216 research outputs found

    Melancolía erótica e histeria.

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    This work presents de genealogy of the notions of erotic melancholy and histeria through the study of texts that cover the history of medicine from antiquity to the nineteenth century.En este ensayo se presenta la genealogía de las nociones de melancolía erótica e histeria a través del estudio de textos de la medicina abarcando desde la antigüedad hasta el siglo XIX

    Farmer’s Perception Paradigm: Public and Private Extension Services in Balochistan, Pakistan

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    Present research sought to compares the public and private sector’s extension services regarding teaching methods, competency level and recommendation of agronomic practices as perceived by farmers in five purposively selected districts of Balochistan. A sample of 375 farmers was taken by using the systematic sampling technique. The hypotheses were tested in order to know the differences in the perception of the respondents regarding various constructs. Farmers gave high preferences to private (usually composed of organizations that are privately owned and not part of the government) extension as compared to public (usually composed of organizations that are owned and operated by the government i.e. federal, provincial, state) extension regarding teaching methods, competency level and disseminating of agronomic practices by using paired t-test. Public extension preferred to arrange exhibition whereas private extension conduct farm visits regularly was highest mean score. Both public and private extension had positive attitude toward their clients. Public extension advice for utilization of pesticides while private extension suggestions for irrigation applications. The study recommended that public extension field staff should be in contact with farmers regularly. Private extension services should use holistic approach. It was also recommended that the in-service trainings should be arranged in order to increase the working efficiency, competency level and capacity building of Extension Field Staff. Keywords: Agriculture; Balochistan Province; Extension Field Staff; Farmers; Pakistan

    Proximityanalysisand Perceptions Paradigm of Extension Field Staff Regarding Urban-Based Public Transport in Quetta, Pakistan

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    Present study was sought to check the variances imperceptions paradigm between and among groups of respondents who measured the significance of forty one (41) survey items as variables regarding the barriers of urban-based public transportation system. Empirical study was conducted in the Quetta city; capital of Balochistan province, Pakistan in order to addresses the obligations and violations regarding urban-based transport system with particular focus on Extension Field Staff disquiet. Quetta district was purposively taken for the study. Nonparametric statistics were used to analyze the responses of the respondents. Kruskal-Wallis Test and discrepancies among groups was used. Mann-Whitney U Test was also used to make the pair-wise comparisons between groups. The results depicted that statistically variances of the opinions among the groups (p<.005) for 14 out of 15 survey items was observed regarding urban-based public transportation system. Similar, significant differences were observed 3 out of 9 survey items about deferment services of public transportation. It was therefore suggested that the sophisticated technical measures about urban-based transport system should be taken at all level. Local buses routes should be re-considered keeping in view the public convenience. Further, effective Traffic Engineering Cell appliance should be recognized in order to overcome the traffic mobbed problems at city level. Quetta Development Authority (QDA) should provide the permanent bus stand (Adda) so that to facilitate the passengers through an efficient transport system. Segregate buses services should be provided the extension field staff so as to lane the extension activities at accurate genre. Long and short term planning’s should be promotes with the context of vigorous urban-based transport system and inter-city linked routes established. Keywords: Balochistan, Extension field staff, Quetta, Urban-based transportation

    The Influence of Allelopathic Weeds Extracts on Weeds and Yield of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)

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    The experiment was conducted to examine the response of weeds and wheat crop to allelopathic weeds.The treatments included T1=weedy Check (Control), T2=Chenopodium album concentration 30%, T3=Chenopodium album concentration 60%, T4=Convolvulus arvensis concentration 30%, T5=Convolvulus arvensis concentration 60% and T6=T2 + T4. The experiment was laid out in a three replicated Randomized Complete Block Design. The results revealed that the allelopathic effect of Convolvulus arvensis at 60% concentration resulted positive and significant impact (P<0.05) on various growth and yield traits of wheat with 81.66% wheat seed germination (%) 84.48 cm plant height, 16.08 cm spike length, 43.33 grains spike-1, 3.97 g grain weight spike-1, 47.82 g seed index (1000 grain weight, g) value and 4059 kg ha-1 grain yield; while the weed density 33.33 m-2 was recorded  20 days after sowing, 11.00 m-2 weed density at maturity ,  weed fresh weight 61.00 g m-2, 11.71 weed dry weight m-2 with highest weed control percentage 50.42 . On the basis of weed control percentage, the treatments Chenopodium album concentration 60% ranked 2nd, C. album + C. Arvensis conc. 30 + 30% ranked 3rd, Convolvulus arvensis concentration 30% ranked 4th and Chenopodium album concentration 30% ranked 5th. Hence, it was concluded that for achieving promising weed allelopathic effects on wheat production and weed suppression, the water extract of Convolvulus arvensis may be applied at 60% concentration. Keywords: Wheat, Response, Weed and Allelopathi

