85 research outputs found

    Characteristics and development of Belgium’s foreign trade

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    During the past quarter century, the globalisation of the economy has caused international trade to become remarkably dynamic. Over the same period international trade also experienced fundamental changes : intra-industry trade in manufacturing products has dramatically increased and new markets and competing countries have emerged. Belgium has long been integrated into this global framework, and its economic development and prosperity have been largely based on close trading links with other countries. Its degree of openness is among the highest of the euro area countries, due in particular to intense trade with these countries. Since 1980, Belgium has been relatively successful in maintaining its position in international trade. The trade balance has initially improved and has subsequently remained positive at around 3 p.c. of GDP. Global market shares have remained relatively stable in value terms. However, using harmonized foreign trade statistics, a more detailed analysis of Belgium’s export volume over the period 1995-2002 reveals that Belgium has lost 5.8 p.c. of its market share, while the three neighbouring countries have on average increased their share by 3.8 p.c. This negative result can be attributed in part to an unfavourable export product specialisation, in particular the large share of basic chemicals, metal products and textiles in total trade and the under-representation of machinery and data-processing hardware, electronic and telecommunication equipment.Belgium, Foreign trade, Globalisation, Intra-industry trade, Trade balance, Market share

    Recent commodity price developments : causes and effects

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    In the past few years, constant price increases have attracted much attention to commodity markets. The nominal prices of oil and most metals reached record levels, and their real prices reached the highest level in many years. The recent price surge was due mainly to a strong increase in demand for commodities. This can be attributed to the strong economic growth of the past few years and to the integration of a substantial part of the world population into the global economy and international trade. The price increase was also partly the result of supply side developments, such as the scarcity of spare production and refining capacity. This made the oil price sensitive to every event that had a negative influence on the oil supply, such as the recurrent geopolitical tensions. In recent years, economic growth and inflation in the oil-importing countries have been fairly resistant to the sharp increase in commodity prices, largely thanks to the changes in the monetary policy framework in comparison to the seventies, structural changes in the developed countries, the effect of globalisation and the favourable economic environment. Financial markets expect oil prices to remain at high levels in the short- and medium term. Moreover, according to the International Energy Agency and other observers, high oil prices are also expected to persist in the long term. Metal prices are forecast to ease from their current high levels, mainly as a result of supply side flexibility, as extra capacity can be added quite quickly. In view of the major economic impact of oil prices and the increasing concern about the effect of energy consumption on climate change, the government has an important role in the energy debate. Over the last couple of years there have been some initiatives to establish a common European energy and climate policy.commodity markets, energy, metals, oil, OPEC.

    Rebalancing global demand

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    The article examines to what extent the recovery of the global economy could gain support from a more balanced growth of global demand than in the past. Despite the gradual recovery of the global economy, it remains highly uncertain when – or even whether – growth can return to the often very vigorous pace prevailing before the crisis, especially as that dynamism was in many countries largely based on macroeconomic distortions which were most clearly apparent in the growing current account surpluses and deficits on the balance of payments, as is evident from our analysis of the figures from 1995 onwards. At the Pittsburgh summit in September 2009, in the Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth the G20 leaders agreed that deficit countries should support private savings and strive towards fiscal consolidation. They will not only need to modify their spending patterns but will also have to transfer their focus to the export sector. To offset the shortfall in demand from these deficit countries, the surplus countries are called upon to reduce their dependence on exports and tap domestic sources of growth. The authors examine the actual policy implications of this for the US, China and the euro area. Although a number of countries have already adopted a range of policy measures which are a move in the right direction, restoring the balance of global demand remains a major challenge, not least on account of the difficult-to-implement but no less essential structural reforms, or the time required to push those reforms through. It will be no easy task to restore the macroeconomic equilibrium, achieve a broad consensus and create the conditions for strong, sustainable and balanced growth, in line with the G20 aims. The movement towards a new global balance risks becoming a protracted process, with the possibility of a worldwide growth slowdown in the meantime.G20, United States, China, euro area, saving, investment, balance of payments current account

    End of the crisis in the housing markets ? An international survey

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    The article examines recent developments in international housing markets and makes an assessment of the current situation. The first section demonstrates that the last upward movement in house prices in advanced economies, that started during the mid-1990s, differed from previous upward phases because of its strength, duration and degree of synchronisation across countries. Low interest rates, financial innovation, relaxed credit conditions and demographic factors stimulated housing demand and led to higher prices and investment. The strongest increases were recorded in the UK, Spain, Ireland and France. Starting around the mid-2000s, housing markets increasingly displayed signs of overheating and the American subprime crisis of 2006 triggered a downward correction in the US housing market. Housing markets elsewhere displayed a similar pattern around the same period. Nevertheless, developments were less synchronised during this downturn than during the upturn, as the fall in house prices seems to be over in some countries while the correction continues in other countries. The degree of over- or undervaluation of recent house prices can be calculated on the basis of some frequently used measures. Taking into account fundamental factors like disposable income, population growth and the very low interest rate level, it appears that current prices in most countries are more or less in line with fundamentals. These simple measures have their limitations, and consequently one should be cautious when interpreting the results. Additionally, several common risk factors (normalisation of interest rates, lower potential growth after the economic crisis, fiscal consolidation) and some country-specific risk factors might hinder a further recovery of housing markets. The recent crisis clearly demonstrated the need for stricter rules and control of the financial sector. Various initiatives have already been taken, and international institutions have also formulated recommendations for housing policy reform and the functioning of residential property and mortgage markets. Subsequently, the European government debt crisis that started in 2010 stimulated initiatives to strengthen economic governance in the European Union. In the new surveillance framework, macroeconomic risks will be monitored more closely and more broadly, and this will include the use of indicators related to the housing sector.house prices, investment in housing, interest rates, financial innovation, demography, valuation, disposable income, United States, United Kingdom, euro area, Belgium

    KOMUNIKASI BUDAYA PENGGEMAR BOY BAND BTS DI ERA DIGITAL Studi Etnografi Virtual pada penggemar BTS di Media Sosial Instagram

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    Ringkasan penelitian ini berjudul “Komunikasi Budaya Penggemar Boy Band BTS Di Era Digital” studi Etnografi Virtual Pada Penggemar BTS Di Media Sosial Instagram. Media digital salah satunya adalah media sosial yang menjembatani komunikasi antar idol dan penggemar sehingga mereka menjadi lebih dekat. Dimana hampir semua platform media sekarang membahas satu grup musik, BTS yang terdiri dari tujuh personil yaitu Kim Namjoon (RM), Kim Seokjin (Jin), Min Yoongi (Suga), Jung Haseok (J-hope), Park Jimin (Jimin), Kim Taehyung (V), dan Jeon Jungkook (Jungkook). Di antara sekian banyak prestasi BTS yang menjuarai beberapa chart, ternyata ada pencapaian lainnya yaitu ketika BTS diminta oleh UNICEF Korea untuk berpidato di PBB Majelis Umum (Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa) tentang pemberdayaan anak dan remaja. BTS punya penggemar yangn dipanggil “ARMY” dan memunculkan komunitas penggemar BTS. Komunitas Fans Army menyebar melintasi berbagai negara asing hingga ke Indonesia. Disini peneliti ingin mengkaji tentang bagaimana budaya penggemar di era digital dengan melihat aktifitas-aktifitas penggemar yang dilakukan oleh para anggota fandom melalui media sosial instagram. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan studi etnografi virtual Christine Hine (2015). Metode ini menggunakan dua teknik untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya penggemar dapat dilihat dari empat level analisis siber, yakni 1) Ruang media, tempat fokus para penggemar BTS dengan menggunakan platform Instagram, mencari informasi tentang BTS, mengikuti kegiatan BTS di Instagram dan untuk menyebarkan informasi atau berita terbaru tentang idolanya. 2) Dokumen media, digunakan untuk melihat lebih jauh bagaimana sebuah teks dan emoticon yang berbentuk simbol interaksi dalam media siber lebih dimaknai sebagai pemberi informasi kepada sesama Army di media sosial Instagram. 3) Objek media, memiliki keterkaitan yang begitu erat dengan level – level lainnya. Level objek media sebagai media tempat berinteraksi dalam “menjembatani” alur informasi antara para penggemar dalam mencari informasi dan menyebarkan informasi tentang member BTS. 4) Pengalaman, level ini diperkaya dengan wadah media grup WhatsApp untuk bertukar informasi mengenai kegiatan yang akan Army lakukan seperti galang dana atau donasi bagi korban bencana, dan bertukar informasi tentang berita terbaru member BTS. Kata Kunci: ARMY, BTS, Fandom, Komunikasi Budaya Penggemar, Instagram

    Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan Perempuan di PT. Ruci Gas Surabaya

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    Pemimpin Perusahaan biasanya didominasi oleh kaum pria. Tetapi, saat ini perempuan pun sudah dapat memimpin sebuah Perusahaan juga. Setiap pemimpin baik itu laki-laki maupun perempuan memiliki sebuah gaya kepemimpinan. Gaya kepemimpinan pada perempuan dikaitkan dengan gender. Ada empat gaya kepemimpinan perempuan, yaitu gaya kepemimpinan maskulin, gaya kepemimpinan feminim, gaya kepemimpinan transaksional, dan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan perempuan yang digunakan oleh direktur PT. Ruci Gas. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif.Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diantara gaya kepemimpinan feminim-maskulin, pemimpin dominan pada gaya kepemimpinan feminim. Di antara gaya kepemimpinan transaksional-transformasional pemimpin dominan pada gaya kepemimpinan transformasional. Tetapi, diantara gaya kepemimpinan feminim dan transformasional, pemimpin lebih dominan menggunakan gaya kepemimpinan feminim. Hal ini dikarenakan pemimpin merupakan sosok pemimpin yang berorientasi kepada orang atau team oriented dan pemimpin yang berkarisma


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    Penlitan i berjudl “Straegi Komunikasi Pemasran Lasting Cloth melaui Facebok”. Penlitan in dilakuan untk mengetahui bagiman straegi pemasran dari Lasting Cloth yang meanfatkn facebok sebagi sarn utk menaikan produk lokalnya smpai ke target pasrnya. Metode penlitan i mengunakn metode kualitf. Teori yang digunakn adlah teori komunikasi pemasran dari Kotler & Amstrong. Tekni pengumpulan dat yang digunakn pad penlitan i seprti studi kepustakn, wancar secar mendalm, dan dokumentasi. Berdasrkan hasil dari penletian yang telah diapt dilapngan, straegi pemasran i mebuat Lasting Cloth berhasil dengan meanfatkn facebok untk mebagikan iklan. Penawran penjualn produknya dan menjalin komunikasi dengan meberikan pelayna yang baik menujkan keuntgan yang cukp optimal. Hal tersbut menjadikan brand Lasting Cloth mapu merambak bisn onlie dngan cir khas yang dimlik oleh Lasting Cloth agr bisa bersaing dibsni era digtal sat in. Sarn dari penlitan i mengenai straegi komunikasi pemasran Lasting Cloth harus bisa meperluas marketnya lewat platform yang lain. Membuka ofline store agr menaikan keprcayn dan ketraikan karena terbukti dari kualits Lasting Cloth secar langsung. Kat kunci : Komunikasi Pemasran, Lasting Cloth, Facebok, Penjualn Produk

    Fungsi Kepala Desa Terhadap Pengelolaan Lingkungan Permukiman Masyarakat Desa Di Desa Selat Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari

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     A good and healthy environment is a basic right of every Indonesian citizen as mandated in Article 28H of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Origin rights, and/or traditional rights recognized and respected in the government system, led by the Head The village as the village government is assisted by the village apparatus as an element of village administration. The Village Head is in charge of administering Village Administration, implementing Village Development, Village community development, and empowering Village communities. Batanghari Regency Regional Regulation Article 113 paragraph (2) Letter f Elucidation in paragraph (2) General Provisions for Zoning Regulations for Settlement Areas other regulations that covering residential areas that have a high density and tend to be slums, it is necessary to improve the environment in a participatory manner in number 2 article 113 paragraph (2) letter f. The purpose of this study is how the function of the village head is to the problems faced in terms of settlements, as well as the development of productive settlements in Selat Village, Pemayung District, Batanghari Regency. The research method used is empirical juridical and qualitatively descriptive with the elaboration and description of the problems regarding the population in the Straits Village.Lingkungan hidup yang baik dan sehat merupakan hak asasi setiap warga negara Indonesia sebagai diamanatkan dalam pasal 28H Undang- Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. hak asal usul, dan/atau hak tradisional yang diakui dan dihormati dalam sistem Pemerintahan, yang di pimpin oleh Kepala Desa sebagai pemerintah Desa yang di bantu Perangkat Desa sebagai unsur penyelenggara Pemerintahan Desa. Kepala Desa bertugas menyelenggarakan Pemerintahan Desa, melaksanakan Pembangunan Desa, pembinaan kemasyarakatan Desa, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat Desa.Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Batanghari Pasal 113 ayat (2) Huruf f Penjelasan Pada ayat (2) Ketentuan Umum Peraturan zonasi Kawasan Peruntukan Permukiman peraturan lain-lain yang meliputi kawasan permukiman yang mempunyai kepadatan tinggi dan cenderung kumuh diperlukan perbaikan lingkungan secara partisipatif pada angka 2 pasal 113 ayat (2) huruf f. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu Bagaimana fungsi Kepala Desa terhadap persoalan yang dihadapi dalam hal permukiman, serta pengembangan pemukiman produktif di Desa Selat Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu yuridis empiris dan secara kualitatif deskripti dengan penjabaran serta penggambaran dari masalah mengenai penduduk di desa selat. &nbsp

    Alleviating Poverty and Achieving Inclusive Growth Through Msmes’ Digital Innovation

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    Inequality and poverty are interrelated factors with negative influences on economic growth. Inequality can undermine institutional efficiency that propagates economic security. Poverty will have different influences along with the effects of inequality on the society. Poverty negatively influences consumption growth and, consequently, decreases as the economy grows. Technology is a strategy to deal with ongoing developments in the era of globalization and digitalization characterized with mobility of goods and services, capital flows, and use of technology. MSMEs’ development through technological innovations developing in the community is expected to expand market coverage and accelerate the structural transformation process. Alleviating poverty and achieving inclusive growth through MSMEs’ digital innovation of SMEs are recommended to be carried out through 4 (four) policy pillars: strengthening MSMEs’ digital literacy; increasing SMEs’ skills and capabilities; legal licensing; and MSMEs’ financial literacy and accessibilit

    Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe. An index for measuring a country’s potential to benefit from technology spillovers

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    In the paper, we construct a composite indicator to estimate the potential of four Central and Eastern European countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) to benefit from productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment (FDI) in the manufacturing sector. Such transfers of technology are one of the main benefits of FDI for the host country, and should also be one of the main determinants of FDI incentives offered to investing multinationals by governments, but they are difficult to assess ex ante. For our composite index, we use six components to proxy the main channels and determinants of these spillovers. We have tried several weighting and aggregation methods, and we consider our results robust. According to the analysis of our results, between 2003 and 2007 all four countries were able to increase their potential to benefit from such spillovers, although there are large differences between them. The Czech Republic clearly has the most potential to benefit from productivity spillovers, while Poland has the least. The relative positions of Hungary and Slovakia depend to some extent on the exact weighting and aggregation method of the individual components of the index, but the differences are not large. These conclusions have important implication both the investment strategies of multinationals and government FDI policies
