618 research outputs found

    Incremental Cluster Validity Indices for Online Learning of Hard Partitions: Extensions and Comparative Study

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    Validation is one of the most important aspects of clustering, particularly when the user is designing a trustworthy or explainable system. However, most clustering validation approaches require batch calculation. This is an important gap because of the value of clustering in real-time data streaming and other online learning applications. Therefore, interest has grown in providing online alternatives for validation. This paper extends the incremental cluster validity index (iCVI) family by presenting incremental versions of Calinski-Harabasz (iCH), Pakhira-Bandyopadhyay-Maulik (iPBM), WB index (iWB), Silhouette (iSIL), Negentropy Increment (iNI), Representative Cross Information Potential (irCIP), Representative Cross Entropy (irH), and Conn_Index (iConn_Index). This paper also provides a thorough comparative study of correct, under- and over-partitioning on the behavior of these iCVIs, the Partition Separation (PS) index as well as four recently introduced iCVIs: incremental Xie-Beni (iXB), incremental Davies-Bouldin (iDB), and incremental generalized Dunn\u27s indices 43 and 53 (iGD43 and iGD53). Experiments were carried out using a framework that was designed to be as agnostic as possible to the clustering algorithms. The results on synthetic benchmark data sets showed that while evidence of most under-partitioning cases could be inferred from the behaviors of the majority of these iCVIs, over-partitioning was found to be a more challenging problem, detected by fewer of them. Interestingly, over-partitioning, rather then under-partitioning, was more prominently detected on the real-world data experiments within this study. The expansion of iCVIs provides significant novel opportunities for assessing and interpreting the results of unsupervised lifelong learning in real-time, wherein samples cannot be reprocessed due to memory and/or application constraints

    Complete mitochondrial DNA sequences provide new insights into the Polynesian motif and the peopling of Madagascar

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    More than a decade of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies have given the 'Polynesian motif' renowned status as a marker for tracing the late-Holocene expansion of Austronesian speaking populations. Despite considerable research on the Polynesian motif in Oceania, there has been little equivalent work on the western edge of its expansion - leaving major issues unresolved regarding the motif's evolutionary history. This has also led to considerable uncertainty regarding the settlement of Madagascar. In this study, we assess mtDNA variation in 266 individuals from three Malagasy ethnic groups: the Mikea, Vezo, and Merina. Complete mtDNA genome sequencing reveals a new variant of the Polynesian motif in Madagascar; two coding region mutations define a Malagasy-specific sub-branch. This newly defined 'Malagasy motif' occurs at high frequency in all three ethnic groups (13-50%), and its phylogenetic position, geographic distribution, and estimated age all support a recent origin, but without conclusively identifying a specific source region. Nevertheless, the haplotype's limited diversity, similar to those of other mtDNA haplogroups found in our Malagasy groups, best supports a small number of initial settlers arriving to Madagascar through the same migratory process. Finally, the discovery of this lineage provides a set of new polymorphic positions to help localize the Austronesian ancestors of the Malagasy, as well as uncover the origin and evolution of the Polynesian motif itself

    On the accuracy of PLIF measurements in slender plumes

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    The purpose of this article was to assess the measurement uncertainty of the planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) method and, as much as possible, to devise corrections for predictable biases. More specifically, we considered the measurement of concentration maps in cross sections parallel to and normal to the axis of a slender plume containing Rhodamine 6G as a passive scalar tracer and transported by a turbulent shear flow. In addition to previously examined sources of error related to PLIF, we also investigated several unexplored ones. First, we demonstrated that errors would arise if the laser sheet thickness was comparable to or larger than the thickness of the instantaneous plume. We then investigated the effect of secondary fluorescence, which was attributed to absorption and re-emission of primary fluorescence by dye both within and outside the laser sheet. We found that, if uncorrected, this effect would contaminate the calibration as well as the instantaneous concentration measurements of the plume, and proposed methods for the correction of these errors and for identifying the instantaneous boundaries of the in-sheet dye regions

    Optimizing care in osteoporosis: The Canadian quality circle project

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While the Osteoporosis Canada 2002 Canadian guidelines provided evidence based strategies in preventing, diagnosing, and managing this condition, publication and distribution of guidelines have not, in and of themselves, been shown to alter physicians clinical approaches. We hypothesize that primary care physicians enrolled in the Quality Circle project would change their patient management of osteoporosis in terms of awareness of osteoporosis risk factors and bone mineral density testing in accordance with the guidelines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The project consisted of five Quality Circle phases that included: 1) Training & Baseline Data Collection, 2) First Educational Intervention & First Follow-Up Data Collection 3) First Strategy Implementation Session, 4) Final Educational Intervention & Final Follow-up Data Collection, and 5) Final Strategy Implementation Session. A total of 340 circle members formed 34 quality circles and participated in the study. The generalized estimating equations approach was used to model physician awareness of risk factors for osteoporosis and appropriate utilization of bone mineral density testing pre and post educational intervention (first year of the study). Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After the 1<sup>st </sup>year of the study, physicians' certainty of their patients' risk factor status increased. Certainty varied from an OR of 1.4 (95% CI: 1.1, 1.8) for prior vertebral fracture status to 6.3 (95% CI: 2.3, 17.9) for prior hip fracture status. Furthermore, bone mineral density testing increased in high risk as compared with low risk patients (OR: 1.4; 95% CI: 1.2, 1.7).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Quality Circle methodology was successful in increasing both physicians' awareness of osteoporosis risk factors and appropriate bone mineral density testing in accordance with the 2002 Canadian guidelines.</p

    The association between iliocostal distance and the number of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures in women and men registered in the Canadian Database For Osteoporosis and Osteopenia (CANDOO)

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    BACKGROUND: The identification of new methods of evaluating patients with osteoporotic fracture should focus on their usefulness in clinical situations such that they are easily measured and applicable to all patients. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the association between iliocostal distance and vertebral and non-vertebral fractures in patients seen in a clinical setting. METHODS: Patient data were obtained from the Canadian Database of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia (CANDOO). A total of 549 patients including 508 women and 41 men participated in this cross-sectional study. There were 142 women and 18 men with prevalent vertebral fractures, and 185 women and 21 men with prevalent non-vertebral fractures. RESULTS: In women multivariable regression analysis showed that iliocostal distance was negatively associated with the number of vertebral fractures (-0.18, CI: -0.27, -0.09; adjusted for bone mineral density at the Ward's triangle, epilepsy, cerebrovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, etidronate use, and calcium supplement use) and for the number of non-vertebral fractures (-0.09, CI: -0.15, -0.03; adjusted for bone mineral density at the trochanter, cerebrovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and etidronate use). However, in men, multivariable regression analysis did not demonstrate a significant association between iliocostal distance and the number of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures. CONCLUSIONS: The examination of iliocostal distance may be a useful clinical tool for assessment of the possibility of vertebral fractures. The identification of high-risk patients is important to effectively use the growing number of available osteoporosis therapies

    Evaluation of cell-free DNA approaches for multi-cancer early detection

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    In the Circulating Cell-free Genome Atlas (NCT02889978) substudy 1, we evaluate several approaches for a circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA)-based multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test by defining clinical limit of detection (LOD) based on circulating tumor allele fraction (cTAF), enabling performance comparisons. Among 10 machine-learning classifiers trained on the same samples and independently validated, when evaluated at 98% specificity, those using whole-genome (WG) methylation, single nucleotide variants with paired white blood cell background removal, and combined scores from classifiers evaluated in this study show the highest cancer signal detection sensitivities. Compared with clinical stage and tumor type, cTAF is a more significant predictor of classifier performance and may more closely reflect tumor biology. Clinical LODs mirror relative sensitivities for all approaches. The WG methylation feature best predicts cancer signal origin. WG methylation is the most promising technology for MCED and informs development of a targeted methylation MCED test

