17 research outputs found

    O infanticídio no código penal de 1940: crítica à aplicação do critério fisiopsíquico

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    lnfanticide is described in the Brazilian Penal Code of 1940 as follows: "The killing by the mother of her newborn child during or soon after the birth under the influence of puerperal state". "Penalty: two to six years of prison". This law grants the mother who kills her newborn child a lighter punishment than that given to homicides in general. For this to occur, however, it is necessary that the crime be committed in a special state of mind, resulting from the "influence of puerperal state". By principle, modern Psychiatry refuses a pathogenetic role to birth and puerperium wherefore we decided to study 55 cases in which a woman was prosecuted for infanticide in the city of Rio de Janeiro, between the first of January of 1900 and December 31 of 1993, in order to delineate the role that psychiatric disturbances might have played in the genesis of such cases. We found that, although 36% of the infanticide stated having committed the crime under the influence of some psychopathological disturbance, generally amnesia, the analysis of the cases revealed that in all of them this disturbance was a feigned one. On the other hand, we found that infanticides were mainly young, single, poorly educated women, generally working in non-qualified jobs, for whom an illegitimate child would represent for various reasons an additional burden. In conclusion we affirm that infanticide is a motivated act, not the consequence of any psychiatric disorder and that the privileged legal treatment enjoyed by these women is based on moral factors and not on scientific evidence.CAPESO delito do infanticídio está descrito no artigo 123 da parte especial do Código Penal de 1940: "Matar, sob a influência do estado puerperal, o próprio filho, durante o parto ou logo após". "Pena: detenção, de dois a seis anos. Este dispositivo garante à mãe que mata seu filho recém-nascido uma punição atenuada em comparação àquela reservada aos homicidas em geral. Para tanto, é necessário, contudo, que o crime tenha sido cometido num estado psíquico anômalo, resultante da "influência do estado puerperal". Partindo do princípio de que as concepções etiológicas da Psiquiatria moderna recusam um papel patogenético a fatores como o parto e o puerpério, empreendemos uma pesquisa nos autos de 55 processos referentes a casos de infanticídio ocorridos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre primeiro de janeiro de 1900 e 31 de dezembro de 1993, visando delimitar o papel que transtornos psiquiátricos possam ter exercido na gênese destes delitos. Constatamos que, aproximadamente 36% das acusadas aleguem ter cometido o crime na vigência de algum transtorno psicopatológico, em geral, durante um episódio de amnésia lacunar, a análise destes casos revelou que o diagnóstico mais provável era o de simulação. Em contrapartida, evidenciamos que as infanticidas são, em sua maioria, mulheres jovens, solteiras, pouco instruídas, que se ocupam de tarefas profissionais desvalorizadas, para quem o nascimento de uma criança ilegítima constituiria, por motivos variados, um ônus adicional. À guisa de conclusão, sustentamos que o infanticídio é um ato motivado e não consequência de um transtorno mental. Fica patente, portanto, que o tratamento legal privilegiado das infanticidas fundamenta-se em considerações de ordem moral e não, científica

    Relationship between epileptic seizures and criminal behavior: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Objective: The principal objective aims to assess a possible relationship between epilepsy and aggressive behavior. Secondarily, we intend to study how epilepsy relates to criminal liability. Methods: A systematic literature review was performed, using the Web of Science,United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed),and Scielo databases. The searches were conducted in May-June 2022 and covered the period from 2000 to 2022. Eligibility criteria consisted on original articles in English and Portuguese that were interested in the association of epilepsy, criminal behavior (with aggression directed to others), criminal liability in adults with epilepsy. Results: The search yielded 921 results, 794 of which in PubMed, 115 in Web of Science, and 12 in Scielo. Articles that failed to meet the inclusion criteria (206) and duplicates (201) were excluded. Conclusion: There were no findings to indicate a significant increase in aggressive behaviors in individuals with epilepsy. However, it was possible to identify a higher prevalence of aggressive acts in males with epilepsy, besides the presence of comorbidities with mental disorders and substance use. In addition, the results suggest that in criminal offenders with epilepsy, the seizures originated in the temporal and frontal cerebral lobes. Further researchis necessary on the relationship between epilepsy, criminality, and criminal liability in order to produce more robust data to support legal proceedings

    Slow-release prazosin for SSRI-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder patients

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    CONTEXTO: Prazosina, um antagonista de receptores alfa-1 adrenérgicos, é utilizada no tratamento de pesadelos e insônia relacionados com TEPT. Apesar das evidências sugerindo sua eficácia também no tratamento de sintomas gerais de TEPT, sua curta meia-vida (2-3 horas) pode limitar seus efeitos terapêuticos. OBJETIVO: Descrever quatro casos de pacientes com TEPT resistentes aos inibidores de recaptação de serotonina ou de serotonina e adrenalina (terapia convencional) tratados com uma apresentação de prazosina de liberação lenta. MÉTODOS: Quatro pacientes com TEPT grave, resistentes à terapia convencional, tiveram a prazosina de liberação lenta (meia-vida de 10,8 horas) adicionada as suas prescrições por pelo menos três meses. Os sintomas de TEPT foram avaliados pela PCL-C e pelos itens referentes a pesadelos e insônia da CAPS, na linha de base e no final do período de observação de cada paciente. RESULTADOS: Dois pacientes mostraram melhora dos sintomas gerais de TEPT (redução de 35,7% e 11,9% nos escores da PCL-C), e três mostraram melhora de pesadelos e insônia (nos escores da CAPS). O único paciente que recebeu doses da prazosina pela manhã e ao deitar-se foi o que mostrou a maior melhora dos sintomas gerais de TEPT. CONCLUSÃO: Possivelmente, a sustentação do bloqueio da atividade noradrenérgica no sistema nervoso central promovida pela prazosina de liberação lenta durante o dia se faz necessária para a melhora de sintomas residuais de TEPT em pacientes em tratamento convencional com antidepressivos.BACKGROUND: Prazosin is an antagonist of alpha-1 adrenergic receptor used to treat PTSD-related nightmares and insomnia. Although evidence suggests that it is also effective in the treatment of general symptoms of PTSD, its short half-life (2-3 hours) may limit its therapeutic effects. OBJECTIVE: To describe four cases of patients with PTSD resistant to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or selective serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRIs) therapy (conventional therapy) treated with slow-release prazosin presentation. METHODS: Four patients with severe PTSD resistant to conventional therapy received slow-release prazosin (half-life of 10.8 hours) added to their prescription for at least three months. PTSD symptoms were evaluated by the PCL-C, together with nightmares and insomnia items of CAPS, at baseline and at the last observation of each patient. RESULTS: Two patients showed improvement in general symptoms of PTSD (reduction of 35.7% and 11.9% in PCL-C scores), and three showed relief from nightmares and insomnia (CAPS scores). The only patient who received morning and bedtime doses of prazosin showed the greatest improvement in general symptoms of PTSD. DISCUSSION: It is possible that the sustained blockade of noradrenergic activity in the central nervous system provided by slow-release prazosin during the day is necessary to further ameliorate residual PTSD symptoms in patients receiving conventional antidepressant therapy

    Cross-cultural adaptation of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist 5 (PCL-5) and Life Events Checklist 5 (LEC-5) for the Brazilian context Adaptação transcultural da Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist 5 (PCL-5) e da Life Events Checklist 5 (LEC

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    Abstract Objective: To describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist 5 (PCL-5) and the Life Events Checklist 5 (LEC-5) for the Brazilian sociolinguistic context. Method: The adaptation process sought to establish conceptual, semantic, and operational equivalence between the original items of the questionnaire and their translated versions, following standardized protocols. Initially, two researchers translated the original version of the scale into Brazilian Portuguese. Next, a native English speaker performed the back-translation. Quantitative and qualitative criteria were used to evaluate the intelligibility of items. Five specialists compared the original and translated versions and assessed the degree of equivalence between them in terms of semantic, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual aspects. The degree of agreement between the specialists was measured using the content validity coefficient (CVC). Finally, 28 volunteers from the target population were interviewed in order to assess their level of comprehension of the items. Results: CVCs for items from both scales were satisfactory for all criteria. The mean comprehension scores were above the cutoff point established. Overall, the results showed that the adapted versions' items had adequate rates of equivalence in terms of concepts and semantics. Conclusions: The translation and adaptation processes were successful for both scales, resulting in versions that are not only equivalent to the originals, but are also intelligible for the population at large. Keywords: Posttraumatic stress disorder, life-changing events, scales, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist 5, Life Events Checklist 5. Resumo Objetivo: Descrever o processo de adaptação transcultural das escalas Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist 5 (PCL-5) e Life Events Checklist 5 (LEC-5) para o contexto sociolinguístico brasileiro. Método: A adaptação das escalas buscou estabelecer a equivalência conceitual, semântica e operacional entre os itens originais das escalas e suas versões traduzidas, por meio de um protocolo padronizado. Inicialmente, dois pesquisadores traduziram as versões originais para o português. Na sequência, um falante nativo de língua inglesa realizou a tradução reversa. A inteligibilidade dos itens foi analisada por meio de critérios quantitativos e qualitativos. Cinco especialistas compararam as versões originais e traduzidas e avaliaram o grau de equivalência entre elas nos quesitos semântico, idiomático, cultural e conceitual. O grau de concordância entre os especialistas foi medido pelo coeficiente de validade de conteúdo (CVC). Por fim, 28 voluntá-rios da população-alvo foram entrevistados para verificar o nível de compreensão dos itens. Resultados: Os itens das duas escalas apresentaram CVCs satisfatórios em todos os quesitos. Os escores médios referentes ao grau de compreensão dos itens foram acima do ponto de corte estabelecido. No conjunto, os resultados indicaram índices adequados de equivalência conceitual e semântica para os itens das versões adaptadas. Conclusão: O processo de tradução e adaptação foi bem-sucedido para as duas escalas, resultando em versões não apenas equivalentes às originais, mas também compreensíveis para a população-alvo em geral. Descritores: Transtorno de estresse pós-traumático; acontecimentos que mudam a vida; escalas; Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist 5, Life Events Checklist 5. 207 Cross-cultural adaptation of the PCL-5 and LEC-5 -Lima et al

    Crime sexual e retardo mental

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    Apresentamos o caso de um homem que cometeu estupro de menino de cinco anos de idade. A perícia psiquiátrica concluiu que o mesmo apresentava retardo mental moderado, sendo inimputável. Atualmente ele cumpre medida de segurança em Hospital de Custódia e Tratamento Psiquiátrico do Rio de Janeiro. São discutidos fatores motivadores desse comportamento sexual, bem como as questões subjetivas do paciente que contribuíram para esse comportamento

    Retardo mental: periculosidade e responsabilidade penal

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é discutir os conceitos de periculosidade e responsabilidade penal, por meio do relato de caso de uma paciente com diagnóstico de retardo mental que cometeu homicídio. Ela foi submetida à medida de segurança detentiva em hospital psiquiátrico de custódia e segurança, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Este relato demonstra a importância da psicopatologia e da psiquiatria na prática forense, auxiliando o magistrado na determinação da responsabilidade penal do indivíduo portador de transtorno mental ou retardo mental. O estudo do comportamento violento em indivíduos com transtornos psiquiátricos pode contribuir para o seu entendimento, prevenção e tratamento

    Does D-cycloserine enhance exposure therapy for anxiety disorders in humans? A meta-analysis.

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    The treatment of anxiety is on the edge of a new era of combinations of pharmacologic and psychosocial interventions. A new wave of translational research has focused on the use of pharmacological agents as psychotherapy adjuvants using neurobiological insights into the mechanism of the action of certain psychological treatments such as exposure therapy. Recently, d-cycloserine (DCS) an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis has been applied to enhance exposure-based treatment for anxiety and has proved to be a promising, but as yet unproven intervention. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of DCS in the enhancement of exposure therapy in anxiety disorders. A systematic review/meta-analysis was conducted. Electronic searches were conducted in the databases ISI-Web of Science, Pubmed and PsycINFO. We included only randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials with humans, focusing on the role of DCS in enhancing the action of exposure therapy for anxiety disorders. We identified 328 references, 13 studies were included in our final sample: 4 on obsessive-compulsive disorder, 2 on panic disorder, 2 on social anxiety disorder, 2 on posttraumatic stress disorder, one on acrophobia, and 2 on snake phobia. The results of the present meta-analysis show that DCS enhances exposure therapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders (Cohen d =  -0.34; CI: -0.54 to -0.14), facilitating the specific process of extinction of fear. DCS seems to be effective when administered at a time close to the exposure therapy, at low doses and a limited number of times. DCS emerges as a potential new therapeutic approach for patients with refractory anxiety disorders that are unresponsive to the conventional treatments available. When administered correctly, DCS is a promising strategy for augmentation of CBT and could reduce health care costs, drop-out rates and bring faster relief to patients

    Post-traumatic stress disorder as a predictor for incident hypertension: a 3-year retrospective cohort study

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    Background. The goal of the present study was to investigate the association between PTSD and the onset of hypertension in previously normotensive individuals in a population living in the stressful environment of the urban slums while controlling for risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods. Participants were 320 normotensive individuals who lived in slums and were attending a family doctor program. Measurements included a questionnaire covering sociodemographic characteristics, clinical status and life habits, the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist – Civilian Version, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Incident hypertension was defined as the first occurrence at the follow-up review of the medical records of (1) systolic blood pressure of 140mm Hg or higher or diastolic blood pressure of 90mm Hg or higher, (2) the participant started taking antihypertensive medication, or (3) a new diagnosis of hypertension made by a physician. Differences in sociodemographic, clinical, and lifestyle characteristics between hypertensive and non-hypertensive individuals were compared using the χ2 and t tests. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were used to calculate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results. Six variables – age, educational level, bodymass, smoking, diabetes, and PTSD diagnosis – showed a statistically significant (p ≤ 0.20) association with the hypertensive status. In the Cox regression, only PTSD diagnosis was significantly associated with incident hypertension (multivariate HR = 1.94; 95% CI 1.11–3.40). Conclusions. The present findings highlight the importance of considering a diagnostic hypothesis of PTSD in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.SimBackground. The goal of the present study was to investigate the association between PTSD and the onset of hypertension in previously normotensive individuals in a population living in the stressful environment of the urban slums while controlling for risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods. Participants were 320 normotensive individuals who lived in slums and were attending a family doctor program. Measurements included a questionnaire covering sociodemographic characteristics, clinical status and life habits, the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist – Civilian Version, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Incident hypertension was defined as the first occurrence at the follow-up review of the medical records of (1) systolic blood pressure of 140mm Hg or higher or diastolic blood pressure of 90mm Hg or higher, (2) the participant started taking antihypertensive medication, or (3) a new diagnosis of hypertension made by a physician. Differences in sociodemographic, clinical, and lifestyle characteristics between hypertensive and non-hypertensive individuals were compared using the χ2 and t tests. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were used to calculate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results. Six variables – age, educational level, bodymass, smoking, diabetes, and PTSD diagnosis – showed a statistically significant (p ≤ 0.20) association with the hypertensive status. In the Cox regression, only PTSD diagnosis was significantly associated with incident hypertension (multivariate HR = 1.94; 95% CI 1.11–3.40). Conclusions. The present findings highlight the importance of considering a diagnostic hypothesis of PTSD in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases