14 research outputs found

    Digitalization of Fresh Chestnut Fruit Supply Chain through RFID: Evidence, Benefits and Managerial Implications

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    This study provides evidence of supply chain (SC) management based on the digitalization of a fresh fruit-supply chain (i.e., chestnuts) using a radio-frequency identification technology (RFID). This research adopted the value-chain operation reference (VCOR) to assess the implications, issues, and benefits of the SC digitalization, and to explore how RFID can be configured regarding the VCOR blocks. Within this framework, the SC stages, processes, and operations were assessed using a tailored performance measurement system (PMS) including a set of metrics tracked, quantified, and evaluated alongside a monitoring field campaign. The results indicated that: (i) the benefits deriving from the RFID are constrained by specific organizational procedures adopted in operations management; (ii) the PMS Indicators of the centralized warehouse, balancing the inventory between the processing line and the distribution channels, presented the most significant improvements across the whole SC

    Dal Gargano ai Monti Dauni: analisi archeologica del tessuto urbano di due centri medievali (Vico del Gargano e Pietramontecorvino). Primi dati e prospettive di ricerca

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    From the Gargano to the the Daunian Mountains: archaeological analysis of the urban network of two medieval settlements (Vico del Gargano and Pietramontecorvino). First data and research perspectives The paper illustrates the results of a preliminary archaeological research on the defensive architecture of two towns in northern Apulia (Vico del Gargano and Pietramontecorvino). Here the remains of historical buildings have undergone various vicissitudes, and heed therefore different cognitive potential, which have pointed the adoption of specific modes of study and research applications. The results, even with reading difficulties, are encouraging and offer interesting suggestions to delineate the dynamics of the birth and development of the fortified settlements (from single towers, their duplication, the formation of circuits walls of the villages), to read in an integrated manner with other realities of the territory investigated by stratigraphic excavations and archaeological analysis of the architectures

    Optimizing milk-run system and IT-based Kanban with artificial intelligence: an empirical study on multi-lines assembly shop floor

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    ABSTRACTIn this research, a dynamic optimization of milk-run system (MRS) managed with an IT-based Kanban (ITK) is performed. The main tasks are to i) explore how artificial intelligence may allow MRS to choose the most efficient path and ii) measure the impact on the main production parameters. The study explores the Kanban signals activating an ant colony optimization algorithm that finds the best path from supermarket to the lines. Then, genetic algorithm solves an objective function to find the optimal delivery times according to the paths found. The optimal path is dynamically found for each MRS supply cycle. Within the empirical results, significant improvements for production parameters and overall system performance have been appraised. The lead time and material handling time show a strong decrease to 39% and 48%, respectively, while work in process decreases of 22% for all assembly lines. Workstation starvation decreased by 43% and machine saturation increased by 37%

    Dal Gargano ai Monti Dauni: analisi archeologica del tessuto urbano di due centri medievali (Vico del Gargano e Pietramontecorvino). Primi dati e prospettive di ricerca

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    From the Gargano to the the Daunian Mountains: archaeological analysis of the urban network of two medieval settlements (Vico del Gargano and Pietramontecorvino). First data and research perspectives The paper illustrates the results of a preliminary archaeological research on the defensive architecture of two towns in northern Apulia (Vico del Gargano and Pietramontecorvino). Here the remains of historical buildings have undergone various vicissitudes, and heed therefore different cognitive potential, which have pointed the adoption of specific modes of study and research applications. The results, even with reading difficulties, are encouraging and offer interesting suggestions to delineate the dynamics of the birth and development of the fortified settlements (from single towers, their duplication, the formation of circuits walls of the villages), to read in an integrated manner with other realities of the territory investigated by stratigraphic excavations and archaeological analysis of the architectures

    How to front the physical distancing requirement within workforce scheduling: empirical investigation through an optimization model

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    This work is focused on workforce scheduling for assembly lines with the additional constraint of workforce distancing. The aim is to warrant the necessary safety and health requirements due to COVID-19. The research stems within an industrial case in which a methodology has been developed with the objectives of i) developing a constraint optimization model considering the social distancing of workers as part of the workforce scheduling requirements and ii) investigating how the workforce distancing can affect certain production performances. Through an empirical investigation the impact of distancing on workforce allocation is appraised in terms of daily production capacity. Then, different distancing thresholds are assessed to seek the optimal balance among production performances and safety requirements. The research resulted in a tool able to adapt the scheduling sequence to those health/safety situations where the production manager needs to minimize losses in terms of production capacity, warranting the safest working conditions

    Late Miocene shortening of the Northern Apennines back-arc

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    The inner Northern Apennines (western Tuscany and Tyrrhenian basin) is characterized by a relatively thin continental crust (similar to 20-25 km), high heat flow (>100 mW m(-2)), and the presence of relevant tectonic elision of stratigraphic sequences, a setting known as Serie Ridotta. These features are normally ascribed to an extensional deformation that affected the back-arc area above the subducting Adria plate since the Early-Middle Miocene (similar to 16 Ma). However, various geophysical studies image the continental crust to be currently affected by W-dipping thrust faults (and associated basement uplifts) that have not been obliterated by this claimed long-lasting extensional process. These observations raise the question whether the thrusts are older or younger than the continental extension. To address this question we have reprocessed and interpreted the deep seismic reflection profile CROP03/c that crosses the onshore hinterland sector, and investigated the structural setting of some of the Late Miocene-Pliocene hinterland basins (Cinigiano-Baccinello, Siena-Radicofani, Tafone, Albegna and Radicondoli basins) that are situated at the front or in-between the basement uplifts. The analysis of field structures and commercial seismic profiles has allowed the recognition that both substratum and basins' infill have been intensely shortened. These findings and the architecture of the basins suggest that the latter developed under a contractional regime, which would have started around 8.5 Ma with the onset of the continental sedimentation. This compressive stress state followed an earlier phase of continental extension that presumably started at similar to 16 Ma (with the blocking of the Corsica-Sardinia rotation), and thinned both the continental crust and sedimentary cover producing most of the Serie Ridotta. The main phases of basin shortening are bracketed between 7.5 and 3.5 Ma, and thus overlap with the increase in the exhumation rate of the metamorphic cores at similar to 6-4 Ma determined through thermochronological data. We therefore propose a correlation between the basin deformation and the activity of the nearby basement thrusts, which would have thus shortened a previously thinned continental crust. This chronology of deformation may suggest a geodynamic model in which the back-arc and hinterland sector of the Northern Apennines was recompressed during Late Miocene-Early Pliocene times. This evolution may be explained through different speculative scenarios involving a blockage of the subduction process, which may vary between end members of complete slab detachment and stalled subduction

    Montecorvino: parabola insediativa di una cittadina dei Monti Dauni fra XI e XVI sec

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    Il contributo costituisce un aggiornamento all'anno 2014 delle ricerche archeologiche nel sito medievale abbandonato di Montecorvino, sui Monti Dauni

    Application of quaternion algorithms for multicomponent data analysis: a review.

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    In this paper we illustrate the applications of three algorithms of multicom- ponent seismic data processing, velocity analysis, deconvolution, and seismic waveeld separation, that we implemented by means of quaternion algebra. Af- ter a brief introduction on quaternions and a review of these methods, we focus our description on the applications to actual multicomponent seismic datasets. Quaternion velocity analysis results in an improved resolution and distinc- tion of the velocity trends associated with the various wave phases, while the extension of the classical Wiener deconvolution demonstrates the better per- formance of the quaternion lter on the multicomponent traces compared to the scalar lters. Waveeld separation by means of quaternion SVD makes it possible to discern body waves from surface waves based on their dierent polarization characteristics and eventually leads to their eective separation. From these experiences it turns out that the superior performance of the quaternion approaches is due to the ability of quaternions to naturally represent vectorial data