    Nascimentos da Psicologia: A Natureza e o Espírito

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    Desde sua constituição como domínio do saber no fim do século XVI, a psicologia divide-se rapidamente em duas tendências com orientações diferentes. A primeira, de inspiração naturalista, situa-se no prolongamento do comentário da Física aristotélica e se desenvolve principalmente nas universidades protestantes de Marburgo e Leiden. Nesses estabelecimentos onde reinava então um espírito humanista, racionalista e tolerante, toma lugar a primeira forma de dualismo da alma e do corpo. Mas na mesma época, em círculos místicos e herméticos, desenvolve-se uma outra concepção da psicologia, cujo método interpretativo inspira-se na exegese bíblica e emprega procedimentos terapêuticos, cuidados [cure] da alma e cuidados magnéticos, sustentados sobre a influência psicológica

    Benefits of Health Insurance among the poor insured people of Balochistan

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    The Province of Balochistan is the poorest province of Pakistan with very limited resources of healthcare facilities mostly in respect of healthcare providers due to which the population is suffering with lack of healthcare services throughout the region. The Government of Pakistan initiated a health insurance program for the people living with less than 2 dollar per day income to provide healthcare services to such people who are not able to have the healthcare services through their own income and mostly were pushed towards death due to unaffordability in respect of out of pocket expenditures. The five districts among 33 districts were selected in the initial phase of this program to insure such people from the province of Balochistan in 2016. The state life corporation of Pakistan (Insurance Company) was awarded the mandate by the federal government for the health insurance services. Articles reviewed regarding health insurance schemes in different developing countries for knowledge attitude where it has come to knowledge that the health insurance has well resulted in many countries among the insured people who availed the benefits of insurance policy, some studies expressed that people were not aware of benefits of health insurance system due to lack of knowledge about insurance plans and some even didn’t knew about the health insurance system. The awareness plays a vital role to such people to get the benefits of insurance schemes. The secondary data obtained from the Health Department Government of Balochistan for this study and analyzed via Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS. The measures found the percentages of the insured people among the population and the people who got treatments against the health insurance. The data included all of those people who were inpatients in the same district hospital and other district hospitals as well. It has been found that the head of the families (card holder) had the treatment with 65.2%, the wives 20.5%, the child with 8.5%, son/daughter 5.6% and the husbands with 0.2 % among the beneficiaries. This health insurance for poor people was a good initiative, the ratio of beneficiaries who were facilitated and availed of treatments through insurance companies among the insured population was very low, and the stakeholders said that lack of awareness was the main cause of the low ratio of treated people within the insured population. The delay in payments of premiums from the federal government to the insurance company also played a role for fewer beneficiaries, this caused the delay payments to healthcare providers and the health care providers lost the interest to provide services to the insured people. Private hospitals do not take interest in special care treatments to the insured. The same disappointed the insured people and avoided treatment against the insurance scheme. The decisions were centralized at federal level and lack of coordination also found in between federal and provincial level. The Health Insurance schemes are highly helpful for developing and low income countries where the health services provision is very difficult due to financial hardship as well as lack of skilled human resource, communications, and proper referral system. The Province of Balochistan is needed to implement health insurance in the entire province to provide healthcare services to the scattered population. The pilot phase gave low results but there is an opportunity to increase the beneficiaries of the health insurance scheme with proper awareness of communities and with good governance to save many lives who can suffer due to non-availability of services.open석

    Nascimentos da Psicologia: A Natureza e o Espírito

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    Desde sua constituição como domínio do saber no fim do século XVI, a psicologia divide-se rapidamente em duas tendências com orientações diferentes. A primeira, de inspiração naturalista, situa-se no prolongamento do comentário da Física aristotélica e se desenvolve principalmente nas universidades protestantes de Marburgo e Leiden. Nesses estabelecimentos onde reinava então um espírito humanista, racionalista e tolerante, toma lugar a primeira forma de dualismo da alma e do corpo. Mas na mesma época, em círculos místicos e herméticos, desenvolve-se uma outra concepção da psicologia, cujo método interpretativo inspira-se na exegese bíblica e emprega procedimentos terapêuticos, cuidados da alma e cuidados magnéticos, sustentados sobre a influência psicológica

