3 research outputs found

    Administrative and legal culture of driving a vehicle as a factor in the social consciousness of a road user

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    The article is devoted to the study of the legal culture of driving as a factor of road safety. It is established that the level of legal culture of both citizens and officials is of great importance, in particular in the field of road safety. The higher the level of legal culture of legal entities, the fewer offenses will be committed and the laws will be implemented more effectively. The article examines the administrative liability for transport offenses in foreign countries and the possibility of applying the positive experience of these countries in Ukraine. Mortality and injuries due to road accidents in Ukraine have been found to be one of the highest in Europe, while the level of road safety remains extremely low, as repeatedly reported by experts from WHO, the World Bank and other international agencies. It is concluded that borrowing the experience of foreign countries in the field of administrative liability for traffic violations in the current conditions of European integration of Ukraine is very important and requires its application in: adjusting the types of administrative penalties for traffic violations; determination of the amount of administrative fines (take into account the amount of real damage); introduction of a system of accrual of penalty points; imposition of an administrative penalty in the form of application of several sanctions, etc

    Skull variation in different breeds sheep from Balkan countries

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    The Balkan Peninsula region has a very diverse agricultural and livestock tradition, and almost every country has its own local breed of sheep. Different breeds of sheep and different breeding traditions, despite the small geographical distance, determine the morphological and morphometric variability among animal breeds. In this study, this morphological diversity among the skulls of sheep breeds of some countries in the Balkan region was examined by the geometric morphometric method. 2D images of 86 sheep skulls from five different countries were analyzed from the dorsal view.Sixteen landmarks were used. The Bardhoka and the Ivesi breed have the broadest distributions of skull shape amongst the sheep breeds. The Ruda sheep is the most morphologically conservative. The sheep from Turkey (Ivesi) and Kosovo (Bardhoka) seem to differ mainly from sheep from other Balkan countries. Bardhoka and Ruda differ most from each other (p < 0.0001). The next biggest differences were between Ivesi and Ruda (p < 0.0011) and between Bardhoka and Sharri sheep (p < 0.0016). The sheep breeds Dubska and Lara e Polisit differ the least from each other. Geometrics morphometric analysis is a useful tool to detect differences in the shape of the skull of different sheep breeds and can therefore be used successfully for taxonomic purposes

    Justification of the Methodological Bases for the Management of the Radio Resource of Special Purpose Radio Communication Systems Under Conditions of Prior Uncertainty

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    The problem of substantiation of methodological bases of radio resource management of military radio communication systems in the conditions of a priori uncertainty is solved in the work. The object of research is the military radio communication system. One of the most problematic places in the management of military radio resources is the inability to carry out a hierarchical management of the parameters and modes of operation of both individual radios and the military radio system as a whole. This reduces the efficiency of the system itself and the efficiency of its application. The scientific problem is solved by substantiating the methodological principles of radio resource management of military radio communication systems in conditions of a priori uncertainty. During the research, the authors used the main provisions of the theory of queuing, the theory of automation, the theory of complex technical systems, as well as general scientific methods of cognition, namely analysis and synthesis. The novelty is that in the course of work: – the purpose of functioning of an operative management subsystem of a radio resource of military radio communication systems is formulated; – indicators and criteria of functioning efficiency of military radio communication systems are determined; – decomposition of the solution of this problem into problems depending on the signal and noise situation is carried out. An approach based on the hierarchical decomposition of the functional structure of networks, the behavior of which is described by stochastic differential (or difference) equations of the high dimension state, into a number of interconnected but simpler functional structures is used for the functional description of military radio communication systems. It will allow to make a decomposition of the state of the military radio system and increase the efficiency of decision-making on adjusting the modes of operation and parameters of the military radio system in real time. The research results should be used at the stage of operational management of parameters and modes of these systems operation