36 research outputs found
Ascent of volatile-rich felsic magma in dykes:a numerical model applied to deep-sourced porphyry intrusions
Dyke propagation is a mechanism for more rapid ascent of felsic magmas through the crust than is possible via diapirs or percolative flow. As it ascends, the magma undergoes complex physical and chemical transformations induced by decompression and cooling. These processes dramatically change the magma density and viscosity, which in turn affect magma ascent rate and the depth at which the dyke arrests. We present a mathematical model of dyke propagation for silicic magmas taking into account the presence of multiple volatile species (H2O and CO2), bubble growth, heat advection and loss, crystallization and latent heat release. We consider conditions for dykes associated with porphyry ore deposits, which may represent an end-member in rapid ascent of felsic magmas from depth. In particular, we simulate the propagation of dykes launched from a deep (900 MPa), volatile-saturated magma source, testing the effects of the magma H2O/CO2 content, temperature and mass on its ascent rate and final emplacement depth. The model predicts short ascent times (hours to days), with a large increase in viscosity at shallow depth, leading to stagnation and solidification of the dyke. Higher initial water content, higher temperature and larger mass of the magma in the dyke promote faster propagation and shallower arrest. Volatile loss from ascending magma remains limited until the stagnation depth, providing a potential mechanism for transfer of deep volatiles to hypabyssal blind intrusions associated with porphyry ore deposits. Our findings are applicable to the problem of silicic magma ascent through the crust more generally
In situ probing of the present-day zircon-bearing magma chamber at Krafla, Northeastern Iceland
Active felsic magmatism has been rarely probed in situ by drilling but one recent exception is quenched rhyolite sampled during the 2009 Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP). We report finding of rare zircons of up to ∼100 µm in size in rhyolite glasses from the IDDP-1 well products and the host 1724 AD Viti granophyres. The applied SHRIMP U-Th dating for both the IDDP and the Viti granophyre zircons gives zero-age (±2 kyr), and therefore suggests that the IDDP-1 zircons have crystallized from an active magma intrusion rather than due to the 20–80 ka post-caldera magmatic episodes recorded by nearby domes and ridges. Ti-in-zircon geothermometer for Viti granophyre reveals zircon crystallization temperatures ∼800°C–900°C, whereas IDDP-1 rhyolite zircon cores show Ti content higher than 100 ppm, corresponding to temperatures up to ∼1,100°C according to the Ti-in-zircon thermometer. According to our thermochemical model at such elevated temperatures as 1,100°C, rhyolitic magma cannot be saturated with zircon and zircon crystallization is not possible. We explain this controversy by either kinetic effects or non-ideal Ti incorporation into growing zircons at low pressures that start to grow from nucleus at temperatures ∼930°C. High temperatures recorded by IDDP-1 zircon together with an occurrence of baddeleyite require that the rhyolite magma formed by partial melting of the host granophyre due to basaltic magma intrusion. Zr concentration profiles in glass around zircons are flat, suggesting residence in rhyolitic melt for >4 years. In our thermochemical modeling, three scenarios are considered. The host felsite rocks are intruded by: 1) a basaltic sill, 2) rhyolite magma 3) rhyolite sill connected to a deeper magmatic system. Based on the solution of the heat conduction equation accounting for the release of latent heat and effective thermal conductivity, these data confirm that the rhyolite magma could be produced by felsic crust melting as a result of injection of a basaltic or rhyolite sill during the Krafla Fires eruption (1975 AD)
Reconstruction of zircon crystallization history
Trace element concentrations in zircon crystals that grow in cooling magmas record the temperature evolution in a magmatic system on timescales of decades to million years. We propose an algorithm for the solution of inverse problem that allows reconstruction of temperature variation with time by minimization of the misfit between calculated and measured trace element concentrations. The solution of the variational problem is obtained using the derivation of the tangent model to the crystal formation model, namely a one-phase Stefan problem. Once the sensitivity matrix is obtained, the quadratic misfit is minimized using Gauss-Newton method. The algorithm is first tested on two synthetic datasets, and then on a zircon crystal from Early Fish canyon tuff eruption. Reconstructed temperature ranges and cooling duration are in good agreement with petrological interpretation
Age of the magma chamber and its physicochemical state under Elbrus Greater Caucasus, Russia using zircon petrochronology and modeling insights
Mount Elbrus, Europe's tallest and largely glaciated volcano, is made of silicic lavas and is known for Holocene eruptions, but the size and state of its magma chamber remain poorly constrained. We report high spatial resolution U–Th–Pb zircon ages, co-registered with oxygen and hafnium isotopic values, span ~ 0.6 Ma in each lava, documenting magmatic initiation that forms the current edifice. The best-fit thermochemical modeling constrains magmatic fluxes at 1.2 km3/1000 year by hot (900 °C), initially zircon-undersaturated dacite into a vertically extensive magma body since ~ 0.6 Ma, whereas a volcanic episode with eruptible magma only extends over the past 0.2 Ma, matching the age of oldest lavas. Simulations explain the total magma volume of ~ 180 km3, temporally oscillating δ18O and εHf values, and a wide range of zircon age distributions in each sample. These data provide insights into the current state (~ 200 km3 of melt in a vertically extensive system) and the potential for future activity of Elbrus calling for much-needed seismic imaging. Similar zircon records worldwide require continuous intrusive activity by magmatic accretion of silicic magmas generated at depths, and that zircon ages do not reflect eruption ages but predate them by ~ 103 to 105 years reflecting protracted dissolution–crystallization histories.ISSN:2045-232
Phosphorus and aluminum zoning in olivine : contrasting behavior of two nominally incompatible trace elements