    Para uma Historia da Psicologia

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    A história da psicologia, tal como aparece em algumas obras (E.G. Boring 1950; M. Reuchlin 1957; P. Fraisse e J. Piaget 1963) ou em capítulos introdutórios de alguns manuais (M. Reuchlin 1977), reflete uma adesão — raramente discutida — a uma concepção internalista. Segundo essa concepção, a psicologia seria animada por uma dinâmica própria, um processo evolutivo totalmente endógeno, e seria independente de fatores externos tais como os domínios religiosos, sociopolíticos e econômicos. Além do mais, os partidários dessa história aceitam ver a psicologia influenciada por disciplinas situadas em suas fronteiras, como a biologia, a fisiologia e, em menor medida, a física. Esses domínios fronteiriços geralmente dizem respeito a objetos psicológicos habitualmente qualificados de inferiores, como reflexos, sensações e percepções, em oposição à linguagem e ao pensamento, qualificados como processos superiores. Esses mesmos domínios fronteiriços engendraram por sua vez subdomínios relativamente autônomos, tais como a psicofísica ou a psicofisiologia. Correlativamente a essa concepção internalista, o desenvolvimento científico é apresentado como um caminho ao estado de psicologia positiva, tal como A. Comte a definiu em 1837 na 45a lição do Curso de Filosofia Positiva. A caminhada até a positividade foi indicada pelo próprio A. Comte: estudo da anátomo-fisiologia do sistema nervoso (a frenologia de Gall lhe parece a esse respeito uma contribuição decisiva), estudos comparados, análise de casos patológicos, estudo dos comportamentos animais e do desenvolvimento individual. Considerando a evolução da psicologia nos últimos cem anos, seríamos tentados a sustentar que ela realizou o projeto positivista. Psicologia diferencial, psicopatologia, etologia animal e psicologia da criança são vários domínios que concorrem para essa realização. Entretanto, esses domínios estão longe de parecerem homogêneos quanto aos métodos empregados e os modelos epistemológicos aos quais se referem. Um exame atento dessas dimensões metodológicas e epistemológicas mostra que se avança, sobretudo, em ordem dispersa

    Efeitos do tratamento com alisquireno e L-arginina sobre a sensibilidade barorreflexa e estresse oxidativo em ratos com hipertensão renovascular

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    A hipertensão renovascular é caracterizada pelo aumento da angiotensina II, estresse oxidativo e disfunção endotelial. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar se a administração de alisquireno (ALSK) e L-arginina (L-Arg), restauraria a sensibilidade barorreflexa prejudicada e reduziria o estresse oxidativo em ratos em um modelo hipertensão renovascular. A hipertensão foi induzida através da clipagem da artéria renal esquerda, sendo dividido os animais em cinco grupos: SHAM, 2-rim, 1-clipe (2R1C); 2R1C mais ALSK (ALSK); 2R1C mais L-arg (L-arg); e 2R1C mais ALSK + L-ARG (ALSK+L-ARG). A expressão e atividade de SOD-2 e catalase foi medida no ventrículo esquerdo, o ensaio de produtos avançados de oxidação proteica foram medidos no plasma e ventrículo esquerdo. Após 21 dias de tratamento apenas o grupo ALSK+L-ARG foi eficaz na normalização da pressão arterial sistólica quando comparado ao grupo 2R1C (123,91±1,68 vs. 200,50±5,36 mmHg). Os grupos L-ARG e ALSK+L-arg reverteram a hipertrofia do ventrículo esquerdo quando comparado ao grupo 2R1C (2,22±0,15 e 2,47±0,09 vs. 3,32±0,16, respectivamente, P<0,05). Todos os tratamentos foram capazes de restaurar a sensibilidade do barorreflexo mostrando valores muito similares ao grupo SHAM em ambos os componentes, parassimpático e simpático. A administração aguda de TEMPOL restaurou a sensibilidade do barorreflexo deprimido no grupo 2R1C aos valores que se assemelha aqueles apresentadas pelos outros grupos. Os níveis de produtos avançados de oxidação proteica no plasma mostrou-se aumentada no grupo 2R1C e reduzido nos demais grupos SHAM, ALSK, L-ARG e ALSK+L-ARG (5,79 ± 0,67 vs. 3,79 ± 0,41; 3,96 ± 0,35; 4,26 ± 0,47 e 3,91 ± 0,36 umol/Lchloramine-T, respectivamente, P<0,05). Respostas similares foram encontradas no ventrículo esquerdo. A expressão de SOD-2 e expressão e atividade de catalase no tecido cardíaco foi significativamente aumentada em ALSK, L-ARG e ALSK+L-ARG. A gp91phox no tecido cardíaco foi significativamente diminuída nos grupos L-ARG e ALSK+L-Arg quando comparados com os grupos 2K1C e ALSK. Em conclusão, o tratamento associado de alisquireno e L-arginina normaliza pressão arterial e impede hipertrofia ventricular em ratos com hipertensão 2R1C, um efeito que pode ser parcialmente atribuído ao aumento da sensibilidade do barorreflexo e diminuição do estresse oxidativo. Palavras Chave: Hipertensão 2R1C, Alisquireno, L-arginina, sensibilidade barorreflexa, estresse oxidativ