12,199 research outputs found

    Density Induced Quantum Phase Transitions in Triplet Superconductors

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    We consider the possibility of quantum phase transitions in the ground state of triplet superconductors where particle density is the tunning parameter. For definiteness, we focus on the case of one band quasi-one-dimensional triplet superconductors but many of our conclusions regarding the nature of the transition are quite general. Within the functional integral formulation, we calculate the electronic compressibility and superfluid density tensor as a function of the particle density for various triplet order parameter symmetries and find that these quantities are non-analytic when a critical value of the particle density is reached.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Giant planets around two intermediate-mass evolved stars and confirmation of the planetary nature of HIP67851 c

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    Precision radial velocities are required to discover and characterize planets orbiting nearby stars. Optical and near infrared spectra that exhibit many hundreds of absorption lines can allow the m/s precision levels required for such work. However, this means that studies have generally focused on solar-type dwarf stars. After the main-sequence, intermediate-mass stars (former A-F stars) expand and rotate slower than their progenitors, thus thousands of narrow absorption lines appear in the optical region, permitting the search for planetary Doppler signals in the data for these types of stars. We present the discovery of two giant planets around the intermediate-mass evolved star HIP65891 and HIP107773. The best Keplerian fit to the HIP65891 and HIP107773 radial velocities leads to the following orbital parameters: P=1084.5 d; mb_bsinii = 6.0 Mjup_{jup}; ee=0.13 and P=144.3 d; mb_bsinii = 2.0 Mjup_{jup}; ee=0.09, respectively. In addition, we confirm the planetary nature of the outer object orbiting the giant star HIP67851. The orbital parameters of HIP67851c are: P=2131.8 d, mc_csinii = 6.0 Mjup_{jup} and ee=0.17. With masses of 2.5 M_\odot and 2.4 M_\odot HIP65891 and HIP107773 are two of the most massive stars known to host planets. Additionally, HIP67851 is one of five giant stars that are known to host a planetary system having a close-in planet (a<a < 0.7 AU). Based on the evolutionary states of those five stars, we conclude that close-in planets do exist in multiple systems around subgiants and slightly evolved giants stars, but probably they are subsequently destroyed by the stellar envelope during the ascent of the red giant branch phase. As a consequence, planetary systems with close-in objects are not found around horizontal branch stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    F-wave versus P-wave Superconductivity in Organic Conductors

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    Current experimental results suggest that some organic quasi-one-dimensional superconductors exhibit triplet pairing symmetry. Thus, we discuss several potential triplet order parameters for the superconducting state of these systems within the functional integral formulation. We compare weak spin-orbit coupling fxyzf_{xyz}, pxp_x, pyp_y and pzp_z symmetries via several thermodynamic quantities. For each symmetry, we analyse the temperature dependences of the order parameter, condensation energy, specific heat, and superfluid density tensor.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Isolamento de bactérias associadas à palma e prospecção do potencial de solubilizar fosfato e fixar nitrogênio.

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    Bactérias associadas às cactáceas, adaptadas ao estresse hídrico e a altas temperaturas, podem ser usadas como inoculantes visando aumento de produtividade e recuperação de solos em processos de desertificação. Nesse sentido, visou-se selecionar bactérias endofíticas e rizobactérias de palma (Opuntia ficus-indica) quanto aos atributos de fixar N2 e solubilizar fosfato. Sessenta e nove linhagens de bactérias, isoladas em meio livre de nitrogênio (meio NFb) foram avaliadas quanto à presença dos genes nifH e nifD e à capacidade de solubilizar fosfato. Ficou evidenciado a presença do gene nifH em dez bactérias, sendo os gêneros identificados como Citrobacter, Sphingomonas, Ochrobactrum, Rodococcus, Stenotrophomonas e Enterobacter. Vinte dos isolados bacterianos avaliados foram capazes de solubilizar in vitro fosfato de rocha, sobressaindo-se o gênero Bacillus como hiperprodutor. As espécies B. megaterium e Enterobacter agglomerans apresentaram os maiores níveis de solubilização de fosfato. Estas bactérias, aliadas a outras características benéficas, podem ser usadas para inoculação de plântulas de cacto visando assegurar maior índice de desenvolvimento em solos com déficit hídrico

    Atividade antimicrobiana de compostos obtidos de fungos endofíticos de plantas da família combretaceaes do semiárido brasileiro.

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    Resumo: O bioma semiárido do Brasil, a caatinga, possui condições extremas que favorecem a adaptação a temperaturas e escassez hídrica. Muitas plantas da família combrataceaes estão adaptadas a essas condições, e em relação simbiótica com essas plantas vivem fungos endofiticos também adaptados a essas condições. Visando avaliar o potencial para produção de substâncias antimicrobianas, de amostras obtidas da família combretaceaes no semiárido do Brasil, foram isolados 32 linhagens de fungos, das quais foram provenientes de diferentes partes amostradas, sendo 80% das colônias de fragmentos foliares, 20% de fragmentos caulinares. Os fungos isolados foram testados com seis microrganismos, Staphylococcus equis CCMA1189, Bacillus coagulsis CCMA183, Acromobacter xylosoxidans CCMA561, Bacillus equis e uma linhagens fúngicas fiopatogênicas Pythium aphanidermatum CCMA 243 e Candida sp. CCMA 224. 16% dos extratos apresentaram atividade antifúngica contra o fungo filamentoso fitopatogênico P. aphanidermatum e apenas um extrato apresentou atividade contra linhagem leveduriforme Candida sp.. Para as linhagens bacterianas patogênicas humanas, apenas Staphylococcus equis foi sensível 21% dos extratos testados

    Phase Fluctuations and Vortex Lattice Melting in Triplet Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductors at High Magnetic Fields

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    Assuming that the order parameter corresponds to an equal spin triplet pairing symmetry state, we calculate the effect of phase fluctuations in quasi-one-dimensional superconductors at high magnetic fields applied along the y (b') axis. We show that phase fluctuations can destroy the theoretically predicted triplet reentrant superconducting state, and that they are responsible for melting the magnetic field induced Josephson vortex lattice above a magnetic field dependent melting temperature Tm.Comment: 4 pages (double column), 1 eps figur