515 research outputs found

    Stereochemical Studies in the Terpenoid Field

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    Ferrocenes as One-Electron Donors in Unimolecular Rectifiers

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    Ferrocene is a good electron donor, and as such has been used to test asymmetric conduction (rectification) in molecules that contain ferrocene. Of the five ferrocene-containing molecules that rectify (structures 11, 15, 19, 20, and 22), the last (22) exhibits a record rectification ratio, which should be a dramatic incentive for searching for more high-efficiency rectifiers

    Utilization of Encounter Groups in a Residence Hall

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    The research is focused on how to make residence hall living a more valid and relevant learning experience for the students. The physical arrangement of living areas in most traditional American residence halls is constructed with separate general living areas, i.e. wings. Since the residents of the wing are usually physically separated from the other wings, the individual wing becomes a relatively independent environment having living/interacting peculiarities all its own. The author of this research assumed that the individual wing is the most immediate dormitory influence on a resident. By concentrating a directed growth producing experience at the wing level, effective enhancement of the residence hall life would occur. This assumption indicated the implication that most negative resident hall experiences of a resident occur at a wing level. The object of this research was to provide positive interactions at the wing level, thus heightening the individual\u27s self-concept and the wing community\u27s functioning. The hypothesis was that by utilizing a basic encounter group relationship, these positive attributes of a wing can be accentuated. It was the contention of this author that by providing the residents of a wing with a positive learning experience as a result of basic group procedures, these positive wing components will be brought out and serve as information necessary for continued healthy interactions

    An investigation into the cause of insidious hypothermia occurring during immersion in lukewarm water, and of the mental consequences of hypothermia

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    During the late 1970s, when oil exploration and extraction from the North Sea were at a peak, there was increasing concern about the number of episodes of unexplained confusion, loss of consciousness and deaths during dives.Previous field measurements on divers had demonstrated that divers became hypothermic with little or no sensation of cold, despite suit heating using tepid water pumped from the surface.This thesis describes laboratory experiments designed to document and to determine the cause of 'insidious' hypothermia. Initially, it was shown that uniform skin cooling in tepid water could produce subnormal body temperatures in all subjects tested, whether or not they had been acclimatised to cold.This symptomless fall in deep body temperature could be reversed by further chilling the hands and feet using a separate water circulation system, while the rest of the body remained in tepid water. The rise in deep body temperature was shown to be due to an increase in metabolic rate caused by shivering, with cold-acclimatised subjects shivering less.The main cause of 'insidious' hypothermia is therefore inadequate skin stimulation of thermoregulatory reflexes by lukewarm water, with previous cold water exposure further reducing responses.The next series of experiments was designed, to assess the impairment of memory and reasoning processes by oold, since most previous evidence find been inadequate or anecdotal. Psychological tests were administered during the unusual physiological circumstances on rewarming after oold immersion, where subjects felt warm and comfortable, but had a low or falling deep body temperature.The results clearly showed that the ability to form new memories was seriously impaired, even by mild falls in temperature, and that reasoning processes were greatly prolonged, although remaining accurate.The current work has therefore successfully determined the cause of the hypothermia which occurs in lukewarm water, and has shown that mental abilities are seriously affected early in the development of hypothermia

    10. McCrum Slavonic Training School

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    The Cummings collection includes 2 publications by the McCrum Slavonic Training School in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. They date to 1912, the year Mary Kacmar graduated from the school, and 1918, the year she and Cummings married. They are posted here as a single PDF; additional information is provided in the User Guide.https://mds.marshall.edu/cummings_melvillehomer/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Experimental investigation of bifurcation behavior in nonlinear microwave circuits

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    We present an experimental technique to study bifurcations in periodically forced nonlinear microwave circuits, including even physically unstable (periodic) steady states. The designer specifies a key node in the circuit being studied (often associated with an active device) and the method synthesizes a voltage waveform to match the waveform at the selected node so that no current flows across the interface. This null condition is maintained while a parameter, such as bias voltage, is varied over a specified range. The addition of the external nulling source is able to stabilize a steady state that would be unstable in the original circuit. Various applications are presented.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government under contract TEC2014-60283-C3-1-R, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) and the Parliament of Cantabria (12.JP02.64069)

    09. Literary and Bible Training School

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    The Cummings collection includes items pertaining to his time at the Literary and Bible Training School (now Trevecca Nazarene University) in Nashville, Tennessee, from which he graduated in 1909. There are examination papers he wrote on homiletics and theology, along with the catalog for the 1909-10 academic year. All items are posted here as a single PDF; additional information is provided in the User Guide.https://mds.marshall.edu/cummings_melvillehomer/1008/thumbnail.jp
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