128 research outputs found

    Interactions Between Charged Rods Near Salty Surfaces

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    Using both theoretical modeling and computer simulations we study a model system for DNA interactions in the vicinity of charged membranes. We focus on the polarization of the mobile charges in the membranes due to the nearby charged rods (DNA) and the resulting screening of their fields and inter-rod interactions. We find, both within a Debye-Huckel model and in Brownian dynamics simulations, that the confinement of the mobile charges to the surface leads to a qualitative reduction in their ability to screen the charged rods to the degree that the fields and resulting interactions are not finite-ranged as in systems including a bulk salt concentration, but rather decay algebraically and the screening effect is more like an effective increase in the multipole moment of the charged rod

    Sarcoma sinovial en el perro : 2 casos clínicos

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    Dos casos de sarcoma sinovial fueron diagnosticados en dos Rottweiler mediante biopsias sinoviales. Se describen los signos clínicos y radiográficos, así como las características histopatológicas del tumor y del líquido sinovial.Two cases of synovial sarcoma were diagnosed in two Rottweilers on the basis of synovial biopsies. Clinical and radiographic signs are described, along with histopathologic features of the tumour and synovial fluid

    Popliteal lymph node dissection for metastatic squamous cell carcinoma: a case report of an uncommon procedure for an uncommon presentation

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    Lymph node metastasis from cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is uncommon. The popliteal fossa is rarely involved with metastasis. Popliteal lymph node dissection is uncommonly performed and not frequently discussed in the literature. We present a case of squamous cell carcinoma of the heel with popliteal and inguinal metastasis. This is followed by a description of the relevant anatomy of the popliteal fossa and the technique of popliteal lymphadenectomy

    Charge Fluctuations and Counterion Condensation

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    We predict a condensation phenomenon in an overall neutral system, consisting of a single charged plate and its oppositely charged counterions. Based on the ``two-fluid'' model, in which the counterions are divided into a ``free'' and a ``condensed'' fraction, we argue that for high surface charge, fluctuations can lead to a phase transition in which a large fraction of counterions is condensed. Furthermore, we show that depending on the valence, the condensation is either a first-order or a smooth transition.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, accepted to be published in PR

    Riesgo de inundación en la subcuenca del río La Antigua, Veracr z, México

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue aplicar el modelo de simulación hidráulica HEC-RAS para delimitar las zonas con riesgo a inundación en la subcuenca del río La Antigua, Veracruz, México, utilizando la metodología del Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred), que considera la vulnerabilidad y el peligro de un sistema ante la ocurrencia de un fenómeno extremo perturbador. El modelo HEC-RAS usa ecuaciones diferenciales determinísticas que simulan el comportamiento y la dinámica de los niveles de agua en secciones transversales del cauce; su aplicación bajo condiciones de flujo no permanente y régimen mixto permitió definir las áreas de inundación alcanzadas durante una avenida extraordinaria. Para la simulación hidráulica se construyeron hidrogramas unitarios sintéticos con datos de precipitación registrados durante un evento hidrometeorológico extremo; la geometría del cauce se obtuvo con la extensión HEC-GeoRAS, herramienta que extrajo y procesó información georreferenciada del Modelo Digital de Elevación (MDE) LiDAR tipo terreno y los coeficientes de rugosidad (h de Manning) se estimaron de acuerdo con las características físicas del canal. Para calibrar los datos estimados por el modelo se utilizó información hidrométrica (niveles registrados) de la estación 28003 Cardel. La aplicación de tres estadísticas de prueba: R, RMSE y DMA demostraron un alto ajuste entre datos observados versus simulados, respaldando la aplicabilidad del modelo HEC-RAS para simular, predecir y delimitar zonas de riesgo a inundación

