24 research outputs found

    The Study of the Method of Fight Against Formation of Polarizing Layer at the Process of Ultrafiltration Concentration of the Skim Milk

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    The description of experimental set and the method of processing of the results of the study of the method of fight against formation of polarizing layer in the process of ultrafiltration concentration of skim milk raw material were presented. The results of experimental studies relative to the sparging method application for the prevention of polarizing layer in the process of membrane processing of the skim milk and its influence on the capacity of ultrafiltration membranes were offered. The mathematical models were constructed on the base of regressive equations of factorial experiment using the method of the raw material sparging above the membrane surface for selection of technological parameters of the process of ultrafiltration concentration of the skim milk. The rational working parameters of the process of ultrafiltration concentration of the skim milk using the sparging of the skim milk by the gas bubbles in the direct closeness to the membrane surface were determined. Such working parameters are: pressure– 0,4...0,5 MPa, temperature of skim milk– 40...50 ºС, frequency of sparging of skim milk– 0,10...0,15 min-1, pressure of sparging must be 0,56...0,58 MPa

    Study of Combined Cleaning Process of Sunroot Tubers

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    Elaboration and improvement of the process of raw material cleaning is an urgent scientifically technical process. The one of most prospective directions of vegetables cleaning process intensification is the elaboration of combined methods of their cleaning. The improvement of tubers cleaning process is based on the combination of thermal processing of sunroot tubers by steam and the process of further mechanical additional cleaning.The experimental studies of the influence of parameters of the process of sunroot thermal processing by steam on a tuber surface layer transformation were carried out. The influence of the steam pressure and the duration of the process of tubers thermal processing on the depth of the thermal processing of tuber surface layer and also on the effectiveness of the peel separation were studied. At the same time there were realized the studies as to the influence of the duration of tubers mechanical additional cleaning process on cleaning quality parameters. The experimental apparatus and correspondent method that allow to carry out investigations of the combined process of sunroot tubers cleaning with a possibility to determine the influence of all its parameters on the percent of raw material losses and cleaning quality were elaborated. Rational regimes of the combined process of sunroot tubers cleaning were established

    Умова про форс-мажор (непереборну силу) у зовнішньоекономічному контракті

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    Мельник О. О. Умова про форс-мажор (непереборну силу) у зовнішньоекономічному контракті / О. О. Мельник // Часопис цивілістики. – 2017. – Вип. 22. – С. 83-87.У статті досліджуються правові відносини, що виникають у зв’язку із імплементацією норм міжнародних правових актів щодо форс­мажорних застережень. Аналізуються умови про форс­мажор (непереборну силу) у зовнішньоекономічних контрактах, а також визначаються перспективи вдосконалення цивільного законодавства України щодо підстав звільнення від договірної відповідальності.В статье исследуются правовые отношения, возникающие в связи с имплементацией норм международных правовых актов о форс-мажорных оговорках. Анализируются условия о форс-­мажор (непреодолимой силе) во внешнеэкономических контрактах, а также определяются перспективы совершенствования гражданского законодательства Украины относительно оснований освобождения от договорной ответственности.The article examines the legal relations arising in connection with the implementation of international legal acts about force majeure. The provisions of force majeure in the foreign trade contracts are analyzed. Perspectives of improvement of civil legislation of Ukraine concerning the release of contractual liability are determined

    Investigation of the Application of a New Method of Extraction Intensification of Pectin Substances From a Beet Pulp

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    The aim of research is studying a new method for intensifying extraction of pectin substances during acid extraction of pectin-containing raw materials. The description of the experimental setup and the procedure for processing the results of the investigation of the application of a new method for intensifying the beet pulp extraction are described. The results of experimental studies on the application of a new combined mixing element for intensifying the extraction of pectin-containing raw materials (beet pulp) and its effect on quantitative and qualitative output characteristics are presented. Mathematical models are constructed on the basis of regression equations of the full factorial experiment with the use of a new method of intensifying the extraction process to select input technological parameters for the extraction of pectin substances from pectin-containing raw materials. The rational operating parameters of the process of extraction of pectin substances with the use of a new combinable stirring element are determined. Such working parameters are: the process duration is 1 ... 1.1, the temperature of the working medium is 60 ... 70 ºС, and the hydromodule is 8 ... 10. The research results can be used to study other technological parameters of the extraction process of pectin substances, as well as to develop a technological line for the production of pectin products

    Formation of Amyloid-Like Fibrils by Y-Box Binding Protein 1 (YB-1) Is Mediated by Its Cold Shock Domain and Modulated by Disordered Terminal Domains

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    YB-1, a multifunctional DNA- and RNA-binding nucleocytoplasmic protein, is involved in the majority of DNA- and mRNA-dependent events in the cell. It consists of three structurally different domains: its central cold shock domain has the structure of a β-barrel, while the flanking domains are predicted to be intrinsically disordered. Recently, we showed that YB-1 is capable of forming elongated fibrils under high ionic strength conditions. Here we report that it is the cold shock domain that is responsible for formation of YB-1 fibrils, while the terminal domains differentially modulate this process depending on salt conditions. We demonstrate that YB-1 fibrils have amyloid-like features, including affinity for specific dyes and a typical X-ray diffraction pattern, and that in contrast to most of amyloids, they disassemble under nearly physiological conditions

