251 research outputs found

    Studi Kasus pada Keluarga Tn.m yang Mengalami Hipertensi Dikelurahan Barombong Kota Makassar

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    Tujuan pembangunan kesehatan menuju Indonesia sehat 2020 adalah meningkatkan kesadaran, kemauan dan kemampuan hidup sehat bagi setiap orang agar terwujud derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang optimal melalui terciptanya masyarakat bangsa dan negara Indonesia yang ditandai oleh penduduknya hidup dalam lingkungan dan prilaku yang sehat serta memiliki derajat kesehatan yang bermutu secara adil dan merata.Tujuan penelitian, mengetahui gambaran umum tentang pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan keluarga Tn.”M” dengan Ny.”D” yang mengalami masalah Hipertensi.Metode penelitian, Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif karena berujuan untuk menggambarkan keadaan atau status fenomena. Dalam hal ini peneliti hanya ingin mengetahui hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan keadaan sesuatu.Hasil, dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan, penulis menggunakan ilmu keperawatan masyarakat serta didukung oleh program masyarakat dari departemen kesehatan. Penulis membina kerjasama yang baik dalam melakukan intervensi yang telah ditetapkan selama tiga hari bersama dengan keluarga untuk memecahkan dan mengatasi masalah dengan membuat perencanaan, melaksanakan kegiatan pemerataan dan mengatasi masalah dengan membuat perencanaan, melaksanakan kegiatan, pemecahan masalah dan evaluasi. Memperoleh pengalaman nyata tentang hasil yang diperoleh. Ada beberapa kesenjangan yang terjadi dan beberapa hambatan yang diperoleh dimana telah di bahas pada bab sebelumnya.Kesimpulan, pada perawatan keluarga hendaknya menggunakan pendekatan yang sistematis untuk mengindentifikasi masalah kesehatan secara tepat. Perlu adanya peningkatan informasi yang diberikan oleh petugas kesehatan guna meningkatkan pemahaman keluarga dan masyarakat terhadap suatu penyakit yang dialami dan masalah kesehatan yang terkait dengan kehidupan orang banyak, melalui preventif, dan promosi kesehata

    Exploring Prognostic and Diagnostic Techniques for Jet Engine Health Monitoring: A Review of Degradation Mechanisms and Advanced Prediction Strategies

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    Maintenance is crucial for aircraft engines because of the demanding conditions to which they are exposed during operation. A proper maintenance plan is essential for ensuring safe flights and prolonging the life of the engines. It also plays a major role in managing costs for aeronautical companies. Various forms of degradation can affect different engine components. To optimize cost management, modern maintenance plans utilize diagnostic and prognostic techniques, such as Engine Health Monitoring (EHM), which assesses the health of the engine based on monitored parameters. In recent years, various EHM systems have been developed utilizing computational techniques. These algorithms are often enhanced by utilizing data reduction and noise filtering tools, which help to minimize computational time and efforts, and to improve performance by reducing noise from sensor data. This paper discusses the various mechanisms that lead to the degradation of aircraft engine components and the impact on engine performance. Additionally, it provides an overview of the most commonly used data reduction and diagnostic and prognostic techniques

    A key role of the mitochondrial citrate carrier (SLC25A1) in TNFα- and IFNγ-triggered inflammation

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    The chronic induction of inflammation underlies multiple pathological conditions, including metabolic, autoimmune disorders and cancer. The mitochondrial citrate carrier (CIC), encoded by the SLC25A1 gene, promotes the export of citrate from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm, a process that profoundly influences energy balance in the cells. We have previously shown that SLC25A1 is a target gene for lipopolysaccharide signaling and promotes the production of inflammatory mediators. We now demonstrate that SLC25A1 is induced at the transcriptional level by two key pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interferon-γ (IFNγ), and such induction involves the activity of the nuclear factor kappa B and STAT1 transcription factors. By studying the down-stream events following SLC25A1 activation during signals that mimic inflammation, we demonstrate that CIC is required for regulating the levels of nitric oxide and of prostaglandins by TNFα or IFNγ. Importantly, we show that the citrate exported from mitochondria via CIC and its downstream metabolic intermediate, acetyl-coenzyme A, are necessary for TNFα or IFNγ to induce nitric oxide and prostaglandin production. These findings provide the first line of evidence that the citrate export pathway, via CIC, is central for cytokine-induced inflammatory signals and shed new light on the relationship between energy metabolism and inflammation

    Editorial: Metabolism Meets Function: Untangling the Cross-Talk Between Signaling and Metabolism

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    Tumor metabolism is a long established field in cancer biology, as the seminal findings of Otto Warburg date back to the 1920s. Since then, the discovery that oncogenes, besides promoting the Warburg effect, modulate anabolic pathways, has prompted scientists to re-evaluate the role that tumor metabolism plays in the neoplastic process. Today, metabolic reprogramming of neoplastic cells is considered a hallmark of cancer, with the discovery that flexibility in the acquisition of various cellular characteristics is supported by specific metabolic pathways. Clinical and pharmacological advances, for example the application of FDG-PET in the clinical setting (1) and the development of novel pharmacological strategies based on antimetabolites (2), provide further support and validation of the role of metabolism in cancer. Here, we present a collection of works with the aim of bringing together work from a variety of scientists across the field of tumor metabolism toward an understanding of how different metabolic pathways are activated in neoplastic and surrounding cells, the mechanisms linking altered metabolism to tumorigenesis and the potential for pharmacological applications