87 research outputs found

    Fiscal spending and economic performance : some stylized facts

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    This paper complements the cross-country approach by examining the correlates of growth acceleration in per capita gross domestic product around"significant"public expenditure episodes by reorganizing the data around turning points, or events. The authors define a growth event as an increase in average per capita growth of at least 2 percentage points sustained for 5 years. A fiscal event is an increase in the annual growth rate of primary fiscal expenditure of approximately 1 percentage point sustained for 5 years and not accompanied by an aggravation of the fiscal deficit beyond 2 percent of gross domestic product. These definitions of events are applied to a database of 140 countries (118 developing countries) for 1972-2005. After controlling for the growth-inducing effects of positive terms-of-trade shocks and of trade liberalization reform, probit estimates indicate that a growth event is more likely to occur in a developing country when surrounded by a fiscal event. Moreover, the probability of occurrence of a growth event in the years following a fiscal event is greater the lower is the associated fiscal deficit, confirming that success of a growth-oriented fiscal expenditure reform hinges on a stabilized macroeconomic environment (through a limited primary fiscal deficit).Public Sector Expenditure Analysis&Management,Fiscal Adjustment,Economic Conditions and Volatility,Debt Markets,Achieving Shared Growth

    Distance and regionalization of trade for low-income countries

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    The"distance effect"measuring the elasticity of trade flows to distance has been rising since the early 1970s in a host of studies based on the gravity model, leading observers to call it the"distance puzzle". This paper reviews the evidence and explanations. Using an extensive data set of 124 countries over the period 1970-2005, the authors confirm the existence of this puzzle and identify that it only applies to poor countries (the bottom third in per capita income terms in the sample -- i.e., the low-income countries according to the World Bank classification, 2006). The analysis shows that this group has intensified trade with closer partners and has chosen new partners that are closer than existing partners, leading to a regionalization of their trade at both extensive and intensive margins (regionalization of trade is absent for the other countries). Combining several methods on cross-section and panel estimates of the gravity equation, the authors estimate that low-income countries exhibit a significant rising distance effect on their trade, around 18 percent between 1970 and 2006. There is no more distance"puzzle"for trade within richer countries (the top third in per capita income terms in the sample). The paper disposes of several previous explanations of the puzzle, and notes that this regionalization could well be a reflection of increased integration of this group of countries in the world economy or greater marginalization.Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Economic Theory&Research,Free Trade,Common Carriers Industry,Emerging Markets

    Primeiro registro de microfilárias em Antilophia galeata (Aves: Pipridae)

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    Filarid nematodes are transmitted by arthropod vectors. In the vertebrate host, they inhabit the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and lymphatic system. Although most bird infections are not considered pathogenic, there may be an impact on fitness. Blood smears were performed to verify the intensity of the infection and to morphometrically analyse and describe the microfilariae found in individuals of Antilophia galeata captured in a fragment of the Cerrado forest. The microfilariae were photographed, and morphometry analysis was performed using the ImageJ software. One individual was infected (14.2%; n = 7) but with a high intensity of infection (42 microfilariae). It is suggested that the microfilariae found belong to the genus Eufilaria spp., since all specimens presented the diagnostic characteristics of the taxon (absence of sheath, pointed tail, and length less than 200 μm). This is the first time that microfilariae parasitising A. galeata have been recorded. Considering that microfilariae records are rare in Brazilian wild birds, this record may be useful to support further studies and contribute to the understanding of the conservation of the host species.Nematódeos filarídeos são transmitidos por vetores artrópodes. No hospedeiro vertebrado, habitam o sistema cardiovascular, pulmonar e linfático. Embora a maioria das infecções em aves não seja considerada patogênica, pode haver impactos no fitness. Os objetivos do estudo foram verificar a intensidade de infecção e descrever as microfilárias encontradas em Antilophia galeata. Sete indivíduos foram capturados em um fragmento florestal de Cerrado, para coleta de sangue e confecção de extensões sanguíneas. As microfilárias foram fotografadas e foi feita a morfometria através do software ImageJ. Um indivíduo estava infectado (14,20%), mas com alta intensidade de infecção (42 microfilárias). As microfilárias encontradas pertencem ao gênero Eufilaria spp., pois todos os espécimes apresentaram as características diagnósticas do táxon (ausência de bainha, cauda pontiaguda, e comprimento menor que 200 μm). Pela primeira vez foram registradas microfilárias parasitando A. galeata. Considerando que são raros os registros de microfilárias em aves silvestres brasileiras, este registro pode ser útil para subsidiar estudos posteriores e contribuir para o entendimento da conservação da espécie hospedeira

    Variação na abundância do maracanã-do-buriti Orthopsittaca manilatus (Psittacidae) e produção de frutos no buriti Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae)Variation in the abundance of Red-bellied Macaw Orthopsittaca manilata (Psittacidae)

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    Orthopsittaca manilatus é um psitacídeo aparentemente associado aos frutos maduros de Mauritia flexuosa, os quais requerem vários meses para a maturação. Objetivando detalhar tal associação, examinou-se a frutificação dessa palmeira, bem como a abundância e atividade alimentar de O. manilatus durante treze meses. A presença/ausência e produção de frutos maduros foram usadas como variáveis explanatórias à incidência e atividade alimentar de O. manilatus. Tais parâmetros foram avaliados em pontos estabelecidos em uma vereda de 4,5 km de comprimento. Mauritia flexuosa frutificou ao longo dos meses de estudo, mas a ausência de frutos maduros durou sete meses. Nesse período, a incidência de O. manilatus foi baixa e sua alimentação consistiu de endosperma líquido dos frutos imaturos. Na presença de frutos maduros, O.manilatus foi mais incidente e sua atividade alimentar intensificou na medida em que os frutos maduros eram ofertados. Observou-se que M. flexuosa tem frutificação sincrônica, ao menos em veredas localizadas num raio de 200 km da área de estudo. Porém, uma revisão bibliográfica indicou assincronias na frutificação ao longo de sua vasta área de ocorrência. Provavelmente, a variação na abundância de O. manilatus resulta de movimentos de longas distâncias, em que elas seguem a maturação dos frutos de M. flexuosa em busca do nutritivo mesocarpo. As veredas do Brasil central têm sido impactadas pelo homem, e O. manilatus poderia ser uma espécie-bandeira em ações de conservação dessa fisionomia. Em termos de aplicabilidade, 50.000 frutos maduros (produzidas por 8-10 palmeiras) pode elevar a incidência local de O. manilatus e assegurar à sua manutenção alimentar em veredas impactadas.Abstract Orthopsittaca manilatus is a parrot apparently associated to Mauritia flexuosa ripe fruits, which require several months to mature. As our aim is to detail this association, we examined the fruiting of this palm as well as the abundance and feeding activity of O. manilatus for thirteen months. The presence/absence and production of ripe fruits were used as explanatory variables to the local incidence and feeding activity of O. manilatus. These parameters were evaluated in points established in a palm swamps of 4,5 km long. Mauritia flexuosa bore fruit over the months of study, but the absence of ripe fruits lasted seven months. During this period, the incidence of O. manilatus was low and their food consisted of liquid endosperm of immature fruits. In the presence of ripe fruit, O. manilatus was more incident and its feeding activity intensified according to the ripe fruits availability. It was observed that M. flexuosa has synchronous fruiting, at least in palm swamps located within 200 km from the study area. However, a literature review indicated asynchrony in fruiting throughout its vast area of occurrence. Probably the variation in the abundance of O. manilatus results from long distance movements, in which the parrot follows the ripening of M. flexuosa fruits in search of nutritious mesocarp. The central Brazil palm swamps have been impacted by man, and O. manilatus could be a flagship species for conservation actions plans. In terms of applicability, 50,000 ripe fruit (produced by 8-10 palm trees) can raise the local incidence of O. manilatus and ensure their food maintenance in affected palm swamps


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    Educação Ambiental é a busca de qualidade de vida estruturada na convivência harmoniosa homem-ambiente. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram testar se a experiência de viver nos ambientes rural e urbano interfere no entendimento da relação homem e meio ambiente; e verificar se a prática em Educação Ambiental é efetiva em nivelar conhecimentos. Participaram desta pesquisa, alunos do segundo ciclo básico da zona rural (Grupo Rural) e da zona urbana (Grupo Urbano), em Uberlândia, MG. Foram trabalhados os temas: higiene, povos indígenas, lixo, meio ambiente, desmatamento, extinção e ambiente rural e urbano. Ao longo do programa os grupos foram avaliados continuamente. No início, o Grupo Rural apresentou um desempenho melhor que o Urbano. Durante o programa, tanto o Grupo Urbano quanto o Rural melhoraram o desempenho nas avaliações. Ao final do programa, houve o nivelamento entre os Grupos, pois apresentaram desempenho similar. Experiências prévias podem interferir no entendimento da relação homem-ambiente, no entanto, a prática em Educação Ambiental é efetiva em nivelar esta percepção

    Educação ambiental no ensino formal: a atuação do professor

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    A escola é considerada o lugar mais adequado para trabalhar a relação homem-ambiente-sociedade, contribuindo para a superação do quadro de degradação ambiental. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar a importância da Educação Ambiental no planejamento de ensino; analisar as experiências dos professores do ensino Básico, Fundamental e Médio, de escolas públicas e privadas do município de Uberlândia, MG. Foi aplicado um questionário a 87 professores de todas as disciplinas. As estratégias mais utilizadas são textos informativos e exemplos inseridos em sala de aula. A falta de recursos e/ou material foi o principal obstáculo mencionado para justificar as poucas atividades realizadas., que em sua maioria, são restritas a práticas dentro da escola. Para os professores, Ciências, Biologia e Geografia são as disciplinas mais adequadas para abordar a Educação Ambiental e o principal tema deve ser Conservação e Preservação do Meio Ambiente. A maioria dos professores não se considera preparado pela graduação para ser um Educador Ambiental. O número de estratégias utilizadas não diferiu entre as escolas públicas e privadas. Palavras Chave: Educação ambiental; ensino formal; planejamento de ensino

    Foraging suggests high behavioral flexibility in the blue-winged parrotlet (Forpus xanthopterygius, Psittacidae) in response to fleshy fruit availability

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    Parrots primarily consume seeds and pulp and sometimes flowers, nectar and leaves. Plants usually offer these items seasonally, forcing flexible consumption behavior in parrots, mostly when food is scarce. However, seasonal changes in behavior in the Forpus genus (the small Neotropical parrots) guided by the food supply have still not been identifed. Here, we investigate the foraging patterns of Forpus xanthopterygius (the blue-winged parrotlet) and identify the plants and items it consumes. This information,together with data on its occurrence, flock size and dietary niche breadth, were used to elucidate whether the behavioral flexibility of this bird is related to shifts in fleshy fruit availability from the wet to the dry season. The data were obtained during two years of systematic sampling (n = 432) along nine roadside transects located in an anthropogenic landscape. Forpus xanthopterygius consumed the seeds, flowers/nectar and fruit pulp (in this order of preference) of 24 plant species (10 exotics) belonging to 18 families. Te dietary niche breadth was narrow, likely because fleshy fruits of Cecropia pachystachya, Maclura tinctoria, and especially Trema micrantha predominated in their diet. Forpus xanthopterygius was shown to be seasonal, being more common in the wet season, when the availability of fleshy fruits was greater. Tis parrot proved to be flexible in some behaviors, perhaps to minimize the negative impacts of the decline in fleshy fruit availability during the driest period. Evidence of this flexibility is the increase in flock size and the number of food plant species, as well as the use of dry fruits, nectar and exotic plants as alternative food sources