4 research outputs found

    Social Marketing and Health Communication: A Case Study at the Brazilian Federal Senate

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    This chapter aims to show how a breast cancer campaign can be successfully planned and how the expected results can be achieved, in accordance with the best practices of health communication under the social marketing paradigm. The case study is the Pink October (month dedicated to women’s health) at the Brazilian Federal Senate, in 2017, result of interdepartmental (Top Management, Health, Human Resources and Social Communication areas) and interinstitutional (Federal Senate, Government of the Federal District and health-related institutions) partnership efforts. Social marketing, internal marketing and endobranding concepts are explored, as well as the breast cancer issue, in order to provide a better understanding among interested readers. While results are positive, some challenges and concerns are brought to light, which point to the need for improvements in the Pink October program for the coming years. The case study involved literature review, analysis of media articles and focused interviews

    Could be FOXO3a, miR-96-5p and miR-182-5p useful for Brazilian women with luminal A and triple negative breast cancers prognosis and target therapy?

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    FOXO3a dysregulation is frequently implicated in tumorigenesis, and its inhibition can occur by several molecular mechanisms. Among these, post-transcriptional suppression by miRNAs has been associated with various cancers initiation. Here, we assessed the expression profiles of the most relevant miRNAs for breast tumorigenesis, using Luminal A (LA) and Triple-Negative (TN) breast cancer from Brazilian patients, by the quantitative real time-PCR method. Their potential prognostic role for the patients was also evaluated. We identified the miRNAs miR-96-5p and miR-182-5p, de-scribed as negative regulators of FOXO3A, with differential expression both in LA and TN tumors when compared to normal tissue. The miR-96-5p and miR-182-5p miRNAs were upregulated in LA (7.82 times, p < 0.005; 6.12 times, p < 0.005, respectively) and TN breast cancer samples (9.42 times, p < 0.0001; 8.51 times, p < 0.0001) compared to normal tissues. The samples with higher miR-96-5p and miR-182-5p expression (FR ≥ 4) were submitted for FOXO3a immunostaining. Reduced protein detection was observed in all of the tumors compared to normal tissues. The most prominent miRNA expression and FOXO3a protein suppression were observed in TN samples (p < 0.001), indicating the relevant role of these molecules in this tumor biology and clinical behavior. Our results corroborate the literature regarding to the relevance of FOXO3a in the breast cancer, and they open new perspectives for alternative target therapy options for Brazilian patients expressing both FOXO3a and its regulatory miRNAs

    Caracterização da expressão de microRNAs em carcinoma de mama receptores hormonais positivo e HER-2 negativo

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    Introdução: O câncer de mama é, em sua essência, uma doença genética. O acúmulo de alterações moleculares no genoma das células somáticas é a base para a progressão do câncer. Além de ter biologia natural mais favorável, os tumores com alta expressão de receptores de estrogênio têm terapia-alvo bem estabelecida. Apesar disso, as pacientes podem apresentar resistência medicamentosa, recidiva e óbito. Os microRNAs (miRNAs) são uma classe de pequenas moléculas não codificadoras de proteínas que regulam a expressão gênica durante a etapa de tradução. Esta regulação é feita pelo pareamento de bases com o mRNA-alvo (RNA mensageiro), resultando na supressão da tradução ou na clivagem do mRNA. Se os miRNAs têm como alvo genes supressores de tumor ou oncogenes, podem atuar como supressores tumorais ou oncogenes. OBJETIVO: avaliar a expressão de microRNAs, por PCR em tempo real, no carcinoma mamário ductal invasivo (CDI) com receptores hormonais positivos e HER-2 negativo (luminal A). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados materiais em parafina de 33 pacientes com tumores luminal A, bem como tecido mamário histologicamente normal. Foram utilizados kit para extração de RNA de amostras fixadas e parafinadas - miRNeasy FFPE; kit para síntese de cDNA - miScript II RT; kit miScript SYBR Green PCR e miScript miRNA PCR Arrays para análise de 84 sequências de miRNA de câncer humano. Analisaram-se dados clínicos, como idade, paridade, amamentação, estado menopausal; variáveis histológicas, como tamanho do tumor, estado linfonodal, invasão linfática; características imunoistoquímicas, como expressão de Ki-67. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se o software miScript miRNA PCR Array Data Analysis, que emprega o método de quantificação relativa ??Ct. RESULTADOS: A análise comparativa dos 33 casos de CDI luminal A com os 15 casos de parênquima mamário normal revelou haver microRNAs hiperexpressos, sendo eles: miR-96-5p (fold-regulation = 9,245, p = 0,000192), miR-182-5p (fold-regulation = 6,4813, p = 0,00024), miR-21-5p (fold-regulation = 6,3129, p = 0,000001), miR- 210-3p (fold-regulation =4,3584, p =0,001002) e. miR-7-5p (fold-regulation = 4,0166, p = 0,036407). Apontou, ainda, microRNAs com hipoexpressão, a saber: miR-204-5p (Fold-regulation = -8,2104, p = 0,000000), miR-125b-5p (Fold-regulation = --6,332, p=0,000000), let-7c-5p (Fold-regulation: -4,5142, p=0,000000) e let-7e-5p (Fold-regulation = -4,059, p = 0,011625): CONCLUSÕES: CDI luminal A apresentou hiperexpressão de miR-96-5p, miR-182-5p, miR-21-5p, miR-210-3p e miR-7-5p. Apontou, ainda, hipoexpressão do miR-204-5p, miR-125b-5p, let-7c-5p e let-7e-5p, permitindo diferenciá-lo do tecido normalINTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is a genetic disease and the accumulation of molecular alterations in the genome of somatic cells is the basis for cancer progression. Besides having a more favorable natural biology, tumors with high expression of estrogen receptor have a well established targeted therapy. Nevertheless, patients may present with resistance and eventually relapse and death. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding protein molecules that regulate gene expression during the translation stage. This adjustment is made by base pairing with the mRNA (messenger RNA) target resulting in suppression of translation or cleavage of the mRNA. Depending on whether miRNAs target tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes, they can act as tumor suppressors or oncogenes. OBJECTIVE: evaluate the expression of microRNAs by RT-PCR in positive hormonal receptors, negative HER 2 (luminal A) invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). METHODS: Paraffin embedded tumor material from 33 patients with luminal A IDC, and histologically normal breast tissue. Were used: Kit for RNA extraction from fixed and paraffin embedded samples - miRNeasy FFPE; cDNA synthesis kit - miScript II RT; miScript SYBR Green PCR Kit and miScript miRNA PCR Arrays for analysis of 84 miRNA sequences of human cancer. Clinical data such as age, parity, breastfeeding, menopausal status; histological variables such as tumor size, lymph node status, lymphatic invasion; immunohistochemical characteristics, such as expression of Ki-67, were evaluated. For statistical analysis the miScript miRNA PCR Array Data Analysis software, which uses the method of relative quantification ??Ct, was used. RESULTS: A comparative analysis of 33 cases of luminal A IDC with 15 cases of normal breast parenchyma defined microRNAs overexpressed, as follows: miR-96-5p (fold-regulation = 9,245, p = 0,000192), miR-182-5p (fold-regulation = 6,4813, p = 0,00024), miR-21-5p (fold-regulation = 6,3129, p = 0,000001), miR- 210-3p (fold-regulation =4,3584, p =0,001002) and miR-7-5p (fold-regulation = 4,0166, p = 0,036407). Furthermore, microRNAs with reduced expression, as follows:. miR-204-5p (Fold-regulation = -8,2104, p = 0,000000), miR-125b-5p (Fold-regulation = -6,332, p=0,000000), let-7c-5p (Fold-regulation: -4,5142, p=0,000000) and let-7e-5p (Fold-regulation = -4,059, p = 0,011625): CONCLUSION: Luminal A CDI breast cancer has shown overexpression of miR-96-5p, miR-182-5p, miR-21-5p, miR-210-3p and miR-7-5p. Also has shown,downregulation of miR-204-5p, miR-125b-5p, let-7c-5p e let-7e-5p, allowing differentiating it from normal tissu

    Parliament can not stop : actions taken by the Federal Senate to protect its collaborators that allow the continuity of legislative activities during a COVID-19 pandemic

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, MBA em Gestão de Pessoas no Setor Público, 2021.A pandemia da COVID-19 apresentou uma doença de transmissão respiratória que pode evoluir para gravidade. Recomendou-se isolamento de casos, proteção dos profissionais de saúde e serviços que abrigassem o influxo de doentes. Nessa direção, o objetivo desse trabalho foi apresentar as principais ações que o Senado Federal desenvolveu para proteger colaboradores e permitir a continuidade da atividade legislativa. Destacam-se: sessões deliberativas remotas (SDR), teletrabalho, questionário de autoavaliação de sintomas com aferição de temperatura para a entrada no Senado, atendimento médico e psicossocial virtual, testagem periódica em assintomáticos, afastamento de contactantes, controle epidemiológico e acompanhamento de doentes, aquisições de EPI, matérias sobre a COVID-19, testagem em sintomáticos e vacinação contra Influenza pelo plano de saúde. A SDR permitiu aprovação de pautas como o auxílio emergencial. Houve 2500 atendimentos médicos, e 874 atendimentos psicossociais e testagem periódica, identificando 157 colaboradores com RT-PCR positivo, prontamente afastados. A percepção de melhoria dos serviços de saúde oferecidos pela Casa foi identificada: em 2018, 55% de satisfação entre os servidores, em 2021, esse índice atingiu 79%, sugerindo que as ações foram benéficas. Espera-se que a divulgação desses dados possa ser útil para outros órgãos e estudos