    Deep long period volcanic earthquakes generated by degassing of volatile-rich basaltic magmas

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    Deep long-period (DLP) earthquakes observed beneath active volcanoes are sometimes considered as precursors to eruptions. Their origin remains, however, unclear. Here, we present a possible DLP generating mechanism related to the rapid growth of gas bubbles in response to the slow decompression of over-saturated magma. For certain values of the gas and bubble content, the elastic deformation of surrounding rocks forced by the expanding bubbly magma can be fast enough to generate seismic waves. We show that amplitudes and frequencies of DLP earthquakes observed beneath the Klyuchevskoy volcano (Kamchatka, Russia) can be predicted by our model when considering pressure changes of ~107 Pa in a volume of ~103–104 m3 and realistic magma compositions. Our results show importance of the deep degassing in the generation of volcanic seismicity and suggest that the DLP swarms beneath active volcanoes might be related to the pulses of volatile-rich basaltic magmas rising from the mantle

    Studying a New Anti-polarization Method in the Process of Ultrafiltration of Skimmed Milk

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    The paper presents an experimental research and new methods of processing the findings on the ultrafiltration concentration of skimmed raw milk with the use of a new method to prevent a polarization layer on the membrane. The paper reveals the research findings on the bubbling method effect on a polarization layer in the membrane processing of skimmed milk and on the performance of ultrafiltration membranes. The devised mathematical models are based on the regression equations of the factorial experiment on the selection of technological parameters of the UF-concentration of skimmed milk with the use of the feedstock bubbling over the membrane surface. We have determined the rational working parameters of the process; these working parameters are as follows: the working pressure is 0.4–0.5 MPa, the skimmed milk temperature – 40–50 °C, the skimmed milk bubbling frequency – 0.10–0.15 min-1, and the bubbling pressure – 0.56–0.58 MPa

    Modeling of the Process of Peeling Jerusalem Artichoke in Order to Determine Parameters for Conducting Production Process

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    We proved the need to create equipment for the implementation of a combined process of peeling the tubers of Jerusalem artichoke. A combined peeling process is proposed, which is based on a combination of thermal and mechanical effects on the peeled product.An experimental installation was designed to study the process of thermal treatment of Jerusalem artichoke.It is proven that an increase in steam pressure and duration of the process of thermal treatment lead to the increase in depth of the thermal treatment of the surface layer of Jerusalem artichoke and reduce the efforts required to separate the rind from the tuber. We determined that an increase in duration of the process of mechanical post-peeling increases the percentage of peeled tubers of Jerusalem artichoke, but results in growing losses of raw material. It was established that reducing the effort required to separate the rind of Jerusalem artichoke at thermal treatment makes it possible to reduce duration of the process of mechanical post-peeling. We determined that an increase in depth of the thermal treatment of the surface layer of Jerusalem artichoke leads to increasing losses of raw material. It was proven that the tubers of Jerusalem artichoke, which have a longer storage period, require an increase in duration of the process of their mechanical post-peeling to ensure the required quality of peeling.We determined rational parameters of the combined process of peeling Jerusalem artichoke, which enable to significantly intensify and mechanize the peeling process, to reduce losses of raw material and to improve quality of peelin

    Examination of Patterns in Obtaining Porous Structures From Submicron Aluminum Oxide Powder and Its Mixtures

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    This paper proposes an economical thermal cycle of the production of ceramic articles from submicronic powders of aluminum oxide, titanium oxide, and manganese oxide. The implementation of a given cycle involves the introduction of a special aluminophosphate bond into the charge in order to reduce the temperature of firing. The optimal composition of the material for a foam-ceramic filter with the highest physical and mechanical properties has been determined; the optimal method for preparing the original charge and the baking mode have been selected.According to the results of tests under industrial conditions, the manufactured alumina filters became a decent alternative to known analogs used in aluminum metallurgy for the purification of liquid metal. The application and rational dosage of titanium dioxides, manganese, and aluminum aluminophosphate in porous ceramic compositions on an alumina base have made it possible to significantly reduce the time and, consequently, improve the productivity, of firing. The results obtained were evaluated by the level of maximum temperature in the cycle of heat treatment according to known technologies. Compared to those technologies, the developed technology ensures the growth of firing productivity when implementing the proposed solution by about 220 %.It was found that the high true density of ceramic powder requires large dispersion as the relatively large powder particles are significantly worse retained in foam films and settle.At medium (intermediate) temperatures, a large weight loss occurs at a heating rate of 10 °C/h. In this case, the decomposition progress changes in proportion to the heating speed. Changing the heating speed with temperature is the most effective technique for deparaffinization in the air. The heating time from the ambient temperature to 200 °C significantly decreases. At a certain temperature, prior to the thermal decomposition, the bond would transfer from a strongly viscous state to a liquid stat