5 research outputs found

    Logistic Model for Predicting Coliform Growth in Wastewater Effluent From the Chambo River (Ecuador)

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    Purpose: The objective of this work is to apply a predictive model of bacterial growth to determine the concentration of total coliforms, under controlled laboratory conditions, in wastewater from the city of Riobamba that flows into the Chambo River (Ecuador).   Theoretical Framework: Wastewater pollution is a global problem that affects water quality and public health. Population growth has a drastic impact on the contamination of water bodies, particularly in Ecuador, since most of the effluents are not adequately treated, which becomes a public health and environmental problem. For this reason, over the years, total and fecal coliforms have been used as indicators of water quality.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The study used a mathematical modeling approach of a logistic and deterministic type, and calculated through an executable command designed in the integrated development environment (IDE) with the Visual C# programming language (logic) and the XAML design language (interface).   Findings: The results achieved are 1) the theoretical construction of a mathematical model (logistic model) starting from a differential equation and the taking of three experimental measurements, 2) the computer construction of the bacterial growth model and 3) it has been demonstrated that there is agreement between the values obtained from the model of total coliform growth and the experimental results with a margin of error of less than 1%.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: This information can be used by stakeholders to determine actions that could improve current conditions.   Originality/Value: The result of this study emphasizes that the model proposed can reproduce the growth of coliforms up to a maximum growth point, it is necessary to continue with the development of the same in the stationary phase of bacterial growth and then in the decay phase

    Characterization of real aquifers using hydrogeophysical measurements. An application to the chambo aquifer (Ecuador)

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Idraulica per l'Ambiente e il Territorio Ciclo XXVII, a.a. 2014Università della Calabri

    Identification of the Hydrogeological Potential in Langos-San Andres, by Means of Electrical Resistivity Tomography Interpretation

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    This work aims to determine the hydrogeological potential in the community of Langos-San Andrés, belonging to the canton Guano. This was done by interpreting the regional geology–specific and subsurface stratigraphy. Stratigraphy was obtained by mathematical modeling of the electrical resistivity tomography results obtained in the study area. The interpretation of this information allowed us to know the structure of the soil and the levels at which the groundwater was located. Also, determining the optimal level of extraction of groundwater is a partition of 50 m depth onwards. Furthermore, the location of this water level will allow 1000 families in this area to obtain good quality water, reducing the water access gap that exists in the region and in Ecuador

    Biorremediación de efluentes de la industria minera contaminados con cianuro

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    El cianuro constituye la sustancia química mayormente empleada para la lixiviación de oro en la actividad minera. Su alta toxicidad afecta directamente a los organismos que se desarrollan alrededor de dicha industria, y al medio ambiente en general. Con el fin de reducir los niveles de cianuro libre en efluentes provenientes de la minería, el trabajo se enfocó en determinar las condiciones óptimas para la biodegradación de cianuro empleando los extractos de dos tipos de plantas nativas (Cecropia peltata l. y Malva sylvestris) de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Para los ensayos se prepararon muestras sintéticas con concentración de 1mg/l CN- y se aplicaron dos tipos de pruebas: la primera mediante el machacado de las hojas de las platas y la extracción en medio alcohólico, y la segunda a través de dosificaciones en un equipo de jarras. Con el machacado después de un reposo de 5 días entre machacado y agua con concentración de 1 mg/l con ambas plantas se obtuvo un porcentaje de remoción de 17% con la Malva sylvestris y del 12% con Cecropia peltata l. En cambio, al hacer pruebas de dosificación se obtuvo porcentajes de remoción del 14% y 11% con los extractos acuosos de Malva sylvestris y Cecropia peltata l respectivamente

    Clínica Integrada - ME210 - 202101

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    Curso de especialidad, de la carrera de medicina, de carácter teórico- práctico del ciclo 7, en el que los estudiantes integran conocimientos previos con la anamnesis, el examen físico y establecen el diagnostico por síndromes o problemas y el plan de trabajo. El curso de Clínica integrada busca desarrollar las competencias generales de comunicación escrita y comunicación oral(nivel 2) y las competencias específicas de práctica clínica-diagnóstico (nivel 2) y profesionalismo-sentido ético y legal y responsabilidad profesional(nivel 2). La integración de conocimientos en la historia clínica, permitirá al estudiante, plantear un adecuado diagnóstico, plan de trabajo para la atención de su futuro paciente