354 research outputs found

    Crew management administrative processes and information technology tools aiming at improving productivity and quality of work: the case of Marlow Navigation.

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    The management of human resources (HR) in the shipping industry is a continuing object of cost management due to the fact that labour cost is becoming an increasingly larger element of overall operational costs. While the fleet of merchant vessels constantly increases in size and the global supply of suitable seafarers shrinks, shipping organizations struggle to administrate their personnel more efficiently. Third-party ship management companies may employ thousands of seafarers of a number of different nationalities and with varying terms and conditions of employment. Each one of these employees has an individual record detailing personal circumstances, qualifications, reports on ability, travel arrangements from country of origin, immigration formality requirements, etc. These aspects engender an extremely complex and cost-conscious environment, within which advanced, tailor-made information technology (IT) tools and optimized cost-efficient administrative shoreside working processes are a prerequisite for reliable and efficient HR management. The main aim of this project is to investigate the administrative environment of one of the world’s largest crew management companies, ‘Marlow Navigation’ and to develop appropriate functional IT instruments and methods aiming at improving productivity and quality of work. Methodology: A questionnaire survey was conducted to gather data related to the administrative productivity of Marlow and the use of available IT applications. The approach consisted of two steps: 1) Descriptive statistics were used to provide quantitative descriptions of questionnaire results (problem identification); and 2) qualitative analysis, through ‘focus group discussion’, was used to identify the specific administrative areas where changes might be effected. Findings: Enhanced administrative productivity and improved quality of work were accomplished through an integrated system of crew management based on specialized IT instruments, innovative workflow and employees’ multidisciplinary knowledge. Originality/value: The proposed key variables of the HR management system can serve as a model for other business organizations, providing a basis for innovative progression with the potential for differentiation from traditional commercial shipping practices

    Digital control for turbine generators

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    Imperial Users onl

    Modulation of Cholinergic Signaling in Embryonic Zebrafish: Anatomical and Behavioral Consequences

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    Smoking during pregnancy remains a major health concern in the United States. Nicotine is one of the main ingredients of cigarettes and a neurotoxicant which has been purported to affect many aspects of nervous system development causing long-term abnormalities in the offspring. We took advantage of the zebrafish model to investigate the effects of nicotine in nervous system anatomy and function. It was previously reported that embryonic nicotine exposure causes pathfinding errors in secondary motoneuron (SMN) axons through the activation of nicotine acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). However, the nicotine-induced effects on SMN pathfinding coincided with muscle degeneration. We hypothesized that nicotine exposure could directly affect spinal neurons bypassing muscle degeneration effects. Focusing on the neural specific effects of nicotine exposure, we identified four unique, abnormal axonal pathfinding errors which were caused by the exposure. We then demonstrated that the nicotine-induced motoneuron and muscle effects uncoupled in a dose-dependent manner. Showing that embryonic nicotine exposure could directly alter SMN axon pathfinding, we hypothesized that these nicotine-induced effects would persist into later stages of life. To test this hypothesis, we developed a live imaging method where transgenic zebrafish expressing green fluorescent protein in SMNs and their axons could be visualized over the course of several weeks. We demonstrated that embryonic nicotine exposure caused axonal pathfinding errors that persisted into adulthood. We then hypothesized that these anatomical changes would potentially coincide with physiological changes that would ultimately result in altered behavior of the adult. To test this hypothesis, we developed a method in which the swimming behavior in freely swimming adult zebrafish was examined using electromyographic recordings from the axial muscles of adult zebrafish exposed to nicotine as embryos. Our analyses revealed that several distinct features indicative of swimming behavior in zebrafish were altered by transient nicotine exposure during embryogenesis. Changes in the overall swimming frequency, the relationship between burst duration and cycle time, and the alternating pattern of activity were all altered in adult fish. These may be related to alterations in the physiological properties of interneurons within the spinal circuitry that govern locomotor output. The actions of nicotine are thought to be mediated through the activation of nAChRs. We investigated the expression pattern of the α2 nAChR subunit as evidence form others suggested it would be expressed by motoneurons and/or interneurons. Using a zebrafish-specific antibody, we showed that the α2 nAChR subunit exhibited a diverse and developmentally regulated pattern of expression. In order to examine the role of the α2 nAChR subunit during embryonic development, we blocked its expression using antisense modified oligonucleotides. Blocking the expression of α2 nAChR subunit altered the embryonic nicotine-induced swim-like behavior without affecting neuronal and muscle elements associated with this motor output. Since Rohon-Beard neurons and other spinal neurons expressed the α2 subunit during embryonic development, we propose that these spinal neurons express α2-containing nAChRs and are most likely involved in initiating and maintaining nicotine-induced motor output

    Isolation of Aflatoxin-Free Lutein from Aflatoxin-Contaminated Corn

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    Lutein (3,3’-dihydroxy-alpha-carotene) has been identified by the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) of the National Institute of Health (NIH) as a dietary compound with the ability to delay the onset and/or progression of age-related and/or diabetes-related vision loss. Lutein can also be useful in the prevention of other angiogenic diseases such as breast and colon cancer. Although marigold (Tagetes erecta) flowers are an excellent source of lutein, corn (Zea mays) has been identified as a very economical source of lutein because more value-added products, such as lutein, oil, and zein (known for its anti-microbial and anti-hypertensive activities) can be isolated from corn than marigold flowers. However, aflatoxin-contaminated corn has very low economic value to farmers and is banned for use in human food chain. The objective of this research was to isolate aflatoxin-free lutein from aflatoxin-contaminated corn. Aflatoxin-contaminated corn was fractionated for lutein using commercially available solvents. Aflatoxins in the aflatoxin-lutein mixture were converted into a water-soluble molecule and were displaced from the lipid environment. Extraction and quantification of aflatoxin in the aqueous and lutein-containing lipid phase were carried out using the AOAC multifunctional column method involving solid phase extraction and HPLC, respectively. Aflatoxins BB1B and BB2B were identified at 4888 and 368 ppb, respectively in the untreated aflatoxins-lutein extract. However, no peaks associated with either aflatoxin BB1B or BB2B were detected in the lipid phase containing lutein following aflatoxins displacement. Lutein concentration and stability following aflatoxins displacement was determined by HPLC. The HPLC results indicated the presence of one peak eluted at 21.0 minutes. Spiking with standard lutein confirmed the identity and stability of lutein isolated from aflatoxins-contaminated corn. This study has shown that corn growers and processors may generate additional income from aflatoxin-contaminated corn. The overall significance of this research is that, if approved by FDA, corn growers can still sell aflatoxins-contaminated corn at a competitive price since almost all the value-added products from corn can be recovered aflatoxins-free and more lutein will be available for disease prevention

    Structural and Biosynthetic Studies of Natural Products of the Asteraceae and Lamiaceae.

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    As part of the investigation of the allelopathic interactions of members of the Florida scrub community, the chemical constituents of Solidago pauciflosculosa (Asteraceae) and Calamintha ashei (Lamiaceae) were studied. Aqueous and organic extracts of fresh leaves of S. pauciflosculosa provided large amounts of diterpene acids. The two major diterpenes isolated, 17-oxygrindelic acid and 17-oxogrindelic acid, showed significant inhibitory effects on germination and radicle growth of two Florida sandhill grasses, Schizachyrium scoparium and Leptochloa dubia. The organic extracts of S. pauciflosculosa were very rich in sesquiterpenes, the three major sesquiterpenes being (+)-epicurlone, (+)-episesquiphellandrene (-)-a-trans-bergamotene. These three compounds did not show any significant effects on the germination and radicle growth of test species. Fresh leaves of C. ashei were very rich in menthofuran monoterpenes and flavonoids. The two major monoterpenes, epievodone and desacetylcalaminthone exhibited strong inhibitory effects on the germination and root growth of test species at concentrations of 106 and 92 ppm, respectively, whereas the flavonoids showed no effects. Investigation of the chemical constituents of the root of S. pauciflosculosa, S. canadensis and S. sempervirens provided acetylenic compounds and diterpene acids. cis,cis- and cis,trans-Matricaria esters from S. pauciflosculosa as well as cis-dehydromatricaria ester from S. canadensis showed strong inhibitory effects on the germination of test species. cis,cis-Matricaria ester completely inhibited germination of Florida sandhill grasses at 106 and 53 ppm. Biosynthetic studies of chemical constitutents of hairy root cultures of Tagetes patula (Asteraceae), using \sp{13}C-labeled acetates, established the biosynthetic pathway of two bithiophenes and the sesquiterpene b-farnesene. The bithiophenes are formed by linear combination of acetate followed by loss of the two terminal carbon units to give the 12 carbon skeleton of the bithiophenes. b-Farnesene also followed the predicted pathway via the mevalonic acid route. Further investigation of the chemical constituents of hairy root cultures of Tagetes patula provided, besides the above three compounds, two known bithiophenes and four benzofurans

