65 research outputs found

    El empowerment psicológico en el trabajo

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    El término empowerment (que significa otorgar poder, y cuya traducción al castellano es potenciación) hace alusión de manera general, al mecanismo a través del cual las personas, las organizaciones y las comunidades ganan control/maestría/dominio sobre sus propias vidas (Rappaport, 1981, 1985; Rappaport, Swift y Hess, 1984). El concepto de empowerment admite una doble lectura: por un lado se refiere al sentido psicológico de control personal o influencia, y por otro lado hace alusión a la influencia social, el poder político y los derechos legales (Rappaport, 1987). El estudio del empowerment debe hacerse en relación a los distintos contextos en los cuales las personas se ven inmersas, admitiendo diferentes niveles de análisis: individual, organizacional y comunitario. Al mismo tiempo se puede distinguir entre procesos y resultados de empowerment (Zimmerman, 1995). Los procesos de empowerment son aquéllos en los que las personas crean o reciben oportunidades de control sobre sus propios destinos e influyen en las decisiones que afectan a sus vidas en distintos ámbitos; mientras que los resultados de empowerment se refieren a los efectos o consecuencias que tienen dichos procesos. En el siguiente artículo se revisa el concepto de empowerment a nivel individual (empowerment psicológico), tratándose su multidimensionalidad y diferenciándose, a nivel teórico, entre tres de sus componentes: el intrapersonal, de interacción y de conducta. Al mismo tiempo, se exponen algunos modelos que tienen en cuenta como antecedentes del empowerment psicológico en el lugar de trabajo factores socio-estructurales de la organización. Se comentan también los resultados obtenidos en investigaciones que relacionan la experiencia de empowerment psicológico con la eficacia organizacional y la salud mental ocupacional.______________________________The term empowerment (which means to grant power. and whose translation into Spanith. is potenciación) refers generallty speaking to the mechanism by means of which people, organizations and communities gain control/mastery/authority over their own lives' (Rappaport. 1981, 1985: Rappaport, Swift and Hess, 1984). The concept of empowerment admits a double reading: on the one hand, it refers to the psychological sense of person at' control or influence, and on the other, it mentions social influence, political power and legal rights (Rappaport, 1987). The study of empowerment must be done in relation to the different contexts in which people are immersed, admitting different levels of analysis: individual, organizational año' community. At the same time, a distinction can be made between enzpowermentprocesse and results (Zimmerman, 1995). Empowerment processes are those in which people creaté' or receive opportunities to control their own destinies and influence on the decisions affecting. their lives in different fields; whereas empowerment results refer to the effects or consequences of such processes. In the following article the concept of empowerment at an individual level (psychologica.l-' empowerment) is reviewed, dealing with its multidimensional nature and differentiating, at a theoretical level, between three components: intrapersonal, interactional and behavioral; Also some models are explained that take into account socio -structural factors of the' - organization as antecedents of the psychological empowerment at the workplace. The results obtained in research studies that relate the experience of psychological empowerment to. organizational efficacy and occupational mental health are also commented

    La calidad de vida de las personas mayores en una zona de salud de Huelva

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    El envejecimiento de la población constituye hoy en día uno de los problemas más acuciantes en nuestra sociedad. El incremento del colectivo de mayores de 65 años (donde destaca un fuerte incremento de la población de edad más avanzada -80 años-) está planteando nuevas demandas a los profesionales de los dispositivos de salud y/o servicios sociales, así como a los gestores e interventores que están implicados en la adopción y puesta en práctica de políticas de Bienestar. Con objeto de conocer la situación concreta de este colectivo en una zona de Huelva se plantea el presente estudio cuyo objetivo principal es valorar la calidad de vida de la población mayor. Para ello se seleccionó, a partir del censo disponible, una muestra representativa de la población de 65 años y más de una zona de salud de Huelva capital. Mediante entrevistas individualizadas en los domicilios de los mayores, llevadas a cabo por personal específicamente entrenado, se administraron una serie de escalas y cuestionarios para medir distintos aspectos (tanto objetivos como subjetivos) de la calidad de vida. Entre otros se midieron la autopercepción de salud y el bienestar subjetivo (a través de la satisfacción con la vida), las relaciones sociales y el apoyo social y el grado de autonomía del anciano, además de variables sociodemográficas. En el presente trabajo se presentan solamente los resultados referidos a la salud y el bienestar subjetivos de los mayores. Pretendemos que los resultados finales sobre los distintos aspectos medidos de la calidad de vida de los mayores puedan servir para orientar actuaciones de cara a mejorar la situación de este sector de población.The ageing of the population is nowadays one of the most pressing problems in our society. The increase of the community of people over 65 (where a strong increase of the oldest population –80 years old– is remarkable) is demanding new challenges from public health and/or social services professionals, and from managers and supervisors involved in the adoption and implementation of Welfare policies. In order to knowing the concrete situation of this group in an area of Huelva, the present study is planned. Its main aim is to assess quality of life of the older population. For this purpose, a representative sample of the population over 65 and more than one health zone of the city of Huelva were selected from the available census. By means of individual interviews at the elders’ homes made by specifically trained staff, a number of scales and questionnaires were administered in order to measure several aspects (both objective and subjective) of the quality of life. Among others, health self-perception and subjective well-being (through satisfaction with life), social relationships and support, and the degree of autonomy of the elder, as well as some socio-demographic variables, were measured. The present study shows only the results relative to the elders’ subjective health and well-being. Our aim is for the final results of the various measured aspects of the elders’ quality of life to help guiding performances in order to improve the situation of this sector of the populatio

    Adaptación al español del cuestionario de Condiciones de Efectividad en el Trabajo (CWEQ-II)

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    El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar al español el Cuestionario de Condiciones para la Efectividad en el Trabajo (Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire [CWEQII]) desarrollado por Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian y Wilk (2001). Se llevó a cabo un proceso de traducción y retrotraducción de los ítems que lo componen y se exploraron sus propiedades psicométricas, en una muestra de 346 empleados de una universidad pública española. Se investigó la fiabilidad de la escala y su estructura factorial (análisis factorial confirmatorio) y las relaciones entre el empowerment estructural, el empowerment general y el empowerment psicológico en el trabajo. Los resultados revelaron una estructura multidimensional de cuatro factores (acceso a las oportunidades, a la información, al apoyo y a los recursos) conforme a la escala original, y relaciones positivas entre el empowerment estructural, general y psicológico en el trabajo. Se incluyen interpretaciones y sugerencias para futuros estudios.The objective of this study is to adapt and translate into Spanish the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire –CWEQ II- (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian & Wilk, 2001). A process of translation and reversetranslation was applied to the scale’s items, whose psychometric properties were then examined using a sample of 346 employees from a Spanish public university. Reliability, factor structure (confirmatory factor analysis) of the scale and relationships between structural, general and psychological empowerment are investigated. Results showed a multidimensional scale of four first-order factors (access to opportunities, information, support and resources) as the original one, and positive relations between structural, general and psychological empowerment in the workplace. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions to further research are made

    Role stress and work engagement as antecedents of job satisfaction in Spanish workers

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    Purpose: According to the Job Demands-Resources (JDR) model, engagement and job satisfaction may be produce by two types of working conditions: job demands (i.e. role stress) and job resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This study examines the role of role stress and work engagement as antecedents of job satisfaction in a sample of Spanish workers. Design/methodology/approach: This study comprised a sample of 435 Spanish workers. A cross sectional study was used to examine the relationship between role stress, work engagement and job satisfaction. Data were gathered based on personal administered questionnaires. Findings and Originality/value: Hierarchical multiple regression models have revealed that job satisfaction was significantly predicted by role stress and work engagement. Results support JDR model by showing that positive outcomes, such as job satisfaction can be predicted by motivational process and job demands. Research limitations/implications: The cross-sectional design cannot evidence of causal relationships. This study relies on self-reports, which might increase the risk of common method variance. Practical implications: On a practical level, the JDR model provides a framework for understanding motivating workplaces and engaged and satisfied employees. Originality/value: The JDR model could be useful in designing strategies for which engaged employees may be advantageous to improving the quality of services, while at the same time increasing employees’ job satisfaction and well-being

    Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Mental Health in Nurses from Huelva: A Cross-Cutting Study during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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    : Currently, healthcare professionals are particularly vulnerable to the impact of the SARSCoV-2pandemic since they directly deal with patients suffering from this disease and are in the first line of fire, which increases their risk of contagion. This research examines the prevalence of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and possible non-psychotic psychiatric disorders in 48 male and 270 female nursing professionals of Huelva during the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, we analyzed the relationship between these dependent variables and considered various sociodemographic variables. The nursing staff of public hospitals in Huelva who have had contact with cases of SARS-CoV-2 in their work environment showed a poorer state of mental health than that of others of this same professional category who have not had contact with this type of situatio

    Validity evidence of the Spanish adaptation of the Organizational Empowerment Scale

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    El objetivo del estudio es presentar evidencias de validez de la adaptación al castellano de la Escala de Empowerment Organizacional (OES) de Matthews, Diaz y Cole (2003). La muestra empleada estuvo compuesta por 305 empleados de establecimientos hoteleros. Se investigó la fiabilidad de la escala y su estructura factorial (análisis factorial confirmatorio), y las relaciones del empowerment con satisfacción laboral y burnout. Los resultados revelaron una estructura multidimensional de tres factores primarios, una relación significativa y positiva entre empowerment organizacional y satisfacción laboral, y una relación significativa y negativa con burnout. Se incluyen interpretaciones y sugerencias para estudios futuros.This paper presents validity evidences for the use of Spanish version of the Organizational Empowerment Scale (OES ) (Matthews, Diaz & Cole, 2003). The sample consisted of 305 employees from Spanish hotels. Reliability and factor structure (confirmatory factor analysis) of the scale were investigated. Results showed a multidimensional scale of three first-order factors, positive relations between organizational empowerment and job satisfaction and negative relations between organizational empowerment and burnout. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions of further research are made

    Work–family interaction, self-perceived mental health and burnout in specialized physicians of Huelva (Spain): a study conducted during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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    Background: The medical staff who work in specialized healthcare are among the professionals with a greater risk of presenting negative indicators of mental health. These professionals are exposed to numerous sources of stress that can have a negative influence on their personal life. Currently, SARS-CoV-2 poses an additional and relevant source of stress. The aim of this study was to identify the interactions between the work and family environments, as well as to analyze self-perceived mental health and burnout in physicians who, during the COVID-19 pandemic, carried out their jobs in public health in Huelva (Spain), also considering a series of sociodemographic variables. Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Information from 128 participants was collected using the SWING, MBI-HSS and GHQ-12 questionnaires, along with sociodemographic data and possible situations of contact with SARS-CoV-2. The data were analyzed, and correlations were established. Results: Most of the sample obtained a positive interaction result of work over family. Those who had been in contact with SARS-CoV-2 represented higher percentages of a positive result in GHQ-12, negative work–family interaction, burnout, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. In general, the men showed a worse mental health state than women. Conclusions: The medical staff of Huelva who had been in contact with situations of SARS-CoV-2 in their work environment presented worse indicators of mental health and greater negative interaction of work over family than those who had not been in contact with these situations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The upshot of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on nursing assistants: evaluating mental health indicators in Huelva

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    Healthcare professionals who work in front-line situations are among those under the highest risk of presenting negative mental health indicators. We sought to assess the prevalence of low personal realization, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization as well as probable non-psychotic psychiatric pathologies during the pandemic in nursing assistants in the city of Huelva (Spain), and to study the association between these mental health indicators and sociodemographic and professional variables. A cross-sectional descriptive investigation with a quantitative approach was used. A representative sample of these professionals, consisting of 29 men and 284 women, completed the GHQ-12 questionnaire, including sociodemographic data and the MBI-HSS questionnaire, collecting information on situations of contact with SARS-CoV-2. Data analysis was conducted, and correlations were established. We found that emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and probable non-psychotic, psychiatric pathologies were related to contact with SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, personal realization, depersonalization and emotional exhaustion were related to just gender. We conclude that nursing assistants from public hospitals in the city of Huelva who had contact with patients with SARS-CoV-2 in the workplace, showed poor mental health indicators than those who did not come into contact with infected individuals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio