13,283 research outputs found
A proposal of sensitive indicators of the rehabilitation nursing care of people in the surgical process, to be included in the ontology of aging
Given the complex surgical scenario observed today, it is necessary to change the urgent definition of a specific ontology, especially in terms of aging. The interventions of the Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing to the person in the surgical process are primordial for the maintenance of the functional capacities, prevention of complications and impediment of incapacities. However, it is necessary to provide individualized and fostered care in a practice of excellence, and the consequent organized reading of records of an aging ontology for decision making on rehabilitation indicators. Method: a systematic review of the literature was carried out using the EBSCO host (MEDLINE with Full Text, CINAHL Plus with Full Text and MedicLatina), using the PI [C] O method, and 11 articles were selected. Results: 41 indicators were identified to be included in the ontology classes of aging: pain control, patient and family education, support and communication, reduction of postoperative complications, gain of functionality, restoration of physical function, mobility, multidisciplinary intervention and the frequency of interventions. Conclusion: it is considered that it was imperative to identify sensitive indicators for rehabilitation nursing care, based on scientific evidence and thus provide an opportunity for nurses to reflect on their daily practices and conduct their actions towards excellence in care, to propose a set of 41 classes internationally on the ontology of aging
Scattering from Solutions of Star Polymers
We calculate the scattering intensity of dilute and semi-dilute solutions of
star polymers. The star conformation is described by a model introduced by
Daoud and Cotton. In this model, a single star is regarded as a spherical
region of a semi-dilute polymer solution with a local, position dependent
screening length. For high enough concentrations, the outer sections of the
arms overlap and build a semi-dilute solution (a sea of blobs) where the inner
parts of the actual stars are embedded. The scattering function is evaluated
following a method introduced by Auvray and de Gennes. In the dilute regime
there are three regions in the scattering function: the Guinier region (low
wave vectors, q R << 1) from where the radius of the star can be extracted; the
intermediate region (1 << q R << f^(2/5)) that carries the signature of the
form factor of a star with f arms: I(q) ~ q^(-10/3); and a high wavevector zone
(q R >> f^(2/5)) where the local swollen structure of the polymers gives rise
to the usual q^(-5/3) decay. In the semi-dilute regime the different stars
interact strongly, and the scattered intensity acquires two new features: a
liquid peak that develops at a reciprocal position corresponding to the
star-star distances; and a new large wavevector contribution of the form
q^(-5/3) originating from the sea of blobs.Comment: REVTeX, 12 pages, 4 eps figure
Contributions to the ontology of aging, the sensitive indicators of rehabilitation nursing care, in terms of self-care, in people with respiratory disorders
With the increase in the average life expectancy, the appearance of chronic diseases and, in particular, in the respiratory forum and its disadvantages in the autonomy and self-care of patients, brought an important paradigm for health care and, in particular, rehabilitation nursing, with implications for the development of ontologies of aging. Thus, it is imperative to systematize them in scientifically measurable indicators to demonstrate the benefit that rehabilitation nursing brings to improve patients' quality of life, thus ensuring excellence. Each area of scientific health should contribute to the construction of aging ontology. Objective: to identify indicators sensitive to nursing care of rehabilitation, in terms of self-care, in relation to those with respiratory pathology, to be integrated into the ontology of aging. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed using the EBSCO (full-text MEDLINE, CINAHL, Full-Text Plus, British Nursing Index), using the PI [C] O method with 6 emergent articles. Results: A total of 20 indicators were identified, including: Ability to perform activities, increase physical and functional independence, symptom management, reduction of complications, increase in quality of life, which can be allocated as a proposal for classes of the aging ontology. Conclusion: Knowledge of indicators sensitive to nursing care recognition of the importance of rehabilitation nursing in increasing self-care and autonomy for people with respiratory pathology, and research in this area is fundamental for its effectiveness and efficiency, and its integration in the ontologies of aging is fundamental
Chaotic Dynamics in Optimal Monetary Policy
There is by now a large consensus in modern monetary policy. This consensus
has been built upon a dynamic general equilibrium model of optimal monetary
policy as developed by, e.g., Goodfriend and King (1997), Clarida et al.
(1999), Svensson (1999) and Woodford (2003). In this paper we extend the
standard optimal monetary policy model by introducing nonlinearity into the
Phillips curve. Under the specific form of nonlinearity proposed in our paper
(which allows for convexity and concavity and secures closed form solutions),
we show that the introduction of a nonlinear Phillips curve into the structure
of the standard model in a discrete time and deterministic framework produces
radical changes to the major conclusions regarding stability and the efficiency
of monetary policy. We emphasize the following main results: (i) instead of a
unique fixed point we end up with multiple equilibria; (ii) instead of
saddle--path stability, for different sets of parameter values we may have
saddle stability, totally unstable equilibria and chaotic attractors; (iii) for
certain degrees of convexity and/or concavity of the Phillips curve, where
endogenous fluctuations arise, one is able to encounter various results that
seem intuitively correct. Firstly, when the Central Bank pays attention
essentially to inflation targeting, the inflation rate has a lower mean and is
less volatile; secondly, when the degree of price stickiness is high, the
inflation rate displays a larger mean and higher volatility (but this is
sensitive to the values given to the parameters of the model); and thirdly, the
higher the target value of the output gap chosen by the Central Bank, the
higher is the inflation rate and its volatility.Comment: 11 page
Geometry, stochastic calculus and quantum fields in a non-commutative space-time
The algebras of non-relativistic and of classical mechanics are unstable
algebraic structures. Their deformation towards stable structures leads,
respectively, to relativity and to quantum mechanics. Likewise, the combined
relativistic quantum mechanics algebra is also unstable. Its stabilization
requires the non-commutativity of the space-time coordinates and the existence
of a fundamental length constant. The new relativistic quantum mechanics
algebra has important consequences on the geometry of space-time, on quantum
stochastic calculus and on the construction of quantum fields. Some of these
effects are studied in this paper.Comment: 36 pages Latex, 1 eps figur
Context-aware mobile app for the multidimensional assessment of the elderly,
Rural areas in Europe are presenting a decreasing population density and an increasing age index. These elders usually present multiple diseases that require complex tools to identify the exact cares that they need. Currently, different frameworks can evaluate their functional status and identify the required cares to maintain their Quality of Life, together with the associated cost to the health system. Nevertheless, these frameworks are usually questionnaires that have to be performed by already overloaded professionals. In this paper, we make use of mobile technologies to build a system capable of monitoring the activities of the elderly and analysing these data to assess their functional status. The experiments carried out show us that it correctly evaluates these patients and reduces the effort required by health professionals
Diffusion in scale-free networks with annealed disorder
The scale-free (SF) networks that have been studied so far contained quenched
disorder generated by random dilution which does not vary with the time. In
practice, if a SF network is to represent, for example, the worldwide web, then
the links between its various nodes may temporarily be lost, and re-established
again later on. This gives rise to SF networks with annealed disorder. Even if
the disorder is quenched, it may be more realistic to generate it by a
dynamical process that is happening in the network. In this paper, we study
diffusion in SF networks with annealed disorder generated by various scenarios,
as well as in SF networks with quenched disorder which, however, is generated
by the diffusion process itself. Several quantities of the diffusion process
are computed, including the mean number of distinct sites visited, the mean
number of returns to the origin, and the mean number of connected nodes that
are accessible to the random walkers at any given time. The results including,
(1) greatly reduced growth with the time of the mean number of distinct sites
visited; (2) blocking of the random walkers; (3) the existence of a phase
diagram that separates the region in which diffusion is possible from one in
which diffusion is impossible, and (4) a transition in the structure of the
networks at which the mean number of distinct sites visited vanishes, indicate
completely different behavior for the computed quantities than those in SF
networks with quenched disorder generated by simple random dilution.Comment: 18 pages including 8 figure
Subtleties on energy calculations in the image method
In this pedagogical work we point out a subtle mistake that can be done by
undergraduate or graduate students in the computation of the electrostatic
energy of a system containing charges and perfect conductors if they naively
use the image method. Specifically, we show that the naive expressions for the
electrostatic energy for these systems obtained directly from the image method
are wrong by a factor 1/2. We start our discussion with well known examples,
namely, point charge-perfectly conducting wall and point charge-perfectly
conducting sphere and then proceed to the demonstration of general results,
valid for conductors of arbitrary shapes.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; Major change in this version: subsection added to
Sect.4 (theorem generalization). Minor changes: title replaced; corrections
to the English; some explanatory comments adde
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