43 research outputs found

    Risk factors related to development of oral cancer : a revision

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    Recentemente foi elaborada a Carta de Creta sobre Prevenção do Câncer Bucal 2005 reafirmando a necessidade de implantação de ações para prevenção, programas de saúde pública e divulgação dos fatores de risco para o câncer bucal (CB). Os fatores biológicos, comportamentais e psicossociais relativos ao processo da carcinogênese bucal requerem maior compreensão, necessitando-se de uma diferenciação entre fatores de risco determinantes, capazes de causar lesão no DNA, como o tabaco; fatores modificadores, capazes de alterar o meio bucal e propiciar a proliferação celular, como o álcool; e fatores casuais que não resultam na carcinogênese bucal, como a higiene bucal deficiente, mas que se associam circunstancialmente. O objetivo desta revisão foi abordar os principais fatores de risco relacionados ao desenvolvimento do CB, tais como: tabaco, Álcool e dieta enfatizando a premência de mudanças nos rumos da prevenção, da detecção do câncer de boca e do papel do cirurgião-dentista. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe recently published Crete Declaration on Oral Cancer Prevention 2005 has assessed the necessity of implantation of actions for prevention, public health programs and divulging of risk factors for oral cancer (OC). The biological behaviour and psychosocial factors relatives to the process in the production of OC require greater comprehension. It is necessary a differentiation between determinants risk factors that are capable to cause DNA damage, such as smoking; understanding of factors capable to modify the oral environment and cause cellular proliferation, such as alcohol; and other factors that not result in the production of OC, such as poor oral hygiene, but that are associated circumstantially. The aim of this review was to approach the main risk factors related in the development of the OC, such as: tobacco, alcohol and diet. It is giving emphasis in the prevention and early detection of the OC

    Strategies for management of oral cancer in primary and secondary healthcare services

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    O avanço verificado no enfrentamento de neoplasias malignas por meio dos sistemas de saúde envolve melhorias nas áreas de vigilância, organização de redes de assistência, programas específicos voltados às prevenções primária e secundária e, obviamente, aos avanços técnico-científicos que caracterizam a abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica. Embora seja notável o reconhecimento de avanços no manejo de neoplasias malignas em todas as áreas citadas, o câncer da boca permanece com indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade que parecem não acompanhar o acúmulo científico no conhecimento da doença. O presente manuscrito objetiva discutir os motivos desse descompasso, a necessidade de reorientação de prioridades na abordagem do câncer da boca e sua efetivação como política pública de saúde. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTProgress in cancer management by health systems involves improvements in surveillance, organization of healthcare services, specific programs focused on primary and secondary prevention, and scientific and technical advances in diagnosis and treatment. Despite well-known progress in the management of malignant neoplasms in all the above areas, oral cancer displays persistently high morbidity and mortality rates, apparently failing to reflect the accumulated scientific knowledge on the disease. The current article discusses the reasons for this mismatch, the need for redefining priorities in oral cancer management, and the implementation of such priorities as a public health policy

    Panoramic radiograph : auxiliary tool in the diagnosis of osteoporosis

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    A osteoporose é considerada um problema de saúde pública pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). A identificação de indivíduos com baixa densidade mineral óssea e alto risco para fratura associada à osteoporose e o estabelecimento de estratégias específicas de prevenção de fraturas são o alicerce de qualquer programa preventivo de osteoporose. O passo seguinte a esse reconhecimento seria o encaminhamento destes indivíduos para realização de densitometria óssea, exame considerado padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico da doença. No entanto, o custo e a falta de acesso da população ao exame são fatores que dificultam a utilização da densitometria como método de rastreamento populacional para a osteoporose. A radiografia panorâmica é importante na rotina de pacientes idosos, particularmente antes da colocação de próteses totais e implantes em edêntulos. Existem medidas qualitativas e quantitativas realizadas nas radiografias panorâmicas, denominadas índices radiomorfométricos, que podem ser capazes de identificar mulheres na pós-menopausa com indicação de realização de densitometria óssea. O objetivo principal deste artigo é discutir a importância da radiografia panorâmica como ferramenta auxiliar no diagnóstico da osteoporose e de baixa densidade mineral óssea.Osteoporosis is considered as a public health problem by World Health Organization. The identification of subjects at risk of fractures and with low bone mineral density is the basis of any preventive osteoporosis program. Then, high risk individuals should be referred for dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). DXA is considered the gold standard of bone mineral density assessment. Nevertheless, bone densitometry has a limited availability for routine use in population screening. Panoramic radiography is conducted routinely in elderly populations, especially for edentulous patients before treating with complete denture or implants. Some panoramic radiographic measurements, also known as panoramic radiomorphometric indices, may identify postmenopausal women that should perform bone densitometry. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of panoramic radiography as an auxiliary tool in the diagnosis of osteoporosis and low bone mineral density

    Evidence on the use of mobile apps during the treatment of breast cancer : systematic review

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    Background: Cancer is a major cause of morbidity, disability, and mortality worldwide, and breast cancer is the most common cause of death in women. Different modalities of cancer treatment can have adverse effects that reduce the quality of life of patients and lead to treatment interruptions, if not managed properly. The use of mobile technologies has brought innovative possibilities for improving health care. Mobile apps can help individuals manage their own health and well-being and may also promote healthy lifestyles and information access. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify available evidence on the use of mobile apps to provide information and facilitate communication regarding self-care management related to the adverse effects of toxicities owing to breast cancer therapy. Methods: This systematic review includes studies which were identified using a search strategy adapted for each electronic database: CINAHL, Cochrane Library, LILACS, LIVIVO, PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science. In addition, a gray literature search was performed using Google Scholar. All the electronic database searches were conducted on April 17, 2019. Two investigators independently reviewed the titles and abstracts of the studies identified and then read the full text of all selected papers. The quality of the included studies was analyzed by the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool and the Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies. Results: A total of 9 studies which met the eligibility criteria—3 randomized clinical trials and 6 nonrandomized studies published in English from 2010 to 2018—were considered for this systematic review; 396 patients with breast cancer, as well as 40 experts in the medical and nursing fields, and 3 software engineers were included. Conclusions: The evidence from the studies included in this systematic review is currently limited but suggests that mobile apps for women with breast cancer might be an acceptable information source that can improve patient well-being; they can also be used to report symptoms and adverse treatment-related effects and promote self-care. There is a need to test more evidence-based apps in future randomized clinical trials

    Imaging Findings of Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: A Critical Review of the Quantitative Studies

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    Objectives. This paper offers a critical review of published information on the imaging strategies used for diagnosing bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) in patients taking intravenous bisphosphonates, pointing at the different methodologies and results of existing literature. Methods. Electronic literature search was performed in order to identify as many quantitative studies that discussed the imaging findings of BRONJ up to February 2014. Initially, the search for articles was based on the following four types of imaging modalities for evaluating BRONJ: computed tomography, plain film radiographs, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear bone scanning. Results. Eleven out of the 79 initially selected articles met the inclusion criteria. Most of the selected articles were cross-sectional studies. Regarding the selected studies, 54.5% have used plain films radiographs and 54.5% were based on computed tomography findings. All of the selected studies showed a small number of patients and none of the selected studies have tested the accuracy of the imaging examination for evaluating BRONJ. Conclusions. This critical review showed a scarcity of quantitative studies that analyzed the typical imaging findings related to BRONJ. Further studies are necessary in order to analyze the role of different imaging techniques in the assessment of BRONJ

    Periostite proliferativa associada a dens in dente

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    Proliferative periostitis is a disease characterized for successive deposition of layers of subperiosteal bone as a response reaction to a chronic inflammatory stimulation. The affected periosteum forms several rows of reactive bone that are parallel and expand the surface of the altered bone. Dens in dente is a developmental malformation resulting from invagination of the crown before calcification has occurred. They are usually diagnosed upon routine clinical and radiographic examination. An unusual case report of a mandibular dens in dente causing proliferative periostitis is presented. The source of infection was related to dens in dente in mandibular left second premolar’s crown, which had apparently communication with periodontal tissues. It was successfully treated by surgical therapy with antibiotic during the treatment. After the extraction of the affected tooth, radiographic follow-up showed the decrease of proliferative periostitis, and remodelation of the cortical bone. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOA periostite proliferativa é uma doença caracterizada por sucessivas deposições de camadas de osso subperióstica como resposta a um estímulo crônico inflamatório. O periósteo afetado forma sucessivas camadas de osso reacional paralelas entre si e expandem a superfície óssea nesse local. Dens in dente é uma alteração do desenvolvimento resultante de invaginação de esmalte para a dentina antes de sua calcificação ocorrer. Usualmente são diagnosticadas em exames clínicos-radiográficos de rotina. Um relato de caso clínico raro é apresentado sobre dens in dente na coroa do segundo pré-molar inferior causando periostite proliferativa. A fonte de infecção foi o dens in dente que tinha comunicação do meio bucal com a área do periodonto. Foi realizada a extração do dente anômalo associado com uso de antibióticos. As radiografias de controle mostraram diminuição da periostite proliferativa com o remodelamento do osso cortical

    Diagnóstico oral precoz en el SUS : el análisis individual, vigilancia de la salud y el trabajo en equipo como posibilidad de (re)estructuración

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    O artigo se estrutura em dois estudos exploratórios sobre o exercício do diagnóstico clínico de lesões bucais no SUS. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionários, aplicados durante atividades de educação continuada. Aproximadamente 300 cirurgiões-dentistas que atuam na atenção básica responderam. Para a maioria (79,5%), há tempo, infraestrutura e intenção de realizar diagnóstico precoce. Por outro lado, os profissionais manifestaram dificuldades em realizar o exame clínico voltado para o câncer, por necessitarem de mais informações sobre a doença. Os resultados serviram de base para apresentar a interpretação auto-referida do cirurgião-dentista, no plano individual, bem como serviram de base para, a partir da revisão bibliográfica, apresentar a interpretação individual sob marcos conceituais da saúde comportamental (teoria do comportamento planejado), na perspectiva individual; e a interpretação da sociologia das profissões e das teorias de planejamento e programação para a promoção e vigilância em saúde, na perspectiva coletiva. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe article was based on two exploratory studies focusing on clinical practice regarding the diagnosis of oral lesions in the Brazilian Health System. Data were collected through questionnaires administered during continuing education activities. Around 300 dentists of primary health care answered. Most of those (79.5%) have reported having adequate time and infrastructure, as well as the intention to early diagnose cancer. Otherwise, professionals have expressed difficulties in performing clinical examination focused on cancer, because they required more information about the disease. In an individual perspective, the results allowed a self-reported interpretation of dental practice. From a literature standpoint, the results also make possible the presentation of an individual and collective interpretation. In an individual perspective, health behavior constructs were utilized based on the theory of planned behavior. In the collective perspective, the interpretation was based on the sociology of professions and theories of planning and programming for the promotion and health surveillance. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEl artículo está estructurado en dos estudios exploratorios sobre el ejercicio de diagnóstico clínico de las lesiones orales. Los datos fueron obtenidos a través de cuestionarios administrados durante las actividades de educación continua. Alrededor de 300 dentistas que trabajan en atención primaria respondieran. Para la mayoría (79,5%), hay tiempo, infraestructura y voluntad de un diagnóstico precoz. Por otro lado, los profesionales han expresado dificultades para realizar el exámen clínico centrado en el cáncer, debido a que necesitan más informaciones sobre la enfermedad. Los resultados proporcionan la base para la interpretación de auto-reporte del cirujano dentista, a nivel individual, así como la base para, a partir de la revisión de la literatura, de la actualidad para la interpretación individual de los marcos conceptuales en el comportamiento de la salud (la teoría del comportamiento planificado) desde el punto de vista individual, y la interpretación de la sociología de las profesiones y las teorías de la planificación y programación para la promoción y vigilancia de la salud, en la perspectiva colectiva