land ranged from 61.29 to 16.18 and 58.95 to 15.25 mg kg-1in cultivated land use type. Available P status of the two land use types is from high to very high. The high available P content of the soil may be due to parent material and soil reaction. Exchangeable bases, cation exchange capacity, percent base saturation and extractable micronutrient cations (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) were also higher in grazing land use compared to cultivated land. The concentration of the basic cations in the soils’ exchange sites was in the order of Ca > Mg > K > Na. The highest and the lowest mean values of CEC were 52.27 and 23.20cmolc kg-1in grazing land  and  44.08 and 22.53 cmolc kg-1 on cultivated land for land units IK1 and IK4, respectively. Therefore both land use types had high CEC except on land unit IK4 which revealed medium CEC value. While the contents of extractable micronutrients were relatively higher in the grazing as compared to cultivated land use this could be rated sufficient for Fe, adequate for Mn and Zn, whereas marginal to deficient level for Cu for both land use types. From this study one can conclude that crop cultivation has led to more essential nutrients removal compared to livestock and adversely affect soil chemical properties. Therefore, integrated soil fertility management that maintain and improve physical, chemical and biological properties of soil should be implemented on cultivation land types in order to optimize and sustain crop production. Keywords: land use type, Soil chemical properties, land unit

    Land Use Changes and Their Effects on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Abol woreda Gambella Regional State

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    In Abol woreda continuous cultivation, intensive grazing and investment are the major practiced in the woreda   soil without out intensive care was decline in soil chemical, biological and physical properties. The current research, therefore, is intended to determine Land use Changes and consequence on Soil Physicio-Chemical Properties in Abol woreda Gambella Regional State. General visual field observation and survey were carried out and the research site was portioned in to three major land uses (cropped grazing and forest land use types). Accordingly, a total of three major land uses (cultivated grazing and forest land use types) were identified in field based on soil texture and land use systems.  Finally three major land use system were identified, and from each major site, composite soil samples were taken from thirteen soil sub-samples (spots) within one depths of 0-20cm using soil auger. The physico-chemical of soils was analyzed in the standardized soil laboratory procedure through the analysis of soil samples augured from three major land use systems. The results obtained from this study explore that the kebele soil did not showed the textural class difference in three land use system all showed clay loam, texture. The value of soil bulk density was increase in cropped land followed by grazing land and low in forest or reserved area land use system it ranges from 1.37, 1.24 and 1.13 g/cm3 respectively. The percent of total porosity soils under the cultivated land was recorded average of 48.3, grazing land use also 53.2% and land use forest 57.3%. All of the soil chemical properties of the present research site were numerical influenced by land use system and soil textural class. For example, the highest value was recorded in basic cations Ca (10.02 cmol/kg), Exch-base of Mg (5.46cmol (+)/kg),Exch-base K (5.45cmol (+)/kg)and CEC (28.17 cmol(+)/kg) were observed under the forestland as compared to the lowest values (5.64, 2.05and 1.97cmol/kg), respectively,  in the cultivated land. The present study showed that soil fertility status decrease as land use type goes to from forest to pasture and farming lands. Hence, it is possible to infer that continuous and intensive cultivation degrade plant essential nutrients highly which urge to take action for modifying its fertility status of the agricultural soils of in the Abol district. Keywords :-land use effect, change, physical, chemical, properties DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/75-01 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Public Choice Theory: Its Application and Challenges in Public-Sector

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    This paper deals with the application and challenges of Public Choice Theory (PCT) in public-sector. The public-sector plays foundational roles in social change. Citizens and customers perception and expectation of the government is increasing. They are pressurizing the public-sector more than ever before. Hence, I analyzed, critiqued, and contrasted PCT in terms of contemporary authors for performance efficiency and quality in the public-sector. The application of PCT in public-sector seemed more challenging than the application of the theory in private-sector. In transferring concepts and applications to the public-sector, it requires developing principles and tools for the less competitive and a different context of this sector. The article gave a critical overview of the different definitions, ideas, principles of the PCT, and improvement as applied in the public-sector to bring about quality public service and good governance. This paper based on the overall review of literature, such as relevant books, journals, articles, research results, newspapers, and web pages attempted to identify the challenges and remedies of enhancing service effectiveness and quality in public-sector and the study found out that the PCT is not universally applicable in the public-sector. Keywords: Public choice theory, Public-Sector, new public management, quality service, customer, citizen. DOI: 10.7176/JAAS/66-02 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Factors that Affect Students’ Career Choice in Accounting: A Case of Bahir Dar University Students

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate factors affecting students’ career choice in accounting. The researcher was used a five point likert scale questionnaires and collected the data from 197 Bahir Dar university colleges of business and economics regular students. Order logistic regression analysis were applied to determine the impact of independent variables under each factors like intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors, perception toward accounting and other social factors on the dependent variable, career choice in accounting. Gender is also used as a control variable. Based on the regression model analysis interest to the course, ability, desire to run a business, the need for dynamic and challenging environment has a positive significant effect on students’ choice of accounting under intrinsic factor. Job opportunity, responsibility and opportunity for experience has a positive and social status has a significant negative effect on students’ choice of accounting under extrinsic factor.  Following the established rule and stress has a significant negative effect on students’ choice of accounting under the students’ perception toward accounting. Under social factor family influences has a positive significant effect on students’ choice of accounting. In addition the researcher was applied marginal effect to know the impact of each response category on the dependent variable. In general the overall finding suggests that even if students have a positive attitude for most intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors, they have also a negative image for students’ perception toward accounting profession. Therefore, all responsible bodies should have to work together to create good image of accounting into the society. Keywords: Accounting, Career Choice, Student

    Determinants of antenatal care utilization in Arsi Zone, Central Ethiopia

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    Abstract: A community based cross sectional study was carried out in Arsi Zone to document the pattern of utilization of antenatal care (ANC) and to investigate factors that affect women's use of it. Included as study subjects were 1204 women in their 3rd trimester of pregnancy and 801 in the three months post-delivery state, from four towns with access to ANC services. A pretested questionnaire was administered to collect data on study variables. The study found that about 52.2% of women had not attended antenatal clinics at all, and only 32.5% of women attenders had their first visit in the first trimester of pregnancy. About 45.2% of attenders had one or two prenatal visits while few (10.6%) had the recommended five visits. Analysis showed that the chance of non-attendance was higher for those women in the older age group, widows and divorced women, and those with no formal schooling, low monthly income, high parity and many living children. The main reasons for non-attendance at ANC Clinic were related to lack of knowledge of the need for ANC, and lack of time. The probability of non-attendance was higher for those with unplanned pregnancies and those who had negative attitudes to the current pregnancy. In this study, those who had perceived any illness as dangerous were more likely to be attenders of the service. Women who thought that they might develop dangerous health problems during pregnancy were also more likely to use the service. Recommendations concerning the improvement of ANC service and use are proposed. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1996; 10(3): 171-178

    The determinants of household willingness to pay for irrigation water: in the case of Northern Showa, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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    Agricultural transformation is the current major concern of the Ethiopian government. This is important for the transformation of subsistence agriculture to an irrigated modern agriculture with potential for commercialization. The role of irrigation water and its pricing is very crucial to promote water use efficiency. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the determinants and estimate the willingness to pay for the irrigation water in the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara Region of Ethiopia, in order to determine if the irrigation water is viable. The study data were collected from primary data sources from 800 sample farm households. A bivariate probit model was used to identify the determinants of households’ willingness to pay for irrigation water in the study area. The results reveal that there is a positive willingness to pay for irrigation water in north Shewa Zone. In average, the willingness to pay for irrigation water of the household for 0.25 hectares of land was about 3001.47 Ethiopian birr (equivalent to 100.05 USD by the current exchange rate) for one irrigation season. Moreover, the study identified that household family size, agricultural experience, household expenditure, irrigation land, education level of the household head, and livestock asset measured by Tropical Livestock Unit had a positive effect on farmers’ willingness to pay for irrigation water. While it is negatively influenced by age of the household head, farmers’ distance from the market, and credit access. Based on the results, it is recommended that addressing credit constraints, improving the access to market via providing information and irrigation inputs. Thus, enhancing farm households’ awareness about irrigation water and its efficient use should be precondition for effective execution of sustainable irrigation use and irrigation water charging systems

    Invivo Antimalarial Activity of Dodonaea Angustifolia Seed Extracts Against Plasmodium Berghei in Mice Model

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    Dodonaea angustifolia has a wide range of therapeutic applications against various diseases including malaria. This plant is traditionally used for  treatment of malaria in different countries including Ethiopia. However, the antimalarial effect and safety of D. angustifolia are not studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate antimalarial activity of Dodonaea angustifolia in Plasmodium berghei infected mice. In the present study, aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts as well as solvent fractions of the aqueous extract of D. angustifolia seeds were investigated for their antimalarial activity using Peters’ 4-day suppressive test method. Different concentrations of the crude extracts and the fractions of the water extract, most active  extract, were orally administered to screen for their antimalarial activities. The extracts significantly inhibited parasitemia and prevented packed cell volume reduction (p <0.05) dose-dependently. Crude extracts and fractions of the aqueous extract of D. angustifolia seeds increased the survival time of infected mice. None of the extracts, however, prevented body weight loss. The aqueous extract of D. angustifolia was found to produce 35.79% parasite suppression. From this extract, three fractions were produced by solvent fractionation technique using butanol, chloroform and water and tested in vivo against P. berghei in mice. The butanol fraction was found to be the most active producing inhibition of 48.6% at 100 mg/kg. The test substance observed to be safe with no toxicity on the mice even at 4500 mg/kg. The results of the present work supported thetraditional use of the plant against malaria and confirmed the antimalarial activity of the plant. Moreover, antimalarial compounds can be isolated from this plant and tested against human malaria parasite in the future.Keywords: Malaria; Dodonaea angustifolia; Extracts; Plasmodium berghe

    Incidence of Cleft Deformities among Neonates in Mulago National Referral hospital, Uganda

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    Background: Cleft deformities (lip and palate) have been reported to be the most common congenital craniofacial anomaly in several settings. In Uganda, though two previous studies were conducted to determine the incidence of cleft lip and palate, the estimates obtained from those studies may not be precise given the study settings. This study was undertaken to establish the incidence of cleft deformities and provide data to plan forbetter management of these deformities. The Setting was the labour wards at Mulago National Referral Hospital, Kampala Uganda. The main objective of this study was to determine the incidence of cleft deformities (lip and palate) among neonates born between February 2008 and February 2009Methods: Cross-sectional study of all neonates who were born in Mulago Hospital. We examined all new born children and determined the presence or absence of cleft lip and/palate. Socio-demographic data and risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, infections and exposure to drugs such as anti-convulsants and steroids were collected.Results: Among twelve thousands seven hundred and thirteen neonates born in Mulago hospital between February 2008 and February 2009, seventeen neonates presented with cleft lip with or without cleft palate: this gives an incidence of 1.34 per 1000 newborns or 134 in 100,000 newborns.Conclusion: The incidence of neonatal cleft deformities seems to lie between what was previously reported in 1961 and 1996 in Uganda
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