853 research outputs found

    Memikirkan Ulang Bisnis Model Berbasis Desain Komunikasi Visual

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    Graphic design as an applied art started to grow side by side with the growth of many businesses that needed promotion and advertising. Although graphic design can be categorized as a service company, it cannot be directly handled the same as any other service companies. Design companies always involve two opposite poles: aesthetic vs. logic, individual vs. mass, idealism versus reality. The best way viewing a graphic design as a business entity is seeing through its business model's side. A business model is a simple representation of the complex reality of a business. The primary purpose of a business model is to communicate business mechanism among stakeholders. The article gives insight to see components of graphic design business and their future challenge. In the future, it is expected there are more discussions about this topics so that Indonesian graphic design industry will grow in the future

    Vegetation Response to Grazing Pressure in the Puna Flat, NW Argentina

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    Puna grasslands are located at a high‐altitude flat plateau in the Northwest of Argentina. It is an arid territory (100 to 300 mm rainfall/year) at 3,000 to 4,000 m a.s.l. The vegetation is scarce, where Andean pastoralist communities produce meat and wool, specialized in llama (Lama glama) and sheep‐breeding, although they do breed multi‐species herds that may also include goats and cattle. There are erosion processes in the Puna, where shepherds and their animals could be synergetic factors with natural very hard climatic conditions. In this work we assess the effect of ovine and lama grazing on the plant communities in the Puna grasslands. Considering that stockyards are used in a very complex way along the year, having differences between those used in winter or in summer, or used for many months or only one month, etc. we built up a Grazing Pressure Index taking in account all these factors in each sampling point. We sampled 28 paired transects (14 in sites with high grazing pressure, and 14 in sites with low grazing pressure) in 2 different ecological sites (grassy grassland and shrubby steppe). Focusing our work on the community functionality, we analysed Plant Functional Types (PTF) measuring their cover, richness and diversity. Our results do not show significant differences on PFT cover, richness or diversity between sites at different grazing pressures. It could be the result of a low grazing pressure or a long grazing pressure history that had configured the TFP associations

    Epidemic spreading on interconnected networks

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    Many real networks are not isolated from each other but form networks of networks, often interrelated in non trivial ways. Here, we analyze an epidemic spreading process taking place on top of two interconnected complex networks. We develop a heterogeneous mean field approach that allows us to calculate the conditions for the emergence of an endemic state. Interestingly, a global endemic state may arise in the coupled system even though the epidemics is not able to propagate on each network separately, and even when the number of coupling connections is small. Our analytic results are successfully confronted against large-scale numerical simulations

    Computer Assisted Literacy for Non-English Speakers

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    This publication is a level 1 guide to the basics of using a computer for non-English speakers

    Non-volatility of ferroelectric SBT thin fims, at 75ºC

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    [ES] El estudio de la no volatilidad de una memoria FeRAM de tantalato de bismuto y estroncio, SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) en condiciones reales de uso, requiere la caracterización ferroeléctrica del material en forma de lámina delgada a temperaturas por encima del ambiente. Para ello se han depositado láminas de SBT mediante un método sol-gel, sobre substratos de Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100), seleccionándose condensadores de área 5.10-4 cm-2. Basándonos en las medidas de la variación de la polarización con el tiempo (retención) realizadas a temperatura ambiente y a 75ºC, analizamos la viabilidad del material como una FeRAM en condiciones reales de uso.[EN] The study of the non-volatility of Strontium bismuth tantalate SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) FeRAM memory, at real operating conditions, requires the ferroelectric characterisation of the material, as a thin film, above the room temperature.As a result, it has been deposited SBT films by the sol-gel method, onto Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si (100) substrates, using capacitors of 5 x 10–4 cm-2 .In this work, we analysed the viability of this material as a FeRAM memory in real operating conditions, as a result of the variation of the polarisation measurements with time (retention), performed at room temperature and 75ºC.Este trabajo ha sido realizado con el apoyo del proyecto de la CICYT MAT98-1068.Peer reviewe

    Feasibility of (Pb, Ca)TiO3 thin films deposited on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) for switching applications

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    [ES] Se han depositado láminas delgadas de (Pb,Ca)TiO3 sobre substratos de Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) por centrifugación, partiendo de soluciones sintetizadas por sol -gel. La concentración de las soluciones y el contenido de PbO se seleccionaron para minimizar las tensiones de las láminas cristalizadas y obtener la adecuada estequiometria. La cristalización mediante un calentamiento rápido (RTP), conduce a láminas con orientaciones preferentes [001]/[001], reducida capa interfacial ferroeléctrico-Pt y composición deseada. Los parámetros ferroeléctricos obtenidos muestran una mejora de las propiedades. Estas láminas presentan una fatiga y envejecimiento mucho más moderados que otros materiales alternativos depositados sobre substratos iguales, lo que permite considerar al método descrito como muy valioso para conseguir materiales susceptibles de emplear en aplicaciones de conmutación.[EN] (Pb,Ca)TiO3 ferroelectric thin films have been spin-coated on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) substrates from sol-gel synthesized solutions. Selecting the solution concentrations and the excess of PbO content, stoichiometric composicion with reduced strains are obtained. Crystallization process by rapid thermal treatment (RTP) promote preferred orientations [001]/[100] resulting a thiner ferroelectric-platinum interface layer, which causes the improvement of fatigue and retain behaviour, despite the use of platinum electrodes. These experimental finds let to cosider the described methode of processing very convenient to prepare thin films of this composition to use on switching applications such as non volatil RAM memories.Peer reviewe

    Comparative Life Cycle Assessment Study of Green Extraction Processes to Obtain Antioxidants from Rosemary Leaves

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    Trabajo presentado al 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids celebrado en San Francisco (US) del 13 al 16 de mayo de 2012.Rosemary is one of the most appreciated natural sources for bioactive compounds with different activities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial or anticarcinogenic. Antioxidant activity has been associated to some of its components, among them, phenolic diterpenes such as carnosic acid, carnosol and rosmarinic acid. A careful selection of the extraction process together with the optimization of the extraction conditions, are of high importance to obtain rosemary extracts with high bioactivity. Among the different extraction processes, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) have demonstrated to be the most selective and environmental friendly techniques. However, extracts obtained by these processes usually require a drying step (freeze or hot drying step) which is both energy and time consuming. In this work, a new process combining PHWE and powder formation on-line (water extraction and particle formation on-line process, WEPO®) has been developed to obtain dry antioxidant powder from rosemary leaves in one step. In this process, parameters related to the extraction efficiency and selectivity (water flow rate and temperature) as well as parameters involving spray stability and powder formation have been considered at the same time. The obtained extracts have been evaluated in terms of their antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. Finally, in order to assess the viability and environmental impact of the new process, a comparison with other green processes used for antioxidant extraction from rosemary leaves such as SFE and PHWE (both followed by a freeze drying step) has been performed in terms of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Moreover, a sensitivity analysis of the LCA has been carried out to study the different environmental impact between the processes whether they are employed in different countries.This work was supported by AGL2008-05108-C03-01 (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia), CSD2007-00063 FUN-CFOOD (Programa CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), and S-0505/AGR/000153 (Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid) projects. C.T. acknowledges the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS, 2006-1346); the Swedish Research Council (VR, 2006-4084); and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF, 2005:0073/13, RMA08-0044). M.C-P. thanks MICINN for her “Juan de la Cierva” contract.Peer Reviewe

    Development of HPLC-DAD-MS/MS methods for the simultaneous determination of several fat - and water-soluble vitamins in green leafy vegetables

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    Trabajo presentado a las 13as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental celebradas en la Fira de Barcelona del 14 al 16 de noviembre de 2011.Joana Santos is grateful to FCT Ph.D grant (SFRH/BD/66476/2009). M.H. thanks MICINN for a “Ramón y Cajal” contract.Peer reviewe

    Patient-Reported Outcomes of Minimally Invasive versus Open Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Degenerative Lumbar Disc Disease: A Prospective Comparative Cohort Study

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    Background: Comparative outcomes of minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MI-TLIF) and traditional open TLIF (O-TLIF) for degenerative lumbar disc disease have been poorly studied. The purpose of this study was to prospectively compare the outcomes between MI-TLIF and O-TLIF for patients with a degenerative disc disease, focusing on the functional capacity of patients in daily life. Methods: A prospective cohort study was performed, comparing 54 patients who underwent O-TLIF and 55 patients who underwent MI-TLIF with a follow-up of 4 years. Clinical evaluation was performed using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), 36-item short form survey (SF-36), and a visual analog scale for pain (VAS pain). Radiological evaluation was also performed. Results: At the final follow-up, compared with O-TLIF, MI-TLIF was associated with significantly better intraoperative results, including similar operative time (p = 0.246), lower estimated blood loss (p = 0.001), and shorter hospital stay (p = 0.001). The final ODI score was significantly better in the MI-TLIF group (p = 0.031). The SF-36-physical (p = 0.023) and VAS pain (p = 0.024) scores were significantly better in the MI-TLIF group. There was no significant difference in the fusion rate (p = 0.747). Conclusions: The MI-TLIF technique is an effective and safe procedure for degenerative lumbar disc disease. Compared to traditional O-TLIF, MI-TLIF was associated with less disability and higher quality of life, with a low rate of intraoperative and postoperative complications