    Resection in the popliteal fossa for metastatic melanoma

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    BACKGROUND: Traditionally metastatic melanoma of the distal leg and the foot metastasize to the lymph nodes of the groin. Sometimes the first site of nodal disease can be the popliteal fossa. This is an infrequent event, with rare reports in literature and when it occurs, radical popliteal node dissection must be performed. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of a 36-year old man presented with diagnosis of 2 mm thick, Clark's level II-III, non ulcerated melanoma of the left heel, which developed during the course of the disease popliteal node metastases, after a superficial and deep groin dissection for inguinal node involvement. Five months after popliteal lymph node dissection he developed systemic disease, therefore he received nine cycles of dacarbazine plus fotemustine. To date (56 months after prior surgery and 11 months after chemotherapy) he is alive with no evidence of disease. CONCLUSION: In case of groin metastases from melanoma of distal lower extremities, clinical and ultrasound examination of ipsilateral popliteal fossa is essential. When metastatic disease is found, radical popliteal dissection is the standard of care. Therefore knowledge of anatomy and surgical technique about popliteal lymphadenectomy are required to make preservation of structures that if injured, can produce a permanent, considerable disability

    Long-term acclimation of anaerobic sludges for high-rate methanogenesis from LCFA

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    Inhibition of methanogens by long chain fatty acids (LCFA) and the low numbers of LCFA-degrading bacteria are limitations to exploit biogas production from fat-rich wastewaters. Generally reactors fail due to excessive LCFA accumulation onto the sludge. Here, long-term acclimation and bioaugmentation with a LCFA-degrading coculture were hypothesized as strategies to enhance methanogenic conversion of these compounds. Anaerobic sludges previously exposed to LCFA for more than 100 days converted a specific biomass-associated substrate of (3.2 ± 0.1) kg·kg−1 with very short lag phases (<1 day), whereas non-acclimated sludges showed lag phases of 11–15 days for metabolizing (1.6–1.8) kg·kg−1. Addition of a coculture of Syntrophomonas zehnderi and Methanobacterium formicicum to sludges previously loaded with LCFA and containing different amounts of biomass-associated substrate (from (0.5–3.2) kg·kg−1) did not improve methane production neither lag phases were shortened, indicating that the endogenous microbiota are not a limiting factor. Clearly, we show that long-term sludge acclimation to LCFA is essential for high rate methanogenesis from LCFA.The authors acknowledge the financial support by the European Regional Development Fund - ERDF, through the Operational Program Thematic Factors of Competitiveness - COMPETE, and by Portuguese funds, through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in the frame of the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-014784. FCT Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013 is also acknowledged. A.J. Cavaleiro thanks FCT for the post-doctoral fellowship ref. SFRH/BPD/75247/2010. A.J.M. Stams has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement n. [323009]

    Adjuvant radiotherapy for primary breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers and risk of contralateral breast cancer with special attention to patients irradiated at younger age

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the influence of adjuvant radiotherapy for primary breast cancer (BC) on the risk of contralateral BC (CBC) in BRCA1 or BRCA2(BRCA1/2) mutation carriers, with special attention to patients irradiated at age younger than 40 years. Additionally, tendencies in locoregional treatments and rates of contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy over time were explored. In this retrospective cohort study, 691 BRCA1/2-associated BC patients treated between 1980 and 2013 were followed from diagnosis until CBC or censoring event including ipsilateral BC recurrence, distant metastasis, contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy, other invasive cancer diagnosis, death, or loss to follow up. Hazard ratios (HR) for CBC associated with radiotherapy were estimated using Cox regression. Median follow-up time was 8.6 years [range 0.3–34.3 years]. No association between radiotherapy for primary BC and risk of CBC was found, neither in the total population (HR 0.82, 95 % CI 0.45–1.49) nor in the subgroup of patients younger than 40 years at primary diagnosis (HR 1.36, 95 % CI 0.60–3.09). During follow-up, the number of patients at risk decreased substantially since a large proportion of patients were censored after contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy or BC recurrence. Over the years, increasing preference for mastectomy without radiotherapy compared to breast-conserving surgery with radiotherapy was found ranging from less than 30 % in 1995 to almost 50 % after 2010. The rate of contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy increased over the years from less than 40 % in 1995 to more than 60 % after 2010. In this cohort of BRCA1/2-associated BC patients, no association between radiotherapy for primary BC and risk of CBC was observed in the total group, nor in the patients irradiated before the age of 40 years. The number of patients at risk after 10 and 15 years of follow-up, however, was too small to definitively exclude harmful effects of adjuvant radiotherapy