    Epidemiology of Knee and Hip Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review§

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    We present a systematic review of epidemiologic studies of Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) and Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA). The studies summarized in this systematic review provide us with estimates of arthroplasty utilization rates, underlying disease frequency and its trends and differences in utilization rates by age, gender and ethnicity among other factors. Among these, many studies are registry-based that assessed utilization rates using data from major orthopedic centers that may provide some understanding of underlying diagnosis and possibly time-trends. Several studies are population-based cross-sectional, which provide estimates of prevalence of TKA and THA. Population-based cohort studies included in this review provide the best estimates of incidence and utilization rates, time-trends and differences in these rates by important patient characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity and others). This article reviews the current published literature in the area and highlights the main findings

    Effectiveness of bisphosphonates on nonvertebral and hip fractures in the first year of therapy: The risedronate and alendronate (REAL) cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Randomized clinical trials have shown that risedronate and alendronate reduce fractures among women with osteoporosis. The aim of this observational study was to observe, in clinical practice, the incidence of hip and nonvertebral fractures among women in the year following initiation of once-a-week dosing of either risedronate or alendronate. METHODS: Using records of health service utilization from July 2002 through September 2004, we created two cohorts: women (ages 65 and over) receiving risedronate (n = 12,215) or alendronate (n = 21,615). Cox proportional hazard modeling was used to compare the annual incidence of nonvertebral fractures and of hip fractures between cohorts, adjusting for potential differences in risk factors for fractures. RESULTS: There were 507 nonvertebral fractures and 109 hip fractures. Through one year of therapy, the incidence of nonvertebral fractures in the risedronate cohort (2.0%) was 18% lower (95% CI 2% – 32%) than in the alendronate cohort (2.3%). The incidence of hip fractures in the risedronate cohort (0.4%) was 43% lower (95% CI 13% – 63%) than in the alendronate cohort (0.6%). These results were consistent across a number of sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSION: Patients receiving risedronate have lower rates of hip and nonvertebral fractures during their first year of therapy than patients receiving alendronate

    In Vivo Mechanical Loading Modulates Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 Gene Expression in Rat Osteocytes

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    Mechanical stimulation is essential for maintaining skeletal integrity. Mechanosensitive osteocytes are important during the osteogenic response. The growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor (GH-IGF) axis plays a key role during regulation of bone formation and remodeling. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) are able to modulate IGF activity. The aim of this study was to characterize the role of IGFBP-2 in the translation of mechanical stimuli into bone formation locally in rat tibiae. Female Wistar rats were assigned to three groups (n = 5): load, sham, and control. The four-point bending model was used to induce a single period of mechanical loading on the tibial shaft. The effect on IGFBP-2 mRNA expression 6 hours after stimulation was determined with nonradioactive in situ hybridization on decalcified tibial sections. Endogenous IGFBP-2 mRNA was expressed in trabecular and cortical osteoblasts, some trabecular and subendocortical osteocytes, intracortical endothelial cells of blood vessels, and periosteum. Megakaryocytes, macrophages, and myeloid cells also expressed IGFBP-2 mRNA. Loading and sham loading did not affect IGFBP-2 mRNA expression in osteoblasts, bone marrow cells, and chondrocytes. An increase of IGFBP-2 mRNA-positive osteocytes was shown in loaded (1.68-fold) and sham-loaded (1.35-fold) endocortical tibial shaft. In conclusion, 6 hours after a single loading session, the number of IGFBP-2 mRNA-expressing osteocytes at the endosteal side of the shaft and inner lamellae was increased in squeezed and bended tibiae. Mechanical stimulation modulates IGFBP-2 mRNA expression in endocortical osteocytes. We suggest that IGFBP-2 plays a role in the lamellar bone formation process
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