6 research outputs found

    Empathy in the Curriculum for Patient Care

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    Introduction: Empathy on nursing education is an important element in therapeutic communication and in the type of humanized care provided, due the strengthening of the nurse-patient relationship depends on this. Objective: To evaluate the levels of empathy on nursing students of a Higher Education Institution. Cartagena de Indias/Colombia. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional exploratory study. A sample of 320 nursing students from first to fourth year of training, to whom the Jefferson Medical Empathy Scale (JMES) was applied in the Spanish version. Results: Levels of empathy are reflected more in women than in men in general. However, some values vary with respect to the average at 3.14 levels in relation to the first year of schooling. Conclusion: The need for a curricular redesign and favoring empathic actions by professors worthy of being imitated by students as a way of encouraging empathy when caring for patients

    Cuidado y comunicación por parte de enfermeros a familiares de pacientes hospitalizados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos

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    Objetive To describe the perception of care from nurses that families with patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit have. Methodology Quantitative and qualitative of descriptive type, phenomenological of exploratory character (perceptual regression). The population was 44 relatives of patients in chronic state or terminally ill, hospitalized in an intensive care unit. The study was conducted in two phases: The first, based on Rolland's tridimensional model, and Jean Watson's humanized care; and the second, Merle Mishel's Theory of Uncertainty. Survey and semi- structured interviews were used as instruments. For data analysis the software SPSS 19.0 and Atlas Ti 6.0 were used. Results 70,0% of relatives present uncertainty along with fears, anxieties, hopes, among others, and many of these emotions relate to the fact that they consider not to be well informed of patient condition, leading them to think that the disease could end at any time with the life of their loved one. Conclusion The positive perception depends on empathy (family-nurse-patient), in addition to the means used to provide the information, the degree of attention se and the promptness to meet the needs of the family related to patient care.Objetivo Describir la percepción del cuidado de enfermería que tienen los familiares con pacientes hospitalizados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. Metodología Cuantitativa y cualitativa de tipo descriptivo, fenomenológica de carácter exploratorio (regresión perceptiva). La población fue de 44 familiares de pacientes en estado crónico o en fase terminal, hospitalizados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. El estudio se realizó en dos fases: La primera, tomando como base el Modelo tridimensional de Rolland y el Cuidado humanizado de Jean Watson y la segunda, la Teoría de incertidumbre de Merle Mishel. Se utilizaron como instrumentos la encuesta y la entrevista semi-estructurada. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó el software SPSS 19.0 y Atlas Ti 6.0. Resultados El 70,0% de los familiares presentan estados de incertidumbre, además de temores, angustias, esperanzas, entre otros y gran parte de estas emociones se relacionan con que consideran no estar bien informados del estado del paciente, llevándolos a pensar en que la enfermedad podría acabar en cualquier momento con la vida de su ser querido. Conclusión La percepción positiva depende de la empatía (familia-enfermera-paciente), además del medio utilizado para suministrar la información, el grado de atención de la enfermera y prontitu relacionadas con el cuidado del paciente

    Emprendimiento: Herramienta para la formación del emprendedor social en la Universidad de la Guajira

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze entrepreneurship as a tool for the formation of social entrepreneurship at the University of La Guajira. Supported by the precepts of authors such as Herrera (2012), Martin (2007), Guedez (2010), Curto (2012) and Soto and Cardenas (2007), among others. By developing a research methodology subscribed in the analytical, descriptive and documentary, using to compile information in the technical literature review. Overall, the venture represents a tool for the formation of social entrepreneurs from the University of La Guajira, in order to improve the welfare of the environment from the skills acquired, and thus add value through creative and innovative ideas that promote development of societyEl propósito de esta investigación fue analizar el emprendimiento como herramienta para la formación del emprendedor social en la Universidad de la Guajira. Apoyada en los preceptos de autores como: Herrera (2012), Martin (2007), Guedez (2010), Curto (2012) y Soto y Cárdenas (2007), entre otros. Mediante el desarrollo de una metodología de investigación de tipo analítico, descriptivo y documental, recurriendo para la compilación de información en la técnica de revisión bibliográfica. En líneas generales, el emprendimiento representa una herramienta para la formación de emprendedores sociales desde la Universidad de La Guajira, a fin de mejorar el bienestar del entorno desde las competencias adquiridas, y con ello agregar valor a través de ideas creativas e innovadoras que promuevan el desarrollo de la sociedad

    Manifestaciones de la dinámica familiar en factores de riesgo socioculturales que inciden en el consumo de alcohol en jóvenes de 12 a 18 años en tiempo de Covid 19

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    This article was intended. Identify the sociocultural risk factors that influence alcohol consumption   in   young   people   from   12   to 18 years of age in the Pablo VI educational institution in the municipality of Barrancas La Guajira. From different perspectives, it was characterized by its methodological process, implicit in the research. descriptive, quantitative approach, non-experimental, cross-sectional and field design, the population was 25 students.  Whose results show problematic situations that require articulated actions to look for alternatives given the relevance for mental health, likewise, the theoretical bases, guaranteed the integrated strengthening of the study objective, in view of the above, the mhGAP Intervention Guide stands out, 2010, it is necessary to “Promote a change in the adolescent’s environment instead of focusing directly on the adolescent as the problem. For example, promote participation in school or work and in after-school / work activities that occupy the adolescent’s time, and promote participation in group activities that facilitate the acquisition of skills and contribution to their communities.   It is important that adolescents get involved in activities that interest them” (p.63)  El presente artículo tuvo como objetivo. Identificar los factores de riesgo socioculturales que inciden en el consumo de alcohol en jóvenes de 12 a 18 años de edad en la institución educativa Pablo VI en el municipio de Barrancas La Guajira, desde diferentes perspectivas se caracterizó por su proceso metodológicamente, implícito en la investigación de tipo descriptiva, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, transeccional y de campo, la población fue 30 estudiantes. Los resultados evidencian situaciones problematizadas que requieren de acciones articuladas para buscar alternativas dada la relevancia para la salud mental. Se destaca la Guía de Intervención  mhGAP,  2010, de acuerdo con la cual es  necesario  que se “Promueva un cambio en el entorno del adolescente en lugar de enfocarse directamente en el adolescente como el problema. Por ejemplo, promueva la participación en la escuela o el trabajo y en actividades después de clase / trabajo que ocupen el tiempo del adolescente,  y promueva la participación en actividades de grupo que faciliten la adquisición de habilidades y la contribución a sus comunidades. Es importante que los adolescentes se involucren en actividades que les interesen” (p.63

    Psychopharmacological Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in Naval Military Subjects

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    Introduction: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric syndrome known since 1980 with multiple names in the military field. Its etiology is multicausal, whose predominant factor is the lack of adaptation and managing with events considered traumatic. Objective. To describe the clinical characteristics such as the type of psychological and pharmacological treatment received by the naval military with diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder at the Psychiatric Unit of Cartagena’s Naval Hospital. Methodology: A descriptive, retrospective cross-sectional study with an associative approach (Crosstabulation). The sample was 242 navy subjects with PTSD diagnosis. The information was collected with a data collection form of medical records. The information analysis was developed through the program SPSS ® 21.0. Chi2 and value of p≤0.05 calculation was applied through the crossing of variables. Results: The most prevalent type of traumatic event was the one represented by combat with the presence of depressive disorders and anxiety with a value of p≤0.05. Conclusions: The PTSD severity is related to the severity of the event, in addition if the trumatic event was repetitive

    Biochemical Markers Present in a Population Susceptible to Suffering From Metabolic Syndrome

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (SM) according to Adult Treatment Panel III ATPIII and its relation with uric acid concentration and C-reactive protein, in people aged from 45 to 60 years old from the Getsemaní neighborhood of Cartagena city, Colombia. Materials and Methods: Type of study: Observational, Descriptive-Correlation. Population of 802 inhabitants from the Getsemaní neighborhood of Cartagena city. We analyzed 302 inhabitants from a random sample with 95% confidence level and 5% of error level. The ATP III diagnostic criteria were applied, the applied instrument had basic data about the general context (social, demographic, economic aspects, family history, work activity and its physical characteristics: weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, calculation of BMI), as well diagnostic tests as: glycaemia, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDLc, LDLc, uric acid, ultrasensitive C-reactive protein. Results: The population susceptible to metabolic syndrome presented a prevalence of 18%. The most prevalent metabolic syndrome factor was abdominal obesity with 85%, followed by an increase in triglycerides by 76%. Conclusion: When applying the ATP III criteria, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was considered high. There was no significant association of C-reactive protein values with the possibility of developing metabolic syndrome in both men and women, but uric acid results were found to be correlated in the group of women susceptible to MS with a p = 0.0022