163 research outputs found

    Effect of Fertileader® Vital on green pea maturation

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    The changes of tenderness of three green pea varieties with different maturity were studied after Fertileader® Vital fertilizertreatment. The fertilizer treatment caused signifi cant differences in the tenderness of treated plants in every year. After the second measuringtime; the treated plants showed better quality than the control ones. The treated varieties kept their tenderness longer due to this foliarfertilizer, the yield have better quality so even better suited to the requirement of canning industry. Use of Fertileader® Vital is of an economicimportance because high economic benefi t can be realized in one hectare after Fertileader® Vital treatment. By using this foliar fertilizer12,840 HUF extra profi ts can be realized by producing green peas of I. quality class instead of yield with II. quality category. This extra profi tcould increase to 447,840 HUF considering that green peas belong still to the II. quality class after fertilizer treatment when the quality ofnon-treated plants are no more suitable for the canning industry

    Effect of Fertileader® Vital on green pea maturation

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    The changes of tenderness of three green pea varieties with different maturity were studied after Fertileader® Vital fertilizer treatment. The fertilizer treatment caused signifi cant differences in the tenderness of treated plants in every year. After the second measuring time; the treated plants showed better quality than the control ones. The treated varieties kept their tenderness longer due to this foliar fertilizer, the yield have better quality so even better suited to the requirement of canning industry. Use of Fertileader® Vital is of an economic importance because high economic benefi t can be realized in one hectare after Fertileader® Vital treatment. By using this foliar fertilizer 12,840 HUF extra profi ts can be realized by producing green peas of I. quality class instead of yield with II. quality category. This extra profit could increase to 447,840 HUF considering that green peas belong still to the II. quality class after fertilizer treatment when the quality of non-treated plants are no more suitable for the canning industry

    Análise das demonstrações contábeis : um estudo de caso da Empresa Tupy S/A

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    Orientadora : Profa. Dra. Mayla Cristina CostaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Gestão de NegóciosInclui referênciasResumo : A análise da Demonstração Contábil é um importante instrumento para que os contadores possam transmitir aos gestores e sócios das empresas informações capazes de transformar o seu desempenho e propiciar condições para a sua continuidade. Diante disto, este trabalho procurou demonstrar a importância de uma análise, realizada de forma clara e objetiva, possibilitando aos gestores e sócios tomar a melhor decisão, para que sua empresa possa continuar ativa neste mercado cada vez mais competitivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um relatório de analise, levando em consideração, números e informações extraídas de relatórios publicados pela própria empresa. A empresa escolhida foi a Tupy S.A, sendo o período compreendido nos últimos três anos públicos: 2012, 2013 e 2014. O estudo foi classificado de natureza descritiva, enquadrando-se em estudo de caso. Para a realização deste trabalho fez-se pesquisas bibliográficas em livros e artigo científicos de autores de relevância no assunto e também pesquisas de artigos na internet. Após fazer a análise da empresa em questão observou-se que a mesma apesar das dificuldades e incertezas devido ao cenário político em que o pais está passando conseguiu obter índices favoráveis o que não afetou em seu desenvolvimento. Sugerimos a empresa que faça uma análise de viabilidade para que possam além das Análises das Demonstrações Contábeis utilizarem o Balanced Scorecard, um importante instrumento de medida, que possibilitará a mesma colher informações a partir de suas estratégias. Tais informações serão extremamente necessárias para traçar novas medidas para o crescimento e desenvolvimento da empresa

    Extracellular deposition of matrilin-2 controls the timing of the myogenic program during muscle regeneration.

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    Here, we identify a role for the matrilin-2 (Matn2) extracellular matrix protein in controlling the early stages of myogenic differentiation. We observed Matn2 deposition around proliferating, differentiating and fusing myoblasts in culture and during muscle regeneration in vivo. Silencing of Matn2 delayed the expression of the Cdk inhibitor p21 and of the myogenic genes Nfix, MyoD and Myog, explaining the retarded cell cycle exit and myoblast differentiation. Rescue of Matn2 expression restored differentiation and the expression of p21 and of the myogenic genes. TGF-β1 inhibited myogenic differentiation at least in part by repressing Matn2 expression, which inhibited the onset of a positive-feedback loop whereby Matn2 and Nfix activate the expression of one another and activate myoblast differentiation. In vivo, myoblast cell cycle arrest and muscle regeneration was delayed in Matn2(-/-) relative to wild-type mice. The expression levels of Trf3 and myogenic genes were robustly reduced in Matn2(-/-) fetal limbs and in differentiating primary myoblast cultures, establishing Matn2 as a key modulator of the regulatory cascade that initiates terminal myogenic differentiation. Our data thus identify Matn2 as a crucial component of a genetic switch that modulates the onset of tissue repair

    A synthesis of bacterial and archaeal phenotypic trait data

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    A synthesis of phenotypic and quantitative genomic traits is provided for bacteria and archaea, in the form of a scripted, reproducible workflow that standardizes and merges 26 sources. The resulting unified dataset covers 14 phenotypic traits, 5 quantitative genomic traits, and 4 environmental characteristics for approximately 170,000 strain-level and 15,000 species-aggregated records. It spans all habitats including soils, marine and fresh waters and sediments, host-associated and thermal. Trait data can find use in clarifying major dimensions of ecological strategy variation across species. They can also be used in conjunction with species and abundance sampling to characterize trait mixtures in communities and responses of traits along environmental gradients

    Hepcidin Expression in Iron Overload Diseases Is Variably Modulated by Circulating Factors

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    Hepcidin is a regulatory hormone that plays a major role in controlling body iron homeostasis. Circulating factors (holotransferrin, cytokines, erythroid regulators) might variably contribute to hepcidin modulation in different pathological conditions. There are few studies analysing the relationship between hepcidin transcript and related protein expression profiles in humans. Our aims were: a. to measure hepcidin expression at either hepatic, serum and urinary level in three paradigmatic iron overload conditions (hemochromatosis, thalassemia and dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome) and in controls; b. to measure mRNA hepcidin expression in two different hepatic cell lines (HepG2 and Huh-7) exposed to patients and controls sera to assess whether circulating factors could influence hepcidin transcription in different pathological conditions. Our findings suggest that hepcidin assays reflect hepatic hepcidin production, but also indicate that correlation is not ideal, likely due to methodological limits and to several post-trascriptional events. In vitro study showed that THAL sera down-regulated, HFE-HH and C-NAFLD sera up-regulated hepcidin synthesis. HAMP mRNA expression in Huh-7 cells exposed to sera form C-Donors, HFE-HH and THAL reproduced, at lower level, the results observed in HepG2, suggesting the important but not critical role of HFE in hepcidin regulation

    Strategies to prevent intraoperative lung injury during cardiopulmonary bypass

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    During open heart surgery the influence of a series of factors such as cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), hypothermia, operation and anaesthesia, as well as medication and transfusion can cause a diffuse trauma in the lungs. This injury leads mostly to a postoperative interstitial pulmonary oedema and abnormal gas exchange. Substantial improvements in all of the above mentioned factors may lead to a better lung function postoperatively. By avoiding CPB, reducing its time, or by minimizing the extracorporeal surface area with the use of miniaturized circuits of CPB, beneficial effects on lung function are reported. In addition, replacement of circuit surface with biocompatible surfaces like heparin-coated, and material-independent sources of blood activation, a better postoperative lung function is observed. Meticulous myocardial protection by using hypothermia and cardioplegia methods during ischemia and reperfusion remain one of the cornerstones of postoperative lung function. The partial restoration of pulmonary artery perfusion during CPB possibly contributes to prevent pulmonary ischemia and lung dysfunction. Using medication such as corticosteroids and aprotinin, which protect the lungs during CPB, and leukocyte depletion filters for operations expected to exceed 90 minutes in CPB-time appear to be protective against the toxic impact of CPB in the lungs. The newer methods of ultrafiltration used to scavenge pro-inflammatory factors seem to be protective for the lung function. In a similar way, reducing the use of cardiotomy suction device, as well as the contact-time between free blood and pericardium, it is expected that the postoperative lung function will be improved

    Intermediate filament cytoskeleton of the liver in health and disease

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    Intermediate filaments (IFs) represent the largest cytoskeletal gene family comprising ~70 genes expressed in tissue specific manner. In addition to scaffolding function, they form complex signaling platforms and interact with various kinases, adaptor, and apoptotic proteins. IFs are established cytoprotectants and IF variants are associated with >30 human diseases. Furthermore, IF-containing inclusion bodies are characteristic features of several neurodegenerative, muscular, and other disorders. Acidic (type I) and basic keratins (type II) build obligatory type I and type II heteropolymers and are expressed in epithelial cells. Adult hepatocytes contain K8 and K18 as their only cytoplasmic IF pair, whereas cholangiocytes express K7 and K19 in addition. K8/K18-deficient animals exhibit a marked susceptibility to various toxic agents and Fas-induced apoptosis. In humans, K8/K18 variants predispose to development of end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure (ALF). K8/K18 variants also associate with development of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Mallory-Denk bodies (MDBs) are protein aggregates consisting of ubiquitinated K8/K18, chaperones and sequestosome1/p62 (p62) as their major constituents. MDBs are found in various liver diseases including alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and can be formed in mice by feeding hepatotoxic substances griseofulvin and 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC). MDBs also arise in cell culture after transfection with K8/K18, ubiquitin, and p62. Major factors that determine MDB formation in vivo are the type of stress (with oxidative stress as a major player), the extent of stress-induced protein misfolding and resulting chaperone, proteasome and autophagy overload, keratin 8 excess, transglutaminase activation with transamidation of keratin 8 and p62 upregulation