Phosphorus zoning in olivine is receiving considerable attention for its capacity to preserve key information about rates and mechanisms of crystal growth. Its concentration can vary significantly over sub-micron spatial scales and form intricate, snowflake-like patterns that are generally attributed to fast crystal growth. Ostensibly similar aluminum enrichment patterns have also been observed, suggesting comparable incorporation and partitioning behavior for both elements. We perform 1-atm crystallization experiments on a primitive Kīlauea basalt to examine the formation of P and Al zoning as a function of undercooling − ΔT (− ΔT = Tliquidus − Tcrystallization) during olivine growth. After 24 h spent at Tinitial = 1290 °C (10 °C above olivine stability), charges are rapidly cooled to final temperatures Tfinal = 1220–1270 °C, corresponding to undercoolings − ΔT = 10–60 °C (with Tliquidus = 1280 °C). Compositional X-ray maps of experimental olivine reveal that only a small undercooling (≤ 25 °C) is required to produce the fine-scale enrichments in P and Al associated with skeletal growth. Concentration profiles indicate that despite qualitatively similar enrichment patterns in olivine, P and Al have contrasting apparent crystal/melt mass distribution coefficients of KPol/melt = 0.01‒1 and KPol/melt = 0.002‒0.006. Phosphorus can be enriched by a factor > 40-fold in the same crystal, whereas Al enrichment never exceed factors of 2. Glass in the vicinity of synthetic and natural olivine is usually enriched in Al, but, within analytical uncertainty, not in P. Thus, we find no direct evidence for a compositional boundary layer enriched in P that would suffice to produce P enrichments in natural and synthetic olivine. Numerical models combining growth and diffusion resolve the conditions at which Al-rich boundary layers produce the observed enrichment patterns in olivine. In contrast, the same models fail to reproduce the observed P enrichments, consistent with our observation that P-rich boundary layers are insignificant. If instead, P olivine/melt partitioning is made to depend on growth rate, models adequately reproduce our observations of 40-fold enrichment without boundary layer formation. We surmise that near-partitionless behavior (KPol/melt close to 1) of P is related to the olivine lattice being perhaps less stiff in accommodating P during rapid crystallization, and/or to enhanced formation of vacancy defects during fast growth. Our results confirm that P is a robust marker of initial rapid growth, but reveal that the undercooling necessary to induce these enrichments is not particularly large. The near-ubiquitous process of magma mixing under volcanoes, for instance, is likely sufficient to induce low-to-moderate degrees of undercooling required for skeletal growth.National Research Foundation (NRF)Accepted versionThis work was funded by National Science Foun- dation Grant EAR-17225321 to TS and by a National Research Foundation Investigatorship Award (Grant number NRF-NRFI2017-06) to FC. The authors acknowledge Benoît Welsch, Francois Faure, Caroline Bouvet-de-Maisonneuve, and Mike Garcia, for the conversations that stimulated some of the ideas presented in this work. Reviews by Bruce Watson and Youxue Zhang helped improve the clarity of the manuscript. We also thank the editor Gordon Moore for his timely handling of the manuscript. This is SOEST contribution 10796
Nuclear Melt Glass from Experimental Field, Semipalatinsk Test Site
Investigation of shocked materials provides unique information about behavior of substances in extreme thermodynamic conditions. Near surface nuclear tests have induced multiple transformations of affected soils. Examination of nuclear glasses and relics of entrapped minerals provides a unique database on their behavior under an intense temperature flash. In this work, several types of nuclear fallout particles from historic tests at the Semipalatinsk test site are investigated using complementary analytical methods. Distribution of radionuclides in all types of samples is highly heterogeneous; domains with high content of radionuclides are often intermixed with non-active materials. There is no general correlation between chemical composition of the glassy matrix and content of radionuclides. In aerodynamic fallout, the main fraction of radionuclides is trapped in the outer glassy shell. Relics of quartz grains are always devoid of radionuclides, while glass regions of high activity have different composition. In contrast to underground tests, iron-rich minerals are not necessarily radioactive. In most cases, the glassy matrix in anhydrous and is strongly polymerized, and the Q3 silicate groups dominate. Temperature-induced transformations of entrapped minerals are discussed. Investigation of zircon grains shows absence of a direct correlation between degree of decomposition into constituting oxides, morphology of resulting baddeleyite, and maximum experienced temperature. For the first time, temperature history of a nuclear ground glass is estimated from Zr diffusion profiles from decomposing zircon grain
Hadean zircon formed due to hydrated ultramafic protocrust melting
International audienceHadean zircons, from the Jack Hills (JHZ) and other localities, are currently the only window into the earliest terrestrial felsic crust, whose formation remains enigmatic. Based upon new experimental results, generation of such early crust has been hypothesized to involve the partial melting of hydrated peridotite interacting with basaltic melt at low pressure (<10 km), but it has yet to be demonstrated that such liquids can indeed crystallize zircons comparable to JHZ. Thermodynamic and geochemical modeling are used here to test this hypothesis. The predicted zircon saturation temperatures of <750°C together with the model zircon Th, U, Nb, Hf, Y and rare-earth element (REE) contents at 700°C, δ18OVSMOW signatures and co-crystallizing mineral assemblage are compared to those of the JHZ. This comparison is favorable with respect to crystallization temperature, most trace element contents and mineral inclusions in zircon. Discrepancy in δ18OVSMOW signatures may be explained by hotter conditions of Hadean protocrust hydration. Finally, this work supports the idea that felsic magma generation at shallow depth involving a primordial weathered ultramafic protocrust and local basaltic intrusions is indeed a viable mechanism for the formation of felsic crust on the early Earth