458 research outputs found

    Modeling Earthen Dike Stability: Sensitivity Analysis and Automatic Calibration of Diffusivities Based on Live Sensor Data

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    The paper describes concept and implementation details of integrating a finite element module for dike stability analysis Virtual Dike into an early warning system for flood protection. The module operates in real-time mode and includes fluid and structural sub-models for simulation of porous flow through the dike and for dike stability analysis. Real-time measurements obtained from pore pressure sensors are fed into the simulation module, to be compared with simulated pore pressure dynamics. Implementation of the module has been performed for a real-world test case - an earthen levee protecting a sea-port in Groningen, the Netherlands. Sensitivity analysis and calibration of diffusivities have been performed for tidal fluctuations. An algorithm for automatic diffusivities calibration for a heterogeneous dike is proposed and studied. Analytical solutions describing tidal propagation in one-dimensional saturated aquifer are employed in the algorithm to generate initial estimates of diffusivities

    Slope Instability of the Earthen Levee in Boston, UK: Numerical Simulation and Sensor Data Analysis

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    The paper presents a slope stability analysis for a heterogeneous earthen levee in Boston, UK, which is prone to occasional slope failures under tidal loads. Dynamic behavior of the levee under tidal fluctuations was simulated using a finite element model of variably saturated linear elastic perfectly plastic soil. Hydraulic conductivities of the soil strata have been calibrated according to piezometers readings, in order to obtain correct range of hydraulic loads in tidal mode. Finite element simulation was complemented with series of limit equilibrium analyses. Stability analyses have shown that slope failure occurs with the development of a circular slip surface located in the soft clay layer. Both models (FEM and LEM) confirm that the least stable hydraulic condition is the combination of the minimum river levels at low tide with the maximal saturation of soil layers. FEM results indicate that in winter time the levee is almost at its limit state, at the margin of safety (strength reduction factor values are 1.03 and 1.04 for the low-tide and high-tide phases, respectively); these results agree with real-life observations. The stability analyses have been implemented as real-time components integrated into the UrbanFlood early warning system for flood protection

    Distributed simulation of city inundation by coupled surface and subsurface porous flow for urban flood decision support system

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    We present a decision support system for flood early warning and disaster management. It includes the models for data-driven meteorological predictions, for simulation of atmospheric pressure, wind, long sea waves and seiches; a module for optimization of flood barrier gates operation; models for stability assessment of levees and embankments, for simulation of city inundation dynamics and citizens evacuation scenarios. The novelty of this paper is a coupled distributed simulation of surface and subsurface flows that can predict inundation of low-lying inland zones far from the submerged waterfront areas, as observed in St. Petersburg city during the floods. All the models are wrapped as software services in the CLAVIRE platform for urgent computing, which provides workflow management and resource orchestration.Comment: Pre-print submitted to the 2013 International Conference on Computational Scienc


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    Thesis work contains the results of research in theoretical aspects of crowdfunding technologies, the methodological approaches are brought together.There is also an analyse of existing usage and further development of crowdfunding in modern world. The national business practice defines the crowdfunding as a crowd financing or collaboration of people who willingly unite their funds. It happens via the Internet to support other people or organizations.The author worked out practical conclusion and recommendation regarding to the usage of crowdfunding technologies for burgeoning entrepreneurs in project finance as a part of the study.The main qualities of crowdfunding technologies were marked out and observed on the research base, e.g. possibilities to assess the value of service and mitigate risks, outreach the target market and create customer base, future development of the project.Disadvantages of crowdfunding technologies (comparison with traditional ways of financing)are: neglecting the projects which have a potential strength for lack of well–thought marketing and commercial strategies; the necessity of expert evaluation when the author overestimate one’s abilities and miscount the numbers of significant factors;  absence of strict reporting and statutory accounting.The crowdfunding is approximately new source of financing, despite this fact, there are all the necessary conditions for full–grown, accessible and convenient way   for subsidization burgeoning entrepreneurs, as it helps to give funds to the projects  which are hard to raise funding in traditional way.В работе проведены исследования теоретических аспектов краудфандинговых технологий, обобщены методические подходы относительно моделей краудфандинга. Представлен анализ существующей практики и перспективы развития технологий краудфандинга в современном мире. В качестве направлений повышения эффективности работы начинающих предпринимателей с применением краудфандинга выделены преимущества и недостатки краудфандинговых технологий по сбору средств на реализацию финансового проекта.В роботі проведено дослідження теоретичних аспектів краудфандингових технологій, узагальнено методичні підходи щодо моделей краудфандингу. Представлений аналіз існуючої практики та перспективи розвитку технологій краудфандингу в сучасному світі. В якості напрямків підвищення ефективності роботи підприємців–початківців із застосуванням краудфандингу виділено переваги та недоліки краудфандинговых технологій по збору коштів на реалізацію фінансового проекту

    Prospects for the drug use based on common ivy for bronchopulmonary pathology in childhood

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    Respiratory diseases persistently lead in the structure of general morbidity in both children and adolescents. Acute respiratory infections are the most common among them. Interest of pediatricians to phytotherapy is not accidental and is due to the fact that it has a mild therapeutic effect, enhances the effectiveness of complex therapy, has few side effects. Of particular interest are herbal remedies containing ivy extract (Hedera helix), the active ingredients are mainly found in ivy leaves, they are biologically active substances: Triterpene saponins, glycosides, also contain carbohydrates, essential oils, steroids, phenolcarboxylic acids, coumarins, flavonoids, carotenoids, tocopherols (vitamin E), B and C vitamins, tannins, phytoncides. Ivy preparations are prescribed as an expectorant in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract due to their proven multidirectional effects: secretolytic, mucolytic, bronchospasmolytic. They also have anti-inflammatory, reparative, antioxidant effects.This article presents a clinical example of an officinal ivy-based preparation used in the treatment of a 3.5 year old patient diagnosed with acute respiratory viral infection. Temperature increased to 38 °C, runny nose; on the second day of illness the temperature remained subfebrile and a dry cough appeared. Nasal vasoconstrictor drops and oral acetylcysteine were prescribed, but there was no relief. On the third day of the illness, against the background of subfebrile temperature, the cough persisted, single dry rales were heard in the lungs, wheezing appeared during physical exertion. Acetylcysteine was withdrawn and replaced by ivy-based drops (16 drops 3 times a day orally after meals in a small amount of water). After 2 days the cough was moist, the sputum was easily expectorated, the wheezing in the lungs was almost gone, there was no more wheezing and the temperature was normal. By the sixth day of treatment the cough was gone and the girl had almost recovered. Nevertheless, Gedelix was continued for another 4 days. Prospective results and detailed study of the effects of herbal preparations on the basis of ivy extracts served as the basis for their recommendation as a complex therapy of cough in children

    The application of an assisting gas plasma generator for low-temperature magnetron sputtering of Ti-C-Mo-S antifriction coatings on titanium alloys

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    The positive effect of assisting influence of high-density gas plasma formed by an independent plasma generator PINK on mechanical and tribological characteristics of Ti-C-Mo-S magnetron coating on titanium alloys at lowered to 350°С temperature of coating regardless of alloy structural condition was revealed by methods of calotest, nanorecognition, scratch testing and frictional material tests. The coating formed by means of a combined magnetron plasma method reduces titanium alloys friction coefficient in multiple times and increases wear resistance by two orders of magnitude. At the same time the mechanical properties of ultra-fine-grained titanium alloys obtained by nanostructuring do not deteriorate

    Models of word-formation in loan toponyms in German and French

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    The peculiarities of German and French toponymic systems are the result of historical and extralinguistic development. The system of word forming patterns and its structural components are represented as a result of the interaction of languages. It allows to analyse German and French toponyms as subsystems of onymiс vocabulary. Loan formants, which determined social-cultural nature of toponyms, are considered. Special attention is paid to the process of onymization of appellatives. Structural modeling of German and French toponyms is presente