    Pharmacotherapy of breast cancer: Novel approaches, overcoming of multidrug resistance

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    Diplomová práce Pavlina Menelaou: Pharmacotherapy of breast cancer: Novel approaches, overcoming of multidrug resistance. ABSTRAKT Nádor prsu vzniká z nekontrolovaného růstu abnormálních prsních buněk. Nejčastěji nádor zahrnuje žlázové prsní buňky mlékovodů nebo lalůčků. Nejběžnějším příznakem prsního nádoru jsou nová bulka či otok. Dalšími možnými příznaky mohou být zčervenání, svědění, výtok z bradavky a další. Některými rizikovými faktory pro vznik prsního nádoru mohou být alkohol, obezita, perorální hormonální antikoncepce, ozáření, pohlaví, věk, dědičné a genetické faktory, estrogenové a progesteronové receptory. Prsní nádor může být léčen chirurgicky, včetně amputace prsu, operací lymfatických žláz a lumpektomií, ozařováním nebo chemoterapií. Nové metody léčby zahrnují hormonální terapii s použitím selektivních modulátorů estrogenového receptoru, jako jsou tamoxifen, raloxifen, aromatázové inhibitory jako anastrozol a letrozol. Jednou ze slibných terapií je imunoterapie s použitím interferonů a ostatních cytokinů, dendritických buněk a vakcín. Jiný nový přístup je představován cílenou terapií, který využívá monoklonální protilátky, inhibitory tyrozinkináz a další slibné přístupy. Genová terapie, která je použita pro opravu specifických molekulárních defektů, jež přispívají ke vzniku a progresi prsního...Pavlina Menelaou: Pharmacotherapy of breast cancer: Novel approaches, overcoming of multidrug resistance. (Diploma thesis) ABSTRACT Breast cancer arises when there is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the breast. Most often the tumor involves glandular breast cells in the ducts or lobules. The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass. Other possible signs can be redness, swelling, nipple discharge and more. Some risk factors of breast cancer can be alcohol, obesity, oral hormonal contraceptives, radiation, gender, age, hereditary/genetic aspects, estrogen and progesterone receptors. Breast cancer can be treated by surgery including mastectomy, lymphedema surgery and lumpectomy, by radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The novel methods include hormonal therapy using selective estrogen receptor modulators like tamoxifen, raloxifene, aromatase inhibitors like anastrozole and letrozole. One of the promising therapies is immune therapy with the use of interferons and other cytokines, dendritic cells and vaccines. Another novel approach is represented by the targeted therapy that is using monoclonal antibodies, tyrosine kinase inhibitors and more promising ways. The gene therapy that is made to correct specific molecular defects that contributes to the cause or progressions of breast cancer...Department of Pharmacology and ToxicologyKatedra farmakologie a toxikologieFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Motoneuron axon pathfinding errors in zebrafish: Differential effects related to concentration and timing of nicotine exposure

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Nicotine exposure during embryonic stages of development can affect many neurodevelopmental processes. In the developing zebrafish, exposure to nicotine was reported to cause axonal pathfinding errors in the later born secondary motoneurons (SMNs). These alterations in SMN axon morphology coincided with muscle degeneration at high nicotine concentrations (15-30. μM). Previous work showed that the paralytic mutant zebrafish known as sofa potato exhibited nicotine-induced effects onto SMN axons at these high concentrations but in the absence of any muscle deficits, indicating that pathfinding errors could occur independent of muscle effects.In this study, we used varying concentrations of nicotine at different developmental windows of exposure to specifically isolate its effects onto subpopulations of motoneuron axons. We found that nicotine exposure can affect SMN axon morphology in a dose-dependent manner. At low concentrations of nicotine, SMN axons exhibited pathfinding errors, in the absence of any nicotine-induced muscle abnormalities. Moreover, the nicotine exposure paradigms used affected the 3 subpopulations of SMN axons differently, but the dorsal projecting SMN axons were primarily affected. We then identified morphologically distinct pathfinding errors that best described the nicotine-induced effects on dorsal projecting SMN axons. To test whether SMN pathfinding was potentially influenced by alterations in the early born primary motoneuron (PMN), we performed dual labeling studies, where both PMN and SMN axons were simultaneously labeled with antibodies. We show that only a subset of the SMN axon pathfinding errors coincided with abnormal PMN axonal targeting in nicotine-exposed zebrafish. We conclude that nicotine exposure can exert differential effects depending on the levels of nicotine and developmental exposure window