94 research outputs found

    Marcello Duarte Mathias

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    Exil et (d)énonciation ou Assia Djebar : l'écriture, l'urgence

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    In common-day language, and above all in some media discourses, it became quite usual to associate « French », « French language » and « francophone » to ideas of« crisis » or to arguments of « polemics ». What to think then about a novel called La Disparition de la Langue Française (2003, The Disappearance of the French Language), written by an Algerian female novelist, who was meanwhile elected to the French Academy ?Would this be another Jeremiad about the decline of the French language and culture orabout the perversities of a global scale monolinguism ? Having as its background the « horizon of expectations » created by these varied paratextual apparatus, directly or indirectly called upon by the work itself, the analysis suggested here tries to explore the symbolic contradiction of the aforementioned novel in dialogue with other texts by Assia Djebar, in order to emphasize what somehow emerges as a sign of restlessness regarding the French language. The main effort will be to show how exile (both of the character and of the author), more than a simple set of circumstances, points towards a plurivocal and intercultural structure of (d)enunciation, that articulates risk and freedom regarding the current situation, even though it goes well beyond it

    Helder Malta Macedo

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    L'arithmetique de l'emigration selon Milan Kundera

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    Milan Kundera, a Czech emigrant, naturalized French in 1981, who has been writing in French since 1995, is one of the most famous examples of the migrant voice's incorporation in current French literature. Taking his novel L'ignorance, published in 2003, as a starting point, we try to articulate the traces of the "arithmétique de l’émigration" (emigration's arithmetic) that the author developed in Les Testaments Trahis as a kind of exercise of application the results of which also represent an essay of auto-reference deferred

    Tout le reste n'est pas que roman... : inflexions et convergences dans la poesie française post-80

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    Does french poetry written and published after the 1980's correspond to a disruption or to a re-appropriation of certain axes of aesthetic modernity? Even if in a provisional and brief way, the reading proposed here will try to answer this question, highlighting the structuring lines regarding the literature that marks the transition between the twentieth- and the twentyfirst century

    Manuel de Melo Duarte Alegre

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    Katherine Vaz e a reinscrição de Mariana Alcoforado na História Literária

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    This essay on Mariana – the book written by Katherine Vaz, a Luso-American novelist, based on the life of Mariana Alcoforado, and also a rereading of the well-known Portuguese Letters – attempts not only to unveil the net of relationships which may be established between this novel and other fictional works on the same character, written by women in Portugal during the twentieth century, but also to equate its several ways of revising traditional historiography, thus functioning as an example of what one might call "an ex-centric literature", to borrow Linda Hutcheon's formulation