279 research outputs found

    Vorurteile, Feindbilder und Rassimus

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    Ich habe in meiner Diplomarbeit versucht, die Ursachen der negativen Einstellung Ausländern, und hier besonders den Türken gegenüber, darzulegen. Im ersten Kapitel geht es um die Begriffe: „Fremd - Fremdheit“, Vorurteil, Ethnizität, Rasse und Rassismus, sowie den Kulturellen-Rassismus. Hier konnte gezeigt werden, wie Vorurteile gegen Fremde entstehen, und wie sie wirken. Ebenso, wie sich heute der Rassismus in einen Kulturellen-Rassismus wandelt, der nicht mehr gegen das Volk an sich, sondern gegen die fremde Kultur gerichtet ist. Das zweite Kapitel behandelt die Migration und traditionelle Rollenbilder im Vorurteil. Ich gehe hier besonders auf türkische Verhältnisse in Europa und in Österreich ein. Im dritten Kapitel geht es um Islam und Muslime, besonders um muslimische Türken. In dem Teil wurde ich versucht das „Türken-Image“ in Europa bzw. in Österreich darzulegen. In dem letzten Teil der Arbeit werden verschiedene Facetten des Rassismus, die sich im Alltag, auf institutioneller Ebene und in den Medien zeigen, dargestellt

    The Challenge of Femicide and Violence Against Women in Turkey

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    Violence against women in Turkey is a tangible manifestation of the way that Turkish men have used force to exercise dominance over Turkish women. It is considered by many in society as natural, cultural and possibly unchanging. Violence is, inarguably, a critical social challenge throughout Turkey and has not improved, even as the world is addressing it more and more. Violence against women is a crime against human rights, which this study attempts to address. The aim of this paper is to discover the reasons for femicide and violence and to determine whether a change in the legal system can ultimately resolve the problem. Indeed, in present-day Turkey it is very difficult to verify the precise levels of violence against women. The paper concludes that unless there is a fundamental change in attitudes towards women, especially on the part of men, violence against women and femicide will continue to be major challenges and will remain to be properly addressed by lawmakers. Furthermore, because attitudes towards women are not good in Turkey, official statistics regarding violence against women are unreliable, making it that much more difficult to implement targeted, effective measures to address violence against women and femicide.&nbsp

    Evaluation of postural balance in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome

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    Introduction. Patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) can be more prone to accidents due to excessive daytime sleepiness which can lead to attention deficits and thereby cause balance problems. One of the tests evaluating postural balance is static posturography (SPG). In this study, we aimed to evaluate postural balance with SPG in OSAS patients.Methods. Patients who were referred to a sleep disorders outpatient clinic of a tertiary health care centre with snoring, daytime sleepiness or witnessed apnoea were enrolled consecutively in this cross-sectional study. They were grouped as the OSAS group and the control group according to the apnoea-hypopnoea index. Posturographic analyses were carried out in all subjects on a SPG platform under five different conditions: eyes open (EO), eyes closed (EC), head rotated to left (HL), head rotated to right (HR), and tandem Romberg.Results. A total of 95 patients and 23 controls were included in the study. In EO conditions, there was no difference between the OSAS group and the control group in any of the posturographic parameters. In EC conditions, change in lateral sway was significantly higher in the OSAS group which also correlated negatively with SaO2(min). HR conditions caused an i ncrease in anterior-posterior (A-P) sway velocity, and HL conditions led to an increase in change in lateral and A-P sways, sway area, and sway area velocity in the OSAS group.Conclusions. Our findings suggest that postural balance in OSAS patients is impaired even in the very first hours of the day, and that the severity of the disease has an impact on postural balance

    Nonodontogenic mandibular lesions: differentiation based on CT attenuation

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    Mandibular lesions are classified as odontogenic and nonodontogenic based on the cell of origin. Odontogenic lesions are frequently encountered at head and neck imaging. However, several nonodontogenic pathologies may also involve mandible and present further diagnostic dilemma. Awareness of the imaging features of nonodontogenic lesions is crucial in order to guide clinicians in proper patient management. Computed tomography (CT) may provide key information to narrow diagnostic considerations. Nonodontogenic mandibular lesions may have lytic, sclerotic, ground-glass, or mixed lytic and sclerotic appearances on CT. In this article, our aim is to present various nonodontogenic lesions of the mandible by categorizing them according to their attenuations on CT

    The evaluation of vitamin K status in children with febrile seizure

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    Background: Febrile seizure is the most common neurological disorder in childhood. The exact pathophysiology of febrile seizures is unknown. Recent studies showed the role of vitamin K in nonhematological and inflammatory disorders. This study aimed to investigate the serum vitamin K levels in children with febrile seizures. Aims: To evaluate vitamin K levels in children with febrile seizures. Study Design: Prospective case-control study. Methods: This multicenter study examined representative populations in 8 different cities in Turkey between April 1, 2018 and April 1, 2019. Blood samples were taken from all children at presentation. Vitamin K1, vitamin K2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin 1 beta, and interleukin 6 levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: A total of 155 children were included in the study—84 children with febrile seizures and 71 children in febrile control group. Serum vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels were also higher in children with febrile seizures than in the controls. The results of statistical analysis showed that vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels were correlated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin 1 beta, and interleukin 6 levels. The median vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels of children experiencing their first febrile seizure were higher than those in children with recurrent febrile seizures. Type of febrile seizure has no effect on serum vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels. Conclusion: In children with febrile seizures, vitamin K levels are higher than those in the control group. These new findings may contribute to elucidating the etiopathogenesis of febrile seizures

    A nationwide multicentre study in Turkey for establishing reference intervals of haematological parameters with novel use of a panel of whole blood

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    IntroductionA nationwide multicentre study was conducted to establish well-defined reference intervals (RIs) of haematological parameters for the Turkish population in consideration of sources of variation in reference values (RVs). Materials and methodsK2-EDTA whole blood samples (total of 3363) were collected from 12 laboratories. Sera were also collected for measurements of iron, UIBC, TIBC, and ferritin for use in the latent abnormal values exclusion (LAVE) method. The blood samples were analysed within 2 hours in each laboratory using Cell Dyn and Ruby (Abbott), LH780 (Beckman Coulter), or XT-2000i (Sysmex). A panel of freshly prepared blood from 40 healthy volunteers was measured in common to assess any analyser-dependent bias in the measurements. The SD ratio (SDR) based on ANOVA was used to judge the need for partitioning RVs. RIs were computed by the parametric method with/without applying the LAVE method. ResultsAnalyser-dependent bias was found for basophils (Bas), MCHC, RDW and MPV from the panel test results and thus those RIs were derived for each manufacturer. RIs were determined from all volunteers’ results for WBC, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, MCV, MCH and platelets. Gender-specific RIs were required for RBC, haemoglobin, haematocrit, iron, UIBC and ferritin. Region-specific RIs were required for RBC, haemoglobin, haematocrit, UIBC, and TIBC. ConclusionsWith the novel use of a freshly prepared blood panel, manufacturer-specific RIs’ were derived for Bas, Bas%, MCHC, RDW and MPV. Regional differences in RIs were observed among the 7 regions of Turkey, which may be attributed to nutritional or environmental factors, including altitude

    Congenital Diarrhea and Cholestatic Liver Disease: Phenotypic Spectrum Associated with MYO5B Mutations

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    Myosin Vb (MYO5B) is a motor protein that facilitates protein trafficking and recycling in polarized cells by RAB11- and RAB8-dependent mechanisms. Biallelic MYO5B mutations are identified in the majority of patients with microvillus inclusion disease (MVID). MVID is an intractable diarrhea of infantile onset with characteristic histopathologic findings that requires life-long parenteral nutrition or intestinal transplantation. A large number of such patients eventually develop cholestatic liver disease. Bi-allelic MYO5B mutations are also identified in a subset of patients with predominant early-onset cholestatic liver disease. We present here the compilation of 114 patients with disease-causing MYO5B genotypes, including 44 novel patients as well as 35 novel MYO5B mutations, and an analysis of MYO5B mutations with regard to functional consequences. Our data support the concept that (1) a complete lack of MYO5B protein or early MYO5B truncation causes predominant intestinal disease (MYO5B-MVID), (2) the expression of full-length mutant MYO5B proteins with residual function causes predominant cholestatic liver disease (MYO5B-PFIC), and (3) the expression of mutant MYO5B proteins without residual function causes both intestinal and hepatic disease (MYO5B-MIXED). Genotype-phenotype data are deposited in the existing open MYO5B database in order to improve disease diagnosis, prognosis, and genetic counseling.This research was funded by Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank, grant no.16678 (to A.R.J.), grant no. 18019 (to G.-F.V.) and Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds, grant No. 0404/2386 (toG.-F.V.).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio