44 research outputs found


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    Regional integration oriented transformations in the Baltic region, as well as the unified social, economic and technological space formation processes are described and analysed. These processes are comprehended as an important factor of further social, economic and technological modernization in the Baltic countries, as a precondition for more intensive and active integration of Baltic economic systems into the European and global economic and technological structures, as well as a knowledge‐based society and knowledge economy creation factor. The arguments determining the idea of the Baltic region community and unity, as well as opposing arguments are evaluated. The main principles of integration in the Baltic region, as well as the possible integration strategies are analysed. The unified social, economic and technological space in the Baltic region as a research area is described. First published online: 14 Oct 201

    Verslo ir mokslo bendradarbiavimas Lietuvai žengiant radikalių ekonominių permainų link

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    The concept of interaction between systems of research, teaching and practical businesses in the context of knowledge- based economy and management are presented in the article. The article shows how the general trends of the global knowledge- based economy can be adapted to conditions of Lithuania. Special attempt is made for analysis of bridging local business and academic problems, solutions of which are relevant to Lithuania in the context of knowledge and globalization. In this context special attempt is made for developing new business strategies which play roles of key drivers in moving Lithuania's economy towards radical knowledge-based economic changes. The paper attempts to make proposals for generating and effective use of synergy effects through establishing science & technology parks, business incubators, transport hubs and innovation research centers near universities which sponsor and help to spread an innovative culture amongst businesses in Lithuania. Special attempt is made to accent academic and business collaboration as priority and starting position in the process of the creation of knowledge-based economy in Lithuania

    Causal effects of education on sexual and reproductive health in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Despite strong theoretical grounding, important gaps in knowledge remain regarding the degree to which there is a causal relationship between education and sexual and reproductive health, as many claims have been made based on associations alone. Understanding the extent to which these relationships are causal is important both to inform investments in education and health, as well as to understand the mechanisms underlying these relationships. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the evidence for a causal link between education and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in low and middle-income countries. Education indicators included exposure to formal schooling and learning. SRH outcomes included: age at first sex, age at first marriage, age at first pregnancy/birth, contraceptive use, fertility, and HIV status and other sexually transmitted infections. When possible, we also conducted meta-analyses to estimate mean effects by outcome, and to understand sources of variation between studies. Results: We identified 35 papers that met our inclusion criteria. Although many of the studies report evidence of a causal relationship between education and one or more SRH outcomes, estimated effects are often small in magnitude. Our meta-analyses reveal mostly null mean effects, with the exception of small effects of increased grade attainment on lower fertility and HIV positive status. We also found inconsistent evidence supporting mechanisms linking education and SRH. Conclusions: This review demonstrates that, although investments in schooling may have positive ripple effects for sexual and reproductive health in some circumstances, those effects may not be as large or consistent as expected. Further, our understanding of the circumstances in which schooling is most likely to improve SRH remains somewhat limited. An accurate picture of whether and when improvements in education lead to better health outcomes is essential for the achievement of global development goals

    International Companies Withdrawal from Lithuania: Problematics and Alternative Solutions

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    The main attention in this article is focused on the problematic of international companies’ withdrawal from Lithuania and presentation of alternative solutions of this problem. The macro(Sweden, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland) level analysis and micro (“Coca-Cola”, “Nordea” and DNB, “Orkla”) level analysis showed that competitiveness, business conditions, employment relations, institutional environment and innovation should be improved and the corruption should be reduced in Lithuania. It is advisable that current Lithuanian Labour Code should be revised in order to increase the efficiency of labour relations. It is found out that the significance of “Coca-Cola”company is the highest in the context of the withdrawing companies from Lithuania. It is assumed that the most rational solution for each company is to move from Lithuania to another country. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinėjama tarptautinių kompanijų pasitraukimo iš Lietuvos problematika ir alternatyvūs problemos sprendimo būdai. Atlikus makrolygmens (Švedijos, Austrijos, Latvijos, Lietuvos, Estijos, Lenkijos) ir mikrolygmens („Coca-Cola“, „Nordea“ ir DNB, „Orkla“) analizes, išsiaiškinta, kad Lietuvoje reikėtų didinti konkurencingumą, gerinti verslo sąlygas, darbo santykius, institucinę aplinką ir inovacijas, mažinti korupciją. Darbo santykių efektyvumui gerinti patartina koreguoti dabartinį LR darbo kodeksą. Išsiaiškinta, kad pasitraukiančių kompanijų kontekste „Coca-Cola“ kompanijos reikšmingumas yra palyginti didžiausias. Manytina, kad racionaliausias sprendimas būtų tarptautinėms kompanijoms perkelti veiklą iš Lietuvos taip: „Coca-Cola“ – į Lenkiją, „Nordea“ ir DNB – į Estiją, „Orkla“ – į Austriją, Švediją, Latviją. Reikšminiai žodžiai: tarptautinė ekonomika, tarptautinis verslas, tiesioginės užsienio investicijos, konkurencingumas, darbo santykiai, institucinė aplinka, korupcija, makrolygmens analizė, mikrolygmens analizė, atvejo metodas


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    This article is a continuation of a 2011 publication about the Lithuanian film industry that examined the cultural and economic aspects of the Lithuanian film industry’s national and global situation and developments in the 21st century. The authors review changes in the political, legal, tax, and other circumstances in 2011–2014 that led to qualitative changes in the film industry over the last four years. The authors conducted quantitative research in order to properly evaluate the symbolic and cultural national film industry output level. The survey data is analyzed and compared with survey data from the previous year.   Santrauka Šis straipsnis yra 2011 metų publikacijos apie Lietuvos kino industriją tęsinys. Kultūriniu ir ekonominiu aspektu straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos kino industrijos padėtis ir kitimas nacionaliniame XXI amžiuje. Autoriai apžvelgia 2011–2014 metų pakitusias politines, teisines, mokestines ir kitas aplinkybes, kurios lėmė kokybinius kino industrijos pokyčius per praėjusius ketverius metus. Siekdami tinkamai įvertinti simbolinį ir kultūrinį nacionalinės kino industrijos produkcijos lygį, autoriai atliko kiekybinį tyrimą. Apklausos duomenys analizuojami ir lyginami su ankstesnių jų metų apklausos duomenimis.   Reikšminiai žodžiai: kūrybinės industrijos, kino industrija, globalizacija, lietuviškasis kinas, kino filmai First published online: 13 Jan 201

    Innovation and Creativity in an Industrial Enterprise

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    Straipsnyje veiksniai, turintys įtakos inovacijų plėtrai ir kūrybingumo vystymui Respublikos pramonės įmonėse, nagrinėjami remiantis organizacinės elgsenos ir vadovavimo psichologijos teiginiais. Analizuojamas inovatyvumo kaip vertybės įsitvirtinimas įmonėje. Nagrinėjamas inovacijų komandos formavimasis. Atliktas procesų, vykstančių komandos formavimo, diferenciacijos, integracijos ir brandos stadijose tyrimas. Nagrinėjama komandos narių santykių kaita ir potencialios psichologinės problemos komandai pereinant iš vienos vystymosi stadijos į kitą. Pateikta analizė problemų, kylančių dėl komandos sudėties, darbo dizaino ir konteksto įtakos inovacijų komandos darbo efektyvumui įvairiais jos formavimosi etapais. Teigiama, kad ryšys tarp komandos darnos ir produktyvumo priklauso nuo joje susiformavusių normų. Nagrinėjamos socialinio dykinėjimo priežastys ir vadovo vaidmuo formuojant konstruktyvų psichologinį klimatą komandoje. Nustatytos inovacijų komandos psichologinio klimato priklausomybę nuo organizacinių įmonės veiksnių aproksimuojančios funkcijos. Aproksimuojančių parametrų analizė rodo, kad inovacijų komandai pereinant formavimo, diferenciacijos, integracijos ir brandos stadijas, organizacinės elgsenos veiksniai daro vis didesnę įtaką psichologiniam komandos klimatui. Kuo daugiau susitelkusi komanda, tuo ji tampa nepakantesnė organizacinės elgsenos dirgikliams.Article analyses factors influencing the development of innovation and creativity in national industrial organizations regarding the positions of organizational behaviour and management psychology. The paper also examines the "consolidation" of innovation in the organization and looks at forming an innovation team. A study on the processes occurring in the teams at various stages of forming, differentiation, integration and maturity has been carried out. The article investigates changes in team relations and potential psychological problems that may appear in a team shifting from one evolution stage to another. Besides, the article provides the analysis of problems arising from the composition of the team, design of work and the context of the efliciency of the innovation team at various stages of its development. It is posited, that the relationship between team coherence and its productivity lies in the norms functioning within the team. In turn, the functions approximating the interdependence of the psychological climate taking into account the organization factors of the organization have been observed. The analysis of approximating functions reveal that when a team goes through the stages of forming, differentiation, integration and maturity, the factors of organizational behaviour exert an ever increasing influence on the psychological climate of the team. The more the team is focused on a task, the more it becomes intolerant of organizational behaviour stimuli