10 research outputs found

    Confocal microscopy of pancreatic cultured CAFs.

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    <p>Double fluorescence stain illustrates the presence of cells proCOL11A1+/CK7+, proCOL11A1+/αSMA+ and proCOL11A1+/VIM+. <i>Red</i>: proCOL11A1; <i>green</i>: CK7, αSMA and VIM, respectively; <i>blue</i>: nuclei. Insets: randomly taken high power fields of culture. Scale bar 100 μm (X200) and 20 μm (X630). </p

    Overexpression of COL11A1 by Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts: Clinical Relevance of a Stromal Marker in Pancreatic Cancer

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>The collagen11A1 (COL11A1) gene is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer. The expression of COL11A1 protein could be involved in desmoplastic events in pancreatic cancer, but an antibody that specifically stains the COL11A1 protein is not currently available.</p> <p>Methods and findings</p><p>A total of 54 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC), 23 chronic pancreatitis (CP) samples, and cultured peritumoral stromal cells of PDAC (passages 3-6) were studied. Normal human pancreas tissue samples were obtained through a cadaveric organ donation program. 1) Validation of COL11A1 gene overexpression by q-RT-PCR. </p> <p>Findings</p><p>the expression of COL11A1 gene is significantly increased in PDAC samples vs. normal and CP samples. 2) Analysis of COL11A1 by immunohistochemistry using highly specific anti-proCOL11A1 antibodies. </p> <p>Findings</p><p>anti-proCOL11A1 stains stromal cells/cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) of PDAC but it does not stain chronic benign condition (chronic pancreatitis) stromal cells, epithelial cells, or normal fibroblasts. 3) Evaluation of the discrimination ability of the antibody. </p> <p>Findings</p><p>anti-proCOL11A1 immunostaining accurately discriminates between PDAC and CP (AUC 0.936, 95% CI 0.851, 0.981). 4) Phenotypic characterization of proCOL11A1+ stromal cells co-staining with mesenchymal, epithelial and stellate cell markers on pancreatic tissue samples and cultured peritumoral pancreatic cancer stromal cells. </p> <p>Findings</p><p>ProCOL11A1+ cells present co-staining with mesenchymal, stellate and epithelial markers (EMT phenotype) in different proportions.</p> <p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>Detection of proCOL11A1 through immunostaining with this newly-developed antibody allows for a highly accurate distinction between PDAC and CP. Unlike other available antibodies commonly used to detect CAFs, anti-proCOL11A1 is negative in stromal cells of the normal pancreas and almost absent in benign inflammation. These results strongly suggest that proCOL11A1 is a specific marker for CAFs, and thus, anti-proCOL11A1 is a powerful new tool for cancer research and clinical diagnostics.</p> </div

    Co-staining of anti-proCOL11A1 mAb with different fibroblastic markers and CK 7, in Chronic Pancreatitis.

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    <p><b>A</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) <i>vs</i>. desmin (magenta); <b>B</b>, Anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) <i>vs</i>. αSMA (magenta); <b>C</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) <i>vs</i>. VIM (magenta); <b>D</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) <i>vs</i>. GFAP (not staining); <b>E</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) vs. CK7 (magenta); <b>F</b>, CK7 (epithelial tumor cells: <i>brown</i>) vs. VIM (magenta).(all photomicrographs at ×200, Scale bar 200 μm). .</p

    Co-staining of anti-proCOL11A1 mAb with different fibroblastic markers and CK 7, in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.

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    <p><b>A</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) <i>vs</i>. desmin (magenta); <b>B</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) <i>vs</i>. αSMA (magenta); <b>C</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) <i>vs</i>. VIM (magenta); <b>D</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) <i>vs</i>. GFAP (not staining); <b>E</b>, anti-proCOL11A1 (brown) vs. CK7 (magenta); <b>F</b>, CK7 (epithelial tumor cells: <i>brown</i>) vs. VIM (magenta) (all photomicrographs at ×200, Scale bar 200 μm; inset X1000). </p

    Comparative immunohistochemical profile of stromal cells of chronic pancreatitis (CP) and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) in serial sections.

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    <p>Stromal cells in CP were negative for anti-proCOL11A1 mAb (A) and desmin (B) whereas a substantial number of stromal cells of PDAC expressed anti-proCOL11A1 mAb (E) and desmin (F). In CP and PDAC the stain of stromal cells for αSMA (C and G, respectively) and VIM (D and H, respectively) were diffuse and non-selective. Anti-proCOL11A1 mAb (A and E), desmin (B and F), αSMA (C and G) and VIM (D and H) (all photomicrographs at ×400, Scale bar 50 μm).</p

    A navegar con Cristóbal Colón

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    Se desarrolla un proyecto de innovación educativa en torno a la figura de Cristóbal Colón, cobrando importancia también otros hechos derivados de sus descubrimiento, como es el caso del conocimiento de otras culturas, sus costumbres y tradiciones. En el momento histórico del V centenario de de la muerte de Cristóbal Colón, toda la comunidad educativa se embarca y participa en la experiencia innovadora que promueve el interés por la lectura, fomenta la coordinación del profesorado, la convivencia y la socialización del profesorado. El proyecto pretende entre otros objetivos: conocer el personaje de Cristóbal Colón y su importancia en la historia, reconociendo la repercusión que tuvo el Descubrimiento de América y los Reyes Católicos; fomentar la convivencia en el centro a través de las diferentes actividades del proyecto, educando en valores y en el respeto a la pluralidad; acercar al alumnado al oficio de marinero a través de las diferentes experiencias y actividades. Las sesiones de trabajo se han desarrollado combinando la formación teórica a través de las exposiciones de ponentes externos, las reflexiones de grupo y momentos de debate donde el intercambio de experiencias ha sido positivo y valorado por los asistentes, y el desarrollo práctico de las sesiones han sido ejecutadas por cada tutor o especialista en el aula con el alumnado, teniendo en cuenta cada contexto y nivel educativo.Castilla y LeónConsejería de Educación. Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación; Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Prado, Autovía Puente Colgante s. n.; 47071 Valladolid; +34983411881; +34983411939ES

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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    Long-term effect of a practice-based intervention (HAPPY AUDIT) aimed at reducing antibiotic prescribing in patients with respiratory